Cummings Pleased With Drop In Unemployment

Jan 7, 2011
Press Release

(Washington, DC) – Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (MD-07), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and senior member of the Joint Economic Committee, today released a statement, following the Bureau of Labor Statistics Report that 103,000 more Americans have found work, sending the unemployment rate to 9.4 percent.

“I am so happy for the families of those Americans who have returned to work,” said Cummings. “When you lose your job, your self-worth can suffer, your family can fall into financial trouble, and you can feel that you have lost your place as a contributing member of society. Now, these men and women are helping to rebuild the American middle class and powering our continued recovery.

“Clearly, there are still far too many Americans unemployed. We must continue to strive to put them back to work. I will work hard in my new position as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to create bipartisan efforts to continue this growth.

“I would like to particularly draw attention to the healthcare field. Since Congress passed landmark healthcare reform, healthcare jobs have grown by leaps and bounds. Last month alone, 36,000 jobs were added in healthcare fields. We have created the need for doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants and others to serve the 35 million Americans who will be insured thanks to this reform. Now, these opportunities have led to job creation we need so badly. To stop healthcare reform, to explode our deficit in a time of economic instability and to destroy both the need for jobs and the healthcare those workers will provide, is unthinkable to me.”


112th Congress