Sections in This Issue:

Daily Digest

Friday, July 15, 2016

Daily Digest


Chamber Action

The Senate met at 11:30:01 a.m. in pro forma session, and adjourned at 11:30:10 a.m. until 1 p.m., on Tuesday, July 19, 2016.

Committee Meetings

No committee meetings were held.

House of Representatives

Chamber Action

The House was not in session today. The House is scheduled to meet in a Pro Forma session at 2:30 p.m. on Monday July 18, 2016.

Committee Meetings


Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:
Subcommittee on National Security; and Subcommittee on Transportation and Public Assets, held a joint hearing entitled ``Oversight of the Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program''. Testimony was heard from Jerry Demings, Sheriff, Orange County Sheriff's Office, Orange County, Florida; John Mina, Chief, Orlando Police Department, Orlando, Florida; Brian E. Kamioe, Assistant Administrator of Grant Program, Federal Emergency Management Agency; and a public witness.


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:
Full Committee held a business meeting on the public release of a Committee document. A vote to release the declassified pages of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, passed. This meeting was open in a closed space.

Joint Meetings

No joint committee meetings were held.


JULY 18, 2016

(Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


No meetings/hearings scheduled.


No hearings are scheduled.

Next Meeting of the

1 p.m., Tuesday, July 19

Senate Chamber

Program for Tuesday:
Senate will meet in a pro forma session.

Next Meeting of the

2:30 p.m., Monday, July 18

House Chamber

Program for Monday:
The House is scheduled to meet in a Pro Forma session.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue


Beatty, Joyce, Ohio, E1139

Benishek, Dan, Mich., E1145

Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1144

Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E1144

Brown, Corrine, Fla., E1148

Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E1141

Byrne, Bradley, Ala., E1142

Carter, Earl L. ``Buddy'', Ga., E1143

Cßrdenas, Tony, Calif., E1142

Clay, Wm. Lacy, Mo., E1149

Comstock, Barbara, Va., E1141

Costello, Ryan A., Pa., E1140

Crenshaw, Ander, Fla., E1149

Crowley, Joseph, N.Y., E1139

Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E1146

Davis, Susan A., Calif., E1146

Dingell, Debbie, Mich., E1145, E1147

Duffy, Sean, P., Wisc., E1145

Foxx, Virginia, N.C., E1143

Frankel, Lois, Fla., E1144

Gallego, Ruben, Ariz., E1143

Goodlatte, Bob, Va., E1146

Hahn, Janice, Calif., E1140

Himes, James A., Conn., E1140

Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E1147

Keating, William R., Mass., E1141

Kelly, Trent, Miss., E1147

LaHood, Darin, Ill., E1145

Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1141

McCollum, Betty, Minn., E1144

Olson, Pete, Tex., E1143

Pearce, Stevan, N.M., E1141

Reichert, David G., Wash., E1140

Rokita, Todd, Ind., E1142, E1146

Rooney, Thomas J., Fla., E1149

Ruiz, Raul, Calif., E1143

Sewell, Terri A., Ala., E1142, E1149

Stefanik, Elise M., N.Y., E1148

Thompson, Mike, Calif., E1139, E1147

Turner, Michael R., Ohio, E1139

Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E1148

Webster, Daniel, Fla., E1147
