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Committee Information




One Hundred Fourteenth Congress

September 1, 2016

Compiled by Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House of Representatives

Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Resident Commissioner and Delegates in boldface.

Representative Committee Assignments
Abraham, Ralph Lee, 5th LA Agriculture.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Veterans' Affairs.
Adams, Alma S., 12th NC Agriculture.
Education and the Workforce.
Small Business.
Aderholt, Robert B., 4th AL Appropriations.
Aguilar, Pete, 31st CA Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Allen, Rick W., 12th GA Agriculture.
Education and the Workforce.
Amash, Justin, 3d MI Oversight and Government Reform.
Amodei, Mark E., 2d NV Appropriations.
Ashford, Brad, 2d NE Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Babin, Brian, 36th TX Science, Space, and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Barletta, Lou, 11th PA Education and the Workforce.
Homeland Security.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Barr, Andy, 6th KY Financial Services.
Barton, Joe, 6th TX Energy and Commerce.
Bass, Karen, 37th CA Foreign Affairs.
Beatty, Joyce, 3d OH Financial Services.
Becerra, Xavier, 34th CA Ways and Means.
Benishek, Dan, 1st MI Agriculture.
Natural Resources.
Veterans' Affairs.
Bera, Ami, 7th CA Foreign Affairs.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Beyer, Donald S., Jr., 8th VA Natural Resources.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Bilirakis, Gus M., 12th FL Energy and Commerce.
Veterans' Affairs.
Bishop, Mike, 8th MI Education and the Workforce.
Bishop, Rob, 1st UT Natural Resources, Chairman.
Armed Services.
Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., 2d GA Appropriations.
Black, Diane, 6th TN Budget.
Ways and Means.
Blackburn, Marsha, 7th TN Energy and Commerce.
Blum, Rod, 1st IA Budget.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Blumenauer, Earl, 3d OR Ways and Means.
Bonamici, Suzanne, 1st OR Education and the Workforce.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Bordallo, Madeleine Z. (Delegate), GU Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Bost, Mike, 12th IL Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Boustany, Charles W., Jr., 3d LA Ways and Means.
Boyle, Brendan F., 13th PA Foreign Affairs.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Brady, Kevin, 8th TX Ways and Means, Chairman.
Brady, Robert A., 1st PA Armed Services.
House Administration.
Brat, Dave, 7th VA Budget.
Education and the Workforce.
Small Business.
Bridenstine, Jim, 1st OK Armed Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Brooks, Mo, 5th AL Armed Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Brooks, Susan W., 5th IN Energy and Commerce.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Brown, Corrine, 5th FL Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Brownley, Julia, 26th CA Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Buchanan, Vern, 16th FL Ways and Means.
Buck, Ken, 4th CO Judiciary.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Bucshon, Larry, 8th IN Energy and Commerce.
Burgess, Michael C., 26th TX Energy and Commerce.
Bustos, Cheri, 17th IL Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Butterfield, G. K., 1st NC Energy and Commerce.
Byrne, Bradley, 1st AL Armed Services.
Education and the Workforce.
Calvert, Ken, 42d CA Appropriations.
Capps, Lois, 24th CA Energy and Commerce.
Natural Resources.
Capuano, Michael E., 7th MA Ethics.
Financial Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Cárdenas, Tony, 29th CA Energy and Commerce.
Carney, John C., Jr., At Large, DE Financial Services.
Carson, André, 7th IN Transportation and Infrastructure.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Carter, Earl L. "Buddy", 1st GA Education and the Workforce.
Homeland Security.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Carter, John R., 31st TX Appropriations.
Cartwright, Matt, 17th PA Natural Resources.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Castor, Kathy, 14th FL Budget.
Energy and Commerce.
Castro, Joaquin, 20th TX Foreign Affairs.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Chabot, Steve, 1st OH Small Business, Chairman.
Foreign Affairs.
Chaffetz, Jason, 3d UT Oversight and Government Reform, Chairman.
Chu, Judy, 27th CA Judiciary.
Small Business.
Cicilline, David N., 1st RI Foreign Affairs.
Clark, Katherine M., 5th MA Education and the Workforce.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Clarke, Yvette D., 9th NY Energy and Commerce.
Small Business.
Clawson, Curt, 19th FL Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Clay, Wm. Lacy, 1st MO Financial Services.
Natural Resources.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Cleaver, Emanuel, 5th MO Financial Services.
Clyburn, James E., 6th SC Assistant Democratic Leader.
Coffman, Mike, 6th CO Armed Services.
Veterans' Affairs.
Cohen, Steve, 9th TN Judiciary.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Cole, Tom, 4th OK Appropriations.
Collins, Chris, 27th NY Energy and Commerce.
Collins, Doug, 9th GA Judiciary.
Comstock, Barbara, 10th VA House Administration.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Conaway, K. Michael, 11th TX Agriculture, Chairman.
Armed Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Connolly, Gerald E., 11th VA Foreign Affairs.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Conyers, John, Jr., 13th MI Judiciary.
Cook, Paul, 8th CA Armed Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Natural Resources.
Cooper, Jim, 5th TN Armed Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Costa, Jim, 16th CA Agriculture.
Natural Resources.
Costello, Ryan A., 6th PA Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Courtney, Joe, 2d CT Armed Services.
Education and the Workforce.
Cramer, Kevin, At Large, ND Energy and Commerce.
Crawford, Eric A. "Rick", 1st AR Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Crenshaw, Ander, 4th FL Appropriations.
Crowley, Joseph, 14th NY Ways and Means.
Cuellar, Henry, 28th TX Appropriations.
Culberson, John Abney, 7th TX Appropriations.
Cummings, Elijah E., 7th MD Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Curbelo, Carlos, 26th FL Education and the Workforce.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Davidson, Warren, 8th OH Science, Space, and Technology.
Small Business.
Davis, Danny K., 7th IL Ways and Means.
Davis, Rodney, 13th IL Agriculture.
House Administration.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Davis, Susan A., 53d CA Armed Services.
Education and the Workforce.
DeFazio, Peter A., 4th OR Transportation and Infrastructure.
DeGette, Diana, 1st CO Energy and Commerce.
Delaney, John K., 6th MD Financial Services.
DeLauro, Rosa L., 3d CT Appropriations.
DelBene, Suzan K., 1st WA Agriculture.
Denham, Jeff, 10th CA Agriculture.
Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Dent, Charles W., 15th PA Ethics, Chairman.
DeSantis, Ron, 6th FL Foreign Affairs.
Oversight and Government Reform.
DeSaulnier, Mark, 11th CA Education and the Workforce.
Oversight and Government Reform.
DesJarlais, Scott, 4th TN Agriculture.
Foreign Affairs.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Deutch, Theodore E., 21st FL Ethics.
Foreign Affairs.
Diaz-Balart, Mario, 25th FL Appropriations.
Dingell, Debbie, 12th MI Budget.
Natural Resources.
Doggett, Lloyd, 35th TX Ways and Means.
Dold, Robert J., 10th IL Ways and Means.
Donovan, Daniel M., Jr., 11th NY Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Doyle, Michael F., 14th PA Energy and Commerce.
Duckworth, Tammy, 8th IL Armed Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Duffy, Sean P., 7th WI Financial Services.
Duncan, Jeff, 3d SC Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Natural Resources.
Duncan, John J., Jr., 2d TN Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Edwards, Donna F., 4th MD Science, Space, and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Ellison, Keith, 5th MN Financial Services.
Ellmers, Renee L., 2d NC Energy and Commerce.
Emmer, Tom, 6th MN Financial Services.
Engel, Eliot L., 16th NY Energy and Commerce.
Foreign Affairs.
Eshoo, Anna G., 18th CA Energy and Commerce.
Esty, Elizabeth H., 5th CT Science, Space, and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Farenthold, Blake, 27th TX Judiciary.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Farr, Sam, 20th CA Appropriations.
Fincher, Stephen Lee, 8th TN Financial Services.
Fitzpatrick, Michael G., 8th PA Financial Services.
Fleischmann, Charles J. "Chuck", 3d TN Appropriations.
Fleming, John, 4th LA Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Flores, Bill, 17th TX Energy and Commerce.
Forbes, J. Randy, 4th VA Armed Services.
Fortenberry, Jeff, 1st NE Appropriations.
Foster, Bill, 11th IL Financial Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Foxx, Virginia, 5th NC Education and the Workforce.
Frankel, Lois, 22d FL Foreign Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Franks, Trent, 8th AZ Armed Services.
Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., 11th NJ Appropriations.
Fudge, Marcia L., 11th OH Agriculture.
Education and the Workforce.
Gabbard, Tulsi, 2d HI Armed Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Gallego, Ruben, 7th AZ Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Garamendi, John, 3d CA Armed Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Garrett, Scott, 5th NJ Budget.
Financial Services.
Gibbs, Bob, 7th OH Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Gibson, Christopher P., 19th NY Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Small Business.
Gohmert, Louie, 1st TX Judiciary.
Natural Resources.
Goodlatte, Bob, 6th VA Judiciary, Chairman.
Gosar, Paul A., 4th AZ Natural Resources.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Gowdy, Trey, 4th SC Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi, Chairman.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Graham, Gwen, 2d FL Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Granger, Kay, 12th TX Appropriations.
Graves, Garret, 6th LA Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Graves, Sam, 6th MO Armed Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Graves, Tom, 14th GA Appropriations.
Grayson, Alan, 9th FL Foreign Affairs.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Green, Al, 9th TX Financial Services.
Green, Gene, 29th TX Energy and Commerce.
Griffith, H. Morgan, 9th VA Energy and Commerce.
Grijalva, Raúl M., 3d AZ Education and the Workforce.
Natural Resources.
Grothman, Glenn, 6th WI Budget.
Education and the Workforce.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Guinta, Frank C., 1st NH Budget.
Financial Services.
Guthrie, Brett, 2d KY Education and the Workforce.
Energy and Commerce.
Gutiérrez, Luis V., 4th IL Judiciary.
Hahn, Janice, 44th CA Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Hanna, Richard L., 22d NY Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Hardy, Cresent, 4th NV Natural Resources.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Harper, Gregg, 3d MS Energy and Commerce.
House Administration.
Harris, Andy, 1st MD Appropriations.
Hartzler, Vicky, 4th MO Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Hastings, Alcee L., 20th FL Rules.
Heck, Denny, 10th WA Financial Services.
Heck, Joseph J., 3d NV Armed Services.
Education and the Workforce.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Hensarling, Jeb, 5th TX Financial Services, Chairman.
Herrera Beutler, Jaime, 3d WA Appropriations.
Hice, Jody B., 10th GA Natural Resources.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Higgins, Brian, 26th NY Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Hill, J. French, 2d AR Financial Services.
Himes, James A., 4th CT Financial Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Hinojosa, Rubén, 15th TX Education and the Workforce.
Financial Services.
Holding, George, 13th NC Ways and Means.
Honda, Michael M., 17th CA Appropriations.
Hoyer, Steny H., 5th MD Democratic Whip.
Hudson, Richard, 8th NC Energy and Commerce.
Huelskamp, Tim, 1st KS Small Business.
Veterans' Affairs.
Huffman, Jared, 2d CA Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Huizenga, Bill, 2d MI Financial Services.
Hultgren, Randy, 14th IL Financial Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Hunter, Duncan, 50th CA Armed Services.
Education and the Workforce.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Hurd, Will, 23d TX Homeland Security.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Hurt, Robert, 5th VA Financial Services.
Israel, Steve, 3d NY Appropriations.
Issa, Darrell E., 49th CA Foreign Affairs.
Jackson Lee, Sheila, 18th TX Homeland Security.
Jeffries, Hakeem S., 8th NY Education and the Workforce.
Jenkins, Evan H., 3d WV Appropriations.
Jenkins, Lynn, 2d KS Ways and Means.
Johnson, Bill, 6th OH Budget.
Energy and Commerce.
Johnson, Eddie Bernice, 30th TX Science, Space, and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Johnson, Henry C. "Hank", Jr., 4th GA Armed Services.
Johnson, Sam, 3d TX Ways and Means.
Jolly, David W., 13th FL Appropriations.
Jones, Walter B., 3d NC Armed Services.
Jordan, Jim, 4th OH Judiciary.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Joyce, David P., 14th OH Appropriations.
Kaptur, Marcy, 9th OH Appropriations.
Katko, John, 24th NY Homeland Security.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Keating, William R., 9th MA Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Kelly, Mike, 3d PA Ways and Means.
Kelly, Robin L., 2d IL Foreign Affairs.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Kelly, Trent, 1st MS Agriculture.
Small Business.
Kennedy, Joseph P., III, 4th MA Energy and Commerce.
Kildee, Daniel T., 5th MI Financial Services.
Kilmer, Derek, 6th WA Appropriations.
Kind, Ron, 3d WI Ways and Means.
King, Peter T., 2d NY Financial Services.
Homeland Security.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
King, Steve, 4th IA Agriculture.
Small Business.
Kinzinger, Adam, 16th IL Energy and Commerce.
Kirkpatrick, Ann, 1st AZ Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Kline, John, 2d MN Education and the Workforce, Chairman.
Armed Services.
Knight, Stephen, 25th CA Armed Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Small Business.
Kuster, Ann M., 2d NH Agriculture.
Veterans' Affairs.
Labrador, Raúl R., 1st ID Judiciary.
Natural Resources.
LaHood, Darin, 18th IL Natural Resources.
Science, Space, and Technology.
LaMalfa, Doug, 1st CA Agriculture.
Natural Resources.
Lamborn, Doug, 5th CO Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Veterans' Affairs.
Lance, Leonard, 7th NJ Energy and Commerce.
Langevin, James R., 2d RI Armed Services.
Homeland Security.
Larsen, Rick, 2d WA Armed Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Larson, John B., 1st CT Ethics.
Ways and Means.
Latta, Robert E., 5th OH Energy and Commerce.
Lawrence, Brenda L., 14th MI Oversight and Government Reform.
Small Business.
Lee, Barbara, 13th CA Appropriations.
Levin, Sander M., 9th MI Ways and Means.
Lewis, John, 5th GA Ways and Means.
Lieu, Ted, 33d CA Budget.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Lipinski, Daniel, 3d IL Science, Space, and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
LoBiondo, Frank A., 2d NJ Armed Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Loebsack, David, 2d IA Energy and Commerce.
Lofgren, Zoe, 19th CA House Administration.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Long, Billy, 7th MO Energy and Commerce.
Loudermilk, Barry, 11th GA Homeland Security.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Love, Mia B., 4th UT Financial Services.
Lowenthal, Alan S., 47th CA Foreign Affairs.
Natural Resources.
Lowey, Nita M., 17th NY Appropriations.
Lucas, Frank D., 3d OK Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Luetkemeyer, Blaine, 3d MO Financial Services.
Small Business.
Luján, Ben Ray, 3d NM Energy and Commerce.
Lujan Grisham, Michelle, 1st NM Agriculture.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Lummis, Cynthia M., At Large, WY Natural Resources.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Lynch, Stephen F., 8th MA Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
MacArthur, Thomas, 3d NJ Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Maloney, Carolyn B., 12th NY Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Maloney, Sean Patrick, 18th NY Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Marchant, Kenny, 24th TX Ethics.
Ways and Means.
Marino, Tom, 10th PA Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Massie, Thomas, 4th KY Oversight and Government Reform.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Matsui, Doris O., 6th CA Energy and Commerce.
McCarthy, Kevin, 23d CA Majority Leader.
McCaul, Michael T., 10th TX Homeland Security, Chairman.
Foreign Affairs.
Science, Space, and Technology.
McClintock, Tom, 4th CA Budget.
Natural Resources.
McCollum, Betty, 4th MN Appropriations.
McDermott, Jim, 7th WA Budget.
Ways and Means.
McGovern, James P., 2d MA Agriculture.
McHenry, Patrick T., 10th NC Financial Services.
McKinley, David B., 1st WV Energy and Commerce.
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy, 5th WA Energy and Commerce.
McNerney, Jerry, 9th CA Energy and Commerce.
Veterans' Affairs.
McSally, Martha, 2d AZ Armed Services.
Homeland Security.
Meadows, Mark, 11th NC Foreign Affairs.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Meehan, Patrick, 7th PA Ethics.
Ways and Means.
Meeks, Gregory W., 5th NY Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Meng, Grace, 6th NY Foreign Affairs.
Small Business.
Messer, Luke, 6th IN Education and the Workforce.
Financial Services.
Mica, John L., 7th FL Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Miller, Candice S., 10th MI House Administration, Chairman.
Homeland Security.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Miller, Jeff, 1st FL Veterans' Affairs, Chairman.
Armed Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Moolenaar, John R., 4th MI Agriculture.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Mooney, Alexander X., 2d WV Budget.
Natural Resources.
Moore, Gwen, 4th WI Budget.
Financial Services.
Moulton, Seth, 6th MA Armed Services.
Small Business.
Mullin, Markwayne, 2d OK Energy and Commerce.
Mulvaney, Mick, 5th SC Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Murphy, Patrick, 18th FL Financial Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Murphy, Tim, 18th PA Energy and Commerce.
Nadler, Jerrold, 10th NY Judiciary.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Napolitano, Grace F., 32d CA Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Neal, Richard E., 1st MA Ways and Means.
Neugebauer, Randy, 19th TX Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Newhouse, Dan, 4th WA Agriculture.
Natural Resources.
Noem, Kristi L., At Large, SD Ways and Means.
Nolan, Richard M., 8th MN Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Norcross, Donald, 1st NJ Armed Services.
Norton, Eleanor Holmes (Delegate), DC Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Nugent, Richard B., 11th FL Armed Services.
House Administration.
Nunes, Devin, 22d CA Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman.
Ways and Means.
Olson, Pete, 22d TX Energy and Commerce.
O'Rourke, Beto, 16th TX Armed Services.
Veterans' Affairs.
Palazzo, Steven M., 4th MS Appropriations.
Pallone, Frank, Jr., 6th NJ Energy and Commerce.
Palmer, Gary J., 6th AL Budget.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Pascrell, Bill, Jr., 9th NJ Budget.
Ways and Means.
Paulsen, Erik, 3d MN Ways and Means.
Payne, Donald M., Jr., 10th NJ Homeland Security.
Small Business.
Pearce, Stevan, 2d NM Financial Services.
Pelosi, Nancy, 12th CA Democratic Leader.
Perlmutter, Ed, 7th CO Financial Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Perry, Scott, 4th PA Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Peters, Scott H., 52d CA Armed Services.
Peterson, Collin C., 7th MN Agriculture.
Pierluisi, Pedro R. (Resident Commissioner), PR Judiciary.
Natural Resources.
Pingree, Chellie, 1st ME Appropriations.
Pittenger, Robert, 9th NC Financial Services.
Pitts, Joseph R., 16th PA Energy and Commerce.
Plaskett, Stacey E. (Delegate), VI Agriculture.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Pocan, Mark, 2d WI Budget.
Education and the Workforce.
Poe, Ted, 2d TX Foreign Affairs.
Poliquin, Bruce, 2d ME Financial Services.
Polis, Jared, 2d CO Education and the Workforce.
Natural Resources.
Pompeo, Mike, 4th KS Energy and Commerce.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Posey, Bill, 8th FL Financial Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Price, David E., 4th NC Appropriations.
Price, Tom, 6th GA Budget, Chairman.
Ways and Means.
Quigley, Mike, 5th IL Appropriations.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman(Delegate), AS Natural Resources.
Small Business.
Veterans' Affairs.
Rangel, Charles B., 13th NY Ways and Means.
Ratcliffe, John, 4th TX Homeland Security.
Reed, Tom, 23d NY Ways and Means.
Reichert, David G., 8th WA Ways and Means.
Renacci, James B., 16th OH Budget.
Ways and Means.
Ribble, Reid J., 8th WI Foreign Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Rice, Kathleen M., 4th NY Homeland Security.
Veterans' Affairs.
Rice, Tom, 7th SC Ways and Means.
Richmond, Cedric L., 2d LA Homeland Security.
Rigell, E. Scott, 2d VA Appropriations.
Roby, Martha, 2d AL Appropriations.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Roe, David P., 1st TN Education and the Workforce.
Veterans' Affairs.
Rogers, Harold, 5th KY Appropriations, Chairman.
Rogers, Mike, 3d AL Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Homeland Security.
Rohrabacher, Dana, 48th CA Foreign Affairs.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Rokita, Todd, 4th IN Budget.
Education and the Workforce.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Rooney, Thomas J., 17th FL Appropriations.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Roskam, Peter J., 6th IL Ways and Means.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, 27th FL Foreign Affairs.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Ross, Dennis A., 15th FL Financial Services.
Rothfus, Keith J., 12th PA Financial Services.
Rouzer, David, 7th NC Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Roybal-Allard, Lucille, 40th CA Appropriations.
Royce, Edward R., 39th CA Foreign Affairs, Chairman.
Financial Services.
Ruiz, Raul, 36th CA Natural Resources.
Veterans' Affairs.
Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch, 2d MD Appropriations.
Rush, Bobby L., 1st IL Energy and Commerce.
Russell, Steve, 5th OK Armed Services.
Education and the Workforce.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Ryan, Paul D., 1st WI The Speaker.
Ryan, Tim, 13th OH Appropriations.
Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho (Delegate), MP Education and the Workforce.
Natural Resources.
Salmon, Matt, 5th AZ Education and the Workforce.
Foreign Affairs.
Sánchez, Linda T., 38th CA Ethics.
Ways and Means.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Sanchez, Loretta, 46th CA Armed Services.
Homeland Security.
Sanford, Mark, 1st SC Budget.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Sarbanes, John P., 3d MD Energy and Commerce.
Scalise, Steve, 1st LA Majority Whip.
Energy and Commerce.
Schakowsky, Janice D., 9th IL Energy and Commerce.
Schiff, Adam B., 28th CA Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Schrader, Kurt, 5th OR Energy and Commerce.
Schweikert, David, 6th AZ Financial Services.
Scott, Austin, 8th GA Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Scott, David, 13th GA Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Scott, Robert C. "Bobby", 3d VA Education and the Workforce.
Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr., 5th WI Judiciary.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Serrano, José E., 15th NY Appropriations.
Sessions, Pete, 32d TX Rules, Chairman.
Sewell, Terri A., 7th AL Financial Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Sherman, Brad, 30th CA Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Shimkus, John, 15th IL Energy and Commerce.
Shuster, Bill, 9th PA Transportation and Infrastructure, Chairman.
Armed Services.
Simpson, Michael K., 2d ID Appropriations.
Sinema, Kyrsten, 9th AZ Financial Services.
Sires, Albio, 8th NJ Foreign Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, 25th NY Rules.
Smith, Adam, 9th WA Armed Services.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Smith, Adrian, 3d NE Ways and Means.
Smith, Christopher H., 4th NJ Foreign Affairs.
Smith, Jason, 8th MO Ways and Means.
Smith, Lamar, 21st TX Science, Space, and Technology, Chairman.
Homeland Security.
Speier, Jackie, 14th CA Armed Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Stefanik, Elise M., 21st NY Armed Services.
Education and the Workforce.
Stewart, Chris, 2d UT Appropriations.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Stivers, Steve, 15th OH Financial Services.
Stutzman, Marlin A., 3d IN Budget.
Financial Services.
Swalwell, Eric, 15th CA Science, Space, and Technology.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Takano, Mark, 41st CA Education and the Workforce.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Veterans' Affairs.
Thompson, Bennie G., 2d MS Homeland Security.
Thompson, Glenn, 5th PA Agriculture.
Education and the Workforce.
Natural Resources.
Thompson, Mike, 5th CA Ways and Means.
Thornberry, Mac, 13th TX Armed Services, Chairman.
Tiberi, Patrick J., 12th OH Ways and Means.
Tipton, Scott R., 3d CO Financial Services.
Titus, Dina, 1st NV Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Tonko, Paul, 20th NY Energy and Commerce.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Torres, Norma J., 35th CA Homeland Security.
Natural Resources.
Trott, David A., 11th MI Foreign Affairs.
Tsongas, Niki, 3d MA Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Turner, Michael R., 10th OH Armed Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Upton, Fred, 6th MI Energy and Commerce, Chairman.
Valadao, David G., 21st CA Appropriations.
Van Hollen, Chris, 8th MD Budget.
Vargas, Juan, 51st CA Financial Services.
House Administration.
Veasey, Marc A., 33d TX Armed Services.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Vela, Filemon, 34th TX Agriculture.
Homeland Security.
Velázquez, Nydia M., 7th NY Financial Services.
Small Business.
Visclosky, Peter J., 1st IN Appropriations.
Wagner, Ann, 2d MO Financial Services.
Walberg, Tim, 7th MI Education and the Workforce.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Walden, Greg, 2d OR Energy and Commerce.
Walker, Mark, 6th NC Homeland Security.
House Administration.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Walorski, Jackie, 2d IN Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Veterans' Affairs.
Walters, Mimi, 45th CA Judiciary.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Walz, Timothy J., 1st MN Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Veterans' Affairs.
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie, 23d FL Appropriations.
Waters, Maxine, 43d CA Financial Services.
Watson Coleman, Bonnie, 12th NJ Homeland Security.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Weber, Randy K., Sr., 14th TX Foreign Affairs.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Webster, Daniel, 10th FL Transportation and Infrastructure.
Welch, Peter, At Large, VT Energy and Commerce.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Wenstrup, Brad R., 2d OH Armed Services.
Veterans' Affairs.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Westerman, Bruce, 4th AR Budget.
Natural Resources.
Science, Space, and Technology.
Westmoreland, Lynn A., 3d GA Financial Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi.
Whitfield, Ed, 1st KY Energy and Commerce.
Williams, Roger, 25th TX Financial Services.
Wilson, Frederica S., 24th FL Education and the Workforce.
Wilson, Joe, 2d SC Armed Services.
Education and the Workforce.
Foreign Affairs.
Wittman, Robert J., 1st VA Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Womack, Steve, 3d AR Appropriations.
Woodall, Rob, 7th GA Budget.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Yarmuth, John A., 3d KY Budget.
Energy and Commerce.
Yoder, Kevin, 3d KS Appropriations.
Yoho, Ted S., 3d FL Agriculture.
Foreign Affairs.
Young, David, 3d IA Appropriations.
Young, Don, At Large, AK Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Young, Todd C., 9th IN Ways and Means.
Zeldin, Lee M., 1st NY Foreign Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Zinke, Ryan K., At Large, MT Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
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