Press Releases

June 2012

Date Title
6/6/12 McConnell Congratulates the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
6/6/12 McConnell Honors Kentucky Veterans
6/5/12 McConnell Comments on EPA’s Regulatory Agenda and Its Impact on Kentuckians Working in Coal Mining
6/5/12 White House Continues to Ignore GOP Student Loan Rate Solutions
6/4/12 Republicans Offer Bipartisan Solutions on Student Loan Rates

May 2012

Date Title
5/25/12 MEMORIAL DAY 2012
5/25/12 Kentuckian Confirmed to Serve as a Commissioner of the United States Parole Commission
5/24/12 McConnell Calls for Bipartisan Negotiations on Student Loan Legislation
5/24/12 On Student Loans, Dems Want a Scapegoat, Not a Solution
5/23/12 Sen. McConnell Appoints Louisville Native to Congressional Award Foundation Board
5/23/12 Taxpayer-funded Campaign to Promote Obamacare Part of Troubling Pattern by Obama Administration
5/22/12 President Fails to Lead on Solutions to Help Fix the Economy
5/22/12 Kristine Svinicki Deserves Speedy Reconfirmation to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
5/21/12 Senate Clears Strengthened Iran Sanctions Legislation
5/21/12 McConnell Statement on Jaczko Resignation as Chairman of the NRC
5/17/12 McConnell, McCain Statement on New U.S. Ambassador to Burma, Sec. Clinton’s Sanctions Announcement
5/17/12 America’s Challenges Are Too Serious to Ignore
5/16/12 Senate Unanimously Rejects President’s Unserious Budget
5/16/12 On Budget, Dems Continue to Duck and Cover
5/15/12 Kentucky Delegation Announces Plan to Save 1,200 Jobs in Paducah
5/15/12 Republicans Will Continue to Address Constituents’ Concerns
5/15/12 National Police Week
5/10/12 Action to Boost the Economy is Required Now, Not After the Election
5/9/12 Show Votes and Post-It Notes Won’t Solve Our Problems
5/8/12 McConnell Calls For Quick Reconfirmation of NRC Commissioner Svinicki