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Military and Veterans

Our great nation was built on the dedication of our servicemen and women and their willingness to sacrifice. We owe them our best resources while they serve and our unending support when they return home. 

I am committed to ensuring our nation’s veterans have the health care and services they have earned, and I am pleased to have helped secure $75 million for a new Veterans Hospital in Louisville. This is a monumental victory for our medical community and each of the more than 100,000 veterans who live in and around Louisville.

The 110th Congress achieved unprecedented progress in the treatment of our nation’s veterans, including the single largest increase in funding for the Veterans Administration in our nation’s history and a new GI Bill that gives more veterans the opportunity to earn a college degree. We improved training for case managers and transition services for those coming into the Veterans Affairs system from active duty, reformed the disability evaluation program, and created a patient advocacy program with a toll-free hotline for patients and family members who require rapid responses to remediate substantiated complaints.  I am proud of this legislation’s record of improving the care our service members.

During the 111th Congress, we approved the Caregiver and Omnibus Veterans Health Act, landmark legislation for wounded veterans that helps family members and others take care of disabled, ill, or injured veterans while expanding mental health and VA health care services for those who need them.

When we challenge our young men and women to put on a uniform and risk their lives for our country, we promise to always take care of those who answer the call. Honoring this pact is among the key virtues that make America worth fighting for, and I intend to see that it is fully honored.