
Migration, Refugees, and Displaced Persons

The Commission has held several hearings and other events on refugees and migration, including a 2015 hearing on the refugee crisis in Europe, a 2013 hearing on Syrian refugees fleeing to the OSCE region, and a 1993 hearing on migrant farmworkers in the United States that preceded the 1994 CSCE Human Dimension Seminar on Migrant Workers.

Commission efforts have also focused on combating prejudice and bias-motivated crimes against refugees and migrants and ensuring that OSCE participating States keep their OSCE commitments regarding these populations. The Commission has consistently supported a strong role for the OSCE’s Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in assisting participating States in this regard.

Clear Filters

Strong Substance, Potent Politics Mark Historic Maastricht OSCE Ministerial Council

Serbia Concludes Year-Long OSCE Chairmanship

Our Impact by Country

Taking Action on Europe’s Worst Refugee Crisis Since World War II

Smith Calls for Action on Worst Refugee Crisis in Europe since WWII

Germany to Lead OSCE in 2016

OSCE Foreign Ministers Meet in Belgrade

The Helsinki Process: A Four Decade Overview

Europe's Refugee Crisis: How Should the US, EU and OSCE Respond?

Intolerance in Contemporary Russia

Helsinki Commission to Preview Outcomes of July NATO Summit in Warsaw

Central Asia Becomes New Target for ISIS Recruiters

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Session in Oslo

Mitigating Inter-Ethnic Conflict in the OSCE Region

2009 OSCE Mediterranean Conference in Cairo is a Sucess

The Escalation of Violence Against Roma In Europe

Labor Trafficking In Troubled Economic Times: Protecting American Jobs And Migrant Human Rights

No Way Home, No Way to Escape: The Plight of Iraqi Refugees and Our Iraqi Allies

Iraqis Face Threat

Year in Review: 2010 Supplementary Human Dimension Meetings

OSCE 2010 Informal Ministerial: Kazakhstan Persistence Earns a Summit in Astana
