


The Helsinki Commission organizes both public and staff briefings with expert witnesses on OSCE-related issues ranging from human rights and fundamental freedoms to terrorism and corruption.

Clear Filters

Anti-Semitism, Racism and Discrimination in the OSCE Region

Georgia 2008, Ukraine 2014: Is Moldova Next?

Europeans of African Descent ‘Black Europeans’: Race, Rights and Politics

Listening to Victims of Child Sex Trafficking

The New Silk Road Strategy: Implications for Economic Development in Central Asia

Age of Delirium

Russia’s Upcoming Elections and the Struggle for Public and Competitive Politics

The State-Sanctioned Marginalization of Christians in Western Europe

Dispatches From Moscow: Luke Harding’s Chilling Tale of KGB Harassment

Conflicts in the Caucasus: Prospects for Resolutions

Beyond Corporate Raiding: A Discussion of Advanced Fraud Schemes in the Russian Market

Spotlight on Bosnia – Obstacles to Progress and Recommendations for the International Response

Another Brick in the Wall: What Do Dissidents Need Now From the Internet?

The Gang: 15 Years On and Still Silent

Ukraine's Pivotal Parliamentary Poll

The Dog Barks, but the Caravan Moves On: Highs and Lows in U.S.-Russia Relations

NATO’s Warsaw Summit and the Future of European Security

Disappeared in Turkmenistan’s Prisons: Are They Still Alive?

Human Rights Violations in Russian-Occupied Crimea

Assessing Ukraine’s Parliamentary Elections

Mongolia Moves Toward Europe

Best Practices for Rescuing Trafficking Victims

Troubled Partner: Growing Authoritarianism in Azerbaijan

Documentary Screening and Briefing on Roma School Desegregation

Human Rights Play on Magnitsky Murder

Internet Freedom in the Age of Dictators and Terrorists

Parliamentary Diplomacy

U.S.-Russian Cooperation in the Fight Against Alcoholism: A Glass Half Full?

Roundtable Discussion: Minorities in France

Legal Hooliganism – Is the Yukos Show Trial Finally Over?

Minority Political Participation in the Obama Era

In the Eye of the Storm: Chechnya and the Mounting Violence in the North Caucasus

Prospects for Unfreezing Moldova’s Frozen Conflict in Transnistria

Online Safety Under Repressive Regimes: What is the Responsibility of Technology Companies?

Local Elections and Political Instability in Albania

Moldova: The Growing Pains of Democracy
