

In the News

Helsinki Commission leadership, members, and initiatives are frequently featured in both the U.S. and foreign press.

Clear Filters

Bill Proposes Applying Sanctions to Corruption

European Union Asks U.S. to Take in More Syrian Refugees

U.S. Bill Seeks Sanctions On Azerbaijani Officials For 'Appalling' Rights Record

At Hearing, Stronger Global Response Urged for Europe's Refugee Crisis

Activists Say Baku's Crackdown On Media, Rights Workers Continues

Parliamentary Diplomacy

The Tyranny You Haven't Heard Of

Sens. Ben Cardin & Rob Portman: Ukraine Violence Continues

Our Impact by Country

Smith: U.S. Must End Its Denial of Armenian Genocide

U.S. Congressman Pledges to Push for ICC Indictment of Belarusian President Lukashenka

US House Marks Anniversary of Srebrenica 'Genocide'

U.S. Lawmakers Push Visa Sanctions in Russian Case

U.S. Commission Denounces France's Roma Evictions

Iraqis Face Threat

American Consumers

U.S. Congress Committee Calls for More Action on Property Restitution

Lawmakers Dive into Sensitive China, Russia Issues

The Risk and Rewards in Afghanistan's Resources

The Burqa Ban and the Erosion of Human Rights

Russia: U.S. Congressmen Propose Sanctions in Lawyer’s Death

Central Asia Becomes New Target for ISIS Recruiters

Bill Proposes applying sanctions to corruption

Putting the Bad Guys on Ice

I Was Locked Up and Tortured by Putin’s Spooks

US Lawmakers Back Protection for Europe’s Jewish Communities

Helsinki Commission Chairman blasts Turkey for Denial of 1915 Events

European Games Open In Azerbaijan Amid Rights Concerns

It's Time to Hold the Azerbaijan Regime Accountable

U.S. Senator: Strong Hand Needed To Deal With Putin, Islamic State

Hastings Outraged by Merciless Attack on Belarus’ Young Front Leader Zmitser Fedaruk

Congress Asking Right Questions on Central Asia

Putin Opponent Near Death in Suspected Poisoning

Fox Business: Sen. Wicker on Turkey

Opening a Second Front

OSCE Official Concerned By Russia's Suspension Of CFE Treaty

US Lawmakers Told of ‘Dishonourable Silence’ over Acts of Collusion in Troubles
