There is one summary for H.R.3477. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in House (09/10/2015)

Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience Act or the NATIVE Act

This bill requires the Department of Commerce, the Department of the Interior, and federal agencies with recreational travel or tourism functions to update their management plans and tourism initiatives to include Indian tribes and tribal organizations. Plans must include proposals for improving collection and provision of tourism information and assisting Native American communities.

Interior and Commerce must: (1) work with a facilitator to provide technical assistance to Indian tribes and tribal organizations regarding participation in the tourism industry, and (2) report on departmental efforts supporting such participation.

Federal agencies must support the cultural activities of Indian tribes and tribal organizations and carry out activities to promote understanding and awareness of Indian tribes and tribal organizations.

Any grants for which Indian tribes or tribal organizations are eligible may be used to: (1) support their efforts to present their story and culture, (2) revitalize Native American communities using the arts and humanities, and (3) carry out this Act.

The Smithsonian Institution must work with Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and nonprofits to share collections and conduct joint research and projects with museums, educational organizations, and cultural organizations.