Jobs And The Economy

Spur job creation. Grow our economy.

More taxation, regulation, and litigation will not create more jobs. Government takeovers of the economy have failed while the size and the scope of the federal government has exploded. Washington has tied the hands of small business owners and job creators with onerous regulations and backward fiscal policies that have stalled the economy, slowed innovation and destroyed jobs. We need common sense, pro-growth policies to give small businesses and entrepreneurs renewed confidence in our economy and to remove Washington as the roadblock to job creation.

Nevada and America are at a crossroads and I am committed to taking every possible step to spur job creation and get our economy back on track so that Americans can do what they do best: create, innovate and lead. Our governing agenda is focused on job creation and economic growth. It will address our economic challenges, foster innovation and investment, and help job creators without raising taxes on working families and small business owners.

End job-killing policies

Nevadans don't want more of a political agenda. They want policies that bring real job creation. Unemployment and real unemployment in Nevada are still among the highest in the nation.

The first step toward recovery is admitting that you have a problem. The administration needs to admit that its policies of record spending, uncontrolled debt, excessive regulations, and the threat of higher taxes are not the solution. They are the problem.

The Senate also needs to hear your voice. Contact Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (NV): 522 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510, (202) 224-3542.

Click here for more information on the House Republican Plan #4Jobs