  • Comments • 2

    Heal the Harbor Research Institute
    The solution to the water shortage in California in the long term is to tap Lake Superior and build a pipeline to the headwaters of the Colorado River near Steam Boat Springs, Colorado to let the Colorado River bring the water to Southern California, but this project I have been promoting since 1976 will take five years to complete. The short term solution to the California water shortage that can be achieved in as little as 3 months is to harvest water from the pristine rivers of Washington State's  Olympic Peninsula into what are called Flexible barges on Wikipedia and let the Japanese Current bring these giant sea going fresh water, floating water bags down the Oregonian and California Coasts in 3-4 months to Avalon and L.A. Harbor. 
    Heal the Harbor Research Institute
    Congresswoman Maxine Waters and her great staff are the Best! I live in her district and I should know. I have a mission 4U Congresswoman Waters and it has your name on it, See Oil Spill Solution now playing on You Tube and join with Heal the Harbor, PETA, Ted Lieu and Janice Hahn to ban the use on federal waters of oil dispersants, oil sinking agents and require oil companies to respond with aircraft to freeze contain and salvage future oil spills from the Arctic and Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico.
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