
Advancing the Role of GOP Women
Posted by on March 1, 2014 | comments
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Advancing the Role of GOP Women
By Congresswoman Renee Ellmers
The NFRW Round Table - National Federation of Republican Women
February - March 2014

For nearly a century, conservative women have changed history and become an important voice in our democratic republic. We have made enormous progress, and that is due to your willingness to be the voice of our party and the principles we hold dear. As we embark on the next chapter of our journey, the work you have done is more important than ever. Now is the time to take action and reclaim our nation’s future.

As we approach the beginning of National Women’s History Month, I hope women everywhere take a few moments to reflect on the contributions and struggles we have endured over the past 100 years. While the 21st century brought about many advancements, we continue to be underrepresented in positions of leadership—even as we represent the majority of the population.

As conservative women, and members of the NFRW, we must work to change this. As one of only 19 Republican women in the U.S. House, I see firsthand how our underrepresentation impacts future opportunities. As women, we know what it means to manage the household budgets, to fight for our children’s education, and to seek out the best healthcare for our loved ones. Women are leaders, we are decision- makers, and we are pivotal to our party’s success in future elections. But even more important is our ability to take action and speak out. Your involvement and support of the NFRW is crucial to making these changes real, and now is the time for action.

While studies show that female interest in politics has increased, their movement into the political realm remains stagnant. This is unacceptable and cannot continue. In an effort to make waves and unite the women of our party in Congress, Mary Bono Mack formed the Republican Women’s Policy Committee in 2012. This committee is composed of all 19 House Republican women, and marks the first time an entity has been organized for the sole purpose of influencing, advancing, and communicating the Republican agenda from a woman’s perspective.

As chairwoman of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee, I hold the view that the Republican Party needs to innovate and boldly reach out if we are to create meaningful reforms. Our goal is to expand the presence of female Republican members and highlight our roles, skills, and expertise as we tackle pertinent issues that affect the American people. Perhaps most importantly, this committee provides a much-needed platform to raise the profiles of our Republican congresswomen and enable them to speak as one voice.

As Republican women, we must continue to demonstrate that conservative principles—like fiscal responsibility, individual liberty, and a strong defense—are values worth pursuing. I am grateful for your passion, interest, and continued support of our party, and through the NFRW’s efforts, we are well on our way to expanding opportunities to all women through sound, conservative principles.

--ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mrs. Ellmers is serving her second term as U.S. Congresswoman representing North Carolina’s second district. She serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is chair of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.

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