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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

The Ticking Clock of Climate Change

Representative Mike Quigley speaking on the House floor that the time to act on climate change is now. 

An investment in our environment is an investment in our future. Today, climate change is a real threat to our land, water, air, animals, plants and future generations. Climate change is rapidly affecting the world around us, contributing to higher temperatures, changing seasonal patterns, and the loss of habitats and species. We can’t afford to sit back and continue to do nothing. As President Obama said, “We’re the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and the last generation that can do something about it.”

My passion for the environment led me to take action when I was 16 years old, and that passion continues to fuel my desire to enact change on this issue in Congress. As the U.S. Representative for Illinois’ Fifth District, a region that enjoys abundant wildlife, green space, and waterways, I will continue addressing my colleagues on the House floor about the realities of climate change. And I will dedicate my time in Congress to supporting legislation that protects our communities and develops strategies to combat the threats of climate change.

The Threat Climate Change Poses to Our Waterways

Rep. Quigley urged his colleagues on the House floor to act on climate change before our limited water resources run dry.

Climate Change as a National Security Challenge

Rep. Quigley spoke to his colleagues on the House floor about the reality of climate change as a national security threat to the United States.

Unleashing American Innovation in the Face of Climate Change

Rep. Quigley spoke to colleagues on the House floor about advancements in the renewable energy sector that have been developed as solutions to help address climate change.

Tipping Point of Climate Change

Rep. Quigley spoke to his colleagues on the House floor about how scientists have discovered a number of “tipping points” where abrupt changes in climate could create a variety of national and global effects. He urged them to put political ideologies aside and recognize that acting on climate change is not just in our planet’s interest, but the interest of humanity. 

Leading International Climate Change Solutions at Home

Rep. Quigley urged his colleagues on the House floor that the U.S. needs to be a leader and example on climate change in the of midst of the Paris Summit.

The Biggest Threat to Biodiversity

Rep. Quigley urged his colleagues to recognize the importance of biodiversity to our communities and the severe impact climate change will have on it if left unchecked. The effects of climate change are critically interconnected. When our animals, plants, and wetlands are threatened by climate change, it deeply affects our community, agriculture, medicine and ultimately our safety.

Adaptation: The Missing Piece in Climate Change Solutions

Rep. Quigley explained on the House floor that changing our actions to reduce climate change is only one piece of the solution, we also need to adapt. Talking about climate change is not enough and mitigation is only one part of the solution. Adapting to climate change is the only way we can help protect people, infrastructure, businesses, and ecosystems that are already threatened.

Time to Act on Climate Change

Rep. Quigley urged his colleagues to act on climate change now in order to protect public health. Climate change is real and paired with air pollution is a dangerous health threat to our children and seniors especially. Failing to act will not only harm the environment but hurt our communities.

The Many Effects of Climate Change

Rep. Quigley spoke on the House floor about the many effects of climate change and how it’s time we re-examine how we think about it, talk about it, and respond to this growing problem. Climate change is no longer a possibility but reality, and rising sea levels, intense droughts, heat waves and air pollution prove it.

Renewing Our Commitment to Protecting Our Planet

Rep. Quigley urged his constituents to renew our commitment to protecting the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the planet we all call home on the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. The founder of Earth Day, Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, said before his death, "Our work’s not finished. There's a lot more to be done." His words still ring true today in regards to our environment.

The House Must Tackle Climate Change with a National Energy Plan

Rep. Quigley urged his colleagues in Congress to put partisanship aside and craft America's first national energy plan to address climate change and protect our natural resources. It is time for Congress to work together to become a relevant advocate and participant in solving the great questions that our nation and the world face.

More Work Left to do on Earth Day

Rep. Quigley invoked the memory of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day, while highlighting the environmental work Congress has left to do. Congress has yet to craft an agenda that talks of climate change, and change will only happen if Congress works together on legislation.

Science Tells Us Global Warming is Real

Rep. Quigley spoke out on the House floor against Congress' inaction on global warming, citing extreme weather and scientific data as proof that the phenomenon is real. Over 200 peer-reviewed studies have concluded that global warming is real, potentially catastrophic, and part of a larger climate crisis.