Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Reported to House without amendment (09/20/2016)

(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)

Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest Land Adjustment Act of 2015

(Sec. 3) This bill authorizes the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to may sell or exchange any or all interest of the United States in 30 tracts of National Forest System land in Georgia totaling approximately 3,841 acres.

USDA may modify the boundaries of such lands based on land management considerations.

USDA shall convey by quitclaim deed land sold or exchanged under this bill.

USDA may reserve any rights-of-way or other rights or interests in land sold or exchanged under this bill that are considered necessary for management purposes or to protect the public interest.

USDA may not sell or exchange land under this bill for less than market value, as determined by an appraisal or through a competitive bid.

Any such appraisal shall be:

  • consistent with the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions or the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, and
  • subject to USDA's approval.

The consideration for sales of lands or equalization of exchanges under this bill shall be paid in cash.

USDA may accept a cash equalization payment that exceeds 25% of the value of any of the land to be exchanged under this bill.

USDA may sell lands under this bill at public or private sale, including competitive sale by auction, bid, or otherwise, according to such terms, conditions, and procedures that are in the best interest of the United States.

USDA may:

  • make public or private solicitations for the sale or exchange of land authorized by this bill, and
  • reject any offer that is determined as not being adequate or not in the public interest.

USDA may:

  • use brokers or other third parties in disposing of the lands authorized by this bill; and
  • from the proceeds of such a sale, pay reasonable commissions or fees.

(Sec. 4) USDA shall deposit the proceeds of a sale authorized by this bill in the fund established under the Sisk Act.

Amounts deposited into such fund shall be made available to USDA for the acquisition of land for national forest purposes in Georgia.

Nothing in this bill authorizes the use of the amounts deposited into such fund for the acquisition of land without the written consent of the owner of that land.