

Moldova, a landlocked country of 4 million people located between Romania and Ukraine, is a republic with a parliamentary democracy. Pro-European parties came to power in 2009, and while some progress has been made in moving towards the EU, the political situation has been unstable and the country has experienced several political crises and the fall of several governments in recent years. Corruption continues to be the most significant human rights problem and remains widespread. 

Even prior to Moldova’s 1991 independence, separatists declared a “Transdniester Moldovan Republic” (Transnistria) along the eastern border with Ukraine. A 1992 ceasefire agreement established a peacekeeping force of Moldovan, Russian, and Transnistrian units. The central government does not exercise authority in the region, and Transnistrian authorities govern through parallel administrative structures.  The human rights and democracy picture in Transniestria is bleak.

The Commission has held several hearings, including with high-ranking Moldovan officials and a number of briefings addressing democracy, rule of law and security issues in Moldova, including the protracted conflict in Transnistria.  A Commission-led Congressional Delegation visited Moldova in 2014 and Commission staff have served as members of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly election missions on several occasions.

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Our Impact by Country

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Moldova: The Growing Pains of Democracy

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Commissioner Camuñez's Remarks on Good Governance

Commissioner Camuñez's Opening Statement at the Economic and Environmental Dimension Implementation Meeting

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OSCE Representative Cites Threats to Free Media

Prospects for Unfreezing Moldova’s Frozen Conflict in Transnistria

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