
Dec 01 2015

Obama's legacy: a failed health care law & failing foreign policy. Premiums are skyrocketing & ISIS isn't contained.

The president’s failed policies threaten Americans’ financial security and our nation’s safety. Senate Republicans are working to repeal Obamacare and defeat ISIS.
ISIS is a real and direct threat to the United States and our allies. Weak U.S. leadership and dangerously underestimating our enemy is not the answer. The president’s strategy to fight ISIS is failing at the same time the administration is threatening to close Guantanamo Bay and bring terrorists to the United States. President Obama's domestic policies continue to hurt Americans at home, most recently with a new energy tax that drives energy costs higher without protecting the environment – a tax Senate Republicans are determined to overturn.
While Senate Democrats defend federal government overreach and increased bureaucracy, Senate Republicans continue to push back on the EPA’s massive power grab with WOTUS and the president’s threat to bring terrorist prisoners onto American soil by illegally closing Guantanamo Bay.
This Veterans Day, the Senate Republican Conference extends a message of gratitude from Republican senators who served in the armed forces to veterans across the country. 

Senators featured in this video are (in order of appearance): Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), and Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.).
The Senate passed a comprehensive, bipartisan cybersecurity bill that protects Americans’ information. Senate Republicans continue to keep their promise to get Congress back to work for the American people.
Senate Republicans continue to fight for the resources our troops deserve, and we are working to keep families safe by putting an end to sanctuary cities, which harbor undocumented criminals.
Congress is preparing to send the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act to President Obama for his signature to make this important policy measure law. At a time of numerous threats to our nation, President Obama has threatened to veto this critical legislation, which would fund our military priorities at the level he requested. The NDAA includes policies to support our wounded warriors and our troops and their families, as well as authorization for the resources our military needs to combat ISIS and threats around the world.
President Obama continues to threaten to veto a bill to authorize funding for our troops. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed the House and Senate with bipartisan majorities, funds our troops at the president’s requested levels. With conflicts throughout the Middle East escalating, this is not the time to hold defense resources hostage.
In the Weekly Republican Address, Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming says the Obama Administration is saddling the nation with thousands of costly and burdensome regulations that are driven more by ideology than practicality. In the past six years, the administration has issued more than 2,500 new regulations that are expected to cost the American economy a staggering $680 billion. “You might ask, what do Americans get for all this time and money? One of EPA’s rules on power plants would cost as much as $2,400 for every $1 in direct benefits. This imbalance is a big reason why Americans’ wages have been stagnant since President Obama took office,” says Barrasso.