

Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe.  Concentrated in post-communist Central and Southern Europe, the Romani population is estimated at over 12 million in EU countries, with significant numbers in former Soviet republics, the Balkans, and Turkey.  There may be as many as 1 million Americans with Romani ancestry.

Roma have historically faced persecution and were the victims of genocide during WWII.  In post-communist countries, Roma have suffered disproportionately in the transition to market economies, in part due to endemic racism and discrimination. 

Over the past three decades, Helsinki Commissioners have led the effort in Washington to speak out against racially motivated violence against Roma, including pogroms, murders and other violent attacks, and police abuse.  The Helsinki Commission has also advocated for recognition of the enslavement and genocide of Roma and redress for sterilization without informed consent.  The Commission has addressed race-based expulsion of Roma, the denial of citizenship to Roma after the break-up of federative states and the consequences of ethnic conflict and war in the Balkans.  The first international agreement to specially recognize the human rights problems faced by Roma was adopted by the OSCE participating States in 1989, with Helsinki Commission support. 

Clear Filters

Mass Murder of Roma at Auschwitz Sixty Years Ago

10 Years of Remembrance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Our Impact by Country

Recommending the Integration of the Republic of Slovakia Into NATO

Romani Human Rights: Old Problems, New Possibilities

Taking Stock in Romania

The Continuing Plight of Roma in Greece

Coerced Sterilization Investigated in Slovakia

Romania's Chairmanship of OSCE

Roma Still Waiting for Their "Brown v. Board of Education"

International Day in Support of the Victims of Torture

International Roma Day

U.S. Statements on the Human Dimension, 1996 OSCE Vienna Review Conference and Lisbon Summit

Report on the U.S. Helsinki Commission Delegation Visit to Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Albania

International Roma Day Revisited

Celebrating Greek Independence Day

Dogs Have More Freedom

Expressing United States Policy toward the Slovak Republic

Helsinki Commission Hearing on Kosovo's Displaced and Imprisoned

Tear Down the Usti Wall, Drop the Charges against Ondrej Gina
