Press Releases

Ellmers on the FCC’s Unnecessary and Misguided Actions

Today the FCC Moved in the Wrong Direction by Creating New Rules for Device Makers that will Increase Privacy Concerns for Consumers, Hurt Independent and Minority Programmers

Washington, February 18, 2016 | comments

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) issued the below release following the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) open meeting to consider major changes in the set-top box market.

“The FCC’s plan to forcibly reshape the competitive market for TV is the worst kind of regulatory overreach. Today’s consumer has an incredibly rich array of options and choices with new devices and services being launched seemingly every day.Yet the FCC feels the market needs a mandate.”

“This FCC is allowing far left groups to run this so called independent agency by passing their proposal that puts programming content at risk and strips away privacy protections for consumers.”


Yesterday, Congresswoman Ellmers joined Representatives McNerney (D-CA-9) and Barton (R-TX-6) in sending a letter to Chairman Wheeler to voice concerns with the privacy implications of the set-top box proposal. Click here to read a copy of this letter.

USA Today explains today’s FCC hearing in their article titled, “FCC to consider new TV set-top box rules” by Mike Snider:

The five-member commission on Thursday is set to consider whether rules should be crafted that would require cable, satellite and fiberoptic TV providers to allow a new wave of third-party devices -- and software-based apps -- that consumers could use instead.”

“Pay TV providers and content companies have banded together to combat the proceeding, while consumer groups are joined in supporting new rules by companies such as Google, TiVo and Amazon that also deliver video and programming.”

“Opponents argue that technology is already fostering new methods of getting programming and those set-top boxes that consumers lease are smarter than predecessors, letting consumers pause and rewind content, record multiple programs at once -- and access on-demand content.”

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Congresswoman Renee Ellmers serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is
Chairwoman of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.

She represents the Second District of North Carolina which includes all of Fort Bragg. | 202.225.4531