If one thing has become clear over the past couple years, it's that the president's policies are making our economy worse. Businesses are afraid to grow and create jobs because they don't know what's coming next from Washington. Senate Republicans are committed to eliminating burdensome Washington regulations and reducing excessive taxes so that businesses have the freedom and certainty they need to flourish.

U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander today spoke on the floor of the United States Senate about the debt ceiling votes, saying "I hope that the spirit of today and of tomorrow and of Sunday is that we spend less time plotting about how we can defeat each other's proposals as quickly as possible and more time working together to come up with ways to reduce spending and honor our obligations."

Senate Republicans called on Democrats and the president to reject political gamesmanship and budgetary gimmicks and work with Republicans to develop a real solution to our debt -- a solution that addresses the government's spending problem and honors our nation's obligations without crippling our economy by raising taxes on already struggling families and businesses.

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement on the Senate floor Thursday regarding a vote on legislation that would cut government spending now, cap it in the future and approve a constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget: