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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Quigley Takes a Shift in the ER

Apr 22, 2011
Press Release

CHICAGO -- Back home in Chicago to meet with constituents in the district, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) traded in his suit for scrubs and joined the staff at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center for an afternoon.  Quigley worked in the hospital as part of his "Undercover Congressman" program.  For the past two years, Quigley has worked alongside 5th district residents in dozens of jobs so he can experience the challenges his constituents face and the see the many ways they serve their community.

"The men and women who work around the clock to care for us in our local hospitals are the heart and soul of our communities," said Quigley.  "No matter how much time I spend in Washington, my neighborhood is where the rubber meets the road, and it's important that I stay connected and hear what issues my constituents are facing firsthand."

Quigley joined medical personnel in the Emergency Room to learn about how they handle traumas and deliver quality patient care.  He also toured the hospital's control and boiler rooms with building engineers to learn about many of the energy-saving green initiatives that have earned  them the distinction as the only Energy Star designated hospital in Illinois.

As a member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Quigley often tours local facilities that receive federal funding to ensure that taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely.  In order to make sure seniors receive the benefits they need, Quigley recently voted against the Republican budget, which included drastic cuts to Medicare and other health care programs.

As an "Undercover Congressman", Quigley has worked with local businesses and institutions including delivering mail, working as a Superdawg car hop, assembling pinball machines at the Stern pinball factory, assisting guests at a veterans hospital and food pantry, delivering pizzas, and spending a day as a zookeeper at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
