H. Rept. 114-130 - 114th Congress (2015-2016)

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[House Report 114-130]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

114th Congress      }                               {     Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session        }                               {     114-130


  May 27, 2015.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


         Mr. Culberson, from the Committee on Appropriations, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                             together with

                             MINORITY VIEWS

                        [To accompany H.R. 2578]

    The Committee on Appropriations submits the following 
report in explanation of the accompanying bill making 
appropriations for Commerce, Justice, Science, and related 
agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for 
other purposes.

                        INDEX TO BILL AND REPORT


                                                            Page number

                                                            Bill Report
Title I--Department of Commerce............................     2
Title II--Department of Justice............................    23
Title III--Science.........................................    57
        Office of Science and Technology Policy............    57
        National Aeronautics and Space Administration......    58
        National Science Foundation........................    66
Title IV--Related Agencies.................................    70
        Commission on Civil Rights.........................    70
        Equal Employment Opportunity Commission............    70
        International Trade Commission.....................    71
        Legal Services Corporation.........................    72
        Marine Mammal Commission...........................    73
        Office of the United States Trade Representative...    73
        State Justice Institute............................    74
Title V--General Provisions................................    74
House of Representatives Reporting Requirements............
Minority Views.............................................

                         Highlights of the Bill

    The Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies 
Subcommittee has jurisdiction over a diverse group of agencies 
responsible for combating gangs and violent crime, drug 
trafficking, financial fraud, terrorism, espionage, cybercrime; 
enforcing trade laws; conducting periodic censuses; forecasting 
the weather; managing fisheries; exploring space; and advancing 
science. The activities of these agencies impact nearly every 
American and are integral to the operations of our government.
    The bill provides a total of $51,378,000,000 in 
discretionary budget authority for fiscal year 2016 which is 
$1,275,000,000 or 2.5 percent above the fiscal year 2015 
discretionary enacted level. The bill is $660,653,000 below the 
Administration's request.


                                                 ($ in millions)
                                                                                                     FY 2016
                                                              FY 2015 Enacted   FY 2016 Request   Recommendation
Discretionary..............................................             50,103           52,039           51,378

    Within the level of funds provided, the bill prioritizes 
funding for Federal law enforcement, national security, and the 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) while 
freezing, reducing, or eliminating funding for non-critical 
    For the Department of Justice, the bill provides an 
increase of $856,957,000 from the current year. This includes 
an increase of $111,199,000 for the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation (FBI) to enhance its efforts to combat 
cybercrime, terrorism, and espionage, and implement the 
recommendations of the 9/11 Review Commission. The 
recommendation includes an increase of $75,719,000 or 21.8 
percent to the Executive Office for Immigration Review for 55 
additional Immigration Judge teams to markedly reduce case 
backlogs. The bill also supports the continued operations of 
critical Federal law enforcement agencies including the United 
States Marshals Service, the United States Attorneys, the Drug 
Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, 
Firearms and Explosives and the Bureau of Prisons. For State 
and local law enforcement activities, the bill increases funds 
for Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecutions Programs 
(+$49,000,000) and Byrne Justice Assistance Grants 
(+$33,000,000). The bill also continues support for priority 
programs such as Drug Courts, Adam Walsh Act, NICS background 
checks, the DNA initiative, Reducing Sexual Assault Kit 
Backlogs, the Second Chance Act, and the Missing and Exploited 
Children program.
    NASA is a strategic asset to the nation. The Committee 
believes that additional investment is needed to maintain 
American leadership in space exploration and science and for 
NASA to successfully execute all of its activities and 
missions. A bold space exploration program that engages the 
nation will inspire new generations of scientists and 
engineers, and contribute to the economic success and space 
leadership of the country. The recommendation begins the 
process of addressing this by funding NASA at $18,529,100,000, 
an increase of $518,900,000 over fiscal year 2015 and equal to 
the budget request. The bill advances space exploration and 
ensures our nation remains the world's leader in space 
exploration and technology, aeronautics research, and discovery 
in space and science. The bill provides for the continued 
development of the Orion crew vehicle, Space Launch System and 
Exploration Ground Systems that will one day send astronauts 
beyond low Earth orbit. The bill continues funding for critical 
scientific missions and technology programs. The Committee 
directs NASA to follow the direction of the decadal surveys in 
prioritizing activities during fiscal year 2016 and in the 
    For the National Science Foundation, the bill increases 
above the historically high level of research and related 
activities funding as provided in fiscal year 2015 by 
    Within the Department of Commerce, the Patent and Trademark 
Office is funded at $3,272,000,000, which is the level of fee 
collections estimated by the Congressional Budget Office. 
Funding for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
prioritizes improving weather forecasting, fisheries 
management, and the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) and the 
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series 
    In order to fund the priority programs described above, the 
bill recommends terminating 34 programs, resulting in savings 
of more than $400,000,000 from the fiscal year 2015 level and 
$500,000,000 from the President's request for these same 
programs. In addition, the bill recommends freezing or reducing 
9 agencies in the Department of Commerce, 12 appropriation 
accounts in Department of Justice, and 6 related agency 
appropriation accounts.

                      Oversight and Budget Review

    In furtherance of the Committee's oversight 
responsibilities and to protect hard earned taxpayer dollars, 
the Committee has included the following language:
           Withholds funds for information technology 
        related to the 2020 census until a comprehensive 
        investment plan is provided to the Committee and the 
        Government Accountability Office.
           Caps total life-cycle costs for programs 
        that have a record of poor performance, including 
        weather satellites and the James Webb Space Telescope.
           Prohibits funds for the National Technical 
        Information Service to charge customers for a copy of a 
        document generated by the Legislative Branch unless the 
        customer is informed of how to receive an electronic 
        copy free online.
           Requires quarterly reporting on immigration 
        judge performance.
           Maintains limitations on the Department of 
        Justice's use of non-appropriated funds including the 
        Working Capital Fund and the Assets Forfeiture Fund.
           Requires quarterly reporting of unobligated 
           Requires agencies to provide Inspectors 
        General with timely access to information.
           Requires agencies procuring sensitive 
        information technology systems to conduct supply chain 
        risk assessments in consultation with the Federal 
        Bureau of Investigation.
           Requires contractors and grantees receiving 
        more than $5,000,000 to certify that they are not 
        delinquent on their Federal taxes.
           Withholds funds from certain law enforcement 
        agencies until the Attorney General demonstrates to the 
        Committee that the recommendations of the Inspector 
        General regarding sexual harassment and inappropriate 
        conduct are being implemented.
           Limits the number of agency staff that can 
        attend an overseas conference.
           Requires agencies to track undisbursed grant 
           Requires agencies to submit spending plans 
        for the Committee's review.
           Requires agencies to notify the Committee of 
        project cost overruns and mitigation plans.
           Addresses Patent and Trademark Office 
        management failures by requiring extensive reporting on 
        reforms of their telework programs, information 
        technology system spending, and patent quality.

                        Reprogramming Procedures

    Section 505 of the bill contains language concerning the 
reprogramming of funds between programs, projects, and 
activities. The Committee reminds the departments and agencies 
funded in this bill that the reprogramming process is based on 
comity between the Congress and the Executive Branch. This 
process is intended to provide departments and agencies 
sufficient flexibility to meet changing circumstances and 
emergent requirements not known at the time of congressional 
review of the budget while preserving congressional priorities 
and intent. In the absence of comity and respect for the 
prerogatives of the Appropriations Committees and the Congress 
in general, the Committee may opt to include specific program 
limitations and details in legislation and remove language 
providing the flexibility to reallocate funds. Under these 
circumstances, programs, projects, and activities become 
absolutes and the Executive Branch shall lose the ability to 
propose changes in the use of appropriated funds except through 
legislative action.
    The Committee expects that each department and agency 
funded in this bill shall follow the directions set forth in 
this bill and the accompanying report, and shall not reallocate 
resources or reorganize activities except as provided herein. 
Reprogramming procedures shall apply to funds provided in this 
bill, unobligated balances from previous appropriations Acts 
that are available for obligation or expenditure in fiscal year 
2016, and non-appropriated resources such as fee collections 
that are used to meet program requirements in fiscal year 2016. 
As specified in section 505, the Committee expects that the 
Appropriations Subcommittees on Commerce, Justice, Science, and 
Related Agencies of the House and Senate will be notified by 
letter a minimum of 15 days (or in the case of the Department 
of Justice 45 days) prior to any reprogramming of funds that--
         (1) creates or initiates a new program, project or 
         (2) eliminates a program, project or activity;
         (3) increases funds or personnel by any means for any 
        project or activity for which funds have been denied or 
         (4) relocates an office or employees;
         (5) reorganizes or renames offices, programs or 
         (6) contracts out or privatizes any functions or 
        activities presently performed by Federal employees;
         (7) augments existing programs, projects or activities 
        in excess of $500,000 or 10 percent, whichever is less, 
        or reduces by 10 percent funding for any program, 
        project or activity, or numbers of personnel by 10 
        percent; or
         (8) results from any general savings, including 
        savings from a reduction in personnel, which would 
        result in a change in existing programs, projects or 
        activities as approved by Congress.
    Any reprogramming request shall include any out-year 
budgetary impacts and a separate accounting of program or 
mission impacts on estimated carryover funds. The Committee 
further expects any department or agency funded in this bill 
that plans a reduction-in-force to notify the Committee by 
letter at least 30 days in advance of the date of any such 
planned personnel action.

            Relationship With Budget and Comptroller Offices

    Through the years the Appropriations Committee has 
channeled most of its inquiries and requests for information 
and assistance through the budget offices or comptroller 
organizations of the various departments, agencies, and 
commissions. Such relationships are necessary to accomplish the 
work of the Committee. While the Committee reserves the right 
to call upon all organizations in the departments, agencies and 
commissions for information and assistance, the primary contact 
between the Committee and these entities must be through the 
budget offices and comptroller organizations, or through a 
legislative affairs unit designated by the Committee to work on 
appropriations and budget matters.
    The workload generated in the budget process is large and 
growing; therefore, a positive, responsive relationship between 
the Committee and the budget and/or comptroller offices is 
essential for the Committee to fulfill the Constitutional 
appropriations responsibilities of Congress.

                                TITLE I

                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                   International Trade Administration


    The Committee recommends $472,000,000 in total resources 
for the programs of the International Trade Administration 
(ITA), which is equal to fiscal year 2015 and $34,750,000 below 
the request. This amount is offset by $10,000,000 in estimated 
fee collections, resulting in a direct appropriation of 
    Support for firms.--The Committee encourages ITA to ensure 
that it is providing adequate support and services for women-, 
minority- and veteran-owned firms that are seeking assistance 
in gaining access to foreign markets for their products and 
services. The Committee recognizes that these firms possess 
tremendous economic potential if they participate more actively 
and effectively in export markets. As such, the Committee urges 
ITA to reach out to and promote such firms to enable them to 
contribute to our trade goals of creating jobs and increasing 
    Within the level of funds provided, no less than $9,000,000 
shall be provided for the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center 
(ITEC) to improve trade enforcement by the Federal government. 
The Committee urges ITA and ITEC to facilitate the 
identification and prioritization of efforts to address trade 
barriers and practices in areas of strategic economic 
importance to U.S. industry and workers. Commerce should 
enhance its outreach to trade-impacted stakeholders to ensure 
greater transparency in the enforcement of trade violations.

                    Bureau of Industry and Security


    The Committee recommends $110,000,000 for the Bureau of 
Industry and Security (BIS), which is $7,500,000 above fiscal 
year 2015 and $5,086,000 below the request.
    BIS is responsible for administering export controls and 
investigating violations of export controls related to national 
security, anti-terrorism, and foreign policy. This mission is 
essential to American national security and competitiveness, 
especially as license applications have increased by tens of 
thousands in recent years. Additional resources are provided to 
enhance BIS' capabilities to prevent the export of 
inappropriate technologies to countries, such as Iran and 
China, and to aggressively investigate potential export 

                  Economic Development Administration

    The Committee recommends $250,000,000 for the programs and 
administrative expenses of the Economic Development 
Administration (EDA), which is equal to fiscal year 2015 and 
$23,028,000 below the request.


    The Committee recommends $213,000,000 for Economic 
Development Assistance Programs, which is equal to fiscal year 
2015 and $14,500,000 below the request. Funds shall be 
distributed as follows; any deviation shall be subject to the 
procedures set forth in section 505 of this Act:

Public Works..........................................      $100,000,000
Partnership Planning..................................        30,000,000
Technical Assistance..................................        10,500,000
Research and Evaluation...............................         1,500,000
Trade Adjustment Assistance...........................        12,500,000
Economic Adjustment Assistance........................        32,500,000
Regional Innovation Program/Section 27................        11,000,000
Assistance to Coal Mining Communities.................        15,000,000
    Total.............................................      $213,000,000

    Assistance to coal mining communities.--The 
Administration's newly created POWER+ Plan builds on the 
Committee's prior efforts to assist communities throughout the 
country that are suffering significant coal mining job losses. 
The Committee believes this targeted, collaborative effort is 
long overdue. The recommendation includes not less than 
$15,000,000 to assist coal mining communities through the 
POWER+ Plan or other EDA initiatives. The Committee appreciates 
that EDA is leading the POWER+ Plan and is bringing local 
leaders and stakeholders together, along with other Federal 
agencies, to develop comprehensive strategies to promote 
economic growth in coal mining communities. The Committee 
expects this effort to continue. Within the funds provided, the 
Committee directs EDA to assist communities that have yet to 
develop an economic development strategy to begin the planning 
process. For communities that have created economic development 
strategies, EDA shall provide assistance to implement the 
strategies, including the funding of authorized economic 
development projects. The Committee also appreciates that EDA 
is coordinating a consolidated grant application allowing 
impacted communities to apply for funds from multiple Federal 
agencies in one application. Within 90 days of enactment of 
this Act, EDA shall report to the Committee on its efforts to 
assist coal communities and the government-wide POWER+ Plan. 
The report shall include a detailed description on how EDA and 
other Federal agencies have assisted coal communities to date 
and how the Federal government plans to assist them in the 
    Innovative manufacturing loans.--The Committee remains 
disappointed at the unacceptable length of time it has taken 
the Department to implement the loan guarantee program for 
innovative manufacturing authorized by section 26 of the 
Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act (15 U.S.C. 3721). 
This program has received funding in prior Appropriations Acts 
as far back as fiscal year 2012. The Committee understands that 
the Department now expects to enter into the first of this 
program's loan guarantees by the second quarter of fiscal year 
2016, and according to the Department's fiscal year 2016 budget 
submission, at least $5,000,000 in prior-year funding for this 
program is expected to be obligated during fiscal year 2016. 
The Committee directs the Department to provide the Committee 
with regular updates on the status of this program, including a 
written report no later than 60 days after the enactment of 
this Act.
    Regional Innovation Program.--The recommendation provides 
$11,000,000 for Regional Innovation Programs. The Committee 
expects EDA to work cooperatively with universities and States 
that have made a significant commitment to establishing 
incubator programs. The Committee encourages EDA to support the 
development of regional innovation clusters that focus on 
advanced wood products.

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $37,000,000 for EDA salaries and 
expenses, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and $8,528,000 
below the request.

                  Minority Business Development Agency


    The Committee recommends $32,000,000 for the Minority 
Business Development Agency (MBDA), which is $2,000,000 above 
fiscal year 2015 and $1,984,000 above the request.

                   Economic and Statistical Analysis

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $100,000,000 for economic and 
statistical analysis, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$13,849,000 below the request.

                          Bureau of the Census

    The Committee recommends a total of $1,113,000,000 for the 
Bureau of the Census, which is $25,000,000 above fiscal year 
2015 and $386,974,000 below the request.
    Account restructuring.--The recommendation adopts the 
Bureau's proposed restructuring of the Census Bureau 
appropriations accounts. The restructuring would change the 
Salaries and Expenses account to the Current Surveys and 
Programs account. The restructuring would move funding for 
certain surveys conducted on an annual basis from the Periodic 
Censuses and Programs account to the Current Surveys and 
Programs account. It would also establish a new Enterprise Data 
Collections and Processing Systems line. The Committee notes 
that the restructuring would consolidate the Data Processing 
Systems line into the overall Census information technology 
budget, which is funded from the Working Capital Fund via a 
charge to each Census program. The Committee directs Census to 
include in future budget requests a breakout of Data Processing 
System funding charged to each program. The Committee expects 
that this restructuring will result in efficiencies, greater 
transparency, and cost savings.

                      CURRENT SURVEYS AND PROGRAMS

    The Committee recommends $265,000,000 for the Current 
Surveys and Programs account of the Bureau of the Census, which 
is $3,642,000 below the comparable fiscal year 2015 level and 
$12,873,000 below the request.
    Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).--Within 
the amounts provided, Census shall continue the level of effort 
for the SIPP at no less than the fiscal year 2015 level.
    Foreign Trade Statistics.--The Committee notes the 
importance of accurate and complete international trade 
statistics, and directs the Census Bureau to include, as part 
of its regular reporting on International Trade in Goods and 
Services, statistics on countries with which the United States 
has a trade agreement, to include data on U.S. exports and 
imports in addition to the overall trade balance.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends a total of $848,000,000 for 
Periodic Censuses and Programs, which is $28,642,000 above the 
comparable fiscal year 2015 level and $374,101,000 below the 
request. The recommendation provides for a transfer of 
$1,551,000 to the Department of Commerce Office of Inspector 
General (OIG) for oversight of the Census Bureau. The 
recommendation provides $130,000,000 for Economic Statistics 
Programs and $718,000,000 for Demographic Statistics Programs. 
Within these funds, $600,000,000 is for decennial census 
    American Community Survey (ACS).--The Committee is very 
concerned about the burdensome nature of the ACS and directs 
Census to focus on its core, constitutionally mandated 
decennial Census activities.
    The Committee is aware that the Bureau has convened Federal 
agencies to review questions included on the ACS to ensure that 
all the questions are necessary and that the ACS is the 
appropriate survey vehicle to gather the information. The 
Committee is extremely disappointed that this initial review 
only resulted in a proposal to remove one question. The 
Committee directs the Census Bureau to submit, no later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act, a plan for the expeditious 
removal of additional questions, as appropriate, from the 
    In addition, the Bureau shall continue to provide quarterly 
briefings to the Committee on efforts to ensure the necessity 
of all the questions on the ACS; on efforts to ensure that non-
response follow-up is conducted in the least intrusive manner; 
and on congressional outreach conducted by the Respondent 
Advocate. Finally, the Committee urges the Census Bureau to 
pursue the support of the Congress with respect to its plans to 
use adaptive design methods in the ACS and the upcoming 2020 
Decennial Census.
    2020 Decennial Census.--Of the amount provided for the 
decennial census programs, $400,000,000 is to support 
completion of research and the beginning of design, 
development, and testing for the 2020 Census. The Committee is 
aware that the Census Bureau has modeled design changes that it 
estimates could reduce the cost of the 2020 Census by more than 
$5 billion compared to repeating the same design and methods 
used for the 2010 Decennial. Significant design changes include 
using a ``bring your own device'' model for enumerators; 
changes in address canvassing; expanded Internet response 
options; expanded use of administrative records; a reduced 
field office footprint; and more directed non-response follow-
up protocols. The Committee urges the Bureau to work 
aggressively to narrow its focus on various research activities 
underway and to engage the Congress regarding the various 
options noted above. The Committee notes that the increased use 
of administrative records would be a major change in the way 
the Census is conducted and directs the Bureau to ensure that 
the Congress and the public are aware of the full scope of the 
Bureau's planned uses of such records.
    2020 Census lifecycle cost.--The Census Bureau must deliver 
apportionment counts to the President within nine months of the 
census date, traditionally December 31 of the year of each 
decennial. To meet this deadline, the Bureau must have in place 
a well-defined life-cycle decennial plan with consistent task 
plans, schedules, and cost estimates that calculate the 
program's critical path. As the Bureau assesses its 
alternatives for conducting the next decennial census and 
considers design, cost, and budget information, it should 
establish a baseline plan and a life-cycle schedule with more 
reliable information to guide Census management and 
stakeholders. To help promote transparency in decennial 
planning, management, and oversight, and to help contain risks 
and costs while reducing the likelihood of late-decade budget 
request increases, the Committee directs the Census Bureau to 
develop a comprehensive schedule for the 2020 decennial that 
incorporates budget estimates for key milestones and submit it 
to the Committee and the OIG no later than 120 days after 
enactment of this Act.
    Census Enterprise Data Collection and Processing 
(CEDCaP).--The recommendation includes an increase to support 
Census Bureau efforts to establish an enterprise approach to 
data collection and processing. The Committee supports the 
Bureau's efforts to develop a more flexible and secure 
enterprise architecture that will enable Census to realize 
economies of scale to support data collection efforts. The 
Bureau shall continue to provide quarterly briefings regarding 
the status of these efforts. Information in these briefings 
shall include, but not be limited to, the current systems costs 
to maintain, the surveys supported, FTE associated with those 
systems, and the anticipated date that various IT systems will 
be retired and data merged onto the larger enterprise 
architecture. Census shall provide these reports concurrently 
to the OIG and Government Accountability Office (GAO).
    The recommendation also includes new bill language 
withholding 50 percent of the funds for information technology 
related to 2020 census delivery, including the CEDCaP program, 
until the Secretary submits to the Committees on Appropriations 
and the GAO an expenditure plan for CEDCaP.
    Small population groups.--The Committee is concerned about 
the availability of data on small population groups. For many 
ethnic and immigrant communities, gathering accurate 
information about smaller subgroups is important for 
policymakers, as the needs among the various populations vary 
significantly. The Committee urges the Bureau to ensure that 
reliable information about these subgroups, especially 
numerically smaller groups, is collected and published, and 
directs the Bureau to provide a report within 90 days of 
enactment of this Act describing the steps it will take to 
ensure the availability and accuracy of these data.
    Puerto Rico.--The Committee urges the Census Bureau to 
include all citizens of the United States, including those in 
Puerto Rico and other offshore jurisdictions, in their 
estimates of U.S. resident population and other national 
    Language assistance.--While the Census Bureau has done some 
work to ensure that Spanish speakers receive adequate 
assistance in filling out certain Census questionnaires, the 
Committee is concerned that the Census Bureau has not 
adequately planned for assistance in other languages. The 
Census Bureau should provide the Committee with updates on its 
language assistance program, including information on how it 
will reach and assist respondents who speak Asian languages, 
Pacific Islander languages, American Indian and Alaska Native 
languages, African languages, Spanish, and other languages.

       National Telecommunications and Information Administration

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $35,200,000 for the salaries and 
expenses of the National Telecommunications and Information 
Administration (NTIA), which is $3,000,000 below fiscal year 
2015 and $14,032,000 below the request. With the conclusion of 
the Broadband Technology Grant Program oversight activities, 
funding for broadband program activity is reduced, as 
    Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers 
(ICANN).--The Committee remains concerned by NTIA's 
announcement of its intent to transition certain Internet 
domain name functions to the global multistakeholder community. 
Any such transition represents a significant public policy 
change and should be preceded by an open and transparent 
process. In order for this issue to be considered more fully by 
the Congress, the Committee maintains section 536 prohibiting 
funding for the transition.

               United States Patent and Trademark Office

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends $3,272,000,000 for the United 
States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), the full amount of 
fiscal year 2016 fee collections estimated by the Congressional 
Budget Office. The spending authority provided is a reduction 
of $186,000,000 compared to fiscal year 2015. The 
recommendation continues language making available any excess 
fee collections above the estimated level and the amounts 
appropriated in this Act. PTO shall continue to provide monthly 
reports on its actual and projected fee collections. In 
addition to the current year fee collections available to the 
PTO in fiscal year 2016, PTO estimates using balances from 
their reserve fund and other sources to operate at a level of 
    Patent and Trademark Fee Reserve Fund.--The recommendation 
includes bill language regarding excess fees deposited in the 
Patent and Trademark Fee Reserve Fund. The Committee reminds 
PTO that prior to obligating any of the funds in the Reserve 
Fund during fiscal year 2016, PTO shall submit to the Committee 
a reprogramming notification with a spending plan describing 
the intended uses of funds. The Committee expects that any such 
reprogramming will describe how the expenditure of these 
reserve funds will improve patent quality, reduce the backlog 
of pending applications and appeals, improve the information 
technology infrastructure, or otherwise improve the efficiency 
and effectiveness of PTO.
    Patents End 2 End (PE2E).--PTO shall provide quarterly 
briefings to the Committee on the status of this information 
technology project, including the proposed retirement of legacy 
IT systems, and cost savings associated with those retirements, 
and any efficiencies achieved in patent processing as a result 
of these information technology investments.
    Addressing management failures.--During fiscal year 2014, 
serious management concerns came to light including two 
Inspector General reports: Review of Waste and Mismanagement at 
the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (13-1077) and Review of 
Conduct by a High-Ranking USPTO Official in the Hiring of a 
Trademark Organization Employee (13-0726); and a PTO Internal 
Administrative Inquiry Report in response to Inspector General 
Referral No. 12-1196-H PTO regarding abuse of telework programs 
at PTO. During fiscal year 2016, the PTO shall continue to 
report quarterly to the Committee on the implementation of 
reforms to ensure that employee time and attendance is 
appropriately managed and that nepotism is not tolerated.
    Patent quality.--Within 90 days of enactment of this Act, 
PTO shall report to the Committee, on its implementation of the 
recommendations included in the Inspector General report: USPTO 
Needs to Strengthen Patent Quality Assurance Practices and 
other steps being taken to improve the quality of patents.

             National Institute of Standards and Technology

    The Committee recommends $855,000,000 for NIST, which is 
$8,900,000 below fiscal year 2015 and $264,661,000 below the 
    Security.--The Committee is concerned about security-
related issues at NIST, in particular potential inappropriate 
access of foreign nationals to NIST facilities and information 
systems. The Committee directs NIST to coordinate with the 
Federal Bureau of Investigation to improve and standardize 
security training and enforcement across the agency and to 
ensure that security, counterintelligence, and export control 
functions are fully staffed.
    NIST shall provide to the Committee quarterly: an 
accounting of vacancy rates in security-related offices; a 
summary of all known security incidents occurring that quarter 
involving access violations by foreign nationals or the 
unauthorized transfer of proprietary or sensitive information; 
and a summary of any criminal or administrative sanctions 
applied that quarter due to violations of security-related laws 
or regulations.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends $675,000,000 for NIST's scientific 
and technical programs, which is $500,000 below fiscal year 
2015 and $79,661,000 below the request. The amount for 
Scientific and Technical Research and Services includes the 
requested increases for the Materials Genome Initiative; 
Disaster Resilient Buildings and Infrastructure; Strengthening 
NIST Cryptographic and Privacy Capabilities; and Quantum-Based 
Sensors and Measurements.
    Laboratory programs.--The recommendation includes 
$603,500,000 for NIST Laboratory programs. Within this amount, 
up to $6,500,000 is provided for the National Strategy for 
Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC). The recommended 
amount only supports ongoing programmatic efforts and does not 
include the second year of funding for fiscal year 2015 grant 
awardees or funds to award new grants in fiscal year 2016. NIST 
shall provide a report to the Committee within 120 days of 
enactment of this Act regarding the status of each of the 
pilots funded, and milestones achieved, the near-term plans for 
continuing this program, and proposed future efforts. NIST 
shall use the remaining $10,000,000 proposed for NSTIC to 
enhance research and standards activities in its core lab 
programs as noted in the previous paragraph.
    Standards Coordination and Special Programs.--The 
recommendation includes $55,000,000 for standards coordination 
and special programs. Within these amounts, up to $5,000,000 is 
included to maintain NIST's current forensic research and 
standards work. The recommendation does not include funds to 
support or operate Forensic Science Advisory Committees. The 
recommendation does not include the requested increase for 
Manufacturing Entrepreneurship.
    Lab-to-market.--The recommendation does not provide funding 
for the lab-to-market program.
    Cybersecurity.--The Committee is aware that the nation's 
retail sector is vulnerable to and targeted by cyberattacks. 
The Committee encourages NIST to build on its existing 
industry-sector focused work to create a retail-specific 
cybersecurity initiative and partner, as appropriate, with 
academic entities and national leaders in retail cybersecurity 
and retail supply chain management and logistics.
    The Committee also encourages NIST, as it continues its 
cybersecurity-related measurement science efforts, to ensure 
sufficient attention is given to cybersecurity issues 
associated with implantable medical devices.
    Windstorm research and disaster resiliency.--As part of its 
efforts to improve the resiliency of buildings, NIST's 
Engineering Division is encouraged to partner with academic 
research institutions that have expertise in the effects of 
natural disasters to replicate high-force windstorm impacts on 
buildings and test large, integrated models of such impacts.
    Textile research.--The Committee recognizes the importance 
of the U.S. textile industry and encourages NIST to pursue 
advanced textile and apparel research and manufacturing 
activities. The Committee directs that the Department of 
Commerce, no later than 30 days after the enactment of this 
Act, provide a report detailing the Department's efforts to 
fund projects specifically related to advanced textile and 
apparel research and manufacturing activities since fiscal year 
    Additive manufacturing.--The Committee is aware of recent 
breakthroughs in metals-based additive manufacturing that have 
the potential to dramatically increase the ability to mass 
produce complex metallic parts. While important progress has 
been made, the Committee understands major technical barriers 
still exist to dramatically improving additive manufacturing. 
To that end, the Committee encourages NIST to examine research, 
development, and workforce training to overcome the barriers to 
high volume additive manufacturing of metals.
    Neuroscience.--New discoveries resulting from increased 
Federal investment in neuroscience have the potential to lead 
to advancement in many areas including communication, 
education, medicine, and the economy. The Committee encourages 
NIST to work with stakeholders to help expedite the 
commercialization of these new discoveries.


    The Committee recommends $130,000,000 for Industrial 
Technology Services, which is $8,100,000 below fiscal year 2015 
and $176,000,000 below the request. The entire amount 
recommended in this account is for the Manufacturing Extension 
Partnership (MEP), which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$11,000,000 below the request.
    Program efficiencies.--The Committee is aware of recent 
efforts by MEP to examine ways to reduce administrative costs 
and provide more direct assistance to the centers. Accordingly, 
MEP shall provide to the Committee an updated report within 60 
days of enactment of this Act detailing the amount of funds to 
be maintained at headquarters and the uses of those funds. NIST 
shall also provide the Committee with updates on the status of 
recompetition of the centers.
    Network for Manufacturing Innovation.--The recommendation 
includes section 110, which provides authority for NIST to use 
unobligated balances for the Network for Manufacturing 
Innovation (NMI). The Committee expects that the funds provided 
by section 110 will be used only for coordination of 
interagency activities in support of the institutes and only 
for activities authorized by the Revitalize American 
Manufacturing Act (RAMI). The Committee notes that RAMI 
provides the authority to seek the use of unobligated balances 
in the Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable 
Energy account for manufacturing innovation institutes. The 
Committee notes NIST can pursue use of these funds as 
appropriate for establishment and operation of the institutes.
    Advanced manufacturing.--The Committee expects the 
Department to follow the direction of the RAMI, in which open 
competition is to be used to select the technologies that the 
industry-driven manufacturing and innovation institutes will 
focus on. The Committee encourages the Department, in advancing 
manufacturing innovation across the country, to examine the 
possibility of establishing regional collaborative networks 
with advanced manufacturing communities that make full use of 
the Department's MEP program centers involved in advanced 
manufacturing to ensure the participation of small- and medium-
sized manufacturers and encompasses the resources of the 
national laboratories in technology transfer and working 
directly with advanced manufacturing communities.


    The Committee recommends $50,000,000 for NIST construction, 
which is $300,000 below fiscal year 2015 and $9,000,000 below 
the request. NIST shall continue to provide updates on the 
projects funded within this account, to include milestones and 
total amount of funding necessary for completion.

            National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    The Committee recommends a total of $5,167,261,000 in 
discretionary funds for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration (NOAA), which is $273,712,000 below fiscal year 
2015 and $807,428,000 below the request. The recommendation 
prioritizes funding for National Weather Service (NWS) 
operations, weather research, and related satellite programs, 
safe maritime navigation, and the National Marine Fisheries 
    Information technology security.--The Committee is 
concerned by the security deficiencies in National 
Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service's 
(NESDIS') information systems. NESDIS and NWS missions depend 
on secure information systems to fulfill their critical 
missions. In fiscal year 2014, the Department of Commerce 
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report 
identifying significant weaknesses in both NESDIS and NWS 
information security. The Committee expects NESDIS and NWS to 
adopt the recommendations included in the OIG report and will 
continue to monitor NESDIS' and NWS' progress in this area.
    Partnering with the private sector.--The Committee 
encourages NOAA to purchase services from the private sector 
when such services are available, cost effective, and 
    NOAA Environmental Security Computing Center.--The 
Committee supports the NOAA Environmental Security Computing 
Center and expects it to be adequately resourced within the 
funds provided.
    Extramural research.--The Committee believes that NOAA 
benefits from collaboration with academia and the private 
sector with respect to cooperative institutes and competitive 
research as these relationships build broad community support, 
leverage external funding for mission-oriented research, 
strengthen the science within NOAA, and create new advances in 
scientific knowledge.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends a total program level of 
$3,295,541,000 under this account for the coastal, fisheries, 
marine, weather, satellite, and other programs of NOAA. This 
total funding level includes $3,147,877,000 in direct 
appropriations, a transfer of $130,164,000 from balances in the 
``Promote and Develop Fishery Products and Research Pertaining 
to American Fisheries'' account and $17,500,000 derived from 
recoveries of prior year obligations. The direct appropriation 
of $3,147,877,000 is $54,521,000 below fiscal year 2015 and 
$265,483,000 below the request.
    The following narrative descriptions and tables identify 
the specific activities and funding levels included in this 
    National Ocean Service.--The recommendation provides 
$466,500,000 for National Ocean Service operations, research, 
and facilities.
    Navigation, Observations, and Positioning.--The 
recommendation provides $191,500,000 for Navigation, 
Observations, and Positioning. Within this amount, the 
Committee expects NOAA to prioritize its mission-critical 
responsibilities including mapping and charting, geodesy, 
tides, and current data activities.
    Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).--The 
recommendation includes $29,500,000 for IOOS regional 
observations, which is equal both to the current year funding 
and the request.
    Marine Debris Program.--The Committee supports the Marine 
Debris Program's work to address marine debris affecting the 
ocean, coastal environment, and navigation safety. The 
Committee encourages the program to continue its efforts on 
plastic marine debris, which NOAA has identified as one of the 
main types of marine debris and as having the potential to harm 
fish and other wildlife.
    Bathymetry.--The Committee encourages NOAA to continue 
reviewing innovative bathymetric technology as a potential 
contributor to NOAA's overall hydrographic surveying mission.
    National Marine Sanctuaries.--When considering nominations 
for potential National Marine Sanctuaries, the Committee 
encourages NOAA to continue to enforce its requirement that 
applicants demonstrate broad community support, including the 
support of State or tribal agencies when a proposed sanctuary 
includes State or tribal lands and organizations or industries 
that depend on the resources in a nominated area. NOAA should 
also consider the effects of additional Federal requirements 
for commercial vessels in National Marine Sanctuaries when 
designating any new Sanctuaries whose primary focus is maritime 
heritage. The Committee encourages NOAA to work with the 
Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard to 
address ongoing regulatory issues involving National Marine 

                         NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE
                  Operations, Research, and Facilities
                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Navigation, Observations and Positioning
  Navigation, Observations and Positioning............        $137,000
  Integrated Ocean Observing System Regional                    29,500
  Hydrographic Survey Priorities/Contracts............          25,000
Navigation, Observations and Positioning..............         191,500
Coastal Science and Assessment
  Coastal Science, Assessment, Response and                     70,000
  Competitive External Research.......................           9,000
Coastal Science and Assessment........................          79,000
Ocean and Coastal Management and Services
  Coastal Zone Management and Services................          40,000
  Coastal Zone Management Grants......................          65,000
  Coral Reef Program..................................          26,000
  Sanctuaries and Marine Protected Areas..............          45,000
  National Estuarine Research Reserve System..........          20,000
Ocean and Coastal Management and Services.............         196,000
Total, National Ocean Service, Operations, Research,          $466,500
 and Facilities.......................................

    National Marine Fisheries Service.--The Committee 
recommends $828,743,000 for National Marine Fisheries Service 
operations, research, and facilities. The recommendation adopts 
the revised budget structure proposed in the budget request.
    Protected Resources Science and Management.--The Committee 
recommends $180,200,000 for Protected Resources Science and 
Management programs. Within available resources, the Committee 
encourages NOAA to maintain funding for marine mammal stranding 
    Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans.--Within the funds 
provided for Endangered Species Act (ESA) Salmon, $4,000,000 is 
included for the review of Hatchery and Genetic Management 
Plans. The Committee is concerned by the existing and growing 
backlog of these plans and encourages NOAA to expedite these 
reviews, which help ensure compliance with the ESA. NOAA shall 
submit a comprehensive plan to address this backlog no later 
than 120 days after enactment of this Act.
    Electronic monitoring.--Within Fisheries Science and 
Management, the recommendation includes funds for development 
and implementation of electronic monitoring and reporting 
technologies. Electronic technologies, such as e-logbooks and 
video monitoring systems, can significantly improve total catch 
measurement and reduce uncertainty in the data needed for stock 
    Stock assessments.--The Committee recognizes that NOAA 
fisheries stock assessments are the cornerstone of fishery 
conservation and management measurements, but the current stock 
assessment data inputs must be improved. The Committee 
continues to provide significant funding to NOAA for fishery 
surveys and other activities in support of stock assessments 
yet problems persist with the frequency of surveys, adequacy of 
the data, and the use of independent research in developing 
stock assessments. NOAA shall continue to provide quarterly 
briefings to the Committee on its stock assessment program, to 
include but not be limited to, its process for determining its 
yearly data collection efforts, specific costs for each survey, 
and protocols for ingesting fishery independent data.
    Fish Information Networks.--The Committee supports the Fish 
Information Networks, the State-Federal cooperative programs 
that coordinate data collection, data management, and 
informational management essential for accurate monitoring of 
commercial and recreational fishing impacts. Fish Information 
Networks shall be adequately funded within the level of funding 
provided for Fisheries Data, Collections, Surveys and 
    Gulf of Mexico stock assessments.--Within the amount 
provided for Fisheries Data Collections, Surveys and 
Assessments, an increase of $10,000,000 is provided for stock 
assessments and research needs for Gulf of Mexico fish stocks. 
The funds shall be competitively awarded to develop and apply 
innovative approaches to improve stock assessments and 
incorporate data from academia and fishermen. NMFS is directed 
to improve its communications with stakeholders on the stock 
assessment process and outcome. The Committee remains concerned 
about the negative impacts of the short recreational fishing 
season for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico on the local 
economies the fishery supports and encourages NMFS to use a 
portion of the increase provided for a reward tagging pilot 
    Cooperative research.--The recommendation includes 
$12,000,000 within Fisheries Data Collections, Surveys and 
Assessments for cooperative research which shall be used to 
support external, independent data collection and other 
research. The Committee expects that all funding provided shall 
be used for cooperative fisheries research and not for NOAA 
activities or administrative overhead costs. NOAA shall submit 
a report no later than 90 days after enactment of this Act 
listing all cooperative research grants funded in fiscal year 
2015, to include the amount, the fishery, the type of 
information collected, and the expected uses for that data. The 
Committee is concerned that cooperative research is not 
ingested into fishery stock assessments in a timely manner. The 
report shall address NOAA procedures and timeframes for making 
use of this independent fisheries research.
    Horseshoe crabs.--The Committee is concerned that horseshoe 
crab surveys along the Atlantic Coast have not been adequately 
conducted in recent years. Horseshoe crabs are critical to the 
ecology and economy of the Mid-Atlantic coastal region as a 
significant commercial bait fishery; a vital food source for 
migratory shore birds; and as an input for biomedical 
industries. NOAA shall consider completing a survey of the 
Horseshoe crab population and report back to the Committee on 
what would be required to complete such a survey, including a 
budget and comprehensive plan, no later than 180 days after 
enactment of this Act.
    Atlantic Striped Bass Fishery.--The Committee supports the 
continued development of area specific reference points and 
area specific management for the Atlantic Striped Bass Fishery.
    Fishery Cooperatives.--The Committee understands that the 
North Pacific Fishery Management Council may consider the 
possibility of authorizing fishery cooperatives between 
harvesters and their historic processors modeled after the Gulf 
of Alaska Rockfish Pilot Program. NMFS is directed to report on 
the status of this possible initiative to the Committee by 
November 1, 2015 including a list of any possible barriers.
    Tribal support.--The Committee encourages NOAA to support 
mitigation and relocation efforts of coastal tribal communities 
that are seeking to mitigate the threat of severe weather 
storms and promote public safety.

                  Operations, Research, and Facilities
                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Protected Resources Science and Management
  Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles and Other Species.......        $113,200
  ESA Salmon..........................................          67,000
Protected Resources Science and Management............         180,200
Fisheries Science and Management
  Fisheries and Ecosystem Science Programs and                 132,189
  Fisheries Data Collections, Surveys and Assessments.         168,000
  Observers and Training..............................          43,000
  Fisheries Management Programs and Services..........         119,000
  Salmon Management Activities........................          35,500
  Regional Councils and Fisheries Commissions.........          32,000
Fisheries Science and Management......................         529,689
Enforcement...........................................          65,000
Habitat Conservation and Restoration..................          53,854
Total, National Marine Fisheries Service, Operations,         $828,743
 Research, and Facilities.............................

    Oceanic and Atmospheric Research.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $409,704,000 for Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Research (OAR) operations, research, and 
facilities. Given continued resource constraints, it is 
incumbent on NOAA to ensure that its research programs support 
the operational mission of each NOAA line office and that 
research efforts are an integral component in meeting line 
office program goals and milestones.
    Regional Climate Data and Information.--Within amounts 
provided for Regional Climate Data and Information, the 
recommendation includes $13,500,000 for the National Integrated 
Drought Information System (NIDIS) to support competitive 
research grants, maintain existing NIDIS activities, and 
develop and expand the Regional Drought Early Warning 
Information System.
    Independent analysis.--NOAA is encouraged to increase 
funding for academia to perform independent climate model 
evaluation studies and to enable the production of atmospheric 
data sets from satellite observations for such studies. 
Satellite observations of the atmosphere provide information 
that is critical in the interpretation of Earth-based 
observations and in the evaluation and improvement of climate 
model simulations.
    Weather and Air Chemistry Research.--The Committee includes 
$99,458,000 for Weather and Air Chemistry Research, an increase 
of $8,658,000 above fiscal year 2015, and encourages NOAA to 
continue research efforts that lead to near-term, affordable, 
and attainable advances in observational, computing, and 
modeling capabilities to deliver substantial improvements in 
weather forecasting for the protection of life and property. 
NOAA shall substantially accelerate the transition of its 
research to operations in ways easily adopted by the 
operational forecasting community.
    Joint Technology Transfer Initiative.--The recommendation 
includes $4,000,000 for a Joint Technology Transfer Initiative 
as described in Section 3(b)(4) of the introduced H.R. 1561, 
Weather Forecasting Innovation Act of 2015. These activities 
should be coordinated with the activities of OAR's U.S. Weather 
Research Program and the National Weather Service's Science and 
Technology Integration Program.
    Multi-Function Phased Array Radar (MPAR) Program.--The 
Committee recognizes the importance of the MPAR Program in the 
development and implementation of the next generation weather 
and aircraft radars and fully funds the budget request for this 
program. The Committee encourages the Federal Aviation 
Administration (FAA) and NOAA to continue to collaborate on 
developing cost-sharing plans for technical risk reduction, 
non-recurring engineering, prototype development, deployment, 
and ongoing maintenance and operations costs. The Committee 
also encourages NOAA to continue collaborating with FAA and 
other stakeholders, as appropriate, in MPAR research and 
development efforts and subsequent formulation of key 
requirements for development and eventual acquisition strategy. 
The Committee encourages NOAA to facilitate a full evaluation 
of a dual-polarization MPAR system and submit a report to the 
Committee within 180 days of enactment of this Act. The 
Committee encourages NOAA and FAA to work with the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy (OSTP) to develop a long term multi-year 
funding strategy to ensure the MPAR program is adequately 
resourced in future years.
    Severe weather studies.--The Committee rejects the proposed 
elimination of the Vortex III program and restores funding for 
this critical research. Vortex III is a partnership between 
NOAA and its Federal government and academic research partners 
to conduct severe weather studies in the Southeastern United 
States. NOAA is encouraged to continue its cooperation with 
other government agencies, the private sector and academic 
partners as appropriate. This research could in part establish 
why tornadic activity in the southeast region results in more 
deaths per capita than any other region of the country. This 
research could also advance observational, computing, and 
modeling capabilities and quantitative assessment tools for 
measuring the value of data and specific observing systems. 
Additionally, the funding should accelerate research and 
development of critical technologies to deliver substantial 
data improvements in weather forecasting and prediction of 
high-impact weather events such as those associated with 
hurricanes and tornadoes.
    Ocean Exploration and Research.--The Committee recommends 
$32,000,000 for ocean exploration and research activities. 
NOAA's ocean exploration program should continue to conduct 
fundamental exploration and surveys of the world's oceans with 
a primary focus on America's Exclusive Economic Zones of the 
Continental United States, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, the 
U.S. Virgin Islands and the Pacific Territories. The Committee 
encourages NOAA to continue ocean exploration in which open 
source data are collected in real-time through tele-presence 
technology. The Committee encourages NOAA to emphasize areas 
for exploration that may be of interest to NOAA laboratories, 
including deep water regions of marine protected areas. The 
Committee encourages NOAA to partner with non-government 
organizations, academic institutions, and other government 
agencies including the National Science Foundation, in these 
activities and, to the extent appropriate, share costs with 
these partners. NOAA shall provide the Committee a 
comprehensive plan for coordination with other government 
agencies, including an analysis of potential cost-sharing 
opportunities, not later than 180 days after enactment of this 
    Supporting the mapping and cataloguing of mineral wealth 
including rare earth elements.--The Committee directs NOAA to 
continue and, as appropriate, expand its important work of 
mapping the Extended Continental Shelf (ECS), which provides 
significant assistance in the assessment, identification, 
analysis and cataloguing of mineral wealth, including rare 
earth elements, done by the United States Geological Survey and 
the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
    High-performance computing initiatives.--The recommendation 
includes $12,000,000 within the ORF account to accelerate the 
adoption of advanced computing, communications, and information 
technology throughout NOAA. In addition, the recommendation 
includes $22,379,000 within the Procurement, Acquisition and 
Construction (PAC) account for high performance computing 
research initiatives. The Committee continues to support 
investments in NOAA's supercomputing capacity programs. NOAA 
shall submit a report no later than 120 days after enactment of 
this Act regarding the fiscal year 2015 activities and 
milestones achieved with funding provided to NOAA for these 
efforts, and the planned fiscal year 2016 investments and 
associated milestones.
    Ocean, Coastal and Great Lakes Research, Laboratories and 
Cooperative Institutes.--The Committee supports collaboration 
between NOAA and external academic institutions that conduct 
scientific research for the conservation of coral reefs and 
coral reef ecosystems within U.S. waters. The Committee 
recognizes that the science sponsored through such 
collaboration is imperative for management of these coral reefs 
for ecosystem resilience and for the effective implementation 
of the National Coral Reef Action Strategy, especially with 
regard to the identification of local action strategies 
addressing key threats in each of the jurisdictions that have 
coral reefs within their boundaries. The Committee encourages 
NOAA to strengthen its partnerships with institutes focused on 
management-driven coral reef research.
    Integrated Ocean Acidification Research.--The Committee 
encourages NOAA, in coordination with the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy, to consider implementing a program to 
competitively award prizes under the Stevenson-Wydler 
Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3719) to advance 
the understanding, research, or monitoring of ocean 
acidification or its impacts; or to develop management or 
adaptation options for responding to ocean acidification. The 
Committee encourages NOAA to prioritize in prize competitions 
communities, environments, or industries that are in distress 
due to the impacts of ocean acidification.
    Adaptation and mitigation for ocean acidification.--The 
Committee encourages NOAA to continue to develop ocean 
monitoring and modeling capabilities, and vulnerability 
assessments, necessary to support research on innovative 
methods to mitigate and adapt to ocean acidification, such as 
biological uptake and iron fertilization. As the Government 
Accountability Office noted in its 2014 report on ocean 
acidification, the Federal Government has yet to develop 
adaptation and mitigation strategies as required by the Federal 
Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act of 2009 and the 
Committee encourages NOAA to actively pursue the research 
necessary to develop these strategies.

                  Operations, Research, and Facilities
                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Climate Research
  Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes.............         $50,000
  Regional Climate Data and Information...............          38,000
  Climate Competitive Research, Sustained Observations          40,000
   and Regional Information...........................
Climate Research......................................         128,000
Weather and Air Chemistry Research
  Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes.............          75,000
  U.S. Weather Research Program.......................           7,300
  Tornado Severe Storm Research/Phased Array Radar....          13,158
  Joint Technology Transfer Initiative................           4,000
Weather and Air Chemistry Research....................          99,458
Ocean, Coastal and Great Lakes Research
  Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes.............          25,000
  National Sea Grant College Program..................          62,800
  Marine Aquaculture Program..........................           2,000
  Ocean Exploration and Research......................          32,000
  Integrated Ocean Acidification......................           8,446
  Sustained Ocean Observations and Monitoring.........          40,000
Ocean, Coastal and Great Lakes Research...............         170,246
High Performance Computing Initiatives................          12,000
Total, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research,            $409,704
 Operations, Research, and Facilities.................

    National Weather Service.--The Committee recommends 
$967,563,000 for National Weather Service (NWS) operations, 
research, and facilities, which is $4,000,000 above the 
request, to maintain critical capabilities to provide weather 
forecasts and warnings.
    Analyze, Forecast, and Support.--The recommendation 
includes $488,845,000 for analyze, forecast, and support 
activities. The Analyze, Forecast, and Support program funds 
the operation of the Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs), River 
Forecast Centers (RFCs), the seven National Centers and the 
Tsunami Warning Centers. The recommended level will support 
24x7 weather surveillance, forecast and warning services, and 
operation of the service centers.
    Observations.--The recommendation includes $204,876,000 for 
observation activities. This funding supports surface, ocean 
and upper air observations, Next Generation Weather Radar 
(NEXRAD), the Automated Surface Observing System, ocean buoys 
and aircraft observations. This level of funding will support 
requested increases for radiosondes and space weather 
    Science and Technology Integration.--The recommendation 
includes $134,197,000 for Science and Technology Integration 
activities. This program funds NWS internal research and 
development activities in cooperation with other NOAA line 
offices, partner agencies, and external weather data customers. 
This level supports the proposed increase for mid-range weather 
outlooks, enhanced water prediction capability, and the 
transition of the space weather numerical model from research 
to operations.
    Central Processing.--The recommendation provides 
$92,902,000 for Central Processing including funds for the 
Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System, the Advanced 
Hydrologic Prediction System, modeling and supercomputing 
programs. The recommendation does not adopt the proposed 
reduction in information technology officers.
    Dissemination.--The recommendation includes $46,743,000 for 
Dissemination activities. This activity funds the 
communications technology that NWS uses to collect, tailor and 
distribute its data and products. Systems in this program 
include the telecommunications gateway, NOAA weather radio, and 
the satellite data ground readiness program.
    Storm surge modeling.--The Committee encourages NOAA to 
solicit input from the academic research community to examine 
alternative real-time storm surge predictive capabilities that 
account for regional variances and may complement NOAA's Sea, 
Lake, and Overland Surge from Hurricanes (SLOSH) model.

                        NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE
                  Operations, Research, and Facilities
                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Observations..........................................        $204,876
Central Processing....................................          92,902
Analyze, Forecast and Support.........................         488,845
Dissemination.........................................          46,743
Science and Technology Integration....................         134,197
Total, National Weather Service, Operations, Research,        $967,563
 and Facilities.......................................

    National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information 
Service (NESDIS).--The Committee recommends $184,700,000 for 
NESDIS operations, research, and facilities.
    Office of Satellite and Product Operations.--The 
recommendation includes $99,000,000 for the Office of Satellite 
and Product Operations. This activity funds the command and 
control of NOAA operational environmental satellites.
    National Environmental Information Office.--The 
recommendation includes $58,000,000 for the National 
Environmental Information Office. This program is the official 
data management entity for oceanographic, geophysical, and 
climatological information within the United States. The six 
Regional Climate Centers shall be funded at no less than their 
current operating level.

                  Operations, Research, and Facilities
                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Environmental Satellite Observing Systems
  Satellite and Product Operations....................         $90,000
  NSOF operations.....................................           9,000
Office of Satellite and Product Operations............          99,000
Product Development, Readiness and Application........          26,000
Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs..........           1,000
Office of Space Commercialization.....................             600
Group on Earth Observations...........................             100
Total, Environmental Satellite Observing Systems......         126,700
National Environmental Information Office.............          58,000
Total, National Environmental Satellite, Data and             $184,700
 Information Service, Operations, Research, and

    Program Support.--The recommendation includes $438,331,000 
for Program Support operations, research, and facilities.
    Management and administrative costs.--The recommendation 
includes bill language capping NOAA corporate services 
administrative support costs at $208,100,000. In addition to 
this funding, the Committee notes that each line office also 
includes its own ``Headquarters Program Support'' costs. NOAA 
shall continue efforts to standardize the treatment of 
management and administrative costs in each line office in a 
manner that maximizes transparency and accountability, and 
reduce or eliminate unnecessary travel, printing, supply 
purchases, conference attendance, and other non-mission 
critical costs.
    NOAA education program.--The Committee includes 
$23,631,000, $7,200,000 above the amount requested, for NOAA's 
education program. Of this amount, $15,000,000 is provided to 
continue the Educational Partnership Program with Minority 
Serving Institutions. Within these funds, NOAA is encouraged to 
create an additional Cooperative Science Center at an Hispanic 
Serving Institution. Of the total amount included, $7,200,000 
is provided to continue the B-WET regional programs.
    STEM consolidation.--The recommendation does not adopt 
NOAA's proposed STEM education consolidation proposals for the 
Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program; the Teacher at Sea 
Program; the National Sea Grant College Program; or within 
Ocean Exploration and Research.
    Office of Marine and Aviation Operations.--The 
recommendation includes $206,600,000.
    Research vessels.--The recommendation does not include the 
funds requested to begin construction of a new oceanographic 
research vessel. The Committee understands that two research 
vessels, the Knorr and the Melville, which are owned by the 
Navy and operated by two private research institutions, are in 
the process of being retired and prepared for sale to the 
foreign market. NOAA, with input from NSF and OSTP, shall 
submit an analysis to the Committee within 60 days of enactment 
of this Act regarding the capability of either of these two 
vessels to fulfill NOAA's ocean-going requirements.

                             PROGRAM SUPPORT
                  Operations, Research, and Facilities
                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Program Support
  Corporate Services
    Under Secretary and Associate Offices.............         $27,000
    NOAA-Wide Corporate Services and Agency Management         100,800
    DOC Accounting System.............................          10,000
    Payment to the DOC Working Capital Fund...........          39,000
    IT Security.......................................           8,300
    NOAA Facilities Management, Maintenance,                    23,000
     Construction and Safety..........................
  Corporate Services and Facilities...................         208,100
  NOAA Education Program
    Education Partnership Program/Minority Serving              15,000
    NOAA Education Program Base.......................           1,431
    B-WET-regional programs...........................           7,200
  NOAA Education Program..............................          23,631
Total, Program Support................................         231,731
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
  Marine Operations and Maintenance...................         175,000
  Aviation Operations and Aircraft Services...........          31,600
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations..............         206,600
Total, Program Support and OMAO, Operations, Research,        $438,331
 and Facilities.......................................

               Procurement, Acquisition AND Construction

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends a total program level of 
$1,973,034,000 in direct obligations under this heading, of 
which $1,960,034,000 is appropriated from the general fund and 
$13,000,000 is derived from recoveries of prior year 
obligations. The direct appropriation is $219,191,000 below 
fiscal year 2015 and $538,645,000 below the request.
    The following narrative descriptions and tables identify 
the specific activities and funding levels included in this 
    National Weather Service (NWS).--The recommendation 
includes $135,315,000 for NWS systems acquisitions and 
construction, the full amount requested.
    Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD).--Within amounts for 
Observations, the recommendation includes a requested increase 
to extend the useful life of the NEXRAD weather radar 
infrastructure through 2030. The Committee notes that 85 
percent of all tornado warnings are based on radar detections.
    NWS Telecommunications Gateway.--Within amounts for 
Dissemination, the recommendation includes $9,700,000, as 
requested, to continue improvements to NWS's infrastructure 
that collects and disseminates weather products. This multi-
year effort began in fiscal year 2013 and is expected to be 
complete by fiscal year 2017.
    NWS Facilities.--The recommendation includes a $4,710,000, 
as requested, to support tenant improvements and support costs 
associated with Weather Forecast Office (WFO) and River 
Forecast Center (RFC) relocations. NOAA shall provide a report 
no later than 180 days after enactment of this Act describing 
the status of each WFO and RFC, to include the status of 
forecasting equipment and facility conditions.
    National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information 
Service.--The recommendation includes $1,802,640,000 for NESDIS 
acquisition and construction. The Committee recommendation 
focuses limited resources on the Joint Polar Satellite System 
(JPSS) and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 
(GOES) programs in light of their role in ensuring accurate and 
timely weather forecasts and warnings. The Committee continues 
to be concerned with the challenges that plague these programs 
which have been identified by the GAO, OIG, and the NESDIS 
Independent Review Team (IRT). The Committee expects the 
Department of Commerce to ensure that these critical programs 
are proceeding within the cost estimates and meeting program 
milestones. The Committee expects to be notified promptly if 
any issues arise that could jeopardize the current launch 
schedules. The Department of Commerce and NOAA shall remain 
engaged in the overall management of JPSS and GOES-R programs 
and efforts to develop solutions to mitigate any gaps in either 
JPSS or GOES-R programs and to address the fragility of the 
JPSS program. NOAA shall continue to provide quarterly 
briefings to the Committee regarding all NOAA satellite 
programs. These briefings shall include the status of 
obligations for each program, including spacecraft, launch, 
sensor, integration, and ground components. NOAA shall also 
include in these briefings updates on all of its operational 
satellite systems.
    Oversight.--The Committee reiterates its desire to ensure 
that OIG and GAO staff are permitted at NOAA's monthly 
satellites meetings. To further aid the Committee in its 
oversight function, NOAA shall include biannual updates to the 
Committee regarding the status of implementing OIG, GAO, and 
IRT recommendations for NOAA's satellite programs.
    Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS).--The recommendation 
includes $808,966,000 for JPSS, the full requested amount. This 
level of funding will support the continuing development of 
instruments, ground systems and spacecraft associated with the 
planned launch of JPSS-1 no later than the second quarter of 
fiscal year 2017. The Committee is concerned by the continuous 
delays in producing a critical sensor for JPSS-1, the Advanced 
Technology Microwave Sounder, and expects to be kept informed 
of this issue.
    JPSS gap mitigation.--The Committee remains concerned about 
the potential polar satellite data gap and expects NOAA to 
continue to prepare for the potential data gap. The Committee 
expects NOAA to investigate ways to prioritize mitigation 
projects with the greatest potential benefit to weather 
forecasting and to ensure that all relevant entities follow the 
reporting requirements identified in NOAA's Contingency Plan. 
NOAA shall keep the Committee informed regarding development, 
integration, and testing of JPSS 1 and preparation for a 
potential data gap.
    Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, 
and Climate (COSMIC) 2.--The recommendation includes 
$20,000,000, as requested, to support ground processing 
activities and procurement of the next set of six COSMIC-2 
Radio Occultation sensors, now planned for launch in fiscal 
year 2019. The current COSMIC constellation reached the end of 
its expected design life in 2011; only four of those six 
satellites are in operation. Data from the COSMIC program is 
used in numerical weather forecasting and serves as a 
calibration tool for other NOAA weather observations. The 
Committee still has not seen a comprehensive plan for the next 
segment of the COSMIC-2 Mission, the launch of six additional 
COSMIC satellites, despite having required this plan last year 
in report language. NOAA shall submit this plan no later than 
30 days after enactment of this Act, to include expected 
outyear costs by agency and outside partners, with appropriate 
milestones and deliverables. This plan also shall explain why 
the launch of the next segment of COSMIC-2 sensors has been 
delayed to fiscal year 2019. NOAA also shall include in this 
report an analysis for acquiring radio occultation weather data 
from private sector providers. NOAA shall include within this 
plan the results of its observing system simulation experiment 
or other data denial studies conducted to determine the value 
of data from both global positioning system radio occultation 
and a geostationary hyperspectral sounder global constellation. 
The Committee underscores the value of COSMIC data as a 
potential gap filler for the fragile JPSS program and therefore 
directs NOAA to provide the analysis requested above within the 
prescribed timeframe.
    Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R (GOES-
R).--The recommendation includes $871,791,000 for the GOES-R 
program, the full amount requested. This amount supports a 
planned launch date in the second quarter of fiscal year 2016. 
NOAA shall continue to provide updates to the Committee 
regarding the status of this program to include the on-orbit 
GOES satellites.
    Satellite ground services.--The recommendation supports the 
full request for Systems Acquisition and includes $2,717,000 to 
continue development of an enterprise ground system. NOAA shall 
provide a report to the Committee no later than 60 days after 
enactment of this Act regarding research and investments 
undertaken during fiscal year 2014 and 2015 and plans for 2016 
on a common ground system and integrated architecture.

                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
  Systems Acquisition
    Research Supercomputing/CCRI......................         $22,379
National Weather Service
  Systems Acquisition
    Observations......................................          16,720
    Central Processing................................          64,261
    Dissemination.....................................          45,684
  Subtotal, National Weather Service, Systems                  126,665
    Weather Forecast Office Construction..............           8,650
Total, National Weather Service - PAC.................         135,315
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information
  Systems Acquisition
    GOES R............................................         871,791
    Space Weather Follow-on...........................           2,500
    Jason-3...........................................           7,458
    Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS)...............         808,966
    DSCOVR............................................           3,200
    COSMIC 2..........................................          20,000
    Satellite Ground Services.........................          58,525
    System Architecture and Advanced Planning.........           3,000
    Projects, Planning, and Analysis..................          25,200
  Subtotal, NESDIS Systems Acquisition................       1,800,640
    Satellite CDA Facility............................           2,000
Total, NESDIS - PAC...................................       1,802,640
Program Support
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
  Fleet Replacement
    Fleet Capital Improvements and Technology Infusion          11,700
  NOAA Construction...................................           1,000
  Subtotal, OMAO......................................          12,700
Total, Program Support - PAC..........................          12,700
Total, Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction.....      $1,973,034


    The Committee recommends $65,000,000 for Pacific Coastal 
Salmon Recovery, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$7,000,000 above the request. In addition, the accompanying 
bill includes language that requires all funds to be allocated 
based on scientific and merit principles and prohibits the 
availability of funds for marketing activities.

                      FISHERMEN'S CONTINGENCY FUND

    The Committee recommends $350,000 for the Fishermen's 
Contingency Fund, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and the 
request. This Fund is available to compensate U.S. commercial 
fishermen for damage or loss caused by obstructions related to 
oil and gas exploration, and is derived from fees collected by 
the Secretary of the Interior.


    The Committee recommends language under this heading 
limiting obligations of direct loans to $24,000,000 for 
Individual Fishing Quota loans and $100,000,000 for traditional 
direct loans.

                        Departmental Management

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $50,000,000 for Departmental 
Management, which is $6,000,000 below fiscal year 2015 and 
$21,095,000 below the request.
    Cybersecurity.--The Secretary is directed to submit 
quarterly reports to the Committee on the Department's 
activities to improve its cybersecurity including updates on 
addressing the Inspector General's cybersecurity concerns.
    Federally funded research.--The Committee believes that 
commercial technologies developed as a result of federally 
funded research should be manufactured in the United States to 
the maximum extent possible. The Department is working with the 
agencies funded in this Act to develop and issue a report on 
this subject, as directed by the explanatory statement 
accompanying Public Law 113-76. The Committee looks forward to 
receiving this report and reviewing its findings.
    China travel reports.--The Committee retains bill language 
regarding official staff travel to China. In addition, the 
Secretary and agency heads shall review the instances of 
official staff travel to China to ensure that travel is 
necessary and is in furtherance of the mission of the 
Department of Commerce. The Secretary shall provide these 
reports concurrently to the OIG and Office of Security.
    Middle-market job growth.--Within the funds provided, the 
Committee encourages the Department to initiate an independent 
study, through a competitive bid process, to determine the 
impact of private capital on middle-market job growth, company 
revenues, and economic development.


    The recommendation includes $3,989,000 for the Department's 
cost of the Herbert C. Hoover Building renovation and 
modernization which is $511,000 below fiscal year 2015 and is 
$20,073,000 below the request. The recommendation includes 
$1,082,000 for security systems and $2,907,000 for blast-
resistant windows.

                      OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL

    The Committee recommends $32,000,000 for the Office of 
Inspector General (OIG), which is $1,404,000 above fiscal year 
2015 and $3,190,000 below the request. The recommendation also 
includes transfers of $1,551,000 from the Census Bureau, 
$1,302,000 from NOAA, and $2,000,000 from PTO for OIG oversight 
of those activities.
    The Committee expects the OIG to continue its oversight 
work on cybersecurity, satellite procurements, telework, patent 
quality, and the decennial census.
    Security.--The Committee is concerned about potential 
violations of security-related laws, regulations and policies 
at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 
especially cases involving the inappropriate access of foreign 
nationals to NIST facilities or information systems. The 
Committee supports the thorough investigation and pursuit of 
criminal and administrative remedies for such violations and 
directs the OIG to undertake a review of NIST security and 
foreign national access. The OIG shall provide the Committee 
with its assessment of the NIST security program no later than 
90 days after enactment of this Act.

               General Provisions--Department of Commerce

    The Committee recommends the following general provisions 
for the Department of Commerce:
    Section 101 makes funds available for advanced payments 
only upon certification of officials designated by the 
Secretary that such payments are considered to be in the public 
    Section 102 makes appropriations for the Department 
available for hire of passenger motor vehicles, for services, 
and for uniforms and allowances as authorized by law.
    Section 103 provides the authority to transfer funds 
between Department of Commerce appropriation accounts and 
requires notification to the Committee of certain actions.
    Section 104 extends congressional notification requirements 
for NOAA satellite programs.
    Section 105 provides for reimbursement for services within 
Department of Commerce buildings.
    Section 106 clarifies that grant recipients under the 
Department of Commerce may continue to deter child pornography, 
copyright infringement, or any other unlawful activity over 
their networks.
    Section 107 provides the NOAA Administrator with the 
authority to avail NOAA of needed resources, with the consent 
of those supplying the resources, to carry out responsibilities 
of any statute administered by NOAA.
    Section 108 prohibits the National Technical Information 
Service from charging for certain activities.
    Section 109 allows the Secretary of Commerce to waive 
certain bond requirements regarding vessel construction, 
alteration, or repair.
    Section 110 permits National Institute of Standards and 
Technology (NIST) to use unobligated balances from its 
Industrial Technology Services account to fund NIST activities 
related to the Network for Manufacturing Innovation.

                                TITLE II

                         DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

                         General Administration

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $105,000,000 for Department of 
Justice, General Administration, Salaries and Expenses, which 
is $6,500,000 below fiscal year 2015 and $14,437,000 below the 
request. Within the funding provided, the Committee encourages 
the Department to fund the Justice Management Division at no 
less than the fiscal year 2015 level.
    Settlement awards.--The Committee is aware that in some 
cases where large mortgage lending settlements have been 
awarded, the Department has directed a significant portion to 
organizations that were neither parties in the litigation nor 
represented victims of the alleged unlawful activity. The 
Committee is concerned with the lack of transparency about such 
awards, their size and their relationship to other Federal 
programs and policy objectives. The Committee therefore directs 
the Department to submit a report, to accompany the President's 
fiscal year 2017 budget request, listing settlement awards made 
in fiscal years 2015 and 2016, together with any awards made to 
organizations or groups that were not parties to litigation or 
named as victims.
    Misconduct in Department of Justice law enforcement 
agencies.--The Committee is gravely concerned with findings of 
misconduct outlined in a recent report from the Office of 
Inspector General (OIG): The Handling of Sexual Harassment and 
Misconduct Allegations by the Department's Law Enforcement 
Components (Evaluation and Inspections Division 15-4). The 
report indicates that policies, procedures and training have 
failed to ensure that Federal law enforcement agents and 
personnel, who are privileged to serve in sensitive positions 
of trust and responsibility, are being held to the highest 
possible standard for professional and personal conduct. The 
report underscores that the Department and its agencies have 
not had in place sound policies, training, and disciplinary 
practices to uphold such standards. The Committee is further 
disappointed to learn that in a number of cases individuals who 
were found to have engaged in notoriously disgraceful conduct 
remain agency employees or were subject to minor disciplinary 
    The Committee therefore has included bill language 
withholding $20,000,000 from obligation from the General 
Administration appropriation account, as well as from each of 
the Salaries and Expenses accounts for the United States 
Marshals Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the 
Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Bureau of Alcohol, 
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives until the Attorney General 
demonstrates to the Committee that the Department and agencies 
have implemented or are in the process of implementing the OIG 
recommendations accompanying those reports. In addition, the 
Inspector General shall report to the Committee not later than 
90 days after enactment of this Act and six months thereafter 
on the progress of implementing the recommendations.
    Inspector General access to department records.--Section 
218 of the fiscal year 2015 Department of Justice 
Appropriations Act provided that no funds in the Act could be 
used to deny the Inspector General ``timely access'' to any and 
all records or information they might require, with the 
exception of an express limitation of section 6(a) of the 
Inspector General Act. The Committee has included a new general 
provision that applies this standard to other Departments and 
agencies in this bill. The Committee expects the Department to 
comply with this requirement and promptly honor requests by the 
Office of Inspector General for information needed to carry out 
their statutory responsibility to audit and oversee the 
Department of Justice.
    Active shootings and technology.--The Committee is aware of 
the value of gunshot detection technology as both a first 
responder and forensic tool, and the development of new systems 
for this purpose. The Committee encourages the Department to 
explore the benefits of integrating such systems into first 
responder active shooter training, to include evaluating how 
such integration could improve first responder effectiveness 
and to develop best practices. The Department is also 
encouraged to work with the General Services Administration and 
the Department of Homeland Security to determine how such 
systems might be deployed for purposes of augmenting security 
and responses to active shooter situations inside Federal 
    Wildlife trafficking.--The Committee understands that 
illegal wildlife and natural resources trafficking is linked 
with other transnational organized crimes. Revenue from illegal 
harvesting of elephant ivory and other high-value wildlife 
products is used to finance armed insurgencies and other 
groups, and threatens the stability and development of African 
countries as well as U.S. security interests. The Committee 
supports the Department's membership on the Presidential Task 
Force on Wildlife Trafficking, and directs the Attorney General 
to submit a status update, not later than 120 days after the 
date of enactment of this Act, outlining the specific steps the 
Department is taking to meet its goals, established in the 
National Strategy on Wildlife Trafficking Implementation Plan, 
to further address wildlife trafficking and the illegal natural 
resources trade, including increasing prosecutions of 
traffickers and working to build prosecutorial and legal 
structures to help address wildlife trafficking in other 
    Cuban Government operatives.--The Committee is deeply 
troubled by the escalation of illegal drug cultivation, and 
Medicare, Social Security and insurance fraud by Cuban 
nationals who defraud U.S. taxpayers and businesses of millions 
of dollars and then flee to Cuba to avoid prosecution. 
Accordingly, the Committee directs the Department of Justice to 
ensure it does not train any employee of the Cuban Government 
and thereby provide them with skills which they then turn to 
sophisticated and lucrative criminal activity.
    Smartphone encryption.--The Committee is aware of concerns 
regarding virtually unbreakable smartphone encryption. The 
Committee recommends the Department be engaged on this critical 
matter and update the Committee on the impacts on law 
enforcement, as well as any needs for resources or legislation.
    Enforcement of Federal cyber-stalking and threat crimes.--
The Committee is aware of concerns regarding increased 
instances of severe harassment, stalking, and threats 
transmitted in interstate commerce in violation of Federal law. 
These targeted attacks against Internet users, particularly 
women, have resulted in the release of personal information, 
forced individuals to flee their homes, has had a chilling 
effect on free expression, and are limiting access to economic 
opportunity. The Committee strongly urges the Department to 
intensify its efforts to combat this destructive abuse and 
expects to see increased investigations and prosecutions of 
these crimes.
    Identity theft and senior citizens.--The Committee is aware 
that senior citizens are susceptible to tax-related identity 
theft and encourages the Department of Justice, Internal 
Revenue Service, and Federal Trade Commission to collaborate on 
joint efforts to prevent and reduce the incidence of tax-
related identity theft among vulnerable populations, especially 
senior citizens.
    Conferences.--The Committee understands that OMB Memorandum 
M-12-12 called for agencies to reduce travel expenses 30 
percent compared to the fiscal year 2010 level, and limit 
conference spending. The Committee expects the Department of 
Justice to minimize conferences and conference expenses to 
those necessary to carry out the mission of the Department. The 
Committee expects the Department to make conference location 
decisions based on transparency, accountability and best value 
in the use of appropriated funds.
    White-collar prosecutions.--The Department of Justice shall 
report to the Committee, within 90 days of enactment of this 
Act, on the actions taken and settlements achieved on financial 
fraud cases in the wake of the recent financial crisis, to 
include completed cases against CEOs, board members, and other 
executives of Wall Street firms, hedge funds, and banks; the 
amount paid by financial institutions and individuals since 
2009 in civil and criminal cases; and the percentage of white-
collar prosecutions represented as an average of all Federal 
    Countering recruitment by violent extremists.--The 
Committee is concerned by the radicalization and recruitment in 
the United States of young adults who seek to join terrorist 
organizations such as al-Shabab in Somalia and ISIS in Syria. 
The Committee supports the efforts of the Department of Justice 
to build resiliency against ideologically based extremist 
violence in communities with at-risk populations. Activities 
that bring together community representatives, law enforcement, 
religious leaders, and United States Attorneys to improve local 
engagement, to counter violent extremism, and to build 
community partnerships to prevent the recruitment of at-risk 
youth are strongly encouraged. The Committee requests that the 
Attorney General submit to the Committee, not later than 60 
days after the date of the enactment of this Act, a report 
outlining efforts by the Department of Justice to prevent the 
recruitment of youth by violent extremists to join foreign 
terrorist organizations, the resources allocated by the 
Department by program to address these recruitment activities, 
and the Department benchmarks for the evaluation of program 


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends $25,842,000 for Justice 
Information Sharing Technology, which is the same as fiscal 
year 2015 and $11,598,000 below the request. In addition, the 
Committee has included modified bill language to give the 
Department discretion and flexibility to use Departmental funds 
to meet its increased needs for digital services, IT 
transformation and cybersecurity, subject to the reprogramming 
procedures included in this Act.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends $426,791,000 for the Executive 
Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) and the Office of the 
Pardon Attorney, of which $4,000,000 is from immigration 
examination fees. The recommendation is $75,719,000 above 
fiscal year 2015 and $61,590,000 below the request. The 
recommendation will support the requested increase of 55 new 
immigration judge (IJ) teams, enhancements to video 
teleconferencing and information technology capacity, as well 
as additional immigration support in coordination with 
Department of Homeland Security enforcement initiatives. In 
hiring the additional immigration judge teams the Committee 
encourages EOIR to look at the pool of candidates it identified 
for selection as temporary immigration judges in 2014. The 
Committee expects EOIR will deploy additional IJ teams and 
supporting personnel to areas that have the highest workload. 
The recommendation does not include funding to expand the legal 
orientation program (LOP) or establish a legal representation 
program. The recommendation includes $1,000,000 for information 
help desks, to provide orientation information for non-detained 
individuals at the most backlogged immigration courts. These 
funds are not for legal representation.
    EOIR Performance reporting.--The Committee is greatly 
concerned about EOIR's continuing and significant case backlog. 
Immigration courts have become a critical bottleneck in dealing 
with the surge in illegal immigration, causing unacceptable 
delays, great expense and needless human hardship. To help 
relieve this situation the Committee has included $421,873,000 
for EOIR to support hiring new IJs, support staff, and Board of 
Immigration Appeals (BIA) lawyers to reduce the backlog of 
cases and expedite judgments. It is essential for the Committee 
to have timely and useful data about the impact of this 
investment, to include the status of immigration judge hiring, 
as well as adjudication caseload and outcomes. The Committee 
therefore directs EOIR to submit, not later than the first day 
of each quarter, the following data: the planned number of 
immigration judges and associated immigration judge team staff 
to be hired in fiscal year 2016; the numbers of IJs, attorneys, 
and other staff on-board; and the numbers of those positions in 
various stages of the hiring pipeline. The quarterly report 
should include case information, broken out by Department of 
Homeland Security priority case code, as follows: initial case 
receipts; the number of associated case completions, noting 
whether they are IJ Decisions and Other Completions; the 
average case processing time; and, for each case code, the 
number of pending cases and the average age of such cases. 
Finally, the report should include summary data on the number 
of IJ decisions for Voluntary Departures and Removals, 
including the number of removal decisions made in absentia, and 
the impact of EOIR implementation of electronic registry, 
filing, and case information applications on productivity and 
backlog reduction.
    Management of cases and appeals.--The Committee is aware 
that the Office of Inspector General (OIG) in an October 2012 
report (I-2013-001) recommended ways to streamline immigration 
hearing proceedings, specifically the need for consistent 
tracking mechanisms that avoid double counting cases which 
occur when a person is transferred between jurisdictions to a 
different IJ team. The Committee directs EOIR to brief the 
Committee not later than 90 days after enactment of this Act on 
the status of the implementation of those recommendations.
    Immigration Judge training.--EOIR immigration judge 
training should address how to adjudicate cases involving 
vulnerable populations, to include how best to elicit 
information from trauma survivors, victims of gender based 
violence, and children.
    Legal orientation program and pilots.--The Committee 
commends EOIR for the LOP and other programs that improve the 
efficiency of court proceedings, reduce court costs, and help 
ensure fairness and due process. The Committee encourages EOIR, 
within the funding provided, and subject to the limitation of 
Section 292 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, to continue 
to explore ways to better serve vulnerable populations such as 
children and improve court efficiency through pilot efforts 
aimed at improving their legal representation. The Committee 
directs that such pilots shall not require the U.S. Government 
to bear any expense for legal representation for any alien in 
removal proceedings, except to the extent required by Federal 
court order. Recognizing that LOP served detained individuals 
in a limited number of States last year, EOIR shall brief the 
Committee not later than 90 days after the date of enactment on 
how it is allocating LOP services nationwide, including to 
remote immigration detention sites that are far from legal 
service providers in urban centers.
    Video teleconferencing.--Immigration judges make extensive 
use of video teleconferencing (VTC), especially on the detained 
docket. The Committee is disappointed that the Department has 
not submitted the report on VTC use that was to be submitted 
with the fiscal year 2016 budget request. The Committee directs 
EOIR to submit the report as soon as possible.

                      OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL

    The Committee recommends $92,000,000 for the Office of 
Inspector General (OIG), which is $3,423,000 above fiscal year 
2015 and $1,709,000 below the request. The Committee notes that 
the OIG has had significant investigative and audit workload. 
As noted above, the Committee has included language directing 
the Inspector General to report to the Committee not later than 
90 days after enactment of this Act and six months thereafter 
on the progress of implementing the recommendations included in 
OIG Evaluation and Inspections Division report 15-4 related to 
the Department's handling of misconduct by law enforcement 

                    United States Parole Commission

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $13,308,000 for the United States 
Parole Commission, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$239,000 below the request.

                            Legal Activities


    The Committee recommends $885,000,000 for General Legal 
Activities, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$152,386,000 below the request. This appropriation supports the 
establishment of litigation policy, the conduct of litigation, 
and other legal responsibilities of the Department of Justice 
through the Office of the Solicitor General, the Tax Division, 
the Criminal Division, the Civil Division, the Environment and 
Natural Resources Division, the Civil Rights Division, the 
Office of Legal Counsel, and INTERPOL Washington. The Committee 
has provided separate funding recommendations by decision unit 
as follows:

Office of the Solicitor General.........................     $11,678,000
Tax Division............................................     106,674,000
Criminal Division.......................................     183,000,000
Civil Division..........................................     285,226,000
Environment and Natural Resources Division..............     110,000,000
Office of Legal Counsel.................................       7,836,000
Civil Rights Division...................................     147,239,000
INTERPOL Washington.....................................      33,347,000
    Total, General Legal Activities.....................    $885,000,000

    Within the funding provided the Committee supports use of 
funding in the Criminal Division to address the backlog in 
handling Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) requests, and to 
sustain positions added and case management improvements made 
in fiscal year 2015. Also within the funding provided, the 
Committee supports enhancement of the ICITAP and OPDAT programs 
to support developing stronger relationships with foreign law 
enforcement and prosecutorial counterparts. The Committee also 
encourages the Department, within the funding provided, to 
strengthen prosecution of intellectual property rights, 
cybercrime, and fraud. Finally, the Committee supports the 
Department's plans to implement the National Strategy for 
Combating Wildlife Trafficking, and directs the Department to 
fund the Initiative within the funds provided.
    Human trafficking.--The Committee recommends that the Human 
Trafficking Prosecution Unit (HTPU) in the Civil Rights 
Division and the Department's Anti-Trafficking Coordination 
Teams sustain current efforts against human trafficking and 
slavery, and make it a priority to help victim service 
providers and non-governmental organizations assist victims as 
part of broader efforts to combat human trafficking and slavery 
in the United States.
    Civil rights division, voting section.--The Department of 
Justice shall submit to the. Committee, at the time the 2017 
budget request is submitted, the following information about 
Section 203 cases investigated in fiscal year 2016, including: 
the number of cases, broken out by language(s) involved; the 
number of such investigations opened and number closed, by 
reason closed (e.g., not enough evidence of non-compliance 
available, no evidence of non-compliance, MOA); the average 
number of investigations per attorney; and the average length 
of time per investigation.


    The recommendation includes $8,000,000 as a reimbursement 
from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund for costs of 
litigating cases under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury 
Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660).


    The Committee recommends $162,246,000 for salaries and 
expenses of the Antitrust Division, which is the same as fiscal 
year 2015 and $2,731,000 below the request. The recommended 
funding level is offset by $124,000,000 in estimated fee 
collections for a net direct appropriation of $38,246,000.


    The Committee recommends $1,995,000,000 for the Executive 
Office for United States Attorneys and the 94 United States 
Attorneys' offices, which is $35,000,000 above fiscal year 2015 
and $37,216,000 below the request. Within this amount the 
Department is expected to support enhanced efforts to address 
growing MLAT request backlogs, human trafficking 
investigations, and cybercrime.
    Prosecuting immigration crime.--The Committee is concerned 
with the inconsistent enforcement of Federal criminal 
immigration laws and supports programs like Operation 
Streamline. The Attorney General is directed to submit a report 
to the Committee not later than 120 days after enactment of 
this Act that includes the following information, by U.S. 
District Court, for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2015: 
the number of Federal criminal immigration cases filed; the 
number of case terminations; and for defendants, the number 
tried, the number convicted, the number sentenced to prison; 
and the number of those convicted who were deported after 
completing their sentence. The report shall describe steps the 
Department is taking to ensure that Federal criminal 
immigration law is enforced vigorously and consistently across 
the country to include prosecution guidelines and policies by 
    Prescription drug abuse.--The growing, nationwide crisis of 
prescription drug abuse has resulted in skyrocketing 
fatalities, and addressing this challenge remains a core 
Federal law enforcement mission. The Committee expects U.S. 
Attorneys to make it a priority to investigate and prosecute 
criminals who profit from such trafficking, to include pain 
clinics that serve as fronts for the illegal distribution of 
addictive painkillers.
    Human trafficking.--The recommendation continues bill 
language directing each U.S. Attorney to participate in human 
trafficking task forces.
    Trafficking and money laundering enforcement.--The 
Committee expects the Department to continue to make drug 
trafficking and money laundering enforcement an investigative 
and prosecutorial priority for Federal prosecutors.
    Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) enforcement.--The 
Committee expects the Department to continue to make IPR 
enforcement an investigative and prosecutorial priority for 
Federal prosecutors.


    The Committee recommends $225,908,000 for the United States 
Trustee Program, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$2,199,000 below the request. The recommended funding is offset 
by $162,000,000 in estimated fee collections for a net direct 
appropriation of $63,908,000.


    The Committee recommends $2,326,000 for the Foreign Claims 
Settlement Commission, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 
and $48,000 below the request.


    The Committee recommends $270,000,000, which is the same as 
fiscal year 2015 and the request, for fees and expenses of 
witnesses who appear on behalf of the Government in cases in 
which the United States is a party. This appropriation is 
considered mandatory for scorekeeping purposes.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends $13,000,000 for the Community 
Relations Service, which is $750,000 above fiscal year 2015 and 
$1,446,000 below the request.

                     United States Marshals Service

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $1,220,000,000 for the salaries 
and expenses of the United States Marshals Service (USMS), 
which is $25,000,000 above fiscal year 2015 and $10,581,000 
below the request. As explained in detail under the General 
Administration appropriation, the Committee has included 
language withholding $20,000,000 pending demonstration by the 
Attorney General that the Department has implemented or is in 
the process of implementing OIG recommendations to address 
employee misconduct.
    Detection technology.--The Committee encourages the USMS to 
seek cost effective ways to build on and leverage their use of 
detection technologies to increase officer safety, saving both 
lives and money.


    The Committee recommends $11,000,000, which is $1,200,000 
above fiscal year 2015 and $4,000,000 below the request, for 
construction and related expenses in space controlled, occupied 
or used by USMS for prisoner holding and related support.

                       FEDERAL PRISONER DETENTION

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends $1,058,081,000 for Federal 
Prisoner Detention, which is $562,774,000 above fiscal year 
2015 and $396,333,000 below the request. A rescission of 
$69,500,000 in unobligated balances in this account is included 
in title V of this Act.
    In fiscal year 2015, this account used surplus Assets 
Forfeiture Fund balances totaling $1,100,000,000 to offset its 
funding requirements. These funds are no longer available for 
this account. Therefore, an increase in discretionary 
appropriations is required to ensure USMS has sufficient 
resources to house prisoners throughout fiscal year 2016. If 
funds provided are insufficient to meet the program's 
requirements, the Department may propose and the Committee will 
consider the use of funds available through transfer and 
reprogramming authorities, in compliance with the procedures 
established by section 505 of this Act, to supplement this 

                       National Security Division

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends $95,000,000 for the National 
Security Division (NSD), which is $2,000,000 above fiscal year 
2015 and $1,596,000 below the request. This amount will help 
the NSD address the growing workload for its national security 
mission, including its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 

                      Interagency Law Enforcement


    The Committee recommends $510,000,000 for Interagency Crime 
and Drug Enforcement, which is $2,806,000 above fiscal year 
2015 and $9,301,000 below the request. Funds are included under 
this heading to support interagency Organized Crime Drug 
Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF), which target high-level drug 
trafficking organizations through coordinated, multi-
jurisdictional investigations.
    Decision unit subtotals.--The recommendation includes 
$357,500,000 for investigations and $152,500,000 for 
prosecutions. Within these levels the Committee expects OCDETF 
will enhance its investigative, intelligence, and prosecutorial 
efforts through OCDETF-led activities, including the OCDETF 
Fusion Center, OCDETF Co-located Strike Forces, and the 
International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations 
Center, as well as through the direct collaboration with State 
and local law enforcement, the United States Attorneys' 
offices, and the Criminal Division.
    Full-Time Equivalents (FTE).--The Committee has not yet 
received the report required by the fiscal year 2015 
Appropriations Act on current and historical levels of 
investigative and prosecutorial FTE assigned to OCDETF task 
forces and cases. The Department is directed to submit that 
report as soon as possible, and to provide an updated report 
with its fiscal year 2017 budget request. That updated report 
should include actual and projected investigative and 
prosecutorial FTE devoted to OCDETF cases in fiscal years 2015-
2017, broken out by agency and funding source.

                    Federal Bureau of Investigation

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $8,489,786,000 for the salaries 
and expenses account of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
(FBI), which is $163,217,000 above fiscal year 2015 and 
$75,161,000 above the request. The increase reflects funding 
necessary to carry out several critical and underfunded 
elements of FBI's mission, informed by the recently completed 
report on the implementation of 9/11 Commission 
recommendations. These include supporting necessary work on the 
Next Generation Cyber program and IT Infrastructure; addressing 
capacity constraints in data sharing that have impacts on the 
FBI's ability to timely share vast quantities of forensic and 
other data; and helping the FBI meet persistent and increasing 
challenges to cybersecurity, combat intrusions, and investigate 
cybercrime. The Committee is also aware that the growing demand 
for FBI training and collaboration in the field has been 
limited by the lack of adequate operational infrastructure for 
secure facilities, communications and information technology, 
and so the increase in funding would help relieve this, 
consistent with the 9/11 review findings. In addition, the 
Committee funds the increase necessary to ensure the FBI has 
the capacity to address the threat from the increase in 
``foreign fighters'' and other terrorists at home and abroad; 
the need to build counter-threat capability to anticipate 
challenges to national and cyber security; and to sustain 
growing operational workload in the field these increased 
threats generate. One related impact of this growing workload 
is a need for enhanced capacity to carry out physical 
surveillance for both national security and criminal 
investigations, and the Committee expects the FBI to enhance 
this capability from within the funding provided. The 
recommendation includes funding to sustain the National Gang 
Intelligence Center at no less than the fiscal year 2015 level 
of operations. The Committee also expects the FBI will maintain 
current levels of effort through its Violent Gang, Safe Street 
and Safe Trails task forces.
    Finally, the recommendation supports the programs of the 
Criminal Justice Information Services Division, including but 
not limited to Next General Identification, the National Crime 
Information Center, and the National Instant Criminal 
Background Check System.
    As explained in detail under the General Administration 
appropriation, the Committee has included language withholding 
$20,000,000 pending demonstration by the Attorney General that 
the Department has implemented or is in the process of 
implementing OIG recommendations to address employee 
    The Committee has provided separate funding recommendations 
by decision unit as follows:

Intelligence..........................................    $1,703,500,000
Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence..................     3,425,421,000
Criminal Enterprise/Federal Crimes....................     2,892,970,000
Criminal Justice Services.............................       467,895,000
    Total, Salaries and Expenses......................    $8,489,786,000

    Computer intrusions, cyber threats and cybersecurity.--The 
FBI Director testified before the Subcommittee again this year 
that meeting the challenges of cybersecurity, cyber-attacks and 
other cybercrimes remains a priority mission for the FBI. The 
Committee has included additional funding in its recommendation 
to ensure the FBI can continue to develop and implement its 
Next Generation Cyber (NGC) approach, a comprehensive ``whole 
of government'' approach to investigating computer intrusions 
and defeating cyber threat actors, including through its 
national network of cyber task forces with Federal, State, 
local and international partners in government, industry, and 
academia, and in particular the National Cyber Investigative 
Joint Task Force.
    Regional Computer Forensics Laboratories.--The Committee is 
aware that the FBI is exploring the possibility of expanding 
Regional Computer Forensics Laboratories, to include coverage 
in areas not currently served by them. The Committee supports 
this effort and expects the FBI to keep the Committee apprised 
of any plans to expand the laboratories or add new ones.
    Counterintelligence.--The Committee continues to be 
concerned with the espionage threat posed by China and other 
countries and entities. Within the funds provided in this Act, 
the FBI shall increase its efforts to prevent and investigate 
espionage threats. The Committee appreciates that the FBI is 
developing procurement guidelines for agencies to use when 
buying sensitive information technology systems to ensure that 
supply chain risks are identified and mitigated. The Committee 
also appreciates FBI efforts to educate and support the 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology. However, the Committee 
believes that the FBI must do more to educate government 
agencies and the private sector on current counterintelligence 
    Domestic radicalization and violent extremism.--The 
Committee is concerned with the emergent problem of foreign 
fighters returning from conflicts abroad to their home 
countries, particularly those coming to the United States. The 
Committee awaits a briefing on efforts of the National Security 
Branch's office of Countering Violent Extremism, and directs 
the FBI to provide this briefing not later than 30 days after 
enactment of this Act.
    Secure Content Management.--The Committee is aware the FBI 
is conducting a proof of concept test of Digital Rights 
Management technology as it looks to protect the FBI's most 
sensitive information. The Committee requests that the FBI keep 
it informed regarding the potential value of this technology 
for information security and secure content management across 
the FBI enterprise.
    9/11 Review Commission.--In fiscal year 2013, the Committee 
directed the establishment of a Review Commission to assess 
FBI's implementation of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations. 
The Committee greatly appreciates the Review Commission's work 
to improve the operations of the FBI. The Review Commission 
found the FBI has made progress in transforming into an 
intelligence driven organization, but that there is room for 
further improvement. The bill provides additional resources for 
the FBI to address the 9/11 Review Commission's concerns. The 
FBI is directed to submit to the Committee within 90 days of 
enactment of this Act a report outlining its implementation of 
each of the 9/11 Review Commission's recommendations.
    Private sector laboratory DNA testing.--The Committee 
encourages the FBI to explore the development of a system to 
expedite the upload of DNA profiles to the Combined DNA Index 
System (CODIS). The Committee encourages the FBI to develop a 
method for timely technical review of private lab analysis that 
will result in DNA profiles being uploaded to CODIS in a timely 
fashion. The Committee also encourages the FBI to advise the 
Committee of any other options that will not only maintain the 
integrity of CODIS but will expedite the current upload of DNA 


    The Committee recommends $57,982,000 for the construction 
of FBI facilities and related activities, which is $52,018,000 
below fiscal year 2015 and $11,000,000 below the request. 
Funding in this account will facilitate and expedite work on 
current design and construction projects, to include sustaining 
work at Quantico, ongoing secure work environment building and 
modifications, and data center consolidation. The Committee 
understands that there are prior year balances available that 
may be used to fund fiscal year 2016 requirements in this 

                    Drug Enforcement Administration

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends total budget authority of 
$2,445,459,000 for salaries and expenses, of which $371,514,000 
is derived from fees deposited in the Diversion Control Fund, 
and $2,073,945,000 is provided by direct appropriation. The 
recommended direct appropriation is $40,625,000 above fiscal 
year 2015 and $17,664,000 below the request. The increase will 
support DEA's workforce restoration and hiring, in the 
aftermath of the hiring freeze, and help it meet a growing 
enforcement workload, including challenges in its overseas 
programs, and provide continuing support of State and local 
    Employee Conduct.--The Committee is gravely disappointed 
with recent OIG reports on the conduct of DEA personnel on 
overseas assignment, and a record of sexual misconduct and 
harassment that appears to have been underreported and 
inappropriately handled for a number of years. The unfortunate 
consequence of such management shortcomings is that the 
exemplary work of DEA's dedicated and professional workforce 
has been eclipsed by the misbehavior of a few individuals. The 
failure of agency and Departmental management to address such 
behavior firmly and promptly harms public confidence in DEA, 
but more importantly, could result in compromising its 
important work. The Committee expects DEA and the Department to 
move swiftly to close the gaps identified in the OIG reports. 
As explained in detail under the General Administration 
appropriation, the Committee has included language withholding 
$20,000,000 pending demonstration by the Attorney General that 
the Department has implemented or is in the process of 
implementing OIG recommendations to address employee 
    Diversion control.--The recommendation includes 
$371,514,000 for the regulatory and enforcement activities of 
DEA's Diversion Control Program. The Diversion Control Program 
is funded by fee collections. Within this level of funding, the 
Committee expects DEA to sustain or expand its current level of 
effort for Tactical Diversion Squads and scheduled regulatory 
    Methamphetamine lab cleanup.--The funding recommendation 
for Community Oriented Policing Services includes $11,000,000 
for transfer to DEA to assist State, local and tribal law 
enforcement agencies with the removal and disposal of hazardous 
materials at methamphetamine labs, including funds for 
training, technical assistance, purchase of equipment, and a 
container program.
    Prescription drug and heroin abuse.--The Committee is 
extremely concerned about the growing menace of prescription 
drug abuse, and the resurgent heroin abuse and overdoses that 
appear connected to vigorous enforcement of laws against 
prescription drug diversion. Data collected by the National 
Center for Health Statistics show that the growth in opioid 
overdose deaths has risen steadily, nearly quadrupling from 
1999 to 2013. While most of that growth was from abuse of 
painkillers, in recent years the death rate from heroin 
overdoses has grown even faster, rising 172 percent from 2010 
to 2013 alone. The Committee recommendation supports a vigorous 
investigative program for DEA to deal with these rising 
threats, and directs DEA to report to the Committee no later 
than 60 days after enactment of this Act on the actual or 
estimated number of heroin and prescription drug diversion 
investigations for fiscal years 2013 through 2016, the amounts 
and street value of drugs associated with such investigations, 
and prosecutions resulting from investigations.
    Marijuana eradication.--The Committee is concerned about 
the spread of illegal marijuana cultivation in the United 
States and the burden such crime imposes on small and rural law 
enforcement agencies with regard to marijuana eradication. The 
Committee is aware that some small and rural law enforcement 
agencies may face limits in eligibility for overtime 
compensation for participation in drug task forces due to 
multi-agency policies that cap such overtime across all Federal 
agencies. When this occurs, local law enforcement is no longer 
available to assist Federal investigation, eradication or 
enforcement operations. The Committee notes with great 
disappointment that it has not yet received the report required 
under the fiscal year 2015 Appropriation on DEA's outreach to 
agency partners, addressing whether changes to current policy 
are permitted under existing authority and provide 
recommendations, and directs DEA to submit the report as soon 
as possible. The Committee expects DEA to be more responsive.
    Medical efficacy of marijuana.-The Committee directs the 
DEA to review all relevant DEA rules governing research on the 
medical efficacy of marijuana and determine ways to facilitate 
further research through streamlining the DEA approval process. 
The Committee further directs DEA to work in collaboration with 
NIH/NIDA and FDA to facilitate such research efforts. The 
Committee requests DEA to report back to the Committee within 
120 days with a plan by which the agency can facilitate 
additional research.

          Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $1,250,000,000 for the salaries 
and expenses of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and 
Explosives (ATF), which is $49,000,000 above fiscal year 2015 
and $11,158,000 below the request. Within this funding level, 
the Committee expects ATF will meet its critical staffing 
requirements; improve its capacity to process National Firearms 
Act and related applications and service requests; and sustain 
the updating and expansion of the National Integrated 
Ballistics Information Network. As explained under the General 
Administration appropriation, the Committee has included 
language withholding $20,000,000 pending demonstration by the 
Attorney General that the Department has implemented or is in 
the process of implementing OIG recommendations to address 
employee misconduct.
    Crime gun investigations and firearm trafficking.--The 
Committee is aware of the 2000 ATF report on its firearm 
trafficking investigations, ``Following the Gun: Enforcing 
Federal Laws Against Firearms Traffickers''. The Committee 
expects that in light of changes in trafficking patterns, 
especially the rise of Internet-based markets, an updated 
analysis would benefit law enforcement by providing insights 
into criminals' sources of firearms, ways to strengthen law 
enforcement responses to trafficking, and the value of 
practices like crime gun tracing. The Committee encourages ATF 
to conduct and share such an analysis.
    Industry operations investigators.--The Committee 
recommends that ATF, within funds provided, enhance its hiring 
and training of Industry Operations Investigators in fiscal 
year 2016.

                         Federal Prison System

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Committee recommends $6,951,500,000 for salaries and 
expenses of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP), which is $136,500,000 
above fiscal year 2015 and $252,658,000 below the request. The 
Committee recommends funding by decision unit as follows:

Inmate Care and Programs..............................    $2,646,500,000
Security and Administration...........................     3,050,000,000
Management and Administration.........................       200,000,000
Contract Confinement..................................     1,055,000,000
    Total, Salaries and Expenses......................    $6,951,500,000

    Thomson, Illinois facility.--No funding is provided for 
additional activation efforts at the Thomson, Illinois 
    Contract confinement.--The Committee recognizes that 
contract confinement is an effective resource to help BOP meet 
growing low security facility requirements. The Committee 
expects BOP to continue to meet bed space needs by using State, 
local and private prison capacity, if such facilities meet BOP 
standards, as a means to help alleviate overcrowding.
    Medication Assisted Treatment.--The Committee encourages 
the Bureau of Prisons to make abstinence-based relapse 
prevention treatments options available to inmates with a 
history of opioid dependence.
    Oleoresin capsicum (OC) aerosol spray pilot program.--The 
Committee is aware that BOP has completed an interim assessment 
of the OC pilot it conducted at seven high security 
institutions, which showed significant reductions in injuries 
to staff and inmates when OC was deployed. As a result, BOP 
expanded the pilot in February 2015 to authorize carrying of OC 
by all staff at high security institutions, medium security 
facilities, jail units, and detention and medical centers. The 
Committee encourages BOP to keep the Committee informed about 
this program and its results.

                        BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES

    The Committee recommends $230,000,000 for the construction, 
acquisition, modernization, maintenance, and repair of prison 
and detention facilities housing Federal inmates, which is 
$124,000,000 above fiscal year 2015 and $89,436,000 above the 
request. The recommendation includes $145,000,000 for costs 
related to construction of new facilities; not less than 
$72,000,000 for maintenance and repairs of existing facilities, 
to include inmate work areas, of which not to exceed 
$14,000,000 shall be available to construct areas for inmate 
work programs; and up to $13,000,000 for the cost of base 
construction staff and operations.
    The Committee directs the Bureau to move forward with 
ongoing facilities planning efforts and associated new 
construction for future prison construction projects to meet 
projected capacity requirements as identified in the monthly 
status of construction reports to the Committees on 
Appropriations. The Committee recommendation does not include 
any new funding for renovation, upgrades or construction at the 
Thomson, Illinois facility.
    The Committee directs the BOP to continue to provide 
monthly status of construction reports, and to notify the 
Committee of any changes reflected in those reports.


    The Committee recommends a limitation on administrative 
expenses of $2,700,000 for Federal Prison Industries, 
Incorporated, (FPI) which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
the request.

               State and Local Law Enforcement Activities

    In total, the Committee recommends $2,003,700,000 for State 
and local law enforcement and crime prevention grant programs, 
including $1,931,700,000 in discretionary appropriations. The 
discretionary total is $326,100,000 below fiscal year 2015 and 
$495,200,000 below the request.
    Management and administrative expenses.--The Committee 
encourages grant offices to minimize administrative spending in 
order to maximize funding for grants or training and technical 
assistance. The Committee also directs the Department to ensure 
that the methodology for assessing management and 
administration costs is equitable and reflects a fair 
representation of the share of common management and 
administrative costs associated with each program. The 
Committee notes that an across-the-board percentage assessment 
may not be the most appropriate solution. The Committee is 
aware that, in general, the Department's grant offices for 
State and Local Law Enforcement Activities have authority to 
allocate certain expenses administratively to activities that 
are ancillary to the core purposes of the appropriation (e.g., 
peer review for a competitive program, training and technical 
assistance, and research and statistical activities).
    Research, evaluation and statistics.--In lieu of providing 
a base appropriation for the National Institute of Justice and 
the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the recommendation provides 
flexibility for the Department to fund these functions through 
a set-aside of grant programs. The Department shall provide a 
proposed allocation of funds for these activities in the 
spending plan required by this Act.
    Office of Victims of Crime (OVC).--The recommendation 
provides $344,164,000 above the current level for OVC. Within 
available resources, OVC may implement the office's Vision 21, 
which seeks to bring better technology, planning, research and 
data into the crime victims services field.
    The Committee understands that OVC recently released new 
guidelines to revise performance metrics for both Victim 
Compensation and Victim Assistance formula grant programs. The 
Committee directs OVC to submit a report, no later than 90 days 
after enactment of this Act, on the steps it has taken to 
assist grantees in complying with the new requirements.
    The Committee expects the Department of Justice to consult 
with Indian tribal governments on the distribution of the funds 
made available in Sec. 510 from the Crime Victims Fund.
    Forensics.--The recommendation does not include funding for 
the forensics initiative. The Committee is concerned that the 
Administration's forensic sciences initiative lacks the 
involvement of the State and local practitioner community, 
making the community an observer--not a participant--in 
addressing forensic reform, and thereby running the risk that 
the initiative will not take into consideration existing, 
proven standards and processes used within the community. This 
matter is also addressed elsewhere in the report.

                    Office on Violence Against Women


    The Committee recommends $479,000,000 for the Office on 
Violence Against Women (OVW), which is $49,000,000 above fiscal 
year 2015 and $5,500,000 above the request. The recommendation 
includes funding above the request for Services, Training, 
Officers, and Prosecutors (STOP) grants, transitional housing 
assistance, research and evaluation on violence against women, 
the Consolidated Youth-Oriented Program, grants to encourage 
arrest policies, the sexual assault services program, the elder 
abuse program, and education and training for disabled female 
victims. The recommendation also funds the victims of 
trafficking program under this heading. Funds are distributed 
as follows:

                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
STOP Grants...........................................        $196,000
Transitional Housing Assistance.......................          28,000
Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women.....           8,000
Consolidated Youth-Oriented Program...................          11,000
Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies...................          51,000
  Homicide Reduction Initiative.......................          (4,000)
Sexual Assault Victims Services.......................          35,000
Rural Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Enforcement...          33,000
Violence on College Campuses..........................          16,000
Civil Legal Assistance................................          42,500
Elder Abuse Grant Program.............................           4,500
Family Civil Justice..................................          16,000
Education and Training for Disabled Female Victims....           6,000
National Resource Center on Workplace Responses.......             500
Research on Violence Against Indian Women.............           1,000
Indian Country--Sexual Assault Clearinghouse..........             500
Victims of trafficking................................          25,000
Rape Survivor Child Custody Act.......................           5,000
  TOTAL, Violence Against Women Prevention and                $479,000
   Prosecution Programs...............................

                       Office of Justice Programs


    The Committee recommends $1,015,400,000 for State and Local 
Law Enforcement Assistance programs, which is $225,600,000 
below fiscal year 2015 and $126,900,000 below the request. 
Funds are distributed as follows:

                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants..............        $409,000
  Officer Robert Wilson III VALOR Initiative..........         (15,000)
  Domestic Radicalization Research....................          (4,000)
  Bulletproof Vest Partnership........................         (22,500)
  Juvenile Indigent Defense...........................          (2,500)
  Convention security.................................         (20,000)
State Criminal Alien Assistance Program...............         220,000
Drug Courts...........................................          41,000
Mentally Ill Offender Act.............................           7,000
Capital Litigation and Wrongful Conviction Review.....           2,000
Economic, High-tech and Cybercrime Prevention.........           5,000
Adam Walsh Act Implementation.........................          20,000
National Sex Offender Public Website..................           1,000
National Instant Criminal Background Check System               73,000
 (NICS) Initiative....................................
DNA Initiative........................................         125,000
  Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grants.....................        (117,000)
  Kirk Bloodsworth Post-Conviction DNA Testing Grants.          (4,000)
  Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Program Grants.........          (4,000)
CASA--Special Advocates...............................           6,000
Veterans Treatment Courts.............................           5,000
Prescription Drug Monitoring..........................          11,000
Prison Rape Prevention and Prosecution................          13,000
NamUs.................................................           2,400
Comprehensive School Safety Initiative................          75,000
  TOTAL, State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance...      $1,015,400

    National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) 
Initiative grants.--The recommendation includes $73,000,000 for 
grants to improve records in the NICS system. This initiative 
combines the National Criminal History Improvement Program 
(NCHIP) and the NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP). 
The Committee directs that the grants made under the broader 
NCHIP authorities be made available only for efforts to improve 
records added to NICS. Additionally, the Department shall 
prioritize funding under NARIP authorities with the goal of 
making all States NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 
(NIAA) compliant. The Department also shall apply penalties to 
noncompliant States to the fullest extent of the law.
    The Committee understands that ATF is willing to provide 
technical assistance to all States seeking to establish 
programs that meet the NIAA requirements for NARIP grants. Even 
in the absence of funding exclusively for NARIP, the Committee 
directs the Department to continue these efforts. The Committee 
again urges the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), ATF and FBI 
to assist States that are not currently eligible for NARIP 
grants in meeting the eligibility requirements.
    The Committee also reiterates existing legal requirements 
that data in the NICS be deleted after a check is completed.
    Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) 
program.--The recommendation includes $409,000,000 for the 
Byrne/JAG program. Funding under this formula program is 
authorized for law enforcement programs; prosecution and court 
programs; prevention and education programs; corrections 
programs; drug treatment and enforcement programs; planning, 
evaluation, and technology improvement programs; and crime 
victim and witness programs, other than compensation. Within 
the amount provided, $20,000,000 is for presidential nominating 
convention security; $4,000,000 is for research on domestic 
radicalization; $15,000,000 is for the Officer Robert Wilson 
III Preventing Violence Against Law Enforcement and Ensuring 
Officer Resilience and Survivability (VALOR) Initiative; 
$22,500,000 is for the Bulletproof Vest Partnership program; 
and $2,500,000 is juvenile indigent defense. Excluding 
carveouts, the recommendation for Byrne/JAG is $12,250,000 
above fiscal year 2015 and $25,500,000 above the request. The 
Committee is concerned by the impact on law enforcement of the 
growing epidemic of prescription drug and heroin abuse, and 
notes that funds within this account may be utilized for the 
implementation of medication-assisted treatment to maintain 
abstinence from all opioids and heroin. The Committee notes 
that Byrne/JAG funding can be used for law enforcement 
purposes, including the hiring of law enforcement officers.
    Officer Robert Wilson III.--The Committee includes bill 
language naming the Preventing Violence Against Law Enforcement 
Officer Resilience and Survivability (VALOR) initiative in 
honor of Officer Robert Wilson III.
    The Committee encourages the Officer Robert Wilson III 
VALOR Initiative to continue its training partnerships that 
offer nationwide dynamic, force-on-force scenario-based 
training. The Committee understands the training has been 
adopted by numerous States and agencies as their standard 
active shooter training and the FBI has adopted this program as 
its national training standard for active shooter response.
    Presidential nominating conventions.--The recommendation 
includes $20,000,000 to address extraordinary local law 
enforcement costs related to the 2016 presidential nominating 
conventions. The Committee notes that the Department failed to 
request any funding for this activity, and the Department 
ignored direction in the fiscal year 2012 conference agreement 
accompanying Public Law 112-55 that future budget requests will 
address known resource requirements associated with convention 
security. The Committee directs that the funds included in this 
recommendation be used solely for extraordinary law enforcement 
expenses incurred with respect to local law enforcement's role 
in providing security for these events. The Committee expects 
the Department to develop clear guidelines to govern allowable 
expenses, and all payments or reimbursements shall be reviewed 
and approved by the Department prior to expenditure, as well as 
audited by the OIG, to ensure efficiency and accountability. 
Finally, the Committee expects that planning committees for the 
nominating conventions will assist in addressing security needs 
to the greatest extent possible from other funding sources.
    State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP).--The 
recommendation includes $220,000,000 for SCAAP, which is 
$35,000,000 above fiscal year 2015. SCAAP provides grants that 
reimburse States and localities for the costs incurred in 
incarcerating undocumented criminal aliens. The President's 
request proposed to terminate this program.
    Competitive grants.--The Committee urges the Department to 
prioritize support for an integrated continuum and evidence-
based or evidence-informed services and programs for both at-
risk children and their families for the prevention, control or 
reduction of juvenile delinquency. The Committee also urges the 
Department to prioritize support for work to improve forensic 
interview training for child abuse investigation and 
prosecution professionals.
    Forensics training.--The Committee understands there is a 
lack of emphasis on solution-based approaches to training local 
officers and using available technology to reduce court 
backlogs and increase prosecutions. The Committee encourages 
that an emphasis be placed on providing resources for multi-
jurisdictional forensic service providers who, in collaboration 
with universities, can help provide access to forensic 
expertise, assistance and continuing education to law 
enforcement agencies, particularly in rural underserved areas.
    Digital forensics tools.--The Committee understands that 
there is a sizable backlog in completing investigations to 
enable prosecution of child sexual exploitation cases. Greater 
use of innovative technologies may be of great value in 
reducing the backlog. As such, the Committee encourages the 
Department to examine the use of mobile digital forensic tools 
to help combat child sexual exploitation.
    DNA initiative.--The recommendation includes $125,000,000 
for DNA-related and forensic programs and activities, an 
increase of $20,000,000 above the request and the same as the 
fiscal year 2015 level. Within the funds provided, the 
Committee provides $4,000,000 each for Post-Conviction DNA 
Testing grants and Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Program grants. 
The Committee expects that OJP will make funding for DNA 
analysis and capacity enhancement a priority to meet the 
purposes of the Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grant Program. The 
Committee directs the Department to submit, as part of its 
spending plan, a plan for the use of all funds appropriated for 
DNA-related and forensic programs and a report on the alignment 
of appropriated funds with the authorized purposes of the 
Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grant Program.
    Victims of trafficking grants.--In the OVW account, the 
recommendation includes $25,000,000 for human trafficking task 
force activities and for services for victims, an increase of 
$14,500,000 above the request. These funds may also be used to 
develop, expand and strengthen assistance programs for child 
victims of sex and labor trafficking. The Committee notes that 
the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, which is expected 
to be signed into law, established a Domestic Trafficking 
Victims Fund, which will provide additional resources for these 
programs. The Committee directs DOJ to support the victim-
centered approach to recognizing and responding to human 
trafficking, especially across partnerships between Federal and 
local law enforcement agencies and victim service providers. 
The Department shall include a planned allocation of these 
funds in its spending plan.
    Preventing trafficking of girls.--The Committee encourages 
the Office for Victims of Crime and the Office of Juvenile 
Justice and Delinquency Prevention to examine ways to assist 
nonprofits and other nongovernmental entities with a proven 
track record of administering successful prevention and early 
intervention programs for girls vulnerable to trafficking.
    Prescription drug monitoring.--The recommendation includes 
$11,000,000 for the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program 
(PDMP). The diversion and abuse of prescription medications has 
become our Nation's fastest growing drug problem, with overdose 
deaths now surpassing motor vehicle accidents as the number one 
cause of accidental deaths nationwide. The Committee maintains 
its support for the provision of technical assistance for 
PDMPs, PDMP data users and other key stakeholders through this 
program. Further, the Committee directs the Bureau of Justice 
Assistance (BJA) to continue partnerships with other 
professional organizations that foster interstate 
interoperability and connectivity among State-run PDMPs, and 
encourages BJA to continue its support for efforts to establish 
a national network of interconnected PDMPs. The Committee also 
supports efforts to increase use of PDMPs among authorized 
users. The Committee directs BJA to assess the impact of 
establishing threshold enrollment and utilization rates and, 
where enrollment and utilization rates are not 100 percent, 
assess the feasibility of requiring benchmarks for improvements 
in enrollment and utilization as grant eligibility criteria. 
The Committee directs the Department to report, not later than 
180 days after enactment of this Act, on this assessment, 
including the potential of prioritizing funding based on the 
goal of optimizing prescriber and dispenser enrollment and 
utilization rates for PDMPs by prescriber and dispensers. In 
the meantime, the Committee directs BJA to prioritize grant 
funding for States which are engaged in initiatives to 
integrate PDMP data with electronic health systems, such as 
electronic health records and electronic prescribing systems.
    Drug courts.--The recommendation includes $41,000,000 for 
drug courts, which is $5,000,000 above the request. Drug courts 
help reduce recidivism and substance abuse among non-violent 
offenders and increase the likelihood of an offender's 
successful rehabilitation through intense, judicially 
supervised treatment, mandatory periodic drug testing, 
community supervision, and appropriate sanctions. The Committee 
expects these funds to be used to provide grants and technical 
assistance to State, local, and tribal governments to support 
the development, expansion, and enhancement of drug courts, 
based upon their efficacy as a systematic response to substance 
abuse and crime.
    Veterans treatment courts.--The recommendation includes 
$5,000,000 to support veterans treatment courts. The Committee 
expects the Department to work in conjunction with the 
Department of Veterans Affairs, as appropriate, to provide 
grant support for collaborative, rehabilitative approaches for 
continuing judicial supervision over offenders who are 
veterans. These funds are to be used for court startup and 
training costs.
    Supporting community-driven criminal justice reform.--The 
Committee supports BJA's strategic goals of supporting programs 
and initiatives that reduce crime, recidivism, unnecessary 
confinement and promote a safe and fair criminal justice 
system. To help achieve these goals the Committee supports 
community-based solutions to crime problems and the early 
identification of nonviolent offenders suitable for diversion, 
especially those whose underlying problems contribute to 
recidivism such as mental illness, substance abuse, debt, or 
    Training of State and local prosecutors and defense 
attorneys.--Training of State and local prosecutors and defense 
attorneys is essential to the functioning of the criminal 
justice system and ensuring justice is served. The Committee 
encourages BJA to support individualized training for 
prosecutors and defense attorneys to provide a hands-on 
approach to topics such as criminal process, trial advocacy, 
ethics, and evidence.

                       JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAMS

    The Committee recommends $183,500,000 for Juvenile Justice 
programs, which is $68,000,000 below fiscal year 2015 and 
$155,900,000 below the request. Funds are distributed as 

                        JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAMS
                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Youth Mentoring Grants................................         $95,000
Victims of Child Abuse Programs.......................          19,000
Missing and Exploited Children Programs...............          68,000
Training for Judicial Personnel.......................           1,500
  TOTAL, Juvenile Justice.............................        $183,500

    Youth mentoring grants.--The recommendation includes 
$95,000,000 for youth mentoring grants, which is $5,000,000 
above fiscal year 2015 and $37,000,000 above the request.
    Grantee audit recommendations.--The Committee strongly 
supports the efforts of OJP and OIG to ensure that Federal 
grant funding is efficiently and effectively spent. The 
Committee urges OJP to continue working with both OIG and 
affected grantees to review and implement audit recommendations 
as quickly as practicable in order to minimize the 
administrative and financial burden on those grantees and the 
disruption of services to the community.
    Missing and exploited children programs.--The 
recommendation includes $68,000,000 for missing and exploited 
children programs, the same as fiscal year 2015 and $1,000,000 
above the request. The Committee expects the Department to 
allocate no less than the current year level, for task force 
grants, training and technical assistance, research and 
statistics, and administrative costs for the Internet Crimes 
Against Children program. The Committee expects the Department 
to allocate $1,000,000 to be used to hire and equip wounded, 
ill, or injured veterans as digital forensic analysts or 
investigators to support child exploitation investigations.


    The Committee recommends a total of $88,300,000 for the 
Public Safety Officer Benefits program, which is $1,000,000 
above fiscal year 2015 and the same as the request. Within the 
funds provided, $72,000,000 is for death benefits for 
survivors, an amount estimated by the Congressional Budget 
Office that is considered mandatory for scorekeeping purposes. 
Also within the total, $16,300,000 is recommended, as 
requested, for disability benefits for public safety officers 
who are permanently and totally disabled as a result of a 
catastrophic injury sustained in the line of duty, and for 
education benefits for the spouses and children of officers who 
are killed in the line of duty or who are permanently and 
totally disabled as a result of a catastrophic injury sustained 
in the line of duty.

                  Community Oriented Policing Services


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The recommendation includes $237,500,000 for COPS programs, 
which is $29,500,000 above the fiscal year 2015 level and 
$66,000,000 below the request. Funds are to be distributed as 

                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
Transfer to DEA for Methamphetamine Lab Cleanups......         $11,000
Community trust initiative............................          52,500
  Collaborative reform................................          (5,000)
  Body worn camera partnership initiative.............         (15,000)
  Justice Reinvestment Initiative.....................         (27,500)
  Research and statistics on community trust..........          (5,000)
Second Chance Act.....................................          68,000
Community Teams to Reduce the Sexual Assault Kit (SAK)          41,000
Tribal assistance.....................................          30,000
Regional information sharing activities...............          35,000
  TOTAL, Community Oriented Policing Services.........        $237,500

    Methamphetamine lab cleanup.--The recommendation includes 
$11,000,000, which shall be transferred to DEA to assist State, 
local and tribal law enforcement agencies with the removal and 
disposal of hazardous materials at methamphetamine labs, 
including funds for training, technical assistance, the 
purchase of equipment, and a container program.
    Military installations.--The Committee encourages DOJ to 
account for the impacts of lower tax bases, as a result of 
military installations and other untaxed Federal lands, when 
distributing grants.
    Community trust initiative.--The recommendation included 
$52,500,000 for a program to improve police-community 
relations. Included in this initiative is $5,000,000 for 
collaborative reform, no less than $27,500,000 for justice 
reinvestment, $15,000,000 for a body-worn camera partnership 
initiative, and $5,000,000 for research and statistics.
    The body-worn camera partnership initiative includes pilot 
and demonstration grants for purchase of body-worn cameras for 
police. This initiative will also establish baseline procedures 
for the use of body-worn cameras, support state and local 
efforts regarding the use of such equipment, and provide 
necessary research into the use of this technology. The 
demonstration grants shall require a 1:1 match by the grantee 
and shall not be used to pay for the ongoing costs or data 
storage costs associated with body camera footage. Of the funds 
for this initiative, no less than half shall be for research 
and statistics on body worn cameras. The demonstration grants 
shall only be provided to States with laws governing the use of 
body-worn cameras and shall not interfere with State laws and 
requirements. The Bureau of Justice Assistance shall administer 
this initiative and provide periodic updates to the Committee 
regarding its implementation.
    As the Committee believes that improving police-community 
relations will require more than just equipment procurement, 
the recommendation provides $27,500,000 for the justice 
reinvestment initiative, which provides assistance to 
jurisdictions to implement data-driven strategies to improve 
public safety by reducing corrections spending and reinvesting 
those savings in efforts to decrease crime and strengthen 
neighborhoods. The Committee recognizes the tremendous 
potential of justice reinvestment efforts, noting that 
successful efforts in States, such as Texas, Kansas, North 
Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, which have saved millions of 
dollars and serve as models for criminal justice reform in the 
Nation. Funding may be used to provide technical assistance to 
States with existing reinvestment programs, expand the 
initiative to additional States, or provide additional funding 
for existing sites.
    The Committee is also aware that statistics on police use 
of force may not be complete. The recommendation provides 
$5,000,000 to improve research and statistics on community 
trust, to include statistics on use of force.
    Second Chance Act/offender reentry programs.--The 
recommendation includes $68,000,000 for Second Chance Act 
grants. Excluding carveouts, the recommendation is $18,500,000 
above fiscal year 2015.
    The Committee remains concerned that despite a dramatic 
increase in corrections spending over the past two decades, 
recidivism and re-incarceration rates are largely unchanged. 
The Committee is aware that case studies of innovative, 
evidence-based practices provide a strong indication that this 
pattern can be reversed. The Committee expects that Second 
Chance Act grants will foster the implementation of strategies 
that have been proven to reduce recidivism and ensure safe and 
successful reentry back to their communities of adults released 
from prisons and jails. The Committee expects DOJ to designate 
funds for proven, evidenced-based programs that will further 
the goal of maximizing public safety.
    Vocational and intensive outpatient services.--The 
Committee is aware of promising program models which combine 
vocational and intensive outpatient services for individuals 
recovering from addiction referred through the U.S. Probation 
and Pretrial Services System. The Committee encourages OJP to 
demonstrate and measure the impact of these models. The 
Department shall report, no later than 90 days after enactment 
of this Act, on the status of these efforts.
    Tribal assistance.--The recommendation includes $30,000,000 
for OJP tribal grant programs. The Committee expects OJP to 
continue to consult closely with tribes to determine how tribal 
assistance funds will be allocated among grant programs that 
improve public safety in tribal communities, such as grants for 
detention facilities under section 20109 of subtitle A of title 
II of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 
(Public Law 103-322), civil and criminal legal assistance as 
authorized by title I of Public Law 106-559, tribal courts, and 
alcohol and substance abuse reduction assistance programs. The 
Committee directs OJP to use such consultation to inform the 
allocation of funds it shall submit as part of its spending 
plan. The Committee notes that the recommendation includes 
additional grant funding for tribal law enforcement programs 
through OVW.
    Sexual assault kit backlog grants.--The Committee is 
concerned with the ongoing sexual assault kit backlog in 
jurisdictions across the country. The Committee encourages 
stakeholders and local law enforcement to continue working with 
Federal law enforcement to resolve this important issue. The 
recommendation includes $41,000,000 for grants to address the 
sexual assault kit backlog.

               General Provisions--Department of Justice

    The Committee has included the following general provisions 
for the Department of Justice:
    Section 201 makes available additional reception and 
representation funding for the Attorney General from the 
amounts provided in this title.
    Section 202 prohibits the use of funds to pay for an 
abortion, except in the case of rape, incest, or to preserve 
the life of the mother.
    Section 203 prohibits the use of funds to require any 
person to perform or facilitate the performance of an abortion.
    Section 204 establishes the obligation of the Director of 
the Bureau of Prisons to provide escort services to an inmate 
receiving an abortion outside of a Federal facility, except 
where this obligation conflicts with the preceding section.
    Section 205 establishes the Committee's requirements and 
procedures for transfer proposals.
    Section 206 authorizes the Attorney General to extend an 
ongoing Personnel Management Demonstration Project.
    Section 207 prohibits the use of certain funds for 
transporting prisoners classified as maximum or high security, 
other than to a facility certified by the Bureau of Prisons as 
appropriately secure.
    Section 208 prohibits the use of funds for the purchase or 
rental by Federal prisons of audiovisual equipment, services 
and materials used primarily for recreational purposes, except 
for those items and services needed for inmate training, 
religious, or educational purposes.
    Section 209 requires review by the Deputy Attorney General 
and the Department Investment Review Board prior to the 
obligation or expenditure of funds for major information 
technology projects.
    Section 210 requires the Department to follow reprogramming 
procedures for any deviation from the program amounts specified 
in this title or the accompanying report, or the reuse of 
deobligated funds provided in previous years.
    Section 211 prohibits the use of funds for A-76 
competitions for work performed by employees of Federal Prison 
Industries, Inc.
    Section 212 prohibits U.S. Attorneys from holding 
additional responsibilities that exempt U.S. Attorneys from 
statutory residency requirements.
    Section 213 permits up to 3 percent of grant and 
reimbursement program funds made available to OJP to be used 
for training and technical assistance and permits grant or 
reimbursement funds to be used for criminal justice research, 
evaluation and statistics.
    Section 214 waives the requirement that the Attorney 
General reserve certain funds from amounts provided for 
offender incarceration.
    Section 215 permanently prohibits funds, other than funds 
for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System 
established under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, 
from being used to facilitate the transfer of an operable 
firearm to a known or suspected agent of a drug cartel where 
law enforcement personnel do not continuously monitor or 
control such firearm.
    Section 216 places limitations on the obligation of funds 
from certain Department of Justice accounts and funding 
    Section 217 makes certain funding unavailable for 
obligation until the Attorney General demonstrates to the 
Committees on Appropriations that the Department of Justice has 
implemented or is implementing recommendations of the Office of 
Inspector General with regards to handling allegations of 
misconduct by Department law enforcement officials. The 
Department of Justice Inspector General is directed to report 
on the status of such implementation.

                               TITLE III


                Office of Science and Technology Policy

    The Committee recommends $5,555,000 for the Office of 
Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), which is the same as 
fiscal year 2015 and $11,000 less than the request. The 
Committee urges OSTP to address concerns raised by the Congress 
with respect to the roles and responsibilities of various OSTP 
    Recommendations of the Interagency Working Group on 
Neuroscience (IWGN).--The Committee commends OSTP and the IWGN 
for their continuing commitment to neuroscience and urges OSTP 
and the IWGN to continue their coordination activities and 
efforts to increase the nation's knowledge of the brain. The 
Committee further urges OSTP and the IWGN to expeditiously 
implement key recommendations from the IWGN's 2014 report, 
``Priorities for Accelerating Neuroscience Research through 
Enhanced Communication, Coordination, and Collaboration.'' 
Furthermore, the Committee urges OSTP and the IWGN to work with 
stakeholders to identify the most promising areas of research 
into innovative treatments for neurological diseases. The 
Committee directs OSTP to brief the Committee, no later than 
120 days after enactment of this Act, on the implementation 
status of the IWGN report recommendations.
    Public access to Federally funded research.--In response to 
direction from the Committee, OSTP has coordinated Federal 
agency plans to develop and implement policies to increase 
public access to the results of Federally funded scientific 
research. The Committee understands that a number of agencies 
already have posted access plans online, and that agency 
scientific research data will be publicly available online by 
January 2016. OSTP shall provide a report to the Committee no 
later than 30 days after enactment of this Act regarding 
progress toward this deadline. Further, the Committee urges 
OSTP to coordinate the development and implementation of 
policies by Federal agencies that require the deposition of 
research data underpinning the results described in scientific 
publications in publicly accessible repositories and to ensure 
that such data is freely available to the public. Such expanded 
access to research data sparks widespread reuse and begins to 
address some of the issues in the reproducibility of scientific 
research results.

             National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    The Committee recommends $18,529,100,000 for the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which is 
$518,900,000 above fiscal year 2015 and the same as the 
    Decadal surveys.--The Committee directs that the priorities 
as outlined in the decadal surveys for planetary science, earth 
science, astrophysics, and heliophysics shall drive NASA 
mission priorities.
    Government Accountability Office (GAO) assessments of 
large-scale projects.--NASA shall continue to cooperate fully 
and provide timely information to the GAO so that it can 
fulfill its congressional mandate to report on the status of 
large-scale projects at NASA. Such information includes, but is 
not limited to, copies of preliminary cost estimates; access to 
online agency applications, databases, and web portals; and 
access to contractor and agency personnel.
    Cost breach reporting.--NASA shall submit to the Committee 
any notifications and reports on cost overruns required by 
section 103 of the NASA Authorization Act of 2005 (Public Law 
    Cost, schedule, and performance goals.--The Committee notes 
that many of the issues discussed in the September 2012, NASA 
Inspector General (IG) audit, NASA's Challenges to Meeting 
Cost, Schedule, and Performance Goals, remain. NASA shall 
compile a list of all programs with a life cycle cost exceeding 
$250,000,000 and begin quarterly status briefings for the 
Committee on those programs. NASA shall consult with the 
Committee regarding this effort.
    Termination liability.--Consistent with section 702(4) of 
H.R. 2039, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
Authorization Act for 2016 and 2017, as introduced, NASA shall 
submit a report no later than 180 days after enactment of this 
Act outlining a termination liability policy.
    Infrastructure and facilities.--A February 2013 NASA IG 
audit, NASA's Efforts to Reduce Unneeded Infrastructure and 
Facilities, found that NASA maintains more than 124,000 acres 
and over 4,900 buildings and other structures, most of which 
were constructed in the 1960s. NASA shall submit a multi-year 
proposal no later than one year after enactment of this Act 
that includes plans to reduce infrastructure that has not been 
used in the last 10 or more years.
    Program and project totals.--The Committee's program and 
project recommendations for NASA are included in the 
consolidated funding table below and in narrative direction 
throughout this report. The Committee reminds NASA that any 
deviations from the amounts included in the table below are 
subject to section 505 requirements of this Act. When executing 
its budget for fiscal year 2016, NASA shall incorporate the 
funding levels established in both the table and the narrative 
direction. NASA is reminded that comity has existed between the 
Congress and the executive branch with respect to abiding by 
language included in the report accompanying the appropriations 
Act. The Committee expects NASA to respect this long-standing 

                        (in thousands of dollars)
                        Program                              Amount
  Earth Science.......................................      $1,682,900
  Planetary Science...................................       1,557,000
  Astrophysics........................................         735,600
  James Webb Space Telescope..........................         620,000
  Heliophysics........................................         642,000
Total, Science........................................       5,237,500
Aeronautics...........................................         600,000
Space Technology......................................         625,000
  Human Exploration Capabilities......................       3,409,300
    Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle..................      (1,096,300)
    Space Launch System (SLS).........................      (2,313,000)
      SLS Vehicle Development.........................      (1,850,000)
      Exploration Ground Systems......................        (410,000)
      SLS Integration.................................         (53,000)
  Commercial Spaceflight..............................       1,000,000
  Exploration Research and Development................         350,000
Total, Exploration....................................       4,759,300
Space Operations
  International Space Station.........................       3,075,600
  Space and Flight Support............................         881,700
Total, Space Operations...............................       3,957,300
  NASA Space Grant....................................          40,000
  Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive                 18,000
  Minority University Research Education Program......          32,000
  STEM Education and Accountability Projects..........          29,000
Total, Education......................................         119,000
Safety, Security and Mission Services.................       2,768,600
Construction and Environmental Compliance and                  425,000
Office of Inspector General...........................          37,400
Total, NASA...........................................     $18,529,100


    The Committee recommends $5,237,500,000 for Science, which 
is $7,200,000 below fiscal year 2015 and $51,100,000 below the 
    Earth Science.--The recommendation includes $1,682,900,000 
for Earth Science programs. This amount maintains most programs 
at the fiscal year 2015 operating level and adopts reductions 
proposed in the budget request for the Soil Moisture Active and 
Passive satellite; the Global Precipitation Measurement 
Project; and GRACE follow-on activities. No funds are provided 
for the Thermal-Infrared Free-Flyer. Instead, $32,900,000 is 
for Landsat-9 in accordance with direction on the Landsat 
program provided in the statement accompanying Public Law 113--
235. NASA shall provide a report no later than 90 days after 
enactment of this Act regarding cost, schedule, and milestones 
toward achieving a launch of Landsat-9 no later than 2023. NASA 
shall ensure that the Earth Science portfolio is focused on the 
science priorities as outlined in the 2007 Earth Science 
decadal survey.
    Planetary Science.--The recommendation includes 
$1,557,000,000 for Planetary Science. NASA's request for 
Planetary Science once again proposes a decrease below 
appropriated levels and would have a negative impact on both 
planned and existing missions. The recommendation provides 
$277,000,000 for Planetary Science Research, including 
$50,000,000 for near earth object observations; and 
$175,000,000 for Discovery, including restoration of 
$19,000,000 for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter program.
    Exploration goals.--While questions remain about the 
overarching mission of the asteroid redirect mission, the 
Committee understands that it has been useful to the extent 
that it has motivated NASA to develop new rocket propulsion 
technology to be used in interstellar travel and methods to 
deflect near earth objects that threaten the Earth. The 
Committee is particularly supportive of these portions of the 
mission and directs NASA to provide biannual updates, beginning 
with the second quarter of fiscal year 2016, regarding the 
overall program. The Committee urges NASA to finalize a mission 
concept, with input from partners in academia and the science 
community, which will galvanize support and interest.
    Mars Exploration.--The recommendation includes $448,000,000 
for Mars Exploration, of which not less than $250,000,000 is 
for a Mars Rover 2020 mission that meets scientific objectives 
from the most recent Planetary Science decadal survey. The 
Committee is convinced that additional early funding for the 
Mars 2020 mission will enable overall economies to be achieved 
by procuring elements identical to the Curiosity Rover 
successfully operating on Mars. The recommendation also 
restores $13,700,000 for the Mars Opportunity Rover which the 
budget proposed to eliminate.
    Ocean Worlds Exploration Program.--The recommendation 
provides $226,000,000 for Outer Planets, of which not less than 
$140,000,000 is for the Jupiter Europa Clipper, or comparable 
mission, to support the process of finalizing the mission 
design concept that meets the scientific objectives described 
in the most recent Planetary Science decadal survey. To support 
sustained momentum in this program, NASA shall ensure that 
future funding requests are consistent with achieving a launch 
no later than 2022, with the goal of launching on a Space 
Launch System platform as discussed elsewhere in this report.
    Many of NASA's most exciting discoveries in recent years 
have been made during the robotic exploration of the outer 
planets. The Cassini mission has discovered vast oceans of 
liquid hydrocarbons on Saturn's moon Titan and a submerged salt 
water sea on Saturn's moon Enceladus. The Committee directs 
NASA to create an Ocean World Exploration Program whose primary 
goal is to discover extant life on another world using a mix of 
Discovery, New Frontiers and flagship class missions consistent 
with the recommendations of current and future Planetary 
Decadal surveys.
    Plutonium-238 production.--The recommendation includes 
$172,000,000 for Planetary Science Technology, of which 
$20,000,000 shall be for NASA to work with the Department of 
Energy to domestically produce between 3.3 and 11 pounds of 
plutonium-238 annually beginning in fiscal year 2016. The 
resulting plutonium-238 shall be made available to NASA for use 
as a source of energy in space missions.
    James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).--The recommendation for 
the JWST is $620,000,000, which is the same as the request and 
$25,500,000 below fiscal year 2015. According to the most 
recent GAO report, JWST officials note that the project remains 
within its cost cap and is maintaining its 2018 launch date, 
but that the program is entering the critical integration stage 
and issues persist that may impact the overall schedule. NASA 
shall continue to provide the Committee with quarterly 
briefings on JWST's technical status and achievement of program 
milestones, and budget and schedule performance.
    Astrophysics.--The recommendation includes $735,600,000 for 
Astrophysics. The Committee recognizes that the Kepler Mission 
has revolutionized the pace of planet finding, suggesting that 
the Milky Way Galaxy is teeming with exoplanets. As a result, 
the Committee recommends that NASA accelerate its exoplanet 
program goals to discover, characterize, and eventually 
identify exoplanet candidates that could harbor life. An 
increase of $35,800,000 is recommended to develop capabilities 
within the Exoplanet Exploration program to directly image 
exoplanets on the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) 
mission with a coronagraph and to develop technology for future 
potential missions, consistent with the priorities in the 
Astrophysics Decadal Survey for WFIRST and exoplanet 
    Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA).--
The recommendation includes $85,200,000 as requested for SOFIA. 
The Committee understands that NASA is planning to conduct a 
Senior Review of Operating Missions for SOFIA in early 2016. 
The Committee understands that, as determined by policy 
established in the NASA authorization Act, NASA conducts such 
senior reviews of programs that have exceeded planned 
operational life; completed the mission/operational activities 
designed to meet its initial, approved science objectives and 
requirements; are beyond prime mission; or will not still be in 
its prime mission when the subsequent review occurs two years 
hence. Given that SOFIA has not met any of these conditions, 
having just begun its prime mission in 2014 and with a designed 
operational life of up to 20 years, NASA shall not commence a 
review of SOFIA until it meets the requirements for such senior 
reviews as outlined above. Additionally, the accompanying bill 
includes section 542 regarding this matter.
    Heliophysics.--The recommendation includes $642,000,000 for 
    Education and Public Outreach (EPO).--The recommended level 
for the Astrophysics Division includes $32,000,000 for Science 
Mission Directorate (SMD)-wide EPO activities. NASA shall, in 
the fiscal year 2016 spending plan, proportionally reallocate 
these funds among the SMD divisions, resulting in a dedicated 
budget line for each division's own EPO activities. This 
approach will still permit competition among projects for the 
best use of funds and focus that competition among projects 
that are more easily compared to one another and provide better 
stability for the educational communities in each major SMD 


    The Committee recommends $600,000,000 for Aeronautics, 
which is $51,000,000 below fiscal year 2015 and $28,600,000 
above the request.

                            SPACE TECHNOLOGY

    The Committee recommends $625,000,000 for Space Technology, 
which is $29,000,000 above fiscal year 2015 and $99,800,000 
below the request.
    Icy planets.--The recommendation includes no less than 
$25,000,000 for icy satellite surface technology and test-bed 
    Nuclear propulsion.--The recommendation includes no less 
than $20,000,000 for nuclear propulsion technologies for space 
transportation and exploration. NASA shall provide a report 
within 180 days of enactment of this Act on ongoing nuclear 
propulsion research and how NASA intends to employ this 
technology to support various exploration programs.


    The Committee recommends $4,759,300,000 for Exploration, 
which is $402,600,000 above fiscal year 2015 and $253,400,000 
above the request. The Committee remains concerned about the 
long term cost, progress, and risks associated with NASA's 
human spaceflight efforts and the lack of insight into these 
programs that NASA has provided the Congress to date. Given the 
already significant investment in these various programs, 
continuing concerns about the level of funding requested for 
these efforts, and the Committees' desire to see these programs 
executed in a timely fashion in accordance with the direction 
of the Congress, the Committee directs the GAO to review the 
acquisition progress of NASA's human exploration programs, 
specifically the Space Launch System (SLS) program, the Orion 
program, the Ground Systems Development and Operations program 
and the Commercial Crew Program. GAO shall consult with the 
Committee on the timing and scope of these reviews.
    Human exploration.--The recommendation includes a total of 
$3,409,300,000 for human exploration, including $1,096,300,000 
for the Orion Multi-purpose Crew Vehicle; $1,850,000,000 for 
SLS vehicle development; $53,000,000 for SLS program 
integration; and $410,000,000 for exploration ground systems. 
NASA's budget request again proposes a reduction in the funds 
necessary to clearly articulate and achieve the Nation's 
immediate and long-term space exploration goals. Unfortunately, 
the budget request reflects flagging commitment on the part of 
NASA to present a bold vision with distinct milestones and 
costs necessary to support an exploration program that engages 
the nation, inspires new generations of scientists and 
engineers, and contributes to the economic success and space 
leadership standing of the United States.
    Space Launch System.--The recommended level of 
$1,850,000,000 for launch vehicle development includes no less 
than $50,000,000 for continued enhanced upper stage (EUS) 
development. NASA shall provide the Committee with a report no 
later than 120 days after enactment of this Act describing 
investments to date on the EUS and a spend plan with milestones 
for the funds provided in fiscal year 2016. In addition, NASA 
shall continue submitting quarterly reports on SLS spending by 
major program element, as first required in the statement 
accompanying Public Law 112-55. Finally, the Committee directs 
that, to the maximum extent possible, NASA shall ensure that 
all vehicle development funding leverages existing investments; 
promotes efficiency through commonality of design and 
simultaneous development; and minimizes the need for redesigns 
or other costly changes affecting future SLS vehicle 
    Orion.--The recommendation provides the requested level of 
$1,096,300,000 for the Orion program. NASA shall provide 
quarterly briefings to the Committee on efforts to address 
parachute issues that arose during the December 2014 test 
flight and to address heat shield issues that NASA has been 
working to resolve since 2013. These updates shall include the 
overall status of Orion and its ability to ride on SLS for 
Exploration Mission (EM)-1. Further, the Committee is concerned 
that NASA's current schedule does not provide adequate time to 
fully test all systems necessary to support humans prior to EM-
2. NASA shall provide the Committee with an assessment, no 
later than the second quarter of fiscal year 2016, of its 
ability to test all human-rated systems on EM-1.
    Integrated launch readiness.--The recommendation includes 
$53,000,000 as requested for SLS, Orion and ground system 
integration activities. These funds will address coordination 
issues among the three programs and ensure that they are 
progressing in tandem toward EM-1 and future missions. Further, 
the Committee understands that NASA will determine an 
integrated launch readiness date for the EM-1 mission by 
December 2015. NASA shall notify the Committee no later than 10 
days after that determination. In addition, to provide the 
Committee with a greater understanding of the complete costs of 
an integrated SLS/Orion program, NASA shall submit a 
comprehensive plan, with yearly budgets by component including 
various ground facilities and quarterly milestones, to achieve 
an integrated launch readiness dates for EM-1 and EM-2. This 
report shall also provide an analysis of various capabilities 
that will be provided with 70, 105, and 130 metric ton 
capabilities, to include the yearly costs necessary to proceed 
with this incremental approach. As noted elsewhere in this 
report, the Committee understands that various risks need to be 
retired in the integrated program prior to safely transporting 
humans. Nothing in this report or accompanying Act directs NASA 
to proceed with any human spaceflight programs until all of the 
risks have been retired.
    Exploration goals.--The recommendation includes a 
substantial investment in NASA's exploration program, but as 
noted earlier the goals of the program beyond EM-2 are not 
well-defined. Within one year of enactment of this Act, NASA 
shall provide the Committee with a comprehensive, multi-year 
plan outlining long-term exploration goals beyond EM-2, using 
the 130 metric ton SLS or a comparable launch vehicle. This 
plan shall assess and propose alternative payloads, mission 
capabilities, necessary propulsion, crewed and uncrewed options 
and alternative destinations, such as Mars or Europa. This plan 
shall include yearly funding estimates and define quarterly 
milestones by mission directorate that will be necessary to 
achieve a range of possible missions, which will enable a more 
frequent SLS launch tempo than currently projected by NASA. 
This plan shall also incorporate funding estimates and 
milestones necessary to complete the EUS for EM-2 and 
additional missions beyond EM-2.
    Commercial Crew.--The recommendation includes 
$1,000,000,000 for the Commercial Crew program. The Committee 
understands and is concerned that some project milestones have 
slipped for a variety of reasons. NASA shall continue 
submitting quarterly reports on the status of the Commercial 
Crew Integrated Capability and Commercial Crew Transportation 
Capability contracts. NASA also shall provide an assessment 
within 90 days of enactment of this Act on the need to reserve 
flights on the Soyuz capsule in tandem with the Commercial Crew 
program in 2017 and 2018.
    Exploration Research and Development (R&D).--The 
recommendation includes $350,000,000 for Exploration R&D. 
Within amounts provided, the Committee expects NASA to support 
the National Space Biomedical Research Institute at the budget 
request. The Committee urges NASA to continue its work with the 
private sector to develop exploration capabilities such as 
advanced propulsion, habitats and landers that may be used with 
Orion and SLS and are necessary to enable space and human 
exploration to the Moon, Mars, and other deep space 

                            SPACE OPERATIONS

    The Committee recommends $3,957,300,000 for Space 
Operations, which is $129,500,000 above fiscal year 2015 and 
$46,400,000 below the request.
    International Space Station (ISS) operations.--The 
Committee remains concerned, particularly in light of NASA's 
proposal to extend the life of the Station through 2024, that 
annual ISS operations costs are increasing. NASA must continue 
to implement cost savings measures with the goal of slowing and 
reducing the ISS operations budget while maximizing research 
opportunities. All reductions from the request level shall be 
implemented in the operations budget rather than ISS research 
or crew and cargo transportation.
    ISS research.--NASA's budget request continues to allocate 
insufficient funding and effort to ISS research. The Committee 
believes that this imbalance must be addressed by directing a 
greater share of research funding to actual physical and 
biological science research, and directs NASA to provide a 
strategy for accomplishing this goal over the next five fiscal 
years. This strategy shall be provided no later than 120 days 
after the enactment of this Act.
    21st Century Space Launch Complex.--This program is 
designed to modernize and upgrade both Wallops Flight Facility 
and Kennedy Space Center launch and range complexes. The 
recommendation includes the requested level of $23,300,000 for 
the 21st Century Space Launch Complex. NASA shall provide 
periodic updates to the Committee regarding status of the 
Wallops Flight Facility and its ability to resume commercial 
launches. The Committee supports maintaining launch sites 
serving the International Space Station at both the Kennedy 
Space Center and the Wallops Flight Facility to ensure 
uninterrupted domestic cargo access to the Station.
    Commercial cargo losses.--NASA shall submit a report within 
180 days of enactment of this Act on all anomalies and losses 
in the commercial cargo program and how any such anomalies have 
been corrected.


    The Committee recommends $119,000,000 for Education, which 
is the same as fiscal year 2015 and $30,100,000 above the 
    National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.--The 
recommendation includes $40,000,000 for the Space Grant 
program, which is the same as fiscal year 2015. The Committee 
is concerned that NASA's overhead for this program is about 19 
percent. NASA shall make every effort to achieve efficiencies 
to ensure that no more than 5 percent of the amounts provided 
for the program are used for administration and other overhead 
costs. In addition, the Committee is aware that NASA is 
planning for an independent evaluation of the Space Grant 
program. NASA is encouraged to ensure that there is no gap in 
Space Grant operations while the evaluation is underway. NASA 
shall provide the Committee with periodic updates regarding the 
status of the evaluation process.
    Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research 
(EPSCoR).--The recommendation includes $18,000,000 for EPSCoR, 
which is the same as fiscal year 2015.
    Youth service organizations.--The Committee notes that NASA 
has worked in partnership with youth service organizations, 
including those with a nationwide footprint, to engage K-12 
students in STEM-related activities and to help encourage those 
students to pursue future STEM-related studies and careers. 
These efforts are an effective way to help build the strong 
STEM workforce needed to ensure a globally competitive U.S. 
economy. NASA is directed to continue its K-12 STEM education 
efforts with youth service organizations and to report to the 
Committee on these efforts no later than 90 days after the 
enactment of this Act. In addition, the Committee urges NASA to 
leverage its extensive partnerships with the private sector to 
further promote STEM learning and STEM activities for young 
    STEM Education and Accountability Programs (SEAP).--NASA 
shall brief the Committee on the intended distribution of SEAP 
resources to individual activities; how that distribution 
compares to the fiscal year 2015 distribution of SEAP funding; 
how that distribution supports the priorities contained in the 
government-wide STEM education strategic plan; and what 
partnerships NASA has formed through its various SEAP programs 
with Hispanic Serving Institutions and Historically Black 
Colleges and Universities.


    The Committee recommends $2,768,600,000 for Safety, 
Security and Mission Services, which is $9,700,000 above fiscal 
year 2015 and $74,500,000 below the request.
    Security.--NASA shall continue to submit quarterly reports 
as directed in fiscal year 2014 on the status of implementing 
recommendations from the NASA OIG regarding the occurrence of 
security violations and a lack of accountability for those 
violations at the Langley and Ames Research Centers, as well as 
findings of the National Academy of Public Administration 
regarding problems and vulnerabilities in NASA's agency-wide 
security controls and practices. In addition, NASA shall ensure 
that all employees and contract employees, as appropriate, 
receive counterintelligence training. NASA also shall brief the 
Committee within 30 days of enactment of this Act and quarterly 
thereafter regarding collaboration with the FBI with respect to 
implementation of other counterintelligence protocols 
throughout NASA facilities.
    Working Capital Fund (WCF) reporting.--NASA shall continue 
to submit quarterly reports to the Committee on the 
expenditures and unobligated balances of NASA's WCF, as first 
required in the statement accompanying Public Law 112-55.
    Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V).--NASA shall 
ensure that it allocates sufficient funds toward IV&V 
activities and that, if necessary, NASA shall fund any 
additional IV&V activities from within the mission directorates 
that make use of IV&V services.


    The Committee recommends $425,000,000 for Construction and 
Environmental Compliance and Restoration, which is $5,900,000 
above fiscal year 2015 and $40,300,000 below the request. The 
recommended level includes $350,000,000 for Construction and 
$75,000,000 for Environmental Compliance. Within these amounts, 
the Committee is supportive of the budget request for the 
ongoing, multi-year revitalization plan at the Measurement 
Systems Laboratory.

                      OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL

    The Committee recommends $37,400,000 for the OIG, which is 
$400,000 above fiscal year 2015 and the same as the request.

                       ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS)

    The Committee has included the following administrative 
provisions for NASA:
    The bill includes a provision that makes funds for any 
announced prize available without fiscal year limitation until 
the prize is claimed or the offer is withdrawn.
    The bill includes a provision that establishes terms and 
conditions for the transfer of funds.
    The bill includes a provision that requires NASA to submit 
its agency spending plan at the activity level and subjects 
both the spending plan and specified changes to that plan to 
reprogramming procedures under section 505 of this Act.
    The bill includes a provision that allows the transfer of 
balances under a previous appropriations account structure to 
the new appropriations account structure.

                      National Science Foundation

    The Committee recommends $7,394,205,000 for the National 
Science Foundation (NSF), which is an increase of $50,000,000 
above fiscal year 2015 and $329,345,000 below the request.
    Transparency and accountability.--The Committee supports 
section 106 of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 
2015, H.R. 1806, as reported, that enhances transparency and 
accountability of NSF grants by requiring that public award 
abstracts articulate how the projects serve the national 
interest. The Committee understands that NSF has already taken 
steps to implement these transparency processes. NSF is 
directed to comply with section 106 and provide periodic 
updates to the Committee on its transparency activities.
    Replication of scientific research.--The Committee concurs 
that the gold standard of science is the ability of a research 
lab to reproduce a method and finding. NSF shall develop 
guidelines and present a plan to the Committee within 180 days 
of enactment of this Act to ensure that research conducted by 
NSF grantees is replicable.
    Technology transfer.--NSF shall allow public and private 
nonprofit technology transfer organizations that facilitate or 
accelerate commercialization of technologies developed by one 
or more institutions of higher education to apply as prime 
investigators for grants that are focused on commercialization 
of technology.
    Innovation Corps.--The Committee commends the NSF's 
Innovation Corps for its work in supporting entrepreneurship 
and commercialization of technologies produced by NSF grantees. 
The Committee encourages the NSF to continue to work with other 
Federal agencies to enable researchers funded by those agencies 
to be eligible to participate in the Innovation Corps.
    Ocean sciences.--The Committee notes that the 2015-2025 
Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences calls for immediate reductions 
in academic fleet costs for operations and maintenance. Prior 
to implementation of such reductions, the Committee directs NSF 
to submit in its fiscal year 2017 budget request a 
comprehensive plan to balance the need for fleet cost 
reductions with the retention of unique research capabilities 
within the fleet.


    The Committee recommends $5,983,645,000 for Research and 
Related Activities, which is an increase of $50,000,000 above 
fiscal year 2015 and $202,655,000 below the request. The 
Committee directs NSF to ensure that Mathematical and Physical 
Sciences; Computer and Information Science and Engineering; 
Engineering; and Biological Sciences comprise no less than 70 
percent of the funding within Research and Related Activities. 
Further, the Committee directs that NSF allocate no less than 
the fiscal year 2015 levels for the Office of International 
Science and Engineering; Integrative Activities; and the U.S. 
Arctic Commission. NSF shall ensure that its peer review 
process includes a variety of analysis and input from divergent 
    Neuroscience.--The recommendation includes $146,930,000 for 
research related to the Brain Research through Advancing 
Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative and cognitive 
science and neuroscience research. NSF is uniquely positioned 
to advance the nonmedical aspects of cognitive science and 
neuroscience, particularly through interdisciplinary science, 
computational models, visualization techniques, innovative 
technologies, and the underlying data and data infrastructure 
needed to transform our understanding of these areas. The 
Committee encourages NSF to continue to work in conjunction 
with the Interagency Working Group on Neuroscience as well as 
BRAIN the initiative to accelerate understanding of how the 
brain functions.
    The Committee looks forward to the National Brain 
Observatory working group's report on the use of the data 
infrastructure of the NSF, the Department of Energy's national 
laboratory network, and other applicable agencies to help 
neuroscientists collect, standardize, manage, and analyze the 
large amounts of data that will result from research attempting 
to understand how the brain functions. Of the amount provided 
for the BRAIN initiative and cognitive science and neuroscience 
research, $3,000,000 is provided to begin implementation of 
this initiative.
    International Coordination on Neuroscience Research.--
Within the amounts provided for NSF, funds are included to 
continue support for an annual international conference on 
neuroscience. This conference should convene government 
representatives, neuroscience researchers, private and non-
profit institutions, and others to come together to share 
research and foster collaboration around neuroscience-related 
activities. NSF shall report to the Committee on the results of 
the first such conference.
    Advanced Manufacturing.--The recommendation includes 
$176,570,000 for the Advanced Manufacturing initiative. Future 
economic prosperity in the United States will depend largely on 
our ability to develop and manufacture new products based on 
advanced technologies, both for the domestic market and for 
export. Basic research supported through NSF and other Federal 
science agencies is critical to this effort because it will 
help provide the foundation for the development of new products 
and technologies by the private sector.
    Astronomical Sciences Portfolio Review.--The Committee 
recognizes that the continued operation of the NSF network of 
astronomical observatories is a strategic asset to the nation, 
and that each observatory serves a specific need in 
Astronomical Sciences. These observatories have resulted from 
strong Federal investment and the observatories shall remain 
under NSF operation where possible. NSF shall not implement any 
final divestment of infrastructure tied to the findings of its 
2012 Astronomical Sciences Portfolio Review without first 
reporting such actions to the Committee. Further, such actions 
shall be carried out in accordance with any relevant 
reprogramming requirements.
    High-performance computing.--The Committee urges NSF to 
continue its commitment to modernizing its world-class big data 
and high-performance computing, which support all areas of 
scientific research and education, including the most demanding 
scientific challenges.
    International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP).--The 
recommendation provides $50,000,000, as requested, for the 
IODP. The Committee recognizes that IODP has recently 
undertaken an effort to maximize efficiencies within its budget 
and to increase public-private partnership opportunities to 
bring in additional revenue. NSF shall require IODP to 
implement additional infrastructure account-wide efficiency 
measures only to the extent that the operation time for the 
JOIDES Resolution is not impacted. NSF shall continue to 
maximize international and industry partner investments in this 
    Dyslexia.--The Committee encourages NSF to continue funding 
meritorious research on dyslexia and other learning 
    Domestic manufacturing.--The Committee encourages NSF to 
continue to support meritorious research on the U.S. steel 
    International collaborations.--The Committee encourages NSF 
to continue to support meritorious collaborative academic 
research between United States and strategic international 
partners, including Israel, with the intent of advancing 
    Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research 
(EPSCoR).--The recommendation includes $160,000,000 for the 
EPSCoR program, which is the same as the fiscal year 2015 


    The Committee recommends $200,030,000 for Major Research 
Equipment and Facilities Construction, which is $730,000 below 
fiscal year 2015 and $280,000 below the request.
    Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST).--The recommendation 
includes $99,670,000, the requested amount, for the LSST. The 
LSST, which was ranked as the top large ground-based astronomy 
project by the National Research Council 2010 Decadal Survey, 
will produce the deepest, widest-field sky image ever, and 
issue alerts for moving and transient objects within 60 seconds 
of discovery. NSF shall provide quarterly briefings to the 
Committee on the status of this project, to include updates on 
addressing the issues identified by the NSF Inspector General 
in its 2015 Management Challenges report.


    The Committee recommends $866,000,000 for Education and 
Human Resources, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$96,570,000 below the request.
    Advanced Technological Education (ATE).--The recommendation 
provides no less than the fiscal year 2015 level for the ATE 
    Broadening participation programs.--To broaden the 
participation of underrepresented populations in STEM education 
programs and, ultimately, the STEM workforce, the 
recommendation provides no less than $35,000,000 for the 
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate 
Program; $46,000,000 for the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority 
Participation; and $14,000,000 for the Tribal Colleges and 
Universities Program. In addition, the Committee reminds NSF 
about the America COMPETES Act of 2010, which directed NSF to 
establish a new program for Hispanic Serving Institutions 
(HSIs) and authorized $30,000,000 for this purpose. NSF shall 
report to the Committee on the distribution of HSI targeted 
opportunities across programs and demonstrate a $30,000,000 
investment no later than September 30, 2016.
    Informal STEM learning.--The recommendation provides 
$65,000,000 for the Advancing Informal STEM learning program. 
Of the amount provided, no less than $5,000,000 is for 
increasing minority interest in STEM disciplines by providing 
out of classroom educational experiences that are aligned with 
college and career readiness standards. Efforts should be 
focused on organizations that have demonstrated capacity to 
serve minority youth in informal STEM settings.


    The Committee recommends $325,000,000 for Agency Operations 
and Award Management, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$29,840,000 below the request.
    Headquarters.--NSF shall keep the Committee informed 
regarding overall status of the new headquarters building.


    The Committee recommends $4,370,000 for the National 
Science Board, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and the 

                      OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL

    The Committee recommends $15,160,000 for the Office of the 
Inspector General (OIG), which is $730,000 above fiscal year 
2015 and the same as the request.
    Management challenges.--The OIG shall brief the Committee 
on a quarterly basis regarding NSF's progress in addressing 
issues raised in various OIG reports and alert memos.

                        ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISION

    The bill includes a provision that establishes thresholds 
for the transfer of funds.

                                TITLE IV

                            RELATED AGENCIES

                       Commission on Civil Rights

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $9,200,000 for the Commission on 
Civil Rights, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and 
$213,000 below the request.

                Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $364,500,000 for the Equal 
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which is the same as 
fiscal year 2015 and $8,612,000 below the request. The 
recommendation includes language making up to $29,500,000 
available for payments to State and local enforcement agencies.
    Testers.--The EEOC has a critical mission to stop and 
redress employment discrimination in our country. In fiscal 
year 2014, the Commission received over 88,000 charges of 
employment discrimination from individuals across the United 
States. The Committee maintains its long-standing concern that 
the use of testers diverts the EEOC from its core mission to 
assess the validity of and take action on potentially colorable 
charges of employment discrimination, and was dismayed to learn 
that Federal funds have been used to support tester programs by 
one of the EEOC's Fair Employment Practice Agencies. Federal 
payments to State and local agencies are not appropriate to pay 
for testers. The Committee directs the Commission to maintain 
its current restriction on the use of Federal funds for this 
purpose and to focus its resources on reducing the backlog of 
current charges pending at the EEOC rather than prioritizing 
systemic cases in which no complaint was filed by an actual/
former employee or applicant.
    Backlog reduction.--The Committee expects the EEOC to 
continue to prioritize inventory reduction and to examine new 
ways to address the backlog and increase productivity. EEOC 
shall provide an annual report on the backlog, to include data 
on the number and pendency of charges, on any changes to EEOC's 
priority charge handling procedures, and the effect of such 
changes on inventory reduction.
    Conciliation.--The Committee is concerned with the EEOC's 
pursuit of litigation absent good faith conciliation efforts. 
The Committee directs the EEOC to engage in such efforts before 
undertaking litigation.

                     International Trade Commission

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $84,500,000 for the International 
Trade Commission (ITC), which is the same as fiscal year 2015 
and $47,000,000 below the request.
    Internal controls.--The Committee is pleased with ITC's 
progress in addressing internal control issues identified in 
audits. However, ITC must continue to take aggressive action to 
address any remaining shortcomings.
    Cybersecurity.--ITC handles sensitive and proprietary data 
and therefore is a potential target for cyber attacks. The 
Committee expects ITC to prioritize efforts to improve its 
cybersecurity posture. The Committee also encourages ITC to 
work with other relevant Federal agencies to inform its 
    Building lease.--The Committee is aware that the ITC's 
current building lease is scheduled to expire in August 2017. 
The Committee directs ITC to submit a report, no later than 90 
days after enactment of this Act, identifying lower cost 

                       Legal Services Corporation


    The Committee recommends $300,000,000 for the Legal 
Services Corporation (LSC), which is $75,000,000 below fiscal 
year 2015 and $152,000,000 below the request.


    The bill continues restrictions on the uses of LSC funding. 
None of the funds appropriated in this Act to the LSC shall be 
expended for any purpose prohibited or limited by, or contrary 
to any of the provisions of, sections 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 
and 506 of Public Law 105-119, and all funds appropriated in 
this Act to the LSC shall be subject to the same terms and 
conditions set forth in such sections, except that all 
references in sections 502 and 503 to 1997 and 1998 shall be 
deemed to refer instead to 2015 and 2016, respectively.
    Unauthorized uses of funds.--The Inspector General (IG) of 
the LSC is encouraged to conduct annual audits of LSC grantees 
to ensure that funds are not used in contravention of the 
restrictions on engaging in political activities, representing 
illegal immigrants, or any of the other restrictions by which 
LSC grantees are required to abide. The Committee recommends 
the removal of funds from any LSC grantee determined by the IG 
to have engaged in unauthorized activity.
    The Committee directs LSC to ensure grantees, to the extent 
required by State law and court rulings, reimburse attorney's 
fees in cases in which they are responsible for attorney's 

                        Marine Mammal Commission

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $3,340,000 for the Marine Mammal 
Commission, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and $91,000 
below the request.

            Office of the United States Trade Representative

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $54,250,000 for the Office of the 
U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), which is the same as fiscal 
year 2015 and $2,018,000 below the request.
    China.--The Committee expects that USTR will coordinate and 
implement a comprehensive and vigorous strategy to address the 
United States' trade imbalance with China. Within the amounts 
provided, the USTR is encouraged to maintain staff who can 
translate trade documents that USTR receives from China. The 
Committee believes that USTR should have its own translators on 
staff given the challenges associated with enforcing existing 
U.S. trade laws with China.
    U.S.-India bilateral trade and investment.--The Committee 
notes the importance of U.S.-India bilateral trade and 
investment. However, the Committee is concerned that India, 
while striving to improve its economic growth, has been 
enacting a series of policies to increase domestic 
manufacturing and protect domestic industries and agricultural 
production that discriminate against U.S. exports and 
investment. The Committee is concerned about the standards of 
IP protection and forced localization measures, as well as the 
unfair treatment by India of U.S. exports of American-produced 
boric acid, the illegal rebranding and smuggling of U.S.-grown 
almonds into India, and a whole host of other market access 
issues. The Committee understands the Trade Representative has 
raised these unfair barriers to trade multiple times with the 
Indian government and supports the efforts of USTR to resolve 
these issues.
    Free trade agreements.--The Committee directs USTR to 
continue to pursue free trade agreements with additional 
countries and trading blocs to continue advancing trade to and 
from the United States.

                        State Justice Institute

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

    The Committee recommends $5,121,000 for the State Justice 
Institute, which is the same as fiscal year 2015 and the 

                                TITLE V

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

                        (INCLUDING RESCISSIONS)

    Section 501 prohibits the use of funds for publicity or 
propaganda purposes unless expressly authorized by law.
    Section 502 prohibits any appropriation contained in this 
Act from remaining available for obligation beyond the current 
fiscal year unless expressly authorized.
    Section 503 provides that the expenditure of any 
appropriation contained in this Act for any consulting service 
through procurement contracts shall be limited to those 
contracts where such expenditures are a matter of public record 
and available for public inspection, except where otherwise 
provided under existing law or under existing Executive order 
issued pursuant to existing law.
    Section 504 provides that if any provision of this Act or 
the application of such provision to any person or circumstance 
shall be held invalid, the remainder of the Act and the 
application of other provisions shall not be affected.
    Section 505 prohibits a reprogramming of funds that: (1) 
creates or initiates a new program, project, or activity; (2) 
eliminates a program, project, or activity; (3) increases funds 
or personnel by any means for any project or activity for which 
funds have been denied or restricted; (4) relocates an office 
or employees; (5) reorganizes or renames offices, programs, or 
activities; (6) contracts out or privatizes any function or 
activity presently performed by Federal employees; (7) augments 
funds for existing programs, projects, or activities in excess 
of $500,000 or 10 percent, whichever is less, or reduces by 10 
percent funding for any program, project, or activity, or 
numbers of personnel by 10 percent; or (8) results from any 
general savings, including savings from a reduction in 
personnel, which would result in a change in existing programs, 
activities, or projects as approved by Congress, unless the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations are notified 15 
days in advance of such reprogramming of funds. For the 
Department of Justice, the notification requirement is 45 days 
in advance.
    Section 506 provides that if it is determined that any 
person intentionally affixes a ``Made in America'' label to any 
product that was not made in America that person shall not be 
eligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds 
made available in this Act. The section further provides that 
to the extent practicable, with respect to purchases of 
promotional items, funds made available under this Act shall be 
used to purchase items manufactured, produced, or assembled in 
the United States or its territories or possessions.
    Section 507 requires quarterly reporting to Congress on the 
status of balances of appropriations.
    Section 508 provides that any costs incurred by a 
department or agency funded under this Act resulting from, or 
to prevent, personnel actions taken in response to funding 
reductions in this Act, or, for the Department of Commerce, 
from actions taken for the care and protection of loan 
collateral or grant property, shall be absorbed within the 
budgetary resources available to the department or agency, and 
provides transfer authority between appropriation accounts to 
carry out this provision, subject to reprogramming procedures.
    Section 509 prohibits funds made available in this Act from 
being used to promote the sale or export of tobacco or tobacco 
products or to seek the reduction or removal of foreign 
restrictions on the marketing of tobacco products, except for 
restrictions which are not applied equally to all tobacco or 
tobacco products of the same type. This provision is not 
intended to impact routine international trade services to all 
U.S. citizens, including the processing of applications to 
establish foreign trade zones.
    Section 510 limits the obligation of receipts deposited 
into the Crime Victims Fund at $2,705,164,000 during fiscal 
year 2016, an increase of $344,164,000 above the fiscal year 
2015 level of obligations. This language is continued to ensure 
that a stable level of funds will remain available for the 
program, despite inconsistent levels of fines deposited 
annually into the Fund.
    Section 511 prohibits the use of Department of Justice 
funds for programs that discriminate against or denigrate the 
religious or moral beliefs of students participating in such 
    Section 512 prohibits the transfer of funds made available 
in this Act to any department, agency or instrumentality of the 
United States Government, except for transfers made by, or 
pursuant to authorities provided in, this Act or any other 
appropriations Act.
    Section 513 provides that funds provided in this Act for E-
Government Initiatives shall be subject to the procedures set 
forth in section 505 of this Act.
    Section 514 requires certain timetables and procedures for 
specified audits performed by Inspectors General of the 
departments and agencies funded in this Act and sets limits and 
restrictions on the awarding and use of grants or contracts 
funded by amounts appropriated by this Act.
    Section 515 prohibits funds for acquisition of certain 
information systems unless the acquiring department or agency 
has reviewed and assessed certain risks. Any acquisition of 
such an information system is contingent upon the development 
of a risk mitigation strategy and a determination that the 
acquisition is in the national interest. Each department or 
agency covered by this section shall consult with the Federal 
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other relevant agencies when 
reviewing supply chain risks and making a determination that 
the acquisition is in the national interest. The FBI is working 
to develop standards that agencies should use when assessing 
acquisition risks. Each department or agency covered by this 
section is directed to ensure it is following the criteria 
established by the FBI and the National Institute of Standards 
and Technology when acquiring or renewing certain information 
systems. Each department or agency covered under this section 
shall submit a quarterly report to the Committees on 
Appropriations of the House and Senate describing reviews and 
assessments of risk made pursuant to this section and any 
associated findings or determinations.
    Section 516 prohibits the use of funds made available in 
this Act to support or justify the use of torture by any 
official or contract employee of the United States Government.
    Section 517 permanently prohibits the use of funds to 
require certain export licenses.
    Section 518 permanently prohibits the use of funds to deny 
certain import applications regarding ``curios or relics'' 
firearms, parts, or ammunition.
    Section 519 prohibits the use of funds made available in 
this Act to include certain language in trade agreements.
    Section 520 prohibits the use of funds made available in 
this Act to authorize or issue a national security letter (NSL) 
in contravention of certain laws authorizing the Federal Bureau 
of Investigation to issue NSLs.
    Section 521 requires congressional notification regarding 
any project within the Departments of Commerce or Justice, the 
National Science Foundation or the National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration totaling more than $75,000,000 that has 
cost increases of 10 percent or more.
    Section 522 deems funds for intelligence or intelligence 
related activities as authorized by Congress during fiscal year 
2016 until the enactment of the Intelligence Authorization Act 
for fiscal year 2016.
    Section 523 prohibits contracts or grant awards in excess 
of $5,000,000 unless the prospective contractor or grantee 
certifies that the organization has filed all Federal tax 
returns, has not been convicted of a criminal offense under the 
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and has no unpaid Federal tax 


    Section 524 provides for rescissions of unobligated 
balances from the Departments of Commerce and Justice.
    Section 525 prohibits the use of funds made available in 
this Act for the purchase of first class or premium air travel 
in contravention of certain Federal travel regulations.
    Section 526 prohibits the use of funds made available in 
this Act to pay for the attendance of more than 50 department 
or agency employees at any single conference outside the United 
States, unless the conference is a law enforcement training or 
operational event where the majority of Federal attendees are 
law enforcement personnel stationed outside the United States.
    Section 527 prohibits the use of funds in this or any other 
Act for the transfer or release of certain individuals detained 
at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to or 
within the United States, its territories, or possessions.
    Section 528 prohibits the use of funds in this or any other 
Act to construct, acquire, or modify any facility in the United 
States, its territories, or possessions to house certain 
individuals who, as of June 24, 2009, were located at United 
States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for the purposes of 
detention or imprisonment in the custody or control of the 
Department of Defense.
    Section 529 requires, when practicable, the use of funds in 
this Act to purchase light bulbs that have the ``Energy Star'' 
or ``Federal Energy Management Program'' designation.
    Section 530 requires tracking and reporting of undisbursed 
balances in expired grant accounts.
    Section 531 prohibits the use of funds made available in 
this Act by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
(NASA) or the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to 
engage in bilateral activities with China or a Chinese-owned 
company unless the activities are authorized by subsequent 
legislation or NASA or OSTP have made a certification pursuant 
to subsections (c) and (d) of this section.
    Section 532 permanently prohibits funds from being used to 
deny the importation of shotgun models if no application for 
the importation of such models, in the same configuration, had 
been denied prior to January 1, 2011, on the basis that the 
shotgun was not particularly suitable for or readily adaptable 
to sporting purposes.
    Section 533 prohibits the use of funds made available in 
this Act to establish or maintain a computer network that does 
not block pornography, except for law enforcement purposes.
    Section 534 requires each department and agency funded in 
the bill to submit spending plans.
    Section 535 prohibits funds made available by this Act to 
implement the Arms Trade Treaty until the Senate approves a 
resolution of ratification.
    Section 536 prohibits the use of funds to relinquish the 
responsibility of the National Telecommunications and 
Information Administration with respect to Internet domain name 
system functions.
    Section 537 prohibits funds from being used to require a 
person licensed under section 923 of title 18, United States 
Code, to report information to the Department of Justice 
regarding the sale of multiple rifles or shotguns to the same 
    Section 538 requires the Departments of Commerce and 
Justice, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and 
the National Science Foundation to provide inspectors general 
with timely information.
    Section 539 requires a monthly report from the Department 
of Commerce, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 
the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy on travel to China.
    Section 540 prohibits funds to facilitate, permit, license, 
or promote certain exports to Cuba. This section does not apply 
to exports permitted under the Trade Sanctions Reform and 
Export Enhancement Act of 2000.
    Section 541 prohibits funds for the termination of the 
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy.

                       SPENDING REDUCTION ACCOUNT

    Section 542 establishes a Spending Reduction Account.

            House of Representatives Reporting Requirements

    The following materials are submitted in accordance with 
various requirements of the Rules of the House of 

                          Full Committee Votes

         Statement of General Performance Goals and Objectives

    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the following is a statement of 
general performance goals and objectives for which this measure 
authorizes funding: The Committee on Appropriations considers 
program performance, including a program's success in 
developing and attaining outcome-related goals and objectives, 
in developing funding recommendations.

                          Rescission of Funds

    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the following table is submitted 
describing the rescissions recommended in the accompanying 

Department of Commerce:
    National Technical Information Service............        10,000,000
Department of Justice:
    Working Capital Fund..............................       100,000,000
    Federal Bureau of Investigation, Salaries and            120,000,000
    U.S. Marshals Service, Federal Prisoner Detention.        69,500,000
    State and Local Law Enforcement Activities:
        Office on Violence Against Women, Violence            15,000,000
         Against Women Prevention and Prosecution
        Office of Justice Programs....................        40,000,000
        Community Oriented Policing Services..........        20,000,000

                           Transfers of Funds

    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the following is submitted describing 
the transfers of funds provided in the accompanying bill:
    In title I, under Bureau of the Census, Periodic Censuses 
and Programs, language is included to transfer funds to the 
Department of Commerce, Office of Inspector General.
    Under U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Salaries and 
Expenses, language is included to transfer funds to the Civil 
Service Retirement and Disability Fund, the Federal Employees 
Health Benefit Fund, the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance 
Fund, and the Department of Commerce, Office of Inspector 
    Under National Institute of Standards and Technology, 
Scientific and Technical Research and Services, language is 
included allowing for transfers to the Working Capital Fund.
    Under National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
Operations, Research, and Facilities, language is included to 
transfer funds from the Promote and Develop Fishery Products 
and Research Pertaining to American Fisheries fund.
    Under National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction, language is 
included to transfer funds to the Department of Commerce, 
Office of the Inspector General.
    Section 103 provides for the transfer of funds between 
Department of Commerce appropriations in certain circumstances.
    In title II, General Administration, Justice Information 
Sharing Technology, language is included allowing for the 
transfer of funds.
    Under General Administration, Administrative Review and 
Appeals, language is included to transfer funds to the 
Executive Office for Immigration Review from fees deposited in 
the Immigration Examinations Fee account.
    Under Legal Activities, Salaries and Expenses, Community 
Relations Service, language is included allowing for the 
transfer of funds in certain circumstances.
    Under United States Marshals Service, Federal Prisoner 
Detention, language is included transferring available 
unobligated balances from General Administration, Detention 
Trustee to this account.
    Under National Security Division, Salaries and Expenses, 
language is included allowing for the transfer of funds in 
certain circumstances.
    Under Federal Prison System, Salaries and Expenses, 
language is included to allow the transfer of funds to the 
Department of Health and Human Services.
    Section 205 provides language for the transfer of funds 
between Department of Justice appropriations in certain 
    In title III, under National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration, Administrative Provisions, language is included 
providing for the transfer of funds between appropriations in 
certain circumstances.
    Under National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 
Administrative Provisions, language is included to allow 
unexpired balances of a previous account to be transferred to 
the new account established in this Act funding the same 
    Under National Science Foundation, Administrative 
Provisions, language is included providing for the transfer of 
funds between appropriations in certain circumstances.
    Under General Provisions, Section 508 provides for the 
transfer of funds in certain circumstances.

   Disclosure of Earmarks and Congressionally Directed Spending Items

    Neither the bill nor the report contains any Congressional 
earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits as 
defined in clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of 

          Compliance With Rule XIII, Cl. 3(e) (Ramseyer Rule)

    In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the Committee notes that the 
accompanying bill does not propose to repeal or amend a statute 
or part thereof.

               Changes in the Application of Existing Law

    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(1)(A) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the following statements are 
submitted describing the effect of provisions in the 
accompanying bill which directly or indirectly change the 
application of existing law.
    Language is included for a number of accounts placing 
limitations on representation and reception allowances in order 
to reduce the amount of money that would otherwise be spent on 
these activities. The bill also provides that a number of 
appropriations shall remain available for obligation beyond the 
current fiscal year. While these provisions are not 
specifically authorized for all of the items, it is deemed 
desirable to include such language for certain programs in 
order to provide for orderly administration and effective use 
of funds.
    In title I, Department of Commerce, under International 
Trade Administration, Operations and Administration, language 
is included providing that funds may be used for engaging in 
trade promotion activities abroad, including expenses of grants 
and cooperative agreements, for the purposes of promoting 
exports of U.S. firms. Language is also provided allowing for 
full medical coverage for dependent members of immediate 
families of employees stationed overseas and employees 
temporarily posted overseas; travel and transportation of 
employees of the International Trade Administration; employment 
of Americans and aliens by contract for services; rental of 
space abroad and expenses of alteration, repair, or 
improvement; purchase or construction of temporary demountable 
exhibition structures for use abroad; and payment of tort 
claims. In addition, language is included regarding official 
representation expenses abroad, purchase of passenger motor 
vehicles for official use abroad, obtaining insurance on 
official motor vehicles, and rental of tie lines. Language is 
also recommended deriving a portion of available funds from 
fees. Furthermore, language is included designating funding for 
China antidumping and countervailing duty enforcement and 
compliance activities. Moreover, language is included providing 
for two-year availability of funds. Finally, language is 
included regarding the contributions under the Mutual 
Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961.
    Under Bureau of Industry and Security, Operations and 
Administration, the language provides for no-year availability 
of funds. Language is included regarding the costs associated 
with the performance of export administration field activities 
both domestically and abroad; full medical coverage for 
dependent members of immediate families of employees stationed 
overseas; employment of Americans and aliens by contract for 
services abroad; payment of tort claims; official 
representation expenses abroad; awards of compensation to 
informers; and purchase of passenger motor vehicles for 
official use and motor vehicles for law enforcement use without 
regard to any price limitation established by law. In addition, 
language is included regarding the Mutual Educational and 
Cultural Exchange Act of 1961. Finally, language is recommended 
providing that payments and contributions collected and 
accepted for materials or services may be retained for use in 
covering the cost of those activities and other communications.
    Under Economic Development Administration, Economic 
Development Assistance Programs, the language provides for no-
year availability of funds.
    Also, under Salaries and Expenses, language is included 
regarding the monitoring of approved projects.
    Under Minority Business Development Agency, Minority 
Business Development, language is included making funds 
available for fostering, promoting, and developing minority 
business enterprises, including expenses of grants, contracts 
and other agreements.
    Under Economic and Statistical Analysis, Salaries and 
Expenses, language is included providing for two-year 
availability of funds.
    Under Bureau of the Census, Current Surveys and Programs, 
language is included providing that funds may be used for 
collecting, compiling, analyzing, preparing and publishing 
statistics and for promotion, outreach and marketing 
activities. Language is also included requiring the collection 
of certain data in a certain survey.
    Also, under Periodic Censuses and Programs, language is 
included providing two-year availability of funds. Language is 
also included providing that funds may be used for collecting, 
compiling, analyzing, preparing and publishing statistics and 
for promotion, outreach and marketing activities. In addition, 
language is included providing for a transfer to the ``Office 
of Inspector General'' account for activities associated with 
carrying out investigations and audits related to the Bureau of 
the Census. Finally, language is included withholding funds for 
certain Census information technology projects until the Bureau 
submits an expenditure plan.
    Under National Telecommunications and Information 
Administration, Salaries and Expenses, language is included 
providing for two-year availability of funds. Language is also 
included permitting the Secretary of Commerce to charge Federal 
agencies for costs in spectrum management, analysis, 
operations, and related services; and to use such collections 
in telecommunications research. The language also allows the 
Secretary to retain and use as offsetting collections all funds 
transferred, or previously transferred for telecommunications 
research, engineering and activities by the Institute for 
Telecommunication Sciences of NTIA. Finally, language is 
included providing that funds so transferred shall remain 
available until expended.
    Also, under Public Telecommunications Facilities, Planning 
and Construction, language is included allowing recoveries and 
unobligated balances of funds previously appropriated to be 
available for the administration of all open grants until their 
    Under United States Patent and Trademark Office, Salaries 
and Expenses, language is included providing that appropriated 
funds be reduced as offsetting collections are assessed and 
collected. Language is including making funds available until 
expended and providing that funds received in excess of 
appropriations be deposited in a Patent and Trademark Fee 
Reserve fund, to be available until expended pursuant to the 
Director submitting a spending plan subject to section 505 of 
this Act, after which the funds shall be transferred to the 
Salaries and Expenses account. In addition, language is 
included limiting representation expenses. Language is also 
included regarding basic pay and certain retirement benefits. 
Additional language is included regarding USPTO's financial 
statements. Furthermore, language is included providing that 
fees and surcharges charged are available to USPTO pursuant to 
section 42(c) of title 35, United States Code. Finally, the 
language provides that an amount be transferred to the Office 
of Inspector General (OIG).
    Under National Institute of Standards and Technology, 
Scientific and Technical Research and Services, language is 
included providing for no-year availability of funds. In 
addition, language is included allowing transfers to the 
working capital fund. Language is included limiting funds for 
official reception and representation expenses. Finally, 
language is included allowing NIST to provide local 
transportation for a certain fellowship program.
    Also, under Industrial Technology Services, language is 
included providing no-year availability of funds. The language 
also designates an amount for the Manufacturing Extension 
    In addition, under Construction of Research Facilities, 
language is included providing for no-year availability of 
funds. Language is also included regarding the submission of 
certain materials in support of construction budget requests.
    Under National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
Operations, Research, and Facilities, language is included 
allowing for two-year availability for funds, except for 
cooperative enforcement funds, which are available for three 
years. Language is also included allowing maintenance, 
operation, and hire of aircraft and vessels; grants, contracts, 
or other payments to nonprofit organizations for the purposes 
of conducting activities pursuant to cooperative agreements; 
and relocation of facilities. Language is included allowing 
fees and donations received by a particular office to be 
retained and used for expenses related to certain activities. 
In addition, language is included that provides that certain 
funds be derived from various sources and restricting their use 
to certain activities. Furthermore, language is included 
limiting the amount of funds that can be provided for corporate 
services administrative support. Moreover, language is included 
specifying that deviations from amounts included in the report 
accompanying the Act shall be subject to section 505 of this 
Act. Finally, language is included providing for retired pay 
    Also, under Procurement, Acquisition and Construction, 
language is included providing for three-year availability for 
funds, except for construction funds, which are available until 
expended. Language is also included providing that certain 
funds be derived from various sources. In addition, language is 
included specifying that deviations from amounts included in 
the report accompanying the Act shall be subject to section 505 
of this Act. Language is included regarding the submission of 
certain materials in support of construction budget requests. 
Finally, language is included transferring an amount to the 
    In addition, under Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery, 
language is included providing for two-year availability of 
funds. Language is also included allowing the Secretary of 
Commerce to issue grants to specific States and federally 
recognized tribes for conservation projects for listed 
endangered or threatened salmon and steelhead populations, 
populations at risk to be so listed, and for maintaining 
populations necessary for the exercise of tribal treaty fishing 
rights, and for conservation of Pacific coastal salmon and 
steelhead habitat, to be allocated under scientific and merit 
principles and not available for marketing activities; and 
requiring a State match.
    Furthermore, under Fishermen's Contingency Fund, language 
is included providing for the appropriation of funds to be 
derived from receipts collected pursuant to Title IV of Public 
Law 95-372.
    Moreover, under Fisheries Finance Program Account, language 
is included placing limitations on individual fishing quota 
loans and traditional direct loans.
    Under Departmental Management, Salaries and Expenses, 
language is included limiting funds for official reception and 
representation expenses.
    Under Renovation and Modernization, language is included 
making funds available until expended for security systems and 
blast-resistant windows.
    Under Department of Commerce, General Provisions, the 
following general provisions that fall within the rule are 
          Section 101 makes funds available for advanced 
        payments only upon certification of officials 
        designated by the Secretary that such payments are 
        considered to be in the public interest.
          Section 102 makes appropriations for the Department 
        available for hire of passenger motor vehicles, for 
        services, and for uniforms and allowances as authorized 
        by law.
          Section 103 provides the authority to transfer funds 
        between Department of Commerce appropriation accounts 
        and requiring notification to the Committee of certain 
          Section 104 extends Congressional notification 
        requirements for NOAA satellite programs.
          Section 105 provides for reimbursement for services 
        within Department of Commerce buildings.
          Section 106 clarifies that grant recipients under the 
        Department of Commerce may continue to deter child 
        pornography, copyright infringement, or any other 
        unlawful activity over their networks.
          Section 107 provides the Administrator with the 
        authority to avail NOAA of needed resources, with the 
        consent of those supplying the resources, to carry out 
        responsibilities of any statute administered by NOAA.
          Section 108 prohibits the National Technical 
        Information Service from charging customers for certain 
        publications, except under certain conditions and 
        requires charges be limited to recovering costs.
          Section 109 provides the Secretary with the authority 
        to waive bond requirements for the construction, 
        alteration, or repair of vessels.
          Section 110 permits use of certain unobligated 
        balances for certain activities authorized by the 
        Revitalizing American Manufacturing Act.
    In title II, Department of Justice, under General 
Administration, Salaries and Expenses, language is included 
providing for an amount for security and construction of 
Department of Justice facilities, which shall remain available 
until expended.
    Also, under Justice Information Sharing Technology, 
language is included providing that funds be available until 
expended. Language is also included allowing transfers up to a 
certain amount to this account for information technology 
    In addition, under Administrative Review and Appeals, 
language is included providing that an amount shall be derived 
by transfer from the Executive Office for Immigration Review 
fees deposited in the ``Immigration Examinations Fee'' account. 
Language is also included making an amount available until 
expended for certain purposes.
    Moreover, under Office of Inspector General, language is 
included providing for not to exceed $10,000 to meet unforeseen 
emergencies of a confidential character.
    Under Legal Activities, Salaries and Expenses, General 
Legal Activities, language is included providing not to exceed 
$20,000 for expenses of collecting evidence, to be expended 
under the direction of, and to be accounted for solely under 
the certificate of, the Attorney General. Language is also 
included providing for rental of space in the District of 
Columbia. Language is included making an amount available until 
expended for litigation support contracts. In addition, 
language is included making certain funds available to INTERPOL 
available until expended. Also, language is included limiting 
the amount of funds for official representation and reception 
expenses available to INTERPOL Washington. Furthermore, 
language is included providing funds to the Civil Rights 
Division for expenses associated with election monitoring, 
authority to reimburse the Office of Personnel Management for 
such expenses, and availability of such funds until expended. 
Finally, language is included for expenses associated with 
processing cases under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury 
Act of 1986.
    Also, under Salaries and Expenses, Antitrust Division, 
language is included providing for no-year availability of 
funds. The language also provides that fees collected for 
premerger notification filings, regardless of the year of 
collection, shall be retained and used for necessary expenses 
in this appropriation, and shall remain available until 
    In addition, under Salaries and Expenses, United States 
Attorneys, language is included regarding inter-governmental 
and cooperative agreements and limiting funds for official 
reception and representation expenses. Language is also 
included extending the availability of certain funds. Finally, 
language is included requiring each United States Attorney to 
establish or participate in a task force on human trafficking.
    Furthermore, under United States Trustee System Fund, 
language is included regarding refunds due depositors. Language 
is also included providing for the extended availability of 
certain funds and the use of offsetting collections.
    Moreover, under Fees and Expenses of Witnesses, language is 
included regarding contracts for the procurement and 
supervision of expert witnesses. In addition, language is 
included regarding funds for construction of buildings for 
safesites, armored and other vehicles, and telecommunication 
equipment. The language also provides for no-year availability 
of funds. In addition, language is included providing no funds 
may be transferred pursuant to section 205 of this Act.
    And under Salaries and Expenses, Community Relations 
Service, language is included regarding the transfer of funds 
for conflict resolution and violence prevention activities, 
which shall be subject to the provisions of section 505 of this 
    Under United States Marshals Service, Salaries and 
Expenses, language is included limiting official reception and 
representation expenses, and providing for no-year availability 
for part of the appropriation.
    Also, under Construction, language is included providing 
for no-year availability of funds.
    In addition, under Federal Prisoner Detention, language is 
included providing for no-year availability of funds. Language 
is also included providing that the United States Marshals 
Service shall be responsible for managing the Justice Prisoner 
and Alien Transportation System. In addition, language is 
included limiting the amount of funds considered ``funds 
appropriated for State and local law enforcement assistance''. 
Finally, language is included transferring to this account 
unobligated balances from funds appropriated in prior years to 
the Detention Trustee.
    Under National Security Division, Salaries and Expenses, 
language is included providing for the no-year availability of 
funds for IT systems. Language is also included providing that 
upon a determination by the Attorney General that emergent 
circumstances require additional funding for the activities of 
the National Security Division, the Attorney General may 
transfer such amounts to this heading from available 
appropriations for the current fiscal year for the Department 
of Justice, as may be necessary to respond to such 
circumstances. The language provides such a transfer be treated 
as a reprogramming under section 505 of this Act.
    Under Interagency Law Enforcement, Interagency Crime and 
Drug Enforcement, language is included providing for no-year 
availability for some of the funds. Language is also included 
regarding authorities under which funds may be used.
    Under Federal Bureau of Investigation, Salaries and 
Expenses, language is included providing for no-year 
availability of certain funds. Language is included providing 
for a limitation on representational expenses.
    Under Construction, language is included specifying the 
purpose of the appropriation and making it available until 
    Under Drug Enforcement Administration, Salaries and 
Expenses, language is included providing for funds to meet 
unforeseen emergencies of a confidential character. Language is 
also included allowing conduct of drug education and training 
programs, including travel and related expenses for 
participants in such programs and the distribution of items of 
token value that promote the goals of such programs. In 
addition, language is included providing for no-year 
availability of certain funds. Finally, language is included 
providing for a limitation on representational expenses.
    Under Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 
Salaries and Expenses, language is included allowing training 
of State and local law enforcement agencies with or without 
reimbursement, including training in connection with the 
training and acquisition of canines for explosives and fire 
accelerants detection, and allowing provision of laboratory 
assistance to State and local law enforcement agencies, with or 
without reimbursement. Language is also included limiting 
official reception and representation expenses. In addition, 
language is included providing funds for the payment of 
attorneys' fees. In addition, language is included providing 
for no-year availability of certain funds. Additional language 
is included prohibiting expenses to investigate or act upon 
applications for relief from Federal firearms disabilities 
under section 925(c) of title 18, United States Code. Language 
is further included regarding expenses to investigate 
applications filed by corporations for relief from section 
925(c) of title 18, United States Code. Moreover, language is 
included that prohibits funds to transfer the functions, 
missions or activities of ATF to other agencies or departments.
    Under Federal Prison System, Salaries and Expenses, 
language is included that provides for the transfer to the 
Department of Health and Human Services funds necessary for 
medical relief for inmates. Language is also included that 
provides authority to the Director to enter into contracts to 
furnish health care. In addition, language is included placing 
a limitation on funds for reception and representation 
expenses. Furthermore, language is included extending the 
availability of certain funds. Finally, language is included 
providing authority for the Federal Prison System to accept 
donated property and services.
    Also, in Building and Facilities, language is included 
providing for no-year availability of funds and establishing 
funding levels for certain activities. Language is also 
included stating labor of prisoners may be used for work under 
this heading.
    Additionally, under Federal Prison Industries, 
Incorporated, language is included authorizing Federal Prison 
Industries, Incorporated, to make such expenditures, within the 
limits of funds and borrowing authority available, and in 
accord with the law, and to make such contracts and 
commitments, without regard to fiscal year limitations, as may 
be necessary in carrying out the program set forth in the 
budget for the current fiscal year for such corporation.
    Furthermore, under Limitation on Administrative Expenses, 
Federal Prison Industries, Incorporated, language is included 
making available funds for its administrative expenses, and for 
certain services, to be computed on an accrual basis to be 
determined in accordance with the corporation's current 
prescribed accounting system, and such amounts shall be 
exclusive of depreciation, payment of claims, and expenditures 
which such accounting system requires to be capitalized or 
charged to cost of commodities acquired or produced, including 
selling and shipping expenses, and expenses in connection with 
acquisition, construction, operation, maintenance, improvement, 
protection, or disposition of facilities and other property 
belonging to the corporation or in which it has an interest.
    Under State and Local Law Enforcement Activities, Office on 
Violence Against Women, Violence Against Women Prevention and 
Prosecution Programs, language is included making funds 
available until expended. Language is also included placing a 
limitation on funds to be made available for expenses related 
to evaluation, training, and technical assistance. In addition, 
language is included providing for specific appropriations for 
various programs within the Office on Violence Against Women. 
Furthermore, language is included making available certain 
unobligated balances for specified programs. The language also 
applies certain conditions to specified grants.
    Also, under State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance, 
language is included to provide for no-year availability of 
funds. Language is also included regarding an Officer Robert 
Wilson III memorial Preventing Violence Against Law Enforcement 
Officer Resilience and Survivability Initiative, domestic 
radicalization research, juvenile indigent defense and 
convention security grants. In addition, language is included 
regarding Federal immigration and other detainees housed in 
State and local detention facilities. Furthermore, language is 
included regarding local government use of funds to increase 
the number of law enforcement officers. Language is also 
included regarding DNA training and education for law 
enforcement, correctional personnel, and court officers. 
Finally, the language specifies appropriations for various 
programs within the Office of Justice Programs.
    In addition, under Juvenile Justice Programs, language is 
included providing for no-year availability of funds. Language 
is also included waiving a provision of law with respect to 
funding for missing and exploited children programs. Finally, 
the language delineates certain amounts for various programs 
under this heading.
    Furthermore, under Public Safety Officer Benefits, language 
is included providing for no-year availability of funds. 
Language is also included providing for the transfers of funds 
in emergent circumstances, which shall be subject to the 
provisions of section 505 of this Act.
    Under Community Oriented Policing Services, Community 
Oriented Policing Services Programs, language is included 
providing for no-year availability of funds. Language is also 
included requiring that balances available through 
deobligations only be available through reprogramming. In 
addition, language is included regarding transfers of funds for 
anti-methamphetamine activities. There is further language 
regarding certain time limitations under the Second Chance Act. 
Finally, the language delineates certain amounts for various 
programs under this heading.
    Under Department of Justice, General Provisions, the 
following general provisions that fall within the rule are 
          Section 201 makes available additional reception and 
        representation funding for the Attorney General from 
        the amounts provided in this title.
          Section 202 prohibits the use of funds to pay for an 
        abortion, except in the case of incest, rape or to 
        preserve the life of the mother.
          Section 203 prohibits the use of funds to require any 
        person to perform or facilitate the performance of an 
          Section 204 establishes the obligation of the 
        Director of the Bureau of Prisons to provide escort 
        services to an inmate receiving an abortion outside of 
        a Federal facility, except where this obligation 
        conflicts with the preceding section.
          Section 205 establishes the Committee's requirements 
        and procedures for transfer proposals.
          Section 206 authorizes the Attorney General to extend 
        an ongoing Personnel Management Demonstration Project.
          Section 207 prohibits the use of certain funds for 
        transporting prisoners classified as maximum or high 
        security, other than to a facility certified by the 
        Bureau of Prisons as appropriately secure.
          Section 208 prohibits the use of funds for the 
        purchase or rental by Federal prisons of audiovisual 
        equipment, services and materials used primarily for 
        recreational purposes, except for those items and 
        services needed for inmate training, religious, or 
        educational purposes.
          Section 209 requires review by the Deputy Attorney 
        General and the Department Investment Review Board 
        prior to the obligation or expenditure of funds for 
        major information technology projects.
          Section 210 requires the Department to follow 
        reprogramming procedures prior to any deviation from 
        the program amounts specified in this title or the 
        reuse of specified deobligated funds provided in 
        previous years.
          Section 211 prohibits the use of funds for A-76 
        competitions for work performed by employees of Federal 
        Prison Industries, Inc.
          Section 212 prohibits U.S. Attorneys from holding 
        dual or additional responsibilities that exempt U.S. 
        Attorneys from statutory residency requirements.
          Section 213 permits up to 3 percent of grant and 
        reimbursement program funds made available to OJP to be 
        used for training and technical assistance and permits 
        grant or reimbursement funds made available to the 
        Department to be used for criminal justice research, 
        evaluation and statistics.
          Section 214 waives the requirement that the Attorney 
        General reserve certain funds from amounts provided for 
        offender incarceration.
          Section 215 prohibits funds, other than funds for the 
        National Instant Criminal Background Check System 
        established under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention 
        Act, from being used to facilitate the transfer of an 
        operable firearm to a known or suspected agent of a 
        drug cartel where law enforcement personnel do not 
        continuously monitor or control such firearm. This 
        language is made permanent.
          Section 216 places limitation on the obligation of 
        funds from certain Department of Justice accounts and 
        funding sources.
          Section 217 withholds certain funds from obligation 
        for several Department of Justice agencies until the 
        Attorney General has demonstrated that recommendations 
        from the Office of Inspector General with regard to 
        addressing employee misconduct have been or are in the 
        process of being implemented.
    In title III, Science, under Office of Science and 
Technology Policy, language is included providing that certain 
funds be available for reception and representation expenses, 
and rental of conference rooms.
    Under National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 
Science, language is included providing for the multi-year 
availability of funds. Language is also included concerning a 
planetary science mission, and a limitation on formulation and 
development costs of a certain program with an associated 
notification requirement.
    Also, under Aeronautics, language is included providing for 
the multi-year availability of funds.
    In addition, under Space Technology, language is included 
providing for the multi-year availability of funds.
    Under Exploration, language is included providing for the 
multi-year availability of funds. Language is also included 
that delineates amounts for program components.
    In Space Operations, language is included providing for the 
multi-year availability of funds.
    Additionally, under Education, language is included 
providing for the multi-year availability of funds. Language is 
also included delineating amounts for program components.
    Under Safety, Security and Mission Services, language is 
included providing for the multi-year availability of funds. 
Language is also included to limit official reception and 
representation expenses.
    Under Construction and Environmental Compliance and 
Restoration, language is included providing for the multi-year 
availability of funds. Language is also included restricting 
receipts and expenditures made pursuant to enhanced use lease 
arrangements and requiring the inclusion of estimates in future 
budget requests.
    Under Office of Inspector General, language is included 
providing for the multi-year availability of some funds.
    In the Administrative Provisions, language is included 
regarding: availability of funds for announced prizes; 
limitations on transfers of funds among NASA accounts; the 
submission of a spending plan; and the transfer of certain 
unexpired balances.
    Under National Science Foundation, Research and Related 
Activities, language is included that provides for the multi-
year availability of funds. Language is also included that 
governs funding availability for polar research and operational 
support. In addition, language is included providing that 
certain receipts may be credited to this appropriation.
    Also, under Major Research Equipment and Facilities 
Construction, language is included providing for no-year 
availability of funds.
    In addition, under Education and Human Resources, language 
is included providing for the multi-year availability of funds.
    Furthermore, under Agency Operations and Award Management, 
language is included regarding contracts for maintenance and 
operation of facilities and other services. Language is also 
included limiting representation expenses, and providing for 
no-year availability of some funds.
    Under Office of the National Science Board, language is 
included limiting funds for official reception and 
    Under Office of Inspector General, language is included 
providing for the multi-year availability of some funds.
    Under Administrative Provision, language is included 
regarding transfers of funds.
    In title IV, Related Agencies, under Commission on Civil 
Rights, Salaries and Expenses, language is included prohibiting 
expenses to employ in excess of a specific level of full-time 
individuals or to reimburse Commissioners for certain billable 
days. Language is also included prohibiting certain 
unauthorized activities.
    Under Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Salaries and 
Expenses, language is included designating an amount for 
payments to State and local enforcement agencies. Language is 
also included limiting funds for official reception and 
representation expenses. Finally, language is included 
authorizing the Chair to accept donations or gifts to carry out 
the work of the Commission.
    Under International Trade Commission, Salaries and 
Expenses, language is included limiting funds for official 
reception and representation expenses. Language is also 
included providing for no-year availability of funds.
    Under Legal Services Corporation, Payment to the Legal 
Services Corporation, language is included regarding pay for 
officers and employees. Language is also included delineating 
amounts for specific programs and regarding authorities to 
transfer funds. In addition, language is included designating 
the Legal Services Corporation as an agency of the Federal 
Government for the purposes of reprogramming.
    Under Administrative Provision, Legal Services Corporation, 
language is included that prohibits the use of funds for 
certain activities.
    Under Office of the United States Trade Representative, 
Salaries and Expenses, language is included providing for the 
no-year availability of some funds. Language is also included 
limiting funds for official reception and representation 
    Under State Justice Institute, Salaries and Expenses, 
language is included limiting funds for reception and 
representation expenses. Language is also included providing 
for multi-year availability of some funds. In addition, 
language is included designating the State Justice Institute as 
an agency of the Federal Government for the purposes of 
    In title V, General Provisions, the following general 
provisions that fall within the rule are recommended:
          Section 501 prohibits the use of funds for publicity 
        or propaganda purposes unless expressly authorized by 
          Section 502 prohibits any appropriation contained in 
        this Act from remaining available for obligation beyond 
        the current fiscal year unless expressly authorized.
          Section 503 provides that the expenditure of any 
        appropriation contained in this Act for any consulting 
        service through procurement contracts shall be limited 
        to those contracts where such expenditures are a matter 
        of public record and available for public inspection, 
        except where otherwise provided under existing law or 
        under existing Executive order issued pursuant to 
        existing law.
          Section 504 provides that if any provision of this 
        Act or the application of such provision to any person 
        or circumstance shall be held invalid, the remainder of 
        the Act and the application of other provisions shall 
        not be affected.
          Section 505 specifies requirements for the 
        reprogramming of funds.
          Section 506 provides that if it is determined that 
        any person intentionally affixes a ``Made in America'' 
        label to any product that was not made in America that 
        person shall not be eligible to receive any contract or 
        subcontract made with funds made available in this Act. 
        The section further provides that to the extent 
        practicable, with respect to purchases of promotional 
        items, funds made available under this Act shall be 
        used to purchase items manufactured, produced, or 
        assembled in the United States or its territories or 
          Section 507 requires quarterly reporting to Congress 
        on the status of balances of appropriations.
          Section 508 provides that any costs incurred by a 
        department or agency funded under this Act resulting 
        from, or to prevent, personnel actions taken in 
        response to funding reductions in this Act, or, for the 
        Department of Commerce, from actions taken for the care 
        and protection of loan collateral or grant property, 
        shall be absorbed within the budgetary resources 
        available to the department or agency, and provides 
        transfer authority between appropriation accounts to 
        carry out this provision, subject to reprogramming 
          Section 509 prohibits funds made available in this 
        Act from being used to promote the sale or export of 
        tobacco or tobacco products or to seek the reduction or 
        removal of foreign restrictions on the marketing of 
        tobacco products, except for restrictions which are not 
        applied equally to all tobacco or tobacco products of 
        the same type.
          Section 510 limits the obligation of certain funds.
          Section 511 prohibits the use of Department of 
        Justice funds for programs that discriminate against or 
        denigrate the religious or moral beliefs of students 
        participating in such programs.
          Section 512 prohibits the transfer of funds made 
        available in this Act to any department, agency or 
        instrumentality of the United States Government, except 
        for transfers made by, or pursuant to authorities 
        provided in, this Act or any other appropriations Act.
          Section 513 provides that funds provided in this Act 
        for E-Government Initiatives shall be subject to the 
        procedures set forth in section 505 of this Act.
          Section 514 requires certain timetables and 
        procedures for specified audits performed by Inspectors 
        General of the departments and agencies funded in this 
        Act and sets limits and restrictions on the awarding 
        and use of grants or contracts funded by amounts 
        appropriated by this Act.
          Section 515 prohibits funds for acquisition of 
        certain information systems unless the acquiring 
        department or agency has reviewed and assessed certain 
        risks. Language is also included making such 
        acquisition contingent upon the development of a risk 
        mitigation strategy and a determination that the 
        acquisition is in the national interest.
          Section 516 prohibits the use of funds made available 
        in this Act to support or justify the use of torture by 
        any official or contract employee of the United States 
          Section 517 permanently prohibits the use of funds to 
        require certain export licenses.
          Section 518 permanently prohibits the use of funds to 
        deny certain import applications regarding ``curios or 
        relics'' firearms, parts, or ammunition.
          Section 519 prohibits the use of funds made available 
        in this Act to include certain language in trade 
          Section 520 prohibits the use of funds made available 
        in this Act to authorize or issue a national security 
        letter (NSL) in contravention of certain laws 
        authorizing the Federal Bureau of Investigation to 
        issue NSLs.
          Section 521 requires congressional notification 
        regarding any project within the Departments of 
        Commerce or Justice, the National Science Foundation or 
        the National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
        totaling more than $75,000,000 that has cost increases 
        of 10 percent or more.
          Section 522 deems funds for intelligence or 
        intelligence related activities as authorized by 
        Congress during fiscal year 2016 until the enactment of 
        the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 
          Section 523 prohibits contracts or grant awards in 
        excess of $5,000,000 unless the prospective contractor 
        or grantee certifies that the organization has filed 
        all Federal tax returns, has not been convicted of a 
        criminal offense under the Internal Revenue Code of 
        1986, and has no unpaid Federal tax assessment.
          Section 524 provides for rescissions of unobligated 
        balances from the Departments of Commerce and Justice.
          Section 525 prohibits the use of funds made available 
        in this Act for the purchase of first class or premium 
        air travel in contravention of certain Federal travel 
          Section 526 prohibits the use of funds made available 
        in this Act to pay for the attendance of more than 50 
        department or agency employees at any single conference 
        outside the United States, unless the conference is a 
        law enforcement training or operational event where the 
        majority of Federal attendees are law enforcement 
        personnel stationed outside the United States.
          Section 527 prohibits the use of funds in this or any 
        other Act for the transfer or release of certain 
        individuals detained at United States Naval Station, 
        Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to or within the United States, 
        its territories, or possessions.
          Section 528 prohibits the use of funds in this or any 
        other Act to construct, acquire, or modify any facility 
        in the United States, its territories, or possessions 
        to house certain individuals who, as of June 24, 2009, 
        were located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo 
        Bay, Cuba, for the purposes of detention or 
        imprisonment in the custody or control of the 
        Department of Defense.
          Section 529 requires, when practicable, the use of 
        funds in this Act to purchase light bulbs that have the 
        ``Energy Star'' or ``Federal Energy Management 
        Program'' designation.
          Section 530 requires tracking and reporting of 
        undisbursed balances in expired grant accounts.
          Section 531 prohibits the use of funds made available 
        in this Act by the National Aeronautics and Space 
        Administration (NASA) or the Office of Science and 
        Technology Policy (OSTP) to engage in bilateral 
        activities with China or a Chinese-owned company unless 
        the activities are authorized by subsequent legislation 
        or NASA or OSTP have made a certification pursuant to 
        subsections (c) and (d) of this section.
          Section 532 permanently prohibits funds from being 
        used to deny the importation of shotgun models if no 
        application for the importation of such models, in the 
        same configuration, had been denied prior to January 1, 
        2011, on the basis that the shotgun was not 
        particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to 
        sporting purposes.
          Section 533 prohibits the use of funds made available 
        in this Act to establish or maintain a computer network 
        that does not block pornography, except for law 
        enforcement purposes.
          Section 534 requires each department and agency 
        funded in the bill to submit spending plans.
          Section 535 prohibits funds made available by this 
        Act to implement the Arms Trade Treaty until the Senate 
        approves a resolution of ratification.
          Section 536 prohibits the use of funds to relinquish 
        the responsibility of the National Telecommunications 
        and Information Administration with respect to Internet 
        domain name system functions.
          Section 537 prohibits funds from being used to 
        require a person licensed under section 923 of title 
        18, United States Code, to report information to the 
        Department of Justice regarding the sale of multiple 
        rifles or shotguns to the same person.
          Section 538 requires the Departments of Commerce and 
        Justice, the National Aeronautics and Space 
        Administration, and the National Science Foundation to 
        provide inspectors general with timely access to 
          Section 539 requires a monthly report from the 
        Department of Commerce, the National Aeronautics and 
        Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, 
        and the Office of Science and Technology Policy on 
        travel to China.
          Section 540 prohibits funds to facilitate, permit, 
        license, or promote certain exports to Cuba.
          Section 541 prohibits funds for the termination of 
        the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy.

                  Appropriations Not Authorized by Law

    The Committee, in a number of instances, has found it 
necessary to recommend funding for ongoing activities and 
programs for which authorizations have not been enacted to 
date. Pursuant to clause 3(f)(1)(B) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, the following table lists the 
appropriations in the accompanying bill which are not 
authorized by law for the period concerned:

                                                               UNAUTHORIZED APPROPRIATIONS
                                                                    Fiscal Year 2016
                                                                 (dollars in thousands)
                                                                                     Authorization level in     Appropriations in
                             Program                                Last year of          last year of            last year of        Appropriations in
                                                                    authorization         authorization           authorization           this bill
Department of Commerce:
  International Trade Administration
    Operations and Administration
      Export Promotion Activities...............................              1996               such sums               264,885
  Bureau of Industry and Security
    Operations and Administration...............................              1994               such sums                34,747               110,000
  Economic Development Administration
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              2008               such sums                30,832                37,000
    Economic Development Assistance Programs....................                               various                                         213,000
      Public Works and Economic Development Act Programs........              2008                 500,000               349,100              (202,000)
  Minority Business Development Agency
    Minority Business Development...............................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                32,000
  Economic and Statistical Analysis
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a               100,000
  National Telecommunications and Information Administration
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              1993                  17,900                18,493                35,200
  National Institute of Standards and Technology
    Scientific and Technical Research and Services..............              2013                 676,700               609,514               675,000
    Industrial technology services..............................              2013                 241,709               140,316               130,000
      Manufacturing extension partnerships......................              2013                (165,100)             (126,088)             (130,000)
    Construction of research facilities.........................              2013                 121,300                58,874                50,000
  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    Operations, Research and Facilities
      Oceanic and Atmospheric Research..........................              1993               1,589,081               202,172                      
        Climate and air quality research activities.............              1993                (103,877)                    *                     *
        Atmospheric research activities.........................              1993                 (44,781)                    *                     *
      National Ocean Service....................................              1993                 121,183               150,864               466,500
        Coral Reef Conservation.................................              2004                 (16,000)              (16,000)              (26,000)
        Costal Zone Management..................................              1999                 (55,300)              (52,700)             (105,000)
        Marine Protection, Research, Preservation & Sanctuaries.              2005                 (40,000)              (57,958)              (45,000)
      National Marine Fisheries Services........................                               various                                                
        Endangered Species Act Activities.......................              1992                   6,750                                            
        Marine Mammal Protection Act Activities.................              1999                  34,768                                            
        NOAA Marine Fisheries Program Activities................              2000                 110,470                                            
      National Weather Service
        Operations and research activities......................              1993                 395,822                     *                     *
        Public warning and forecast systems.....................              1993                 132,034                   *,                    *,
        Satellite observing systems activities (NESDIS).........              1993                 336,000                   *,                    *,
        Data and information services activities................              1993                  39,596                10,300                   *,
      Program Support
        Executive Direction and Administrative Activities.......              1993                  75,750                25,000               215,300
        Marine Services.........................................              1993                  68,518                61,200               175,000
        Aircraft Services.......................................              1993                  10,336                 9,500                31,600
    Procurement, Acquisition and Construction
      Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
        Fleet modernization and replacement.....................              1997               such sums                 8,000                11,700
    Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery.............................              2009                  90,000                80,000                65,000
  Departmental Management
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                50,000
    Renovation and Modernization................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                 3,989
Department of Justice:
  General Administration
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              2009                 181,561               105,805               105,000
    Justice Information Sharing Technology......................              2009                 204,152                80,000                25,842
    Administrative review and appeals...........................              2009                 243,291               270,000               426,791
    Office of Inspector General.................................              2009                  81,922                80,681                92,000
  United States Parole Commission
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              2009                  12,711                12,570                13,308
  Legal Activities
    Salaries and Expenses, General Legal Activities.............              2009                 764,526               805,655               885,000
    Salaries and Expenses, Antitrust Division...................              2009                 162,488               157,788               162,246
    Salaries and Expenses, United States Attorneys..............              2009               1,829,194             1,851,336             1,995,000
    Salaries and Expenses, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission.              2009                   1,429                 1,823                 2,326
    Fees and Expenses of Witnesses..............................              2009                 203,755               168,300               270,000
    Salaries and Expenses, Community Relations Service..........              2009                  10,977                 9,873                13,000
  United States Marshals Service................................              2009                 900,178               954,000             2,289,081
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................                                                        (960,000)           (1,220,000)
    Construction................................................                                                          (4,000)              (11,000)
    Federal Prison Detention ...................................              2009               1,858,509             1,355,319            (1,058,081)
  National Security Division
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                95,000
  Interagency Law Enforcement
    Interagency Crime and Drug Enforcement......................              2009                 744,593               515,000               510,000
  Federal Bureau of Investigation...............................              2009               6,480,608             7,301,191             8,547,768
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................                                                      (7,182,700)           (8,489,786)
    Construction................................................                                                        (153,491)              (57,982)
  Drug Enforcement Administration
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              2009               1,930,462             1,959,084             2,073,945
  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              2009               1,038,939             1,078,215             1,250,000
  Federal Prison System.........................................              2009               5,698,292             6,171,561             7,181,500
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................                                                      (5,600,792)           (6,951,500)
    Buildings and Facilities....................................                                                        (575,807)             (230,000)
  Office on Violence Against Women
    Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs
      Research and Evaluation on Violence against Women.........               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                 8,000
      Family Civil Justice......................................                               various                                          16,000
        Court Training and Improvements Program.................              2011                   5,000                     ?
        Safe Havens Program.....................................              2011                  20,000                     ?
      Consolidated Youth-oriented Program.......................                               various                                          11,000
        Engaging Men and Youth in Prevention....................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                     #
        Grants to Assist Children and Youth Exposed to Violence.               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                     #
        Supporting Teens Through Education Program..............              2011                   5,000                     ?                     #
        Services to Advocate and Respond to Youth...............               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                     #
      Research on Violence Against Indian Women.................              2015                   1,000                   940                 1,000
      Indian Country--Sexual Assault Clearinghouse..............               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                   500
      Rape Survivor Child Custody Act...........................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                 5,000
  Office of Justice Programs
    State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance
      Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants..................              2012               1,095,000               470,000               409,000
        Domestic Radicalization Research........................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                (4,000)
        Officer Robert Wilson III VALOR Initiative..............               n/a                     n/a                   n/a               (15,000)
        Bulletproof Vests Partnerships..........................              2012                  50,000                24,000               (22,500)
        Juvenile Indigent Defense...............................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                (2,500)
        Convention security.....................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a               (20,000)
      State Criminal Alien Assistance Program...................              2011                 950,000                     ?               220,000
      Drug Courts...............................................              2008                  70,000                15,200                41,000
      Mentally Ill Offender Act.................................              2014                  50,000                 9,000                 7,000
      Capital Litigation and Wrongful Conviction Review.........              2009                  75,000                 5,500                 2,000
      Economic, High-tech, Cybercrime Prevention................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                 5,000
      Adam Walsh Act Implementation.............................              2009               such sums                18,000                20,000
      National Sex Offender Public Website......................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                 1,000
      NICS Initiative...........................................                               various                                          73,000
        NICS Act Record Improvement Program.....................              2013                 125,000                12,000
        National Criminal History Improvement Program...........              2013                  62,500                 6,000
      DNA Initiative
        Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grants.........................              2014                 151,000               117,000               117,000
        Post-Conviction DNA Testing Grants......................              2009                   5,000                 5,000                 4,000
        Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Program Grants.............              2014                  30,000                 4,000                 4,000
      Veterans Treatment Courts.................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                 5,000
      Prescription Drug Monitoring..............................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                11,000
      Prison Rape Prevention and Prosecution....................              2010                  40,000                15,000                13,000
      NamUs.....................................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                 2,400
      Comprehensive School Safety Initiative....................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                75,000
    Juvenile Justice Programs
      Youth Mentoring Grants....................................              2007               such sums                                      95,000
      Victims of Child Abuse Programs...........................              2005                   8,481                11,000                19,000
      Missing and Exploited Children Programs...................                               various                                          68,000
        AMBER Alert grants......................................              2004
    Community Oriented Policing Services
      Transfer to DEA for Methamphetamine Lab Cleanups..........               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                11,000
      Community trust initiative................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                52,500
        Collaborative Reform....................................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                (5,000)
        Body-worn Camera Partnership............................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a               (15,000)
        Justice Reinvestment Initiative.........................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a               (27,500)
        Research and statistics on community trust..............               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                (5,000)
      Second Chance Act/Offender Reentry........................              2010                  55,000               100,000                68,000
      Community Teams to Reduce the Sexual Assault Kit (SAK)                   n/a                     n/a                   n/a                41,000
      Tribal Assistance.........................................                               various                                          30,000
        Tribal Courts...........................................              2004               such sums                (8,000)                   **
        Alcohol and Substance Abuse.............................               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                    **
        Indian Prison Grants....................................              2000                  (2,753)               (5,000)                   **
        Training/TA Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance.........               n/a                     n/a                   n/a                    **
      Regional information sharing activities...................              2003                 100,000                29,000                35,000
  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    Science.....................................................              2013               5,509,600             5,047,447             5,237,500
    Aeronautics.................................................              2013                 590,000               559,301               600,000
    Space Technology............................................              2013                 515,000               629,950               625,000
    Exploration.................................................              2013               5,264,000             3,814,041             4,759,300
    Space Operations............................................              2013               4,253,300             3,878,802             3,957,300
    Education...................................................              2013                 145,700               122,654               119,000
    Safety, Security and Mission Services.......................              2013               3,276,800             2,770,012             2,768,600
    Construction and Environmental Compliance and Remediation...              2013                 366,900               667,236               425,000
    Office of Inspector General.................................              2013                  38,700                37,287                37,400
  National Science Foundation
    Research and Related Activities.............................              2013               6,637,849             5,870,974             5,983,645
    Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction........              2013                 236,764               192,488               200,030
    Education and Human Resources...............................              2013               1,041,762               878,799               866,000
    Agency Operations and Award Management......................              2013                 363,670               293,780               325,000
    Office of the National Science Board........................              2013                   4,906                 4,357                 4,370
    Office of Inspector General.................................              2013                  15,049                13,933                15,160
Related Agencies:
  Commission on Civil Rights
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              1995                   9,500                 8,904                 9,200
  International Trade Commission
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              2004                  57,240                58,295                84,500
  Legal Services Corporation
    Payment to the Legal Services Corporation...................              1980                 205,000               300,000               300,000
  Marine Mammal Commission
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              1999                   1,750                 1,240                 3,340
  Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              2004                  33,108                41,552                54,250
  State Justice Institute
    Salaries and Expenses.......................................              2008                   7,000                 3,760                5,121
* The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-567) provides authorizations for general categories of
  activities, rather than specific programs. Since a program may cut across several authorizations, it is impossible to determine the exact amount of
  unauthorized appropriations.
  Authorization covers multiple lines in the NOAA control table.
 This authorization provides for both procurement and operations activities, but does not provide a breakdown for each.
  Authorization does not provide amounts for specific accounts within this agency.
  This was formerly the ``General Administration, Detention Trustee'' account.
? The authorization for this program expired in FY2011. Since the government was funded by a full-year continuing resolution, the Committee did not
  provide a specific appropriation for this program.
# These programs have been combined into the Consolidated Youth-oriented Program.
** The recommendation includes an overall amount for tribal assistance but does not specify amounts for each particular program.
   The authorization for this program expired in FY2007. Since the government was funded by a full-year continuing resolution, the Committee did not
  provide a specific appropriation for this program.
 The recommendation does not provide a specific amount for this program.

                 Comparison With the Budget Resolution

    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives and section 308(a)(1)(A) of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the following table compares 
the levels of new budget authority and outlays provided in the 
bill with the appropriate allocations made under section 302(b) 
of the Budget Act:


                                            [In millions of dollars]
                                                                   302b allocation              This bill
                                                                 Budget                    Budget
                                                               Authority     Outlays     Authority     Outlays
General purposes discretionary..............................       51,378       62,400       51,378      *62,141
Mandatory...................................................          319          320          319         *320
*Includes outlays from prior year budget authority.

                      Five Year Outlay Projections

    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII and section 
308(a)(1)(B) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the 
following table contains five-year outlay projections 
associated with the budget authority provided in the 
accompanying bill, as provided to the Committee by the 
Congressional Budget Office:

                        [In millions of dollars]
Projection of outlays associated with the
    2016.............................................            *40,628
    2017.............................................             13,250
    2018.............................................              3,630
    2019.............................................                -23
    2020.............................................              4,726
*Excludes outlays from prior-year budget authority.

               Assistance to State and Local Governments

    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII and section 
308(a)(1)(C) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the 
Congressional Budget Office has provided the following 
estimates of new budget authority and outlays provided by the 
accompanying bill for financial assistance to State and local 

                        [In millions of dollars]
                                     Budget Authority       Outlays
Financial assistance to State and              -7,959               *400
 local government
*Excludes outlays from prior-year budget authority.

                          Program Duplication

    Pursuant to section 3(g) of H. Res. 5 (114th Congress), no 
provision of this bill establishes or reauthorizes a program of 
the Federal Government known to be duplicative of another 
Federal program, a program that was included in any report from 
the Government Accountability Office to Congress pursuant to 
section 21 of Public Law 111-139, or a program related to a 
program identified in the most recent Catalog of Federal 
Domestic Assistance.

                          Directed Rule Making

    Pursuant to section 3(i) of H. Res. 5 (114th Congress), the 
bill does not direct any rule making.

      Comparative Statement of New Budget (Obligational) Authority

    The following table provides a detailed summary, for each 
department and agency, comparing the amounts recommended in the 
bill with fiscal year 2015 enacted amounts and budget estimates 
presented for fiscal year 2016:


    We commend Chairman Rogers and Chairman Culberson for their 
overall efforts in assembling the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 
Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) bill. We acknowledge that they 
have made an effort to fund several important public 
investments at healthy funding levels. However, this bill also 
demonstrates that the mindless austerity of sequestration is 
preventing a great many critical national needs from receiving 
the resources necessary to ensure public safety, boost economic 
development, deliver a cost-effective 2020 Census, and much 
    The House Republican ``Work Harder for Less'' budget 
resolution was opposed by every member on our side of the aisle 
because it makes it impossible to provide the funding necessary 
in the twelve appropriations bills to grow our economy and give 
hardworking Americans opportunity to succeed. Democrats much 
preferred the approach taken by the President, calling for an 
end to the sequester and more reasonable and realistic 
budgeting that could help families afford college, a home, and 
a secure retirement.
    Refusing to adopt a sufficient overall allocation for 
discretionary investments has a significant impact on the 
initiatives in all the appropriations bills that grow the 
economy, create jobs, and make us more secure. Although we 
appreciate the chairman's efforts, the grossly inadequate 
allocation creates shortcomings that are evident in the FY 2016 
Commerce, Justice and Science bill.
    While the Murray-Ryan plan was not perfect, another similar 
budget deal is essential for FY 2016 and beyond. Without such 
an agreement this year, our appropriations process is deeply 
imperiled. The sequester-level caps also would put 
discretionary funding at its lowest level, adjusted for 
inflation, since 2006. We must again act to ensure reasonable 
allocations for the important programs and investments funded 
through the appropriations process.
    While the Commerce-Justice-Science bill has a great many 
shortcomings due to its woefully inadequate allocation, we do 
want to highlight several efforts to which we, in working with 
Chairman Culberson, have been able to devote strong finding, 
including the following:
          Neuroscience: Building on the work of the 
        Interagency Working Group on Neuroscience, the bill 
        provides an increase of $37.5 million above FY 2015, 
        and $3 million above the Administration's request for 
        neuroscience activities at the National Science 
        Foundation (NSF). This will allow NSF to continue its 
        interdisciplinary approach to transforming our 
        understanding of the mechanisms of the brain. Of the 
        increase provided, $3,000,000 is to begin 
        implementation the National Brain Observatory, which 
        will make use of the data infrastructure of the NSF, 
        the Department of Energy's national laboratory network, 
        and other applicable agencies to help neuroscientists 
        collect, standardize, manage, and analyze the large 
        amounts of data that will result from research 
        attempting to understand how the brain functions. In 
        addition to the funding increase, the report directs 
        NSF to continue to organize an annual international 
        conference on neuroscience, convening government 
        representatives, neuroscience researchers, private 
        entities, non-profit institutions and others to share 
        research and foster collaboration around neuroscience 
        research. We are on the cusp of significant 
        breakthroughs related to the treatment of brain 
        injuries, cognitive developmental disorders such as 
        autism, and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's 
        and Alzheimer's that will have tremendous implications 
        for the mental health of the American people and the 
        cost of health care.
          Youth Mentoring: The bill provides $95 
        million for Youth Mentoring. At a time when the number 
        of people in Federal prison continues to rise, these 
        programs are of vital importance in cutting the costs 
        associated with crime and delinquency. We need to focus 
        our resources on programs like these that provide early 
        intervention to help positively influence the lives of 
        our young people.
          Weather Forecasting: As noted below, strong 
        funding levels are provided both for National Weather 
        Service operating expenses as well as for weather 
        research and for the procurement of two critical 
        upcoming weather satellites.
    The FY 2016 bill approved by the Committee provides net 
budget authority of $51.4 billion, an increase of nearly $1.3 
billion above FY 2015. However, this comparison is very 
misleading, as significant differences in Asset Forfeiture Fund 
balances, rescissions, and scorekeeping adjustments exist 
between FY 2015 and FY 2016. When comparing total new 
discretionary budget authority between FY 2015 and FY 2016, the 
committee bill is essentially frozen at the FY 2015 level and a 
full $3.5 billion below the President's FY 2016 request.
    Within this allocation, the bill provides some increases to 
most federal law enforcement components and most federal 
science efforts. However, a large number of the CJS bill's 
ongoing and critical public investments simply do not receive 
adequate levels of resources in this bill, with many cut below 
current levels of effort. In particular, the bill contains very 
damaging cuts in state and local law enforcement, legal aid to 
the poor, climate research, and a number of other 
responsibilities. As the process moves forward, we hope to work 
with our colleagues on the other side to reform the overall 
budget framework and provide vital resources in these and other 
areas, while preserving the positive aspects of the bill. Given 
the wide array of public needs that must be funded at workable 
levels in this bill, our careful attention to all of these 
efforts is absolutely crucial.

                         DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

    With regard to Title I of the bill, we appreciate the 
strong funding level for the Minority Business Development 
Agency (MBDA), which will allow MBDA to continue to assist 
minority-owned enterprises as they work to create jobs across 
the country. There is a modest increase for the Regional 
Innovation Strategies program. The increase for the Bureau of 
Industry and Security (BIS), while not quite up to the 
President's request, will allow BIS to continue its efforts to 
protect national security while coping with an increased 
workload of export license applications. Within the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there are strong 
finding levels for National Weather Service operating expenses 
and near-term satellites, weather research, and certain NOAA 
fisheries programs.
    At the same time, however, many important responsibilities 
in other areas are badly underfunded. The International Trade 
Administration and Economic Development Administration, both of 
which play very important roles in helping to create American 
jobs, are frozen at the current funding level and far below the 
President's request. The National Institute of Standards and 
Technology, which advances U.S. technological innovation and 
industrial competitiveness, is cut below FY 2015 and more than 
$264 million below the President's request.
    The Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Census Bureau are 
critical national institutions that enable policymakers and the 
general public to better understand and predict changes in the 
American economy and the health of American communities, which 
in turn helps inform good public policy. Yet both agencies are 
woefully underfunded in this bill.
    In particular, the bill's funding level for the Census 
Bureau is completely shortsighted and would actually cost 
taxpayers billions more in the long run. The Bureau is cut 
nearly $387 million below the President's request. This cut is 
completely unacceptable and will greatly damage the Bureau's 
2020 Census preparations. Specifically, it would force huge 
reductions in 2020 Census systems research, development, and 
testing efforts, which are essential to ensuring that the 2020 
Census operates in a more cost-effective manner than previous 
decennial censuses. The innovative census design options being 
tested by the Census Bureau include new methodologies to 
conduct address canvassing, innovative ways of optimizing self-
response, the use of administrative records to reduce the 
nonresponse follow-up workload, and the use of technology to 
replace tasks traditionally conducted by temporary employees 
and their supervisors during field operations. These changes 
could potentially save taxpayers up to $5 billion dollars at 
the end of this decade, compared to business-as-usual methods. 
But in order to ensure these cost-saving measures can be put in 
place in a timely manner, a significant amount of system 
research, development, and testing needs to be conducted over 
the next several years, in time to enable a complete end-to-end 
systems test in 2018. This end-to-end test, in turn, is 
absolutely critical--it is exactly what was missing from both 
the 2010 Census and other failed government information 
technology ventures that experienced billions in cost overruns 
as a result. In order to avoid seeing this happen again, 
Congress needs to sufficiently fund the Census Bureau, but the 
Bureau's funding level in this bill clearly falls far short of 
what is required.
    Within NOAA, while weather forecasting and research are 
well-funded, we are greatly disappointed by damaging cuts in 
other areas. In particular, a number of programs important to 
the economic vitality of coastal and Great Lakes areas are cut 
below FY 2015 levels, including Coastal Zone Management Grants, 
Sanctuaries and Marine Protected Areas, Fisheries Habitat 
Management and Restoration, Sustained Ocean Observations and 
Monitoring, and the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. 
In addition, no funding at all is provided for Regional Coastal 
Resilience Grants.
    Furthermore, while the bill does provide full funding for 
the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite System, 
the Joint Polar Satellite System, and certain other weather 
observation infrastructure, no funding is provided for the 
Polar Follow-on, which the Administration proposed and an 
independent senior review team recommended as a way to help 
build backup redundancy into the polar-orbiting weather 
satellite system. In addition, no funding is provided for 
NOAA's request for a new ocean survey vessel. This request is 
part of a NOAA initiative to recapitalize its fleet. Without 
recapitalization, NOAA's fleet will decline by 50 percent 
between FY 2016 and FY 2028. These vessels perform a wide 
variety of critical missions, including repairing both weather 
buoys and tsunami detection buoys, and mapping the ocean floor 
to support nautical charts.
    Furthermore, we are greatly disappointed that the Committee 
bill slashes funding for important climate science efforts of 
NOAA and its external partners. The Committee provides $128 
million for NOAA climate research, a cut of $30 million (19%) 
below FY 2015 and $60.8 million (32%) below the 
Administration's request. According to the third National 
Climate Assessment, released in May 2014, the average 
temperature in the U.S. increased by between 1.3 and 1.9 
degrees Fahrenheit since recordkeeping began in 1895, with 80 
percent of this increase occurring since 1970. The assessment 
noted that impacts related to climate change are already 
evident in many sectors and are expected to become increasingly 
disruptive across the nation throughout this century. For 
example, storm surge on top of the rise in sea level 
exacerbates coastal flooding during hurricanes. Climate change 
is also increasing the risks of respiratory stress from poor 
air quality, heat stress, and the spread of foodborne, 
insectborne, and waterborne diseases. These are just some 
examples of what we face as a result of climate change. We must 
fully fund NOAA's research in this area, which will greatly 
improve our nation's ability to understand and predict climate 
change and thus enhance our ability to plan and respond.

                         DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

    For the Department of Justice (D0J), a total of $27.55 
billion is provided, an increase of $857 million above FY 15 
and $1.35 billion below the budget request. This increase is 
misleading, however, because last year, $1.1 billion in 
unobligated balances were used to fund Federal Prisoner 
    The reduction of $6.5 million from General Administration 
threatens the Attorney General's ability to manage a department 
responsible for enforcing the laws and defending the interests 
of the United States.
    The Committee report mentions several important areas for 
increased efforts in the General Legal Activities divisions 
such as cybercrime and intellectual property enforcement, 
strengthening foreign law enforcement and prosecution, and 
Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty reform. However, no additional 
funding is provided for these efforts or for the 
Administration's request for additional funding for increased 
civil rights enforcement.
    We are encouraged that $422.8 million is provided for 
Administrative Review and Appeals, $75.7 million above FY 2015. 
The increase would fund additional judge teams, improve 
technology, and establish a legal help desk. However, the 
funding level provided is $61.6 million below the request. 
Proposals to provide direct representation for minors and to 
expand the Legal Orientation Program were not funded. These 
efforts are essential to both efficient operations of the 
courts and to ensure fair outcomes for individuals in 
immigration proceedings.
    Increases above the FY 2015 level for Federal law 
enforcement and the Office of U.S. Attorneys will allow for 
continued efforts to conduct investigations, protect national 
security, and litigate civil and criminal cases.
    We are pleased that the bill provides $73 million for 
grants to improve the submission of records to the National 
Instant Criminal Background Check System, an increase of $18 
million above the request and the same as the FY 2015 level. 
Furthermore, the bill provides $75 million for the 
Comprehensive School Safety Initiative, the same level of 
funding as proposed in the President's budget and provided last 
year. This funding will continue to support research and to 
help schools implement evidence-based approaches to improving 
school safety.
    We are pleased that many important grant programs are 
protected through level funding or increases, including the 
State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, Crime Victims Fund 
programs, the Byrne-JAG formula grant program, the Justice 
Reinvestment Initiative, the Youth Mentoring program, and the 
Office on Violence Against Women grant programs. However, 
moving the Victims of Trafficking Grants into the Violence 
Against Women program area creates the illusion of an increase 
above the Administration's request.
    Within the Byrne-JAG account, $20 million is provided for 
reimbursement for security costs at presidential nominating 
conventions. We would like to work to increase this to past 
levels as the process moves forward.
    However, the bill slashes state and local grant programs at 
DOJ overall. These programs receive a massive $325 million cut 
from the FY 2015 enacted level and $495 million below the 
President's request. The bill eliminates the Research, 
Evaluation, and Statistics appropriations account, which 
provides funding for the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the 
National Institute of Justice. These agencies provide 
statistics, and research and evaluate programs. New bill 
language grants authority to shift other grant program funding 
to fund these activities, effectively further cutting into 
already low levels of funding for DOJ grant programs.
    Several important grant programs are eliminated entirely, 
including the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment program, 
the Project Hope Opportunity Probation with Enforcement 
program, the Vision 21 program, Coverdell Forensic Science 
grants, the Violent Gang and Gun Crime Reduction initiative, 
the National Center for Campus Public Safety, the Children 
Exposed to Violence Initiative, the John R. Justice grant 
program, and the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation program.
    Juvenile Justice programs overall are decimated, with a cut 
of $68 million below FY 2015 and $155.9 million below the 
request. This includes the elimination of the Community-Based 
Violence Initiative, the National Forum on Youth Violence, Part 
B formula grants, the Local Delinquency Prevention Incentive 
grant program, the Children of Incarcerated Parents program, 
and a program targeting girls in the justice system. These 
eliminations would have severe consequences for at-risk and 
disadvantaged youth as well as those who depend on these 
resources to improve outcomes for these young people.
    The most egregious of these cuts is the elimination of the 
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) hiring program. 
This important public safety program is cut by $180 million 
below FY 2015 and $249.5 million below the request. Had it been 
funded at the request, this program would have provided for the 
hiring of approximately 1,300 new law enforcement 
professionals. The overall funding provided for the COPS 
account in the bill is misleading--of the $237.5 million 
provided in the account, only $5 million is for COPS-
administered programs. Programs funded or requested in other 
accounts were moved into the COPS account to create the 
illusion of increased funding. While Byrne-JAG funding can be 
used for hiring, that is only one of many allowable uses--the 
program is not intended to target the hiring of new officers.
    We are disappointed that most of the Administration's 
proposed new grant programs were not funded in the bill. For 
example, these initiatives would seek to improve equal access 
to justice, support better police-community relations, and 
combat violent extremism, among other activities. Moving 
forward, funding for these and other important programs should 
be included in the final FY 2016 CJS Appropriations Act.


    The Committee is to be commended for making National 
Science Foundation (NSF) funding a priority in the bill. The 
bill provides $7.4 billion overall for NSF, $50 million above 
the FY 2015 level and $329.4 million below the request. For 
NSF's Research and Related Activities account, the bill 
provides $5.98 billion, $50 million above FY 2015 and $202.7 
million below the request.
    However, we are disappointed that report language 
accompanying the bill is included that will force NSF to cut 
approximately $257 million from two research directorates: 
Geosciences and the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. 
This cut of 16% would have a devastating impact on research 
supported by these directorates, cutting research into areas as 
diverse as. prediction of extreme weather, disaster 
preparedness, cybersecurity, and children's education and 
learning. Politically motivated cuts to science hinder 
discovery and innovation and seriously impair the United 
States' global competitiveness.
    The bill provides a healthy overall total of $18.5 billion 
for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 
equal to the request, though with both increases and decreases 
relative to the request. We are disappointed that while strong 
funding levels are included for most activities in the Science 
account, Earth Science is cut by $89.6 million below FY 2015 
and by $264.4 million below the request. Increases above FY 
2015 are provided for the Commercial Crew program, aimed at 
ensuring U.S. access to low Earth orbit on American-made 
spacecraft, and for Space Technology. However, both of these 
programs are below the requested levels.

                        IRRESPONSIBLE GUN RIDERS

    We continued to be extremely troubled by the inclusion of 
gun-related riders, including one that would effectively 
prevent the enforcement of an existing requirement that Federal 
firearms licensees (FFLs) in four southwest border states 
report to the National Tracing Center on the sale of certain 
kinds of semi-automatic rifles favored by the Mexican drug 
cartels. This reporting requirement is narrow and targeted, 
applying only to the four border states (Texas, Arizona, New 
Mexico and California), and only when a dealer sells two or 
more qualifying long guns to a single individual within five 
business days. Qualifying guns are rifles that (1) are semi-
automatic; (2) are greater than .22 caliber; and (3) can hold a 
detachable magazine. It does not apply to shotguns or the vast 
majority of rifles regularly used for hunting or sporting 
    This reporting requirement is identical to one that has 
existed for decades for handguns, and in no way does it hinder 
the ability of any law-abiding person to purchase as many 
rifles as he desires. It is not an undue burden on FFLs, with 
the time to complete a multiple sales form estimated at 12 
minutes and an estimated annual cost in employee time of only 
    This very limited reporting requirement has proven to be an 
important tool for Federal law enforcement in the effort to 
uncover illegal trafficking operations intended to supply semi-
automatic weapons to the violent drug gangs across the border. 
According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and 
Explosives (ATF), these multiple sales reports have thus far 
led to more than 200 defendants recommended for prosecution, 
including both alleged straw purchasers and others further up 
the firearms trafficking chain. Also according to ATF, the 
reporting requirement is forcing firearms traffickers to change 
tactics, making straw purchases more difficult and serving as a 
deterrent for many people who might have engaged in straw 
purchasing in the past.
    This is not about gun control or compiling a registry of 
long gun owners. Information that does not become part of a 
trafficking investigation is purged from ATF records within two 
years. This is a law enforcement response to the evidence from 
successful tracings of weapons recovered in Mexico. These 
tracings show that a large number of these weapons were 
initially sold by licensed gun dealers in California, Arizona, 
New Mexico, or Texas.
    In 2013, a unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for 
the Fifth Circuit affirmed an earlier court finding that 
Federal law ``unambiguously authorizes'' this reporting 
requirement. This Committee simply has no business in tying the 
hands of law enforcement agencies as they attempt to carry out 
Federal law.

                            RELATED AGENCIES

    The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is irresponsibly cut 
by $75 million below the FY 2015 level of $375 million, when it 
should have received an increase. This is the lowest level 
since FY 1999 and is simply unacceptable. This misguided cut to 
the LSC will result in the termination of over 1,000 full-time 
staff including 430 attorney positions. In addition, grantees 
will be forced to close 85 offices, complete 150,000 fewer 
cases, and serve 350,000 fewer people.
    The final FY 2015 CJS Act did provide a $10 million 
increase above FY 2014. The President recognized the need for 
additional funding by recommending $452 million in FY 2016 for 
the LSC. The harmful cut in the FY 2016 bill must be reversed.

                          COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS

    We are disappointed that the Committee did not adopt the 
Lowey amendment to allow the Department of Justice to block the 
sales of firearms to persons known or suspected to be engaged 
in conduct related to terrorism. Currently, Federal law 
prohibits nine categories of dangerous people from purchasing 
or owning firearms. However, Federal law does not allow the 
Attorney General the discretion to block a firearms purchase to 
an individual on a terror watch list. There have been 
consequences. On November 5, 2009, 13 people were shot and 
killed and 30 others wounded by Major Nidal Hasan, who was able 
to pass a background check and buy a handgun even though he was 
under investigation by the FBI for links to terrorism. We 
believe that allowing the Attorney General the discretion to 
block these purchases is a common sense approach that should be 
widely supported.
    We are disappointed the Committee did not accept the Farr 
amendment to strike a new Cuba rider included in the bill. The 
rider appears to target certain categories of U.S. exports to 
Cuba authorized by the Obama Administration as part of its 
policy shift on Cuba. This bill is not the place to meddle in 
foreign policy. We are also deeply concerned by the way the 
Committee chose to deny a record vote on the Farr amendment to 
strike the Cuba rider.


    In spite of all our concerns, we would like to reiterate 
our appreciation for Chairman Culberson's work with us on a 
number of issues. Within the constraints facing the bill, it 
does fund a number of the interests we have expressed. However, 
the shortcomings in this and other appropriations bills are 
many and very real. It is our firm hope that the Committee will 
be provided a sensible overall budget level which will provide 
a path forward for all of the FY 2016 Appropriations bills. We 
look forward to the day when allocations across all 
Subcommittees are returned to acceptable levels and to working 
with the Chairman and the Members of this Committee to advance 
the process.
                                   Nita M. Lowey.
                                   Chaka Fattah.
