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Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger

Representing the 2nd District of Maryland

Ruppersberger Issues Statement on Likelihood of Eighth Consecutive Continuing Resolution

Sep 23, 2016
Press Release
An appropriator, Ruppersberger concerned about impact on national security

(Washington, DC) — Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger issued the following statement on the prospects of a Continuing Resolution for fiscal year 2017: 

“I couldn’t agree more with Secretary Ash Carter’s characterization of Congress’ use of stop-gap funding as “deplorable.” As we head toward a new fiscal year under a Continuing Resolution – for the eighth consecutive year – I share his concerns about its impact on our national security. Continuing Resolutions provide funding at current levels only, prevent new spending and prolong programs that have been discontinued.

I remain astounded that some of my colleagues are willing to take such extraordinary risk with our defense budget as we face threats including Russia, Iran, China and ISIS. National security is not a Republican or Democratic issue. It is an American issue that requires us to put our heads together and find common ground. Yet I was the only Democratic appropriator on the Defense Subcommittee to vote “yes” on this year’s defense budget bill. We need more Members – especially those who have extreme ideologies on both sides of the aisle – to have the political fortitude to set aside their agendas on behalf of the greater country.

Band Aid budgets are bad for everyone – our partners in industry, the American taxpayers and, most importantly, our Armed Forces. They result in our troops serving in locations where we do not need them, spending on weapons they do not want and an ever-shrinking head start over our enemies.

Our troops and military families do their jobs each and every day on behalf of a grateful nation. Let’s do ours and pass a budget.”