There is a #BetterWay to improve health care by expanding access, increasing choices, and reducing costs. Learn more:

โพสต์โดย Committee on Ways and Means
รับชม 65 ครั้ง
รับชม 65 ครั้ง

Live now: the Committee is marking up eight pieces of legislation on tax and trade enforcement. Learn more ↓

Tune in and watch the Health Subcommittee Hearing on exploring the use of technology and innovation to create efficiencies and higher quality in health care

Tune in now to watch Peter Roskam chair the Oversight Hearing on Tax-Exempt College and University Endowments.

Throughout August, Ways and Means Members spoke directly to people across their communities about our Better Way agenda to reform our broken tax code, improve our healthcare system, and help lift people out of poverty. Here are some highlights. Learn more:

โพสต์โดย Committee on Ways and Means
รับชม 127 ครั้ง
รับชม 127 ครั้ง

We will never forget the lives we lost and remain eternally grateful for the heroes among us.

ในภาพอาจจะมี 23 คน , ฝูงชน และ สถานที่กลางแจ้ง

When Obamacare became law, it used taxpayer dollars to create 23 CO-OPs as federally-backed, non-profit health insurance companies. After four years and billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded loans, only seven of the original 23 are left. Yesterday, Members of the Committee approved a bill to protect victims of these CO-OP closures. Learn more:

โพสต์โดย Committee on Ways and Means
รับชม 470 ครั้ง
รับชม 470 ครั้ง

This Summer Obamacare suffered a fully-fledged meltdown. Today we are considering proposals to help the Americans who our health care system failed. Tune in live at 10am.

Tune in now to watch Committee members examine whether existing Medicare policies are incentivizing hospitals to deliver high-quality, cost-efficient care. Members will also discuss opportunities to improve Medicare so the program can serve current and future beneficiaries while also making sure our taxpayer dollars are well spent.

Chairman Kevin Brady joined with Rep Sandy Levin, Senator Orrin Hatch, and Senator Ron Wyden to call for a new era in child welfare with the Families First Prevention Services Act.

It’s time to fix the child welfare system, writes a bipartisan group of senators and representatives.

This Labor Day, Americans deserve a better way to create jobs and encourage investment. House Republicans have one.

The Blueprint for pro-growth tax reform delivers a tax code that is built for growth – the growth of families’ paychecks, the growth of job creators, and the growth of the American economy. Watch the video below to learn more. Resources Chairman Brady’s Op-ed in the Wall Street Journal: “The GOP P...

When it comes to Social Security, it shouldn't matter if you chose to serve. Everyone deserves equal treatment.

At the start of 2016, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) laid out an ambitious, pro-growth agenda. Here's what we've done to advance it:

"When 60 percent of Americans believe our economy is getting worse, Ways and Means Republicans refuse to stand still. We are moving forward with a bold pro-growth agenda that will get our economy back to where it should be: in the lead. Our tax reform blueprint includes groundbreaking policies designed to unleash historic growth." -Chairman Kevin Brady learn more here:…/

ในภาพอาจจะมี ข้อความ

According to a recent study, a typical adult between 18 and 34 buying an Obamacare plan will pay $1,717 for health care this year—mostly in the form of premiums; however, the average young adult without coverage will pay just $348, which includes the price of going to the doctor, as needed, as well as the penalty for not having insurance. Read how young adults will be better off under our health care plan:…/

ในภาพอาจจะมี ข้อความ

President Obama’s time in office has been marked by repeated attempts to circumvent Congress, disregard the Constitution, and break the law in order to impose a Washington-knows-best agenda. Over the last seven years, White House officials have illegally spent billions of taxpayer dollars to fund Obamacare, obstructed congressional investigations, and flagrantly abused the IRS’s authority to wrongly-seize hard-earned dollars from law-abiding small business owners and farmers. Ways and Means Republicans are standing up to the lawless Administration and leading several investigations into these unprecedented actions. Learn more about how we are getting Americans the answers they deserve:…/

ในภาพอาจจะมี ข้อความ

In June, House Republicans’ introduced a Blueprint for pro-growth tax reform. The plan includes groundbreaking policy ideas — historic firsts designed to unleash historic American growth. Learn more about them here:…/

ในภาพอาจจะมี ข้อความ

This month, Chairman Kevin Brady delivered remarks in support of free trade, stating "Like the term ‘free speech,’ the term ‘free trade’ doesn’t refer to its cost, it means the freedom TO trade. In America it’s our freedom to buy, sell and compete anywhere in the world with as little government interference as possible."

โพสต์โดย Committee on Ways and Means
รับชม 382 ครั้ง
รับชม 382 ครั้ง