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Louisville Fun Facts

If you have a fun fact about Louisville that you would like posted on my website, please email it to

Where everybody knows your name... or at least part of it.

  • Papa John: John Schnatter
  • The Kizito Lady: Elizabeth Namusoke Kizito
  • Louis (as in the preface to 'Ville): King Louis XVI

2nd most Cast Iron Facades in America
Only New York City features more cast iron architecture than Louisville’s Main Street.

Home of the High Five
Through most of the 1970’s giving five was primarily limited to “slapping some skin,” one hand on top of the other.  But when Derek Smith arrived at the University of Louisville in 1978, he and his teammates took ritual—along with their games—sky high.  Although sporadic instances of high fives were spotted a year earlier, Smith is credited with coining the term and the “Doctors of Dunk” brought it into the mainstream on their way to winning the 1980 NCAA Basketball Championship.

Heavy Weight Central
Louisville is home to three former Heavy Weight Champions: Jimmy Ellis, Greg Page, and of course, Muhammad Ali, who won the belt an unprecedented three times.

Foods that start with the letter 'B' (or can be manipulated as such)
Louisville is the original locale of many fine foods, some of which have gone on to legendary status around the world and others rarely found outside the River City:

  • Burgoo
  • Benedictine
  • Burger with Cheese (also called the Cheeseburger, invented at Kaelin's restaurant in 1934)
  • Brown, Hot
  • Baines Sauce, Henry
  • Bourbon Mint Juleps