Congressman Markwayne Mullin

Representing the 2nd District of Oklahoma
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Nov 3, 2016 Mullin' It Over Column

During this district work period, I have had the honor of meeting with people from all walks of life across eastern Oklahoma.  At almost every stop I brought up the new Department of Labor Overtime Rule, and a lot of people hadn’t heard of it.  When the Obama administration came up with this rule, it gave everyone in the country only six months to comply.  Apparently that wasn’t even enough tim

Oct 31, 2016 Mullin' It Over Column

The Obama administration recently told the American public that they would see an increase in premiums across the 39 states that are served by the federally run online market.  The average rise will be about 25 percent, but Oklahoma will face an increase on average of 76 percent.  To make matters worse, there will only be one provider left in the market in Oklahoma next year.

Oct 20, 2016 Mullin' It Over Column

Growing up, I always liked a challenge.  I liked being pushed outside of my comfort zone because I knew that was the only way I would ever grow as a person.  There are times in my life that I start to feel like I am just going through the motions, and any time I start to feel like that, I want to make a change in order to challenge myself.  I hate feeling complacent, and taking action is the on

Oct 13, 2016 Mullin' It Over Column

With the holiday season right around the corner, many folks might make a little time to do some fall cleaning around the house.  One step that is often overlooked is checking the batteries in smoke alarms.

Oct 6, 2016 Mullin' It Over Column

I can’t remember a time in my life that I didn’t hunt.  Hunting is not just a sport to many Oklahomans.  For my family, it is a part of our heritage.  For some, it is a rite of passage.  For others, it provides food needed to survive.

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