Congressman Joe Kennedy

Representing the 4th District of Massachusetts


Congressman Joe Kennedy working for Massachusetts constituents

Foreign Affairs

From ISIS to Russia to Iran, the United States is facing the most complex foreign policy landscape since World War II.  Globalization has brought the impact of entrenched regional and ideological conflicts to our shores more quickly than ever before. At the same time, technological advancements have brought new hope to persistent and universal problems, from hunger and disease to poverty and human rights. We must navigate growing interconnection and interdependence as we shape U.S. foreign policy. This reality presents challenges and opportunities that will define our place in the world for generations to come.
Over the past several years we have suffered the repercussions of a misguided war in Iraq and are winding down a long and costly war in Afghanistan. While we have made enormous strides against Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups who wish us harm, we still face enemies who pose a grave threat to our country and her allies.
As a globe, we continue to struggle against centuries-old regional conflicts that have found modern context: the rise of the Islamic State, an increasingly horrific humanitarian crisis in Syria, and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In a time of such dramatic upheaval, the world needs steady leadership. For the United States, this is a responsibility and opportunity.
We must stay engaged with allies and adversaries alike. Our national security depends on active diplomatic efforts. There are no easy answers when it comes to the conflicts around the world, but withdrawal from these situations leaves a dramatic leadership void that can quickly be filled by terrorist groups looking to gain a foothold and recruit new members.
Our allies, of course, are more critical than ever especially in the Middle East. Israel and the United States have been united by shared values for generations. In 2013 I introduced legislation to honor Israeli President Shimon Peres with the Congressional Gold Medal, in recognition of the friendship deeply embedded between our two countries. We must continue to stand by Israel and defend her right to protect her citizens, as we encourage, support, and facilitate a two-state solution that might finally bring an end to this heartbreaking conflict.
As we navigate these ever-changing conflicts, we must do all we can to promote our values of freedom, liberty and justice across the globe whether that means promoting the rights of women in Afghanistan or children in South Sudan. Our diplomats, service men and women, and foreign aid workers abroad have done tremendous work encouraging our ideals and bringing the light of social justice and opportunity to areas that need it most. International aid remains an important tool to combat hunger, poverty and disease, epidemics that are universal in their human cost and economic damage. Programs like the Peace Corps and the Millennium Challenge Corporation are some of the best investments we can make as we send American men and women to some of the world’s most impoverished areas to deliver hands-on assistance and care. As a former Peace Corps volunteer in Latin America, I was proud to introduce the Peace Corps Commemoration Act during my first year in Congress and see it signed into law by President Obama in 2014.
The United States’ leadership in health care, advanced manufacturing, biotechnology, clean energy and defense makes us a natural champion for strong and integrated global markets. Partnerships of this kind can be and should be used to bring the stabilizing presence of economic opportunity to areas that need it most. The number of young people facing little to no economic mobility in conflict zones around the world provides fertile ground for terrorist organizations and violent groups looking to take root.  If we can leverage our own economic strengths to light new pathways for these youth to participate in the global economy and in their own civil societies, we will slowly but surely lay groundwork for renewed stability and prosperity. 


More on Foreign Affairs

May 13, 2016 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – In the wake of multiple seizures of Iranian weapons shipments by the United States and international community, Congressman Joe Kennedy III has introduced bipartisan legislation to help combat this illegal arms trafficking.  The Interdictions Assistance Act would authorize the United States to provide assistance to foreign governments that offer logistical or military support in interdicting arms shipments from Iran.

Mar 18, 2016 In The News

I grew up in a family where we thought of Ireland as the neighbouring parish. Standing on the beach at Cape Cod and looking out over the Atlantic, it was easy to imagine the crowded ships that brought our family to these shores.

My family came from Wexford, just next door to Waterford, whose most famous son, Thomas Francis Meagher, led an astonishing life, crossing not just the Atlantic but seas around the globe in pursuit of liberty and prosperity for all.

Jan 25, 2016 In The News

The weekend before last was an historic moment in American diplomacy. International inspectors certified that Iran had shipped 25,000 pounds of low-enriched uranium to Russia, removed the core of the Arak reactor, and dismantled more than 13,000 centrifuges. Iran’s nuclear infrastructure is no longer on the threshold of weaponization and it has fulfilled its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. That is undeniably good news.

Jan 16, 2016 Press Release

Newton, MA – Congressman Joe Kennedy III today released the following statement in response to the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the release of five American prisoners.  

Jan 7, 2016 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Following a letter sent to the President expressing concern about last year’s Iranian ballistic missile tests, Congressman Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) and Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL) today introduced the bipartisan Zero Tolerance for Terror Act which would allow Congress to quickly impose sanctions if the Iranian government commits an act of terror, provides support for terrorist organizations or violates international law by acquiring ballistic missile technology.

Jan 7, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON - Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) and Congressman Joe Kennedy III (MA-4) introduced the Iran Ballistic Missile Prevention and Sanctions Act today.  Iran recently tested at least two ballistic missiles and built a new ballistic missile silo, in direct violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929. This bill would ensure that the U.S. holds Iran to the highest level of accountability for its actions by permanently codifying sanctions on entities that transfer ballistic missiles or advanced conventional weapons to or from Iran. 

Dec 8, 2015 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – In the wake of reports of a second illegal ballistic missile launch in as many months, Congressman Joe Kennedy III (MA-4) and Congressman Ted Deutch (FL-21) called on President Obama to hold Iran accountable for violating United Nations Security Council Resolutions prohibiting such tests.