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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Chicken Farmer Amendment

On Sunday, May 17, 2015, The Chicken Farmer Amendment segment aired on “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,” a popular HBO show, ignighting a social media firestorm. There was some confusion on how Rep. Quigley voted on Rep. Kaptur's amendment mentioned in the segment. Below for public review is a summary of the amendments offered by Rep. Kaptur, a video of the FY 2015 Agriculture Appropriations markup, and the roll call vote count for each amendment.

Rep. Quigley was proud to vote in favor of both of Congresswoman Kaptur’s amendments in support of farmer rights and looks forward to seeing her amendments in committee again soon.


On May 29, 2014, the Appropriations Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives marked up the agriculture funding bill for Fiscal Year 2015. That bill included a provision known as the GIPSA rider (Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Act), which prohibited USDA from using any money to implement rules authorized in the 2008 Farm Bill to protect chicken farmers from industry retaliation. 
The USDA rule in question was developed over a six year period, during which time USDA held numerous public forums and interviewed many farmers, processors and others. The final rule was designed by USDA to protect poultry, cattle and pig farmers from industry retaliation if they spoke out, and to ensure the farmers would have standing when negotiating contracts with large industrial meat processing companies.
Rep. Kaptur proposed two amendments during the markup in an effort to remove some or all of the GIPSA rider and allow USDA to enforce these 2008 Farm Bill protections. The first amendment she proposed attempted to remove the entire GIPSA rider, which is referred to here as section 730 of the bill. That amendment was declined. The second amendment focused specifically on allowing USDA enforcement of protections of farmers’ right to speak about their conditions without fear of retaliation. Rep. Kaptur noted several examples of this kind of retaliation. That amendment was also declined.


Full Committee Markup - FY 2015 Agriculture Appropriations Bill

ROLL CALL NO. 3 (AMENDMENT #1): Recorded vote - 18 yeas, 31 nays

Members Voting Yea:                                  

Mr. Quigley                                                     

Mr. Bishop                                                       

Ms. DeLauro

Mr. Farr

Mr. Honda

Ms. Kaptur

Ms. Lee

Mrs. Lowey

Ms. McCollum

Mr. Moran

Ms. Pingree

Mr. Price

Ms. Roybal-Allard

Mr. Ryan

Mr. Schiff

Mr. Serrano

Mr. Visclosky

Ms. Wasserman Schultz

Members Voting Nay:

Mr. Aderholt

Mr. Amodei

Mr. Calvert

Mr. Carter

Mr. Cole

Mr. Crenshaw

Mr. Cuellar

Mr. Culberson

Mr. Dent

Mr. Diaz-Balart

Mr. Fleischmann

Mr. Fortenberry

Mr. Frelinghuysen

Ms. Granger

Mr. Graves

Dr. Harris

Ms. Herrera Beutler

Mr. Joyce

Mr. Kingston

Mr. Latham

Mr. Nunnelee

Mr. Owens

Mrs. Roby

Mr. Rogers

Mr. Rooney

Mr. Simpson

Mr. Stewart

Mr. Valadao

Mr. Wolf

Mr. Womack

Mr. Yoder


ROLL CALL NO. 5 (AMENDMENT #2): Recorded vote - 20 yeas, 29 nays

Members Voting Yea:

Mr. Quigley

Mr. Bishop

Ms. DeLauro

Mr. Farr

Mr. Fattah

Mr. Fortenberry

Mr. Honda

Ms. Kaptur

Ms. Lee

Mrs. Lowey

Ms. McCollum

Mr. Moran

Ms. Pingree

Mr. Price

Ms. Roybal-Allard

Mr. Ryan

Mr. Schiff

Mr. Serrano

Mr. Visclosky

Ms. Wasserman Schultz

Members Voting Nay:

Mr. Aderholt

Mr. Amodei

Mr. Calvert

Mr. Carter

Mr. Cole

Mr. Crenshaw

Mr. Cuellar

Mr. Culberson

Mr. Dent

Mr. Diaz-Balart

Mr. Fleischmann

Mr. Frelinghuysen

Ms. Granger

Mr. Graves

Dr. Harris

Ms. Herrera Beutler

Mr. Joyce

Mr. Kingston

Mr. Latham

Mr. Nunnelee

Mr. Owens

Mrs. Roby

Mr. Rogers

Mr. Rooney

Mr. Simpson

Mr. Stewart

Mr. Valadao

Mr. Womack

Mr. Yoder

Learn more about this issue on Rep. Kaptur's website