Spirit of Freedom: Idaho Veterans Service Award

Idaho has a long and proud military history. Our veterans and volunteers have served in every branch of the military, and in organizations from veterans' homes to the VA Medical Center. In all of their efforts, they have demonstrated the spirit, tenacity and sense of self-sacrifice that are integral to our Idaho character. I am impressed by each recipient's commitment to our country and its veterans, and am honored to present these awards every year.

Idaho is home to approximately 135,000 veterans, giving Idaho one of the largest percentages of veterans in the country. As I have traveled around Idaho, I have met with many veterans and the volunteers who assist them. Both deserve special recognition. The Spirit of Freedom: Idaho Veterans Service Award is a small way that we can acknowledge their contributions and let others in the community know the sacrifices they have made to secure the freedom we all hold dear. I am very pleased to be able to honor these men and women.

The nominations for the awards are made by a number of veterans' organizations, including the Idaho Division of Veterans Services, the Idaho State Veterans Homes, the VA Regional Office, the VA Medical Center in Boise, and the commanders of various veterans service organizations. The first Spirit of Freedom: Idaho Veterans Service Awards were presented in November 2002. The awards are generally announced on Veterans Day each year.

Last updated 11/06/2015