Congressman John Delaney

Representing the 6th District of Maryland
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Federal Budget

Our federal budget should reflect our national priorities and values. In my view, that means that we’re supporting our troops and protecting our country, positioning the next generation to thrive, making sure that our veterans and seniors receive the benefits they deserve.

On budget matters, rather than careening from fiscal crisis to fiscal crisis, Congress should focus on passing a grand budget deal that reduces the deficit in a balanced way.  We should do our job, which is to come together, negotiate in good faith, and find a solution. I support a balanced approach that fundamentally changes our fiscal trajectory and reduces our debt. In my role as a Freshman Class President, I hosted a bipartisan member briefing with Simpson and Bowles, and believe their balanced, data-driven, approach should be emulated in Congress.

In my view, the recent budgets offered by Congressman Ryan and supported by the majority in Congress are wrong for the country. I believe Democrats should lead on deficit reduction and entitlement reform and we should continue to reach across the aisle and push for a grand bargain budget deal along the lines of Simpson-Bowles.

Smart budgets include investments in the future, including proper support for education and job training, science and research, alternative energy, and infrastructure. The budget alternative authored by Rep. Van Hollen presented a better path. Our budget should be oriented towards positioning our country for the next century. Support for federal workers is critical: we can’t expect our federal government to be world-class by marginalizing its employees year after year.

More on Federal Budget

Jun 21, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC — The full House of Representatives unanimously approved bipartisan legislation led by Congressmen Todd Young (R-IN) and John Delaney (D-MD) that expands the use of evidenced-based interventions within the federal government, while driving taxpayer savings. It is the first reform bill of its kind that brings the pay-for-performance model into social and public health sphere. Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Michael Bennet (D-CO) are the lead sponsors of similar companion legislation in Senate.

Jun 15, 2016

WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives has passed a bipartisan amendment by Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) to increase federal support for the Fisher House Foundation, a non-profit that partners with the military to provide free lodging near Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and military hospitals to the families of veterans and service-members receiving care. The Delaney Amendment was considered during floor debate on Wednesday and was adopted by voice vote.

May 26, 2016

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) has been named a Fiscal Hero by the Campaign to Fix the Debt for the 114th Congress. To be named a Fiscal Hero, lawmakers must distinguish themselves by casting fiscally responsible votes, prioritizing the national debt as a top issue and working within their party and on a bipartisan basis to improve the nation’s fiscal future.

May 24, 2016

WASHINGTON – Today, the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure subcommittee on Highways and Transit held a hearing on improving safety and reliability of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) Metro system.

May 23, 2016

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin, together with U.S. Representative John Delaney today announced that the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department will receive $37,836 in federal funding through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program to purchase life-saving firefighting equipment. As Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Mikulski fights each year to increase federal funding for the fire grants program. Senator Cardin is a member of the Finance Committee.


May 23, 2016

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin, together with U.S. Representative John Delaney today announced that the Hagerstown Fire Department in Washington County has been awarded $68,433 in federal funding through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program. As the Vice Chairwoman of the Appropriations Committee, Senator Mikulski fights each year to increase federal funding for the fire grants program. Senator Cardin is a member of the Finance Committee.


May 16, 2016

WASHINGTON – Congressman Delaney filed legislation today to extend federal HUBZone eligibility for Garrett County businesses through 2022. The GARRETT HubZone Redesignation Act would reform the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) management of the HUBZone program, giving Garrett County and similar communities nationwide significantly more time to benefit from the program and adjust to potential changes. Absent congressional action, Garrett County will lose HUBZone status in 2018.

May 3, 2016

WASHINGTON – Today, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) held a hearing on the fatal Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) accident which took place in January 2015 at L’Enfant Plaza.  In his opening statement, Christopher A.

Mar 30, 2016

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin, together with U.S. Representative John Delaney (all D-Md.), today announced that the Town of Westernport has been awarded $2.2 million in federal grants and $600,000 in federal loans to install a new water system and water tank. The new tank will improve service for more than 1,144 households and 45 businesses in Allegany County.


Mar 1, 2016

WASHINGTON – Members of Maryland’s House Delegation met today with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Colonel Edward P. Chamberlayne, Commander and District Engineer of the Baltimore District office, for an update on the Corps’ current activities and projects in Maryland. Colonel Chamberlayne also discussed the Corps’ budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2017 which includes the Baltimore Harbor and channel dredging, Poplar Island, and Chesapeake Bay comprehensive plan. Delegation Members participating in today’s meeting were Representatives Steny H. Hoyer, Chris Van Hollen, C.A.
