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  • Washington Examiner: Opinion: The Harsh Reality of Russia's Influence on Alaska's Offshore Exploration
    In Case You Missed It
    Aug 15, 2016 -
    Guy F. Caruso, U.S. Energy Information Administration's administrator from 2002-2008. Thanks to technological advancements, like Russia's creation of the world's largest icebreaker Arktika, oil and natural gas reserves beneath the Arctic waters are easier to access than ever before. As a result, the Arctic now has cou... More
  • CNBC: It is Critical for the US to Invest in the Arctic
    In Case You Missed It
    Aug 9, 2016 -
    General James Jones and General Joseph Ralston As ice gives way to navigable ocean, the U.S. Coast Guard has estimated that there has been a 300-percent increase in human activity in the Arctic, requiring a new era of public-private partnership. These changing conditions raise the strategic stakes and offer unprecedent... More
  • Las Vegas Review-Journal: Editorial: Getting Burned
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    Jul 14, 2016 -
    Only “you can prevent forest fires.” That’s what Smokey Bear would have you believe, anyway. But America’s anti-wildfire mascot identifies only part of the equation. While visitors to the great outdoors can tamp out campfires or refrain from tossing cigarettes into dry leaves, the federal government, as manager of mill... More
  • Washington Post: A Dark Money Group's Misleading Claim that the Puerto Rico Debt Plan is a 'Bailout'
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    May 10, 2016 -
    Michelle Ye Hee Lee “Small investors like Teresa own 80 percent of Puerto Rico’s debt. … This is a bailout of Puerto Rico on the backs of savers like Teresa. Congress wants to bail out Puerto Rico with Teresa’s retirement savings.” –political ad by Center for Individual Freedom The Center for Individual Freedom is a 5... More
  • WSJ: Puerto Rican Debt Parade
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    Apr 8, 2016 -
    Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Puerto Rico is playing brinkmanship with creditors by threatening a default that could reverberate through financial markets and the refugee state of Florida. Congress may need to save the island from itself, if only to minimize the collateral damage. On Wednesday Puerto Rico Governo... More
  • WSJ: Downstream From a Slippery EPA
    In Case You Missed It
    Mar 1, 2016 -
    BY: Ryan Flynn The bright yellow water that gushed from Colorado’s Gold King mine and into the Animas River last summer has dissipated, but the environmental disaster continues downstream. An estimated 880,000 pounds of lead and other metals poured out of the Gold King in August when the Environmental Protection Agency... More
  • Wall Street Journal: An Animas River Accounting
    In Case You Missed It
    Feb 17, 2016 -
    If a private company dumped three million gallons of toxic sludge into Colorado waterways, we’d be flooded with daily media updates for months. Yet the press has by now forgotten the disaster unleashed in August when EPA contractors punctured an abandoned mine. New evidence suggests the government isn’t coming clean ab... More
  • New York Times: Officials Warn Congress of Major Defaults Without Restructuring
    In Case You Missed It
    Feb 6, 2016 -
    Puerto Rico and its top advisers made their case in Washington on Friday for a law that would allow broad restructuring of the island’s multibillion-dollar debt, saying that if Congress did not act soon, major defaults were likely this spring. The officials also said they knew that any legislative help would come at a ... More
  • New York Times: How Free Electricity Helped Dig $9 Billion Hole in Puerto Rico
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    Feb 2, 2016 -
    To understand how Puerto Rico’s power authority has piled up $9 billion in debt, one need only visit this bustling city on the northwest coast. Twenty years ago, it was just another town with dwindling finances. Then, it went on a development spree, thanks to a generous —some might say ill-considered — gift from the Pu... More
  • Wall Street Journal: Obama vs. Manatees
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    Jan 24, 2016 -
    The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service this month proposed a new rule to crack down on predator control in Alaska, claiming it wants to better protect wildlife on national refuges. If only the Obama Administration cared as much about the protected critters that are getting in the way of its climate-change agenda. President O... More
  • Wall Street Journal: Government Land Grab
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    Nov 3, 2015 -
    The Obama Administration has spent years invading broad parts of the economy from finance to health care, but less noticed is the takeover of, well, actual land. Witness the standoff over a 50-year-old public land program that has devolved into a watering hole for seizing private property. The Land and Water Conservati... More
  • E&E; News: Dems Urge Obama To Be Transparent About Marine Monument Plans
    In Case You Missed It
    Oct 14, 2015 -
    The Obama administration is now facing pressure from Democrats to be more open about a possible marine monument off New England. Massachusetts Sens. Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to Obama yesterday asking for more public input into the possible monument. The Conservation Law Foundation, Natural Resources... More
  • Washington Examiner: Obama's 'energy-no, pot yes' policy
    In Case You Missed It
    Oct 13, 2015 -
    A bill approved by the House this week aims to end what one senior Republican calls the Obama administration's "double standard" when it comes to growing pot, an illegal act under federal law, and producing oil and gas from fracking on tribal lands. "What's bizarre is that for energy production, the administration inte... More
  • Bloomberg BNA: Wildfires May Spur FY 2016 Funding Changes While Leaving Policy Issues for Another Day
    In Case You Missed It
    Sep 18, 2015 -
    The severe fire season in western U.S. forests has intensified calls for funding changes so that the U.S. Forest Service does not have to borrow money from other accounts to finish out a fiscal year of wildfire suppression. The situation has revived the question of whether a solution can be accomplished through fiscal ... More
  • AP: New Mexico official says EPA refused to share water data after toxic mine spill fouled rivers
    In Case You Missed It
    Sep 17, 2015 -
    Federal regulators refused to share water-quality data for weeks following a blowout of toxic wastewater from a Colorado mine that fouled rivers across the Southwest, a New Mexico official said Thursday. The move by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency aimed to downplay the severity of the spill, hobbling the stat... More
  • Washington Post: The Forest Service just had to divert another $250 million to fight wildfires
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    Sep 15, 2015 -
    Top administration officials wrote Congress on Tuesday to urge it–once again–to change the way it budgets for firefighting in light of the disastrous wildfire season in the western U.S. The Agriculture Department just informed lawmakers this week that it will have to transfer $250 million to fighting the forest fires n... More
  • The Washington Post: The Blood-Stained Indian Child Welfare Act
    In Case You Missed It
    Sep 2, 2015 -
    “It is a sordid business, this divvying us up by race.” — Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Sordid, always. And sometimes lethal, as some Native American children could attest, were they not, like Declan Stewart and Laurynn Whiteshield, dead. They were victims of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), which as con... More
  • AP: Lawmaker tells administration: Pull back Indian tribe rules
    In Case You Missed It
    Apr 23, 2015 -
    The chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee is demanding that the Obama administration hold off on new rules that could make it easier for Indian groups to win federal recognition as tribes. American Indians have been pushing for years to revise the process, but proposed regulations nearing the finish line ha... More
  • A Look Back: Committee Actions on Hydraulic Fracturing and Well Construction Rule
    In Case You Missed It
    Mar 20, 2015 -
    November 20, 2013 Committee approves bipartisan bill to stop duplicative federal hydraulic fracturing regulations. July 31, 2013 Committee approves bipartisan bill to prevent duplicative federal hydraulic fracturing regulations. July 19, 2013 Committee holds hearing on hydraulic fracturing legislation. May 21, 2013 Co... More
  • Bishop Rolls Out Committee Agenda, Drills Down on Federal Onshore and Offshore Energy Production
    In Case You Missed It
    Mar 9, 2015 -
    Politico: “Bishop has already moved to increase the panel’s oversight, opening the door for probes on the Endangered Species Act and federal reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act. ‘[NEPA] is a law that has an impact on every aspect of American life,’ Bishop said. And ESA ‘is a perfect example of an act t... More
  • ICYMI: Secretary Jewell: “No, I can’t guarantee anything”
    In Case You Missed It
    Mar 5, 2015 -
    In response to Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn’s (CO-5) questioning about the Administration’s Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas five-year plan, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said she could not guarantee that the Atlantic lease sale would be in the finalized proposal. “So you guarant... More
  • Chairman Bishop Interview on Morning in America with Bill Bennett
    In Case You Missed It
    Mar 2, 2015 -
    On March 2, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop joined Morning in America radio host Bill Bennett to discuss fracking, OPEC, and federal lands. “The United States is a leader now in energy production, we’ve caught up to the Russians and Saudi Arabians, but we’ve done that all on state and private lands,” stated Bishop. “If the n... More
  • Chairman Bishop Discusses Homeland Security Funding on C-SPAN
    In Case You Missed It
    Mar 2, 2015 -
    On March 2, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop joins the Washington Journal on C-SPAN to discuss funding the Department of Homeland Security, federal lands, and energy production. “We have turned into an economic giant in the United States. We’ve already surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia in the amount of energy we produce, but ... More
  • Chairman Bishop Interview on The Larry Kudlow Show
    In Case You Missed It
    Feb 28, 2015 -
    On February 28, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop joined The Larry Kudlow Show to discuss Keystone, ANWAR, and increasing energy production across the nation. "We are living in a much more dangerous world than we ever had during the Cold War. And to meet that threat, that environment, we’ve got to use our diplomatic means, our... More
  • Chairman Bishop Interview on Sirius XM Radio with Tim Farley
    In Case You Missed It
    Feb 26, 2015 -
    On February 26, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop joined Sirius XM radio host Tim Farley to discuss federal lands and the direction of the committee for the 114th Congress. “The United States is becoming an energy leader. We’ve already passed Russia and Saudi Arabia for energy production, but it’s all been on private and state... More

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House Passes Bipartisan Poliquin Bill to Strengthen U.S. Seafood Industry

Today, H.R. 4245 sponsored by Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-ME) and Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) passed on suspension by voice vote. H.R. 4245 exempts sea urchins, sea cucumbers and other seafood exports from...... Read more

House Passes Bill to Modernize the Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Process

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5577, the “Innovation in Offshore Leasing Act,” by voice vote. Introduced by Reps. Garret Graves (R-LA) and Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), it provides the ...... Read more

BLM’s Sage Grouse Land Use Plan Is Bad News For Western States

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released seven memos on its land use plans for the sage grouse, covering 10 Western states. Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the followin...... Read more

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Markup on 4 Bills
Full Committee | 2167 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Oversight Hearing on Economic Impacts from Commonwealth-only Worker Program in the Northern Mariana Islands
Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Native Alaska Affairs | 1334 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
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