Press Releases / News

Feb 13, 2012

Environmental Groups Thank SEEC for Leadership Protecting Clean Air & Water, Fighting for Clean Energy

On Friday, February 10 sixteen environmental organizations sent letters to House Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) members thanking them for their leadership protecting safeguards for clean air, water, and the environment, and promoting federal policies supporting an American clean energy future.

Dec 13, 2011

House Members Urge Extension of 1603 Program to Create Clean Energy Jobs (updated3)

Issues: Energy

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today 90 members of the U.S. House of Representatives called for an extension of the successful 1603 Treasury Grant Program supporting renewable energy projects, urging in a letter to House leaders that such an extension will continue a proven track record of job creation and promote further growth in domestic clean energy industries.

Oct 14, 2011

House coalition urges deficit committee to support job creation in clean energy

Issues: Energy

WASHINGTON, DC - Today the House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) sent a letter to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction urging the panel to support domestic clean energy innovation and production as a way to create jobs and grow the American economy.

Sep 13, 2011

Federal support for clean energy now more important than ever

Issues: Energy

WASHINGTON, DC - Today members of the House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) met with members of the American Energy Innovation Council - a group of America’s most successful business leaders who are vocal proponents of federal investment and policy support for clean energy innovation.

Jul 25, 2011

SEEC: Instead of addressing default crisis or jobs, GOP pushing unprecedented back-door attack on public health, environment (UPDATED)

WASHINGTON, DC -- The House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) blasted this week’s House Republican agenda, which does not yet call for consideration of a bipartisan solution to prevent a default crisis, or to create American jobs, but instead will see the House GOP try to use a federal spending bill to overturn important pollution controls and public health protections.

Jul 12, 2011

SEEC helps to defeat BULB Act and save Americans money on energy costs

Issues: Energy

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today the House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) helped to defeat the GOP-sponsored Better Use of Light Bulbs (BULB) Act (H.R. 2417), which would have repealed bipartisan federal light bulb energy efficiency standards that will go into effect in January 2012. These standards are anticipated to save American households $100 per year, and to save the nation $12 billion annually in energy costs.

Jun 16, 2011

SEEC: House GOP cutting American competitiveness, subsidizing yesterday's dirty energy industries

WASHINGTON, DC - Today the House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) blasted Republican legislation that makes enormous cuts to Department of Energy (DOE) programs that support American innovation and economic competitiveness in growing clean energy industries.

May 24, 2011

SEEC Welcomes Obama Administration Announcement to Deploy Advanced Technology Vehicles, Reduce Oil Use

Issues: Energy

WASHINGTON, DC - Today the House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) praised the Obama Administration's announced plans to deploy electric vehicles and infrastructure for federal agencies, and to move the federal government to 100 percent purchase of advanced energy vehicles by 2015. SEEC has been a staunch supporter of advanced technology vehicles, and has successfully fought for investments to deploy electric and alternative fuel vehicles in the federal fleet, and to boost domestic manufacturing of those technologies.

May 11, 2011

SEEC: To address high gas prices America needs a new energy policy, not misleading slogans

Issues: Energy

WASHINGTON, DC - This week House Republicans will continue their legislative agenda to increase irresponsible oil and gas drilling, while touting their thoroughly debunked argument that 'drill baby drill' will lower gas prices. In response, the leaders of the 48-member House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) released the following statement...

Apr 20, 2011

SEEC: On anniversary of oil spill disaster Congress must address drilling safety

Issues: Environment, Water

WASHINGTON, DC - On the one-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the members of the House of Representatives Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC) again called for congressional action to implement the recommendations of the Presidential Commission on the BP Oil Spill. The commission’s report, released in February, urged the Congress to strengthen oversight of offshore drilling, and indicated that congressional action was necessary in order to avoid the possibility of another disastrous spill.
