Rep. Kelly Hails New Blueprint for Tax Reform

Jun 24, 2016 Issues: Tax Reform

Pro-growth plan part of House GOP “Better Way” agenda for 2017 and beyond


Rep. Kelly with Speaker Ryan, Majority Whip Scalise, Chairman Brady, and other members of the Ways & Means Committee at this morning’s roll-out in the U.S. Capitol

“There is no perfect way to tax, but there is a proven way to promote growth — and this is it”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) – a member of the House Ways and Means Committee – issued the following statement today regarding the unveiling of the Tax Reform Blueprint by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX). The blueprint, part of the “A Better Way” program crafted by House Republicans, is a detailed, credible, fiscally responsible plan to create a modern tax code built for economic growth. Rep. Kelly joined Speaker Ryan and Chairman Brady at a press conference this morning in the Rayburn Room in the U.S. Capitol to formally introduce the blueprint. The full plan can be read here.

“Our country is currently being held back by its own broken tax code. The code is too old, too long, too complicated, and, of course, much too costly for everyday American taxpayers. Even worse, it has become a bloated barrier to the kind of economic growth we should already be experiencing. In other words, it represents everything Americans know is wrong with their government. It is time for a better way, and that time is now.

“This plan is an answer to the American people’s greatest frustrations with taxes. It will finally update the tax code for the 21st Century and thoroughly reform it to meet the needs and expectations of today’s hardworking taxpayers. This plan will make taxes lower, fairer, simpler, and easier than ever to understand. In fact, with these reforms, most taxpayers will be able to file them on a form the size of a postcard. Our plan will also restructure the IRS so that it actually exists as a service shop for taxpayers to rely upon for easy, private guidance. Gone will be an agency that intimidates, frightens, and targets innocent taxpayers.

“For too long our tax code has weighed our economy down. This plan will lift the wet blanket off our private sector and allow a wave of new jobs, new investments, and new enterprises to flourish. Lower rates for all will mean more money in everyone’s pockets, from young workers to business owners to families of all sizes. No longer will businesses be forced to go overseas to survive but instead be attracted to stay in America to thrive and put more Americans back to work. There may not be a perfect way to tax, but there is a proven way to promote lasting economic growth and this is it.

“I applaud Speaker Ryan and Chairman Brady for their determined leadership throughout the construction of this plan for all Americans. I look forward to presenting it to the American people in the weeks and months to come and touting all of its features and benefits. The nation will have a crystal clear choice for the future: stick with the hopeless status quo, or embrace a simpler tax code that lets America lead the world again with a dynamic and robust economy.”

NOTE: An abbreviated summary of the Tax Reform Blueprint can be viewed here. The rest of the A Better Way program, including blueprints for five other issue areas, can be viewed here.

Rep. Kelly joined Chairman Brady after this morning’s press conference to discuss the Tax Reform Blueprint with reporters

