Earth Day 2016

Apr 22, 2016 Issues: Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Water
Earth Day 2016

SEEC Members work year round to support clean air, clean water, a healthy environment, and climate action. On Earth Day 2016 SEEC Members celebrated the U.S. leading more than 170 other countries in signing the Paris Climate Agreement and took many other opportunities to celebrate Earth Day and the environmental progress made in the last year. April 16-24, 2016 is also National Park Week and many SEEC Members took actions to highlight National Parks and Public Lands in or around their districts. 

What we are celebrating this Earth Day by SEEC Co-Chairs Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11), Rep. Doris Matsui (CA-06), & Rep. Paul Tonko (NY-20)

SEEC Member Rep. John Delaney (MD-06), SEEC Member Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-02), SEEC Vice-Chair Rep. Alan Lowenthal (CA-47), SEEC Climate Task Force Chair Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52) Lead Bicameral Letter to President Obama on Signing of Paris Climate Agreement

Other SEEC Members Signing: SEEC Co-Chair Rep. Gerry Connolly, SEEC Co-Chair Rep. Paul Tonko, SEEC Co-Chair Rep. Doris Matsui, SEEC Vice-Chair Rep. Jared Polis,  SEEC Vice-Chair Rep. Matt Cartwright, SEEC Vice-Chair Rep. Steve Israel & SEEC Member Reps. Mike Honda, Derek Kilmer, Donna Edwards, Mike Quigley, Jim McDermott, Niki Tsongas, Peter Welch, Keith Ellison, Mark Pocan, Ted Lieu, Lois Capps, Barbara Lee, Earl Blumenauer, Denny Heck, Jim McGovern, Jackie Speier, Don Beyer, Chris Van Hollen, John Sarbanes, Katherine Clark, Steve Cohen, Susan Davis, David Price, Jim Langevin, Bill Keating, Julia Brownley, Jim Himes, Emanuel Cleaver, Louise Slaughter, Judy Chu, Ed Perlmutter, Suzan DelBene, Jerry McNerney

House Democrats Call For Environmental Justice On Earth Day 2016 featuring SEEC Member Raul Grijalva (AZ-03), SEEC Member Ted Lieu (CA-33), SEEC Member Jared Huffman (CA-02)

SEEC Vice-Chair Rep. Jared Polis (CO-02) Introduces Solar EDGE Act to Boost Expansion and Venture in American Solar Industry

SEEC Member Rep. Mike Honda (CA-17) We're fiddling as the climate burns

SEEC Member Rep. Donna Edwards (MD-04) Statement on Celebrating Earth Day 2016

SEEC Member Rep. Mike Quigley (IL-05) Unleashing American Innovation in the Face of Climate Change

SEEC Member Rep. John Sarbanes (MD-03) Highlights the Importance of Environmental Innovation

SEEC Member Rep. John Delaney (MD-06) Time to Face Reality and Act on Climate

SEEC Member Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR-03) A renewed sense of urgency and commitment on this Earth Day

SEEC Co-Chair Rep. Paul Tonko (NY-20) Earth Day “every day” with the Paris Climate Agreement

SEEC Member Rep. Don Beyer (VA-08) Welcomes Signing Of Paris Climate Agreement

SEEC Member Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-13)  An Environmental Advocate (The Washington Informer)

SEEC Member Rep. Mike Quigley (IL-05) Goes “Undercover” at Lincoln Park Conservatory “Protecting our planet is not something that can be accomplished in one day. It takes a continued effort on the part of every individual to keep our environment healthy and thriving for future generations,” said Rep. Quigley. “Working with the horticulturists today showed the tremendous commitment the Lincoln Park Conservatory has to the diversification and maintenance of its wide array of plant species. I would like to thank the Lincoln Park Conservatory for allowing me to work with their staff today, and educating Chicagoans and visitors alike on the role of plant life in our ecosystem.”

SEEC Co-Chair Rep. Doris Matsui (CA-06) “The goals and milestones we celebrate on Earth Day must be carried forth with global climate action throughout the year,” said Congresswoman Doris Matsui. “From the signing of the historic Paris Climate Agreement, to supporting the continued growth of domestic clean energy sources through the extension of renewable tax credits, we’ve taken important steps to defend the health of our planet. Slowing the effects of the changing climate remains urgent, and we must serve as global leaders by enacting policies to protect the health and security of future generations.” 

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