Congressman Patrick Meehan

Representing the 7th District of Pennsylvania

Meehan on Latest VA Report: "They Looked Me in the Eye and Lied to Me"

Jul 30, 2014
Press Release

Meehan on Latest VA Report:

“They Looked Me in the Eye and Lied to Me”

WASHINGTON, DC— Congressman Patrick Meehan issued the following statement after the release of a VA Inspector General’s report that found evidence of deliberate misconduct at VA medical facilities in Philadelphia and Horsham, Montgomery County.

“I visited these facilities and I was repeatedly assured that the activities described in this report had not occurred,” said Congressman Meehan. “I very specifically asked whether there was any evidence of deliberate falsification of data, manipulation of appointment dates or any other attempts to intentionally cook the books. The VA leadership present told me none of it occurred. This report proves they looked me in the eye and lied to me. ”

“At every turn, the VA has thwarted any attempt of honest, effective oversight. The basis of any relationship is trust, but the misrepresentations made by the VA in Philadelphia have demonstrated a culture of cover-up and deceit. I expect the VA to identify those responsible. They should lose their positions of trust within the VA bureaucracy.”