Congressman Pete Olson

Representing the 22nd District of Texas

Black, Olson, Vitter Laud GAO Decision to Investigate Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood and Related Groups

Apr 18, 2016
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congressmen Diane Black (R-TN-06), Pete Olson (R-TX-22) and Senator David Vitter (R-LA) issued the following statements in response to the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) decision to accept their request to investigate the use of federal funding allocated to Planned Parenthood and related organizations:

“I thank the GAO for acting responsibly and committing to carry out our request for an independent review of the taxpayer funding provided to Planned Parenthood and related organizations,” said Congressman Diane Black. “As a nurse for more than 40 years, I know that abortion is not healthcare and I am incensed that, year after year, my constituents see their money sent to Washington and distributed to organizations that promote or perform abortions all under the guise of ‘healthcare’ services. This is a sham and it is an affront to the conscience rights of every American taxpayer. By shining a light on the federal funding allocated to these organizations we can mobilize the support needed to defund the big abortion industry and reroute those dollars to organizations that uphold life while protecting women’s health.”

“I applaud the GAO’s decision to fulfill our request to provide more taxpayer transparency on organizations that promote or perform abortions.  While I remain committed to defunding Planned Parenthood and protecting the unborn, at a minimum, Americans deserve to know where their tax dollars are going. I look forward to seeing the results of this report and increasing awareness and support to end taxpayer support for these organizations,” said Congressman Pete Olson.

“For years Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies have deceived the public on how they spend their taxpayer dollars,” said Senator David Vitter. “We absolutely need to shed light on how these types of organizations are spending federal funds, and I suspect the forthcoming GAO report will confirm our fears of Planned Parenthood’s inexcusable misuse of taxpayer dollars for abortion.”


Black, Olson, Vitter Renew Call for GAO Answers on Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood and Related Groups


Contact: Melissa Kelly
