In The News

Jan 5, 2016 In The News

Tucson victims of the Jan. 8, 2011 mass shooting praised President Barack Obama's Tuesday announcement that he will expand gun purchase background checks.

Others in Arizona were critical, saying Obama usurped Congress' authority and could make it difficult for some to exercise their right to gun ownership.

Nov 30, 2015 In The News

Nothing is more important to the future of our society — or more critical to fulfilling our national commitment to equal opportunity — than the care and upbringing of the next generation. This is not a concern that cuts along partisan lines.

Nov 30, 2015 In The News

As news of the heinous attacks in Paris spread, the question on everyone’s mind was simple: How can we prevent another of these deadly tragedies? To be clear, we should not have been unprepared. After all, this is the same ideology that spurred the attack on the United States on Sept.

Jul 25, 2015 In The News

President Obama has hailed the result of the Iranian nuclear negotiations a "good deal" for America. Optimists label it a gamble. Realists call it what it is, a dangerous mistake.

We’re realists, and the evidence for our position is clear.

Jul 1, 2015 In The News

Rep. Matt Salmon has introduced a bill that would bar federal authorities from releasing undocumented immigrants who have been accused or convicted of serious crimes.

And he wants them deported within 90 days.

The fact that we need legislation to accomplish this is astonishing.

But apparently we do.

Jul 1, 2015 In The News

I don't know anyone who wasn't horrified and heart-broken when news broke that 21-year-old Grant Ronnebeck, a good kid working hard, was shot dead while clerking at a QuikTrip store in Mesa in January.

Jun 6, 2015 In The News

The worldwide promotion of time-tested American values, and the assurance of our own nation's security, must be our principal foreign policy aim.

May 28, 2015 In The News

America is a land made great by free trade.

Since our inception, trade has been a means for economic prosperity and global influence.  Strong trading relationships have made partnerships stronger and provided valuable markets for high quality American goods and services.

Jan 15, 2015 In The News

The Republican-controlled House voted Wednesday to block funding for President Barack Obama's efforts to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation, signaling that the GOP doesn't plan to soften its stance on immigration.

Oct 31, 2014 In The News

Mexican authorities are questioning nine police officers in connection with the murders of three American siblings from Texas and one Mexican, a case that has prompted U.S. congressmen to call for a thorough investigation.

