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House receded and concurred with amendment (07/15/1982)

(House receded and concurred in Senate amendment with an amendment, roll call #185 (389-13))

Urgent Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1982 - Title I: Chapter I - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of Labor by funds transfers for: (1) the Employment and Training Administration; (2) the Employment Standards Administration; and (3) the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of Health and Human Services by a transfer of funds to the Office of the Inspector General. Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of Health and Human Services for: (1) the Health Services Administration; (2) the Health Resources Administration; (3) the Assistant Secretary for Human Development Services for work incentives; and (4) the Social Security Administration.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of Education for student loan insurance and salaries and expenses.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to: (1) the Action agency for operation expenses and domestic programs; (2) the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for the Public Broadcasting Fund; and (3) the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine for salaries and expenses.

Chapter II - Rescinds specified funds appropriated to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for FY 1982 for annual contributions for assisted housing. Transfers specified funds appropriated to the Department for FY 1982 for the public housing program, including contract authority for assistance in financing the development or acquisition of low- income housing for Indian families, modernization of existing low-income housing projects, and construction and substantial rehabilitation of housing units. Requires the Secretary to include in the determination of the fair market rental of low-income housing a debt service factor reflecting the lesser of 14 percent, or one-half percent below the rate of interest on the permanent instrument sold to finance the project. Prohibits the Secretary, with respect to newly constructed and substantially rehabilitated low-income housing projects, from imposing a percentage or other arbitrary limitation on the cost and rent increases resulting from increased construction cost. Prohibits the termination of a reservation of contract authority for any low-income housing project because of the project's inability to obtain firm financing, unless such termination occurs no less than 24 months following the initial reservation of contract authority for the project.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department for payments for operation of low-income housing projects. Rescinds specified funds appropriated to the Department for FY 1982 for rent supplements.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to: (1) the Environmental Protection Agency; (2) the Hazardous Substance Response Trust Fund; and (3) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Increases personnel limitations contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appropriation Act, 1982, and placed on the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation and Congressional Relations, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Veterans Administration's Office of Planning and Program Evaluation.

Chapter III - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of Transportation for the Coast Guard and the Federal Highway Administration.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to: (1) the Civil Aeronautics Board for payments to air carriers; and (2) the Interstate Commerce Commission for payments for directed rail service.

Chapter IV - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of the Treasury for: (1) the Bureau of Government Financial Operations; (2) the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; and (3) the United States Customs Service.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the U.S. Postal Service for payment to the Postal Service Fund.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the General Services Administration for: (1) the Office of Inspector General; (2) the Federal Buildings Fund; (3) the Merit Systems Protection Board; (4) the Office of Special Counsel; and (5) the U.S. Tax Court.

Chapter V - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of Commerce for: (1) general administration; (2) the Economic Development Administration (including a transfer of funds); and (3) the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the International Communication Agency for acquisition and construction of radio facilities.

Chapter VI - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of Agriculture for the Food and Nutrition Service for the Food Stamp Program.

Chapter VII - Makes supplemental appropriations for FY 1982 to the Department of Defense - Civil and the Department of the Army for the Corps of Engineers - Civil.

Title II: Declares that any institution of higher education specifically cited in the conference report on the Education Amendments of 1980 as a unique and developing institution eligible to apply for funds under the Higher Education Act of 1965, shall be treated as an eligible institution for such purposes for FY 1982.

Prohibits any part of any appropriation contained in this Act from remaining available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided.

Prohibits the use of any funds provided for International Organizations and Programs in a specified appropriation Act from being available for the United States' proportionate share for any programs for the Palestine Liberation Organization, the South West Africa Peoples Organization, or Cuba.

Prohibits the use of any funds made available for FY 1982 to prescribe, issue, administer, or enforce on any State or local government any standard, rule, regulation, or order under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.

Declares that during FY 1982 the Mine Safety and Health Administration shall have the same enforcement authorities vested in such Administration on September 30, 1981.

Prohibits the payment of any Government funds or any Government corporation funds to any private individual or corporation with respect to loans made and credits extended to the Polish People's Republic unless the Polish People's Republic has been declared in default of its debt to such individual or corporation, or unless the President has provided a monthly written report to Congress explaning how the national interest is served by such payments.

Makes specified funds available for the funding of grants and contracts under the Public Health Service Act in areas that are not urbanized and in urbanized areas.

Specifies how funds under the Higher Education Act of 1965 shall be apportioned among the States for FY 1982.

Prohibits the Secretary of Education and the Director of the National Institute of Education from terminating certain long-term special institutional agreements.

Requires the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate construction on not less than fifteen new projects under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act during FY 1982.

Declares that it is the sense of Congress that after August 23, 1982, the Secretary of the Treasury, in all cases, should enforce specified revenue rulings or regulations.

Prohibits the use of any funds appropriated for the Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration to classify a mine in the potash industry as gassy based upon air samples containing concentrations of methane gas unless such classification standard has been adopted through formal rulemaking on or after November 5, 1981.

Prohibits the use of any funds to implement an apportionment and staffing plan to specifically phase down the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

Requires the U.S. Forest Service to expend a specified amount for research on the cyclocrane concept of a lighter-than-air heavy lift vehicle for use in logging operations.

Amends the Internal Revenue Code to limit the amounts deductible by Members of Congress as travel expenses beginning with taxable years after December 31, 1981.

Transfers funds from Operations and Maintenance, Army National Guard to the Kentucky Army National Guard to implement and operate the Medical Assistance to Safety and Traffic program in Kentucky through August 1, 1982.

Prohibits the use of any funds to study, plan, or implement the termination of the operation of the Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in FY 1982. Requires the operation of such Institute through FY 1982.

Permits the use of interstate construction funds authorized by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 on projects for resurfacing, restoring, rehabilitating, and reconstructing the Interstate System.