Investigation of Cybersecurity

Ranking Member Cummings has been investigating the increasing number of cyberattacks for more than two years and has called for the Oversight Committee to hold hearings and obtain additional information about cyberattacks against retail companiesfinancial institutionshealthcare corporations,government contractors, and federal agencies

In the 113th Congress, Cummings launched an investigation into allegations that U.S. Investigations Services (USIS), the federal contractor that conducted the background investigation for the Navy Yard shooter, perpetrated a multi-year, billion-dollar fraud against the U.S. taxpayers by “dumping” incomplete background investigation reports to OPM without conducting quality reviews required under its contract.

The investigation resulted in a report titled, “Contracting Out Security Clearance Investigations: The Role of USIS and Allegations of Systematic Fraud,” that revealed new allegations of massive fraud committed by the company’s top executives that may have endangered national security.