There is one summary for S.2763. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in Senate (04/07/2016)

Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016

This bill allows civil claims or causes of action to recover artwork or other cultural property unlawfully lost because of persecution during the Nazi era, or for damages for the taking or detaining of such artwork or cultural property, to be commenced within six years after the claimant's actual discovery of: (1) the identity and location of the artwork or cultural property, and (2) information or facts sufficient to indicate that the claimant has a claim for a possessory interest in the artwork or cultural property that was unlawfully lost.

Such statutory limitation period of six years after actual discovery preempts any other statutes of limitation or defenses relating to the passage of time.

The term: (1) "persecution during the Nazi era" means persecution by the Nazis or their allies between January 1, 1933, and December 31, 1945, that was based on race, ethnicity, or religion; and (2) "unlawfully lost" includes any theft, seizure, forced sale, sale under duress, or other loss of an artwork or cultural property that would not have occurred absent such persecution.

This bill applies to claims or actions that are pending on the date of, or filed after, enactment but before 2027. Such claims or actions may include those: (1) that were dismissed before enactment of this bill based on the expiration of a federal or state statute of limitations, laches, or any other defense at law or equity relating to the passage of time; and (2) in which final judgment has not been entered.