Tag Archives: Florida

Federal Disaster Assistance (infographic)

Hurricane Matthew is one of the strongest storms to impact U.S. shores in decades. The federal government has a role in helping the nation respond to and recover from hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and other major disasters or emergencies. Our infographic … Continue reading

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What Do Quagga Mussels, Pythons, and Hydrilla Have in Common?   

They’re all aquatic invasive species—and federal agencies are trying to do something about them. When nonnative plants, animals, and microorganisms live in new aquatic habitats, they can damage ecosystems and threaten commercial, agricultural, and recreational activities. Today’s WatchBlog explores what … Continue reading

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Podcast on Medicaid Fraud Controls

Through Medicaid, hundreds of thousands of doctors and other health care professionals provide care to tens of millions of beneficiaries—at a cost of $310 billion to the federal government in fiscal year 2014. To help ensure only legitimate providers and … Continue reading

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