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Explore Unique Hiring Paths
Hiring authorities are a way for the Federal Government to hire individuals who may fall under one of the following groups of people, including:
I'm a current/former Federal employee
You may be eligibile for a merit promotion.
I'm a Veteran
You may be eligibile for Veterans' Preference, as well as other veteran specific hiring options.
I'm a Student/recent graduate
The Pathways Program offers federal internship and employment opportunities.
I'm a Senior executive
You may be eligible for a SES position if you meet the five Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs).
I'm a Former overseas employee
You may be eligible to be hired directly for jobs in the competitive service.
I'm an Individual with a Disability
You may be eligible to apply for jobs and get hired without going through the full application process.
I'm a Military spouse
You may be eligible to apply for jobs open to merit promotion candidates.
I'm a Peace Corps or AmeriCorps VISTA alumni
You may qualify for non-competitive eligibility.
Federal Hiring Myth
"I must move to Washington, DC if I want to work for the Federal Government."
False. About 15% of Federal jobs are in the Washington, DC metro area while approximately 85% are found in multiple locations throughout the country. Read more