Congressman Tim Huelskamp

Representing the 1st District of Kansas

Economy and Jobs

Jobs are created by entrepreneurs, not bureaucrats and politicians in Washington. 

Government does not and cannot create economic prosperity, but unfortunately it can stand in the way of a strong economy and job growth. A complicated tax code, over-regulation, ObamaCare, and overall fiscal uncertainty hinder the ability of working Americans and all businesses, especially small businesses, to prosper.

While big business can hire an army of lobbyists and lawyers to protect themselves in Washington, small businesses and their employees must shoulder the burden on their own. They are paying the biggest price for Washington’s inability to get spending and over-regulation under control. As a member of the House Committee on Small Business, I am working to ensure that being productive and prosperous is not punished:

  • We need a fairer and flatter tax code that encourages job creation, productive investment, wealth creation and provides a level playing field for true competition. The thousands of pages in the tax code should not be used for advancing one business or industry over another.
  • We need to cut the red tape and the rules. Over-regulation is strangling Main Street. Regulations often are written in a way that protects big business and big government while it becomes expensive for small businesses to meet new mandates or requirements. Excessive regulation is particularly harmful to Kansas when it comes to agriculture as well – farmers and ranchers should be trusted to protect their land and the natural resources they use. After all, they are our nation’s first environmentalists.
  • ObamaCare must be repealed. Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously once said: “We have to pass the [health care] bill to find out what’s in it.” In the three years that have passed since ObamaCare became the law of the land – but still before it is enacted fully – we have found surprises at every corner. Whether it is higher costs, violations of patient privacy, unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats rationing Medicare, or millions of citizens losing a health plan they like and can afford, Americans are finding out there is less to like about this law than originally expected (and many did not like it in the first place!). The health care system was not perfect before ObamaCare, but it has clearly made it worse.
  • Washington must get its fiscal house in order. Annual trillion-dollar deficits and more than $17 trillion in debt leave all Americans including business owners nervous about the future. What is Washington going to do to close these gaps? The fear of higher taxes and more spending makes many wary about investing in growing their businesses. It’s time to pass a budget that creates some certainty – and a budget that addresses the reckless and irresponsible overspending that plagues Washington.

More on Economy and Jobs

Jul 19, 2016

Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) issued the following statement in response to an announcement by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) the Lesser Prairie Chicken (LPC) has been officially removed from the federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife:

“This announcement formalizes our big victory earlier this year when USFWS announced their plans to remove the LPC from the endangered species list.

Jun 22, 2016

Today Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) chaired a Small Business Subcommittee hearing entitled "Audits and Attitudes: Is the IRS Helping or Hurting Small Businesses?"

“In the administration of the tax code, the IRS has dual roles: collection and enforcement,” said Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax and Capital Access Chairman Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) in his opening remarks. “Small businesses have a right to be treated fairly on both counts. Unfortunately, that is often not what happens.”

May 23, 2016

Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) today announced that he has received the “Hero of Main Street” award from the National Retail Federation for his support of legislation critical to the retail industry. Huelskamp is part of a bi-partisan group honored for their support of a wide range of issues including international trade, infrastructure investment, tax reform and labor issues.

May 6, 2016

US Congressman Tim Huelskamp held a town hall meeting at Casey's Cowtown Club on Tuesday.

Topics of discussion were Veterans Affairs, agriculture and trade as well as answering questions from those in attendance.

One of the people in attendance was Michael Burroughs, CEO of Western Plains Medical Complex, who thanked the Congressman for his support of the hospital.

"I appreciate the thanks," Huelskamp said. "But I also want to thank you for your support as well as the support of our veterans.

Apr 28, 2016

WASHINGTON – Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) was presented with the Award for Conservative Excellence by Chairman Matt Schlapp and the American Conservative Union (ACU).

Apr 20, 2016

WASHINGTON – This morning Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) was pleased to learn from Salina Airport Authority’s Executive Director Tim Rogers that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has agreed to resume services in Salina.

Apr 13, 2016

WASHINGTON – Today Congressman Tim Huelskamp voted for the Treating Small Airports with Fairness Act (H.R.4549) to ensure the Salina Regional Airport gets the TSA security screening it needs. The bill passed unanimously in the House.

Apr 13, 2016

WASHINGTON – With less than one week until tax day on April 18, today Chairman Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) held a hearing on simplifying taxes for small businesses. As chairman of the House Small Business Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax and Capital Access, Huelskamp and his colleagues heard from a private sector panel to examine key tax provisions in a hearing titled “Keep It Simple: Small Business Tax Simplification and Reform.

Mar 2, 2016

WASHINGTON – Congressman Huelskamp sent a letter to the Department of Transportation (DOT) expressing support for continued air service at the Great Bend Airport.

In early February, the DOT issued an order proposing termination of service at the airport.

Feb 29, 2016

WASHINGTON – On Friday, Congressman Huelskamp signed on to cosponsor the TSA Fairness Act to ensure Transportation Security Administration (TSA) services at the Salina Regional Airport.