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I booked this hotel over the phone then read some tripadvisor reviews and decided to cancel and try another hotel. When I called to cancel and explained why, the receptionist offered me 100 kr off my room and since I'm on a budget I decided to risk it. I'm so glad I did as the unfavourable reviews couldn't have been more wrong. When I arrived at 7pm, very tired and asked at reception if I could waive my extra discount and get a room upgrade instead. They were only too happy to oblige and I was upgraded to a superior single room (for 951 kr/night, bed and breakfast, a bargain by any standards). The room itself was lovely; clean and fresh with a nice big bed and skylight views of Kristianstad when standing on tiptoe. After freshening up I asked about food and was offered a choice of 'bistro' meals or the option of 10% discount at a steak house about 50m up the road. Although I chose to eat elsewhere in the end I did look at the menu and it looked perfectly fine. The next day breakfast was very good and served until 10 so I didn't have to rush. Checkout was at 12 so, again, no rushing. As my train didn't leave until 4.30 pm I then had some time to kill in Kristianstad and the hotel staff were happy to let me leave my bag while I did a little exploring and when I'd had enough walking around they were happy for me to sit in reception, drinking free coffee and using their wifi. this is where I'm sitting now and I have to conclude by saying that I would recommend this hotel without reservation. Room was clean and fresh, facilities good, not too expensive and, most importantly, incredibly friendly and helpful staff! One other little thing - the hotel I was originally going to change to due to better reviews on tripadvisor was Stadshotellet, about 100m further from the train station. On the night I stayed the bar (O'Leary's) attached to Stadshotellet was very busy and the customers were singing loudly well past midnight. On this occasion, at least, I suspect I had a much more peaceful nights sleep than had I actually changed to Stadshotellet.

Något formellt avtal om vem som ansvarar för Tivoliparken har aldrig funnits mellan markägaren Höganäs Bjuf, föreningen Gamla Bjuf och kommunen. Så länge föreningen Gamla Bjufs eldsjäl Åke Hagberg skötte Tivoliparken fungerade allt med muntliga överenskommelser. Varje dag gick Åke Hagberg dit och om det behövdes krattade han gångarna. Grovarbetet gjordes 1987—1989, då det röjdes en hel del. Av de träd som fälldes blev det småbord. Men sedan Åke Hagberg avled har det varit si och så med skötseln av parken, eftersom det inte funnits några avtal om skötseln. Och de senaste åren har parken förfallit. Med jämna mellanrum har bord, bänkar och även den lilla scenen vandaliserats. Parken har mycket gamla anor. När det begav sig på 1920—30-talen var det en riktig festplats i Bjuv. Utmed Boserupsbäcken som flyter genom de centrala delarna av Bjuv ställdes en festplats i ordning. Men man nöjde sig inte bara med att bygga upp en dansbana. Det planterades även olika växter i parken och när det röjdes upp i slutet av 1980-talet hittades växterna som överlevt. Med hjälp av skyltar och hänvisningar kunde besökarna i parken få en fingervisning om hur det sett ut en gång i tiden. I föreningen Gamla Bjufs regi blev Tivoliparken under 1990-talet en verklig oas, där Gamla Bjuf ordnade olika aktiviteter. Var det inte musikkåren eller dragspelsklubben som ordnade konserter så ställde PRO upp och spelade teater. Gamla Bjuf arrangerade dessutom en populär marknad.