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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois


Mar 13, 2014 Speeches
"The public's trust in government has reached historic lows, causing many Americans to simply give up on Washington. But the mission of government matters, and we can't lead in the face of this deficit of trust. The Transparency in Government Act shines a light on every branch of the federal government, strengthening our democracy and promoting an efficient, effective and open government."
Feb 11, 2014 Speeches
"By broadening access to health insurance, the ACA has increased personal freedom and market choice. Now Americans can choose jobs based on what they want to be doing instead of staying where they are unhappy just to keep their insurance."
Feb 11, 2014 Speeches
"H.R. 3193 is either a bad case of congressional amnesia or an attack on the most important financial reform of a generation. Either way, it is ill-sighted, and I urge my colleagues to defeat this effort."
Feb 4, 2014 Speeches
"This body needs to turn its focus on advancing legislation that will create more American jobs and policies that matter to American workers."
Jan 28, 2014 Speeches
"The United States should continue to stand with the Ukrainian people in their desire for economic growth and a free republic."
Jan 28, 2014 Speeches
"The list of things this Congress can do to support the lives of the Americans we represent is endless. It is a shame that we waste so much time having the same old arguments."
Jan 26, 2014 Speeches
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) condemns violent force against peaceful protestors in Ukraine and reiterates his support for the people's fight for a free and democratic country.
Jan 15, 2014 Speeches
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) urges Congress to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) to stop workplace discrimination against the LGBT community and promote equal rights for all Americans.
Jan 14, 2014 Speeches
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) pushes Congress to first pass a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants before considering other piecemeal immigration reform measures.
Jan 9, 2014 Speeches
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) urges America to remain vigilant with regards to a nuclear Iran.
