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Passed Senate amended (02/25/1993)

Omnibus Committee Funding Resolution for 1993 and 1994 - Authorizes expenditures by the Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress and the following Senate committees from March 1, 1993, through September 30, 1994, and for the period March 1, 1994, through February 28, 1995: (1) Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; (2) Appropriations; (3) Armed Services; (4) Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; (5) Budget; (6) Commerce, Science, and Transportation; (7) Energy and Natural Resources; (8) Environment and Public Works; (9) Finance; (10) Foreign Relations; (11) Governmental Affairs; (12) Judiciary; (13) Labor and Human Resources; (14) Rules and Administration; (15) Small Business; (16) Veterans' Affairs; (17) Aging; (18) Intelligence; and (19) Indian Affairs.

Authorizes the transfer of any unexpended balance of any committee for the period ending February 28, 1993, to a special reserve for such committee. Earmarks a specified amount to be available for each Committee.

Expresses the sense of the Senate that the salary of Senators should be frozen for one year.

Redesignates the Select Committee on Indian Affairs as the Committee on Indian Affairs.

Prohibits a Senate committee from carrying over an unexpended balance beyond March 1, 1995.