

The 1990 OSCE/CSCE Copenhagen Document states that ”the will of the people, freely and fairly expressed through periodic and genuine elections, is the basis of the authority and legitimacy of all government.” Elections conducted according to OSCE commitments and standards yield political representatives accountable to their electorates. Pluralistic, democratic societies are underpinned by free and fair elections. Elections genuinely reflecting the will of the people are essential for a healthy, functioning democracy.

While the vast majority of OSCE participating States generally conduct free and fair elections, in some (notably Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, and most Central Asian countries), elections consistently fall short of international democratic standards, and in some cases, are a farce.   

The OSCE has been involved in election observation throughout the region, including the United States, and represents the “gold standard” in international election observation. Since 1989, the Commission has observed well over 100 elections in the OSCE region – the vast majority of them as members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegations to the larger OSCE-led international observation missions.

Clear Filters

Strong Substance, Potent Politics Mark Historic Maastricht OSCE Ministerial Council

Co-Chairman Smith and Rep. Keating Introduce Resolution Supporting Progress and Reform in Bosnia

Our Impact by Country

U.S. Helsinki Commission to Hold Hearing on Azerbaijan

Cardin Statement on Ukrainian Presidential Elections

U.S. Helsinki Commission Congratulates Ukraine on Successful Parliamentary Election

Helsinki Commission to Hold Public Briefing on Ukrainian Elections

Ukraine's Pivotal Parliamentary Poll

Confronting Internal Challenges and External Threats

The Helsinki Process: A Four Decade Overview

OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2015

Ukraine's Upcoming Elections: A Pivotal Moment

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Session in Oslo

Ukraine: Moving Beyond Stalemate

U.S. Helsinki Group Slams Baku Court's Refusal of Bloggers' Appeal

Kazakhstan: As Stable As Its Government Claims?

The OSCE 2011 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

Copenhagen Anniversary Conference

OSCE 2010 Informal Ministerial: Kazakhstan Persistence Earns a Summit in Astana

Local Elections and Political Instability in Albania

The Western Balkans: Developments in 2010 and Hopes for the Future
