
  • Education

    As a teacher for more than 20 years, I bring practical knowledge to Congress about which educational reforms will actually impact classroom performance positively, and I plan to work with my colleagues to implement them. I know that future economic prosperity requires a strong investment in education and workforce training today.

  • Energy and Environment

    California is known for its beautiful mountains, shoreline, and diverse landscape. As a member of the Science, Space and Technology Committee and the Subcommittees on Energy and the Environment, I am in the unique position to work with my colleagues to help protect the environment by working to ensure clean air and water for future generations to come, to combat climate change, and to promote scientific innovation, technology and clean energy sources.

  • Government Reform

    Congress must work together to create an efficient government that works for the people. I am committed to reforming the federal government to be more inclusive through campaign finance reform and voting rights reform.

  • Health Care

    I am a vocal advocate for quality, affordable health care for everyone in the Inland Empire. My top priorities are to support the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, protect and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, and attract physicians to provide care in our region.

  • Housing

    The Inland Empire was hit particularly hard by the foreclosure crisis. Although recent trends show that the number of foreclosures is dropping, the federal government can do more to keep people in their homes and ensure that everyone has access to quality, affordable housing.

  • Immigration

    With more than 12 million immigrants living in the United States without legal status, millions of close family members waiting abroad to join their loved ones, and the continued detention and deportation of members of our community, it is clear that our immigration system is broken.

  • Jobs and the Economy

    One of my top priorities in Congress is to help bring jobs back to the Inland Empire and spur economic investment in our region. Despite recent improvements in the nation’s economic outlook, any recovery will be gradual, and the unemployment rate in Riverside County has remained higher than the national average.

  • National Security

    Securing our nation from foreign threats, including terrorism, must be a priority of Congress. It is critical that our military personnel have the equipment, resources, and support they need to protect this country.

  • Public Safety

    We all have the right to live in safe and secure communities. It is my duty as your Congressman to promote policies that curb gun violence, support our first responders, address issues in our criminal justice system, and a practical approach to drug policy.

  • Seniors

    Millions of Americans have worked hard their entire lives and depend on Social Security and Medicare during their retirement. I will work to preserve and protect these vital programs, so that all seniors can have the dignified retirement they’ve earned.

  • Transportation and Infrastructure

    Riverside County is one of California’s fastest growing areas. While the population continues to expand, the infrastructure of the Inland Empire has not kept pace. The 2010 report from the American Society of Civil Engineers for the Inland Empire, grades the Inland Empire’s transportation system at a D plus, and gives overall infrastructure for the area a C plus.

  • Veterans

    With Riverside County having the 8th largest veteran population of any county in the United States, I am pleased and honored to serve on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and as the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity.

  • Women

    As the first openly gay person of color elected to Congress, I understand what it is like to face discrimination. This is why I am dedicated to supporting and creating policies that promote and safeguard equal opportunities for all women, including protecting victims of domestic violence, ensuring equal pay for equal work, advocating for a woman’s right to choose, and championing a family-friendly workplace.