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Reported to Senate without amendment (07/25/2013)

(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)

Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2014 - Title I: Department of State and Related Agency - Makes FY2014 appropriations for the Department of State (Department) for: (1) administration of foreign affairs and diplomatic and consular programs; (2) the Capital Investment Fund; (3) the Office of Inspector General; (4) educational and cultural exchange programs; (5) representation allowances; (6) protection of foreign missions and officials; (7) U.S. embassy security, construction, and maintenance; (8) emergencies in the diplomatic and consular service; (9) the repatriation loans program account; (10) the American Institute in Taiwan; (11) the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund; (12) international organizations, peacekeeping, and commissions; (13) the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico; (14) salaries and expenses; (15) construction of authorized projects; (16) the International Joint Commission, the International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada, and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission; (17) international fisheries commissions; (18) international broadcasting operations and capital improvements; (19) the Asia Foundation; (20) the United States Institute for Peace; (21) the Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund; (22) the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Incorporated; (23) the Israeli Arab Scholarship Program; (24) the East-West Center; (25) the National Endowment for Democracy; (26) the Commission for Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad; (27) the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom; (28) the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe; (29) the Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China; and (30) the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

Title II: United States Agency for International Development -Makes FY2014 appropriations for: (1) operating expenses of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), (2) the capital investment fund, and (3) the Office of Inspector General.

Title III: Bilateral Economic Assistance - Makes FY2014 appropriations for: (1) expenses of the President in carrying out certain programs under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; (2) global health and child survival; (3) specified development assistance; (4) international disaster assistance; (5) transition initiatives; (6) development credit authority; (7) the Economic Support Fund; (8) promotion of democracy; (9) the Complex Foreign Crisis Fund; (10) migration and refugee assistance; (11) the Peace Corps; (12) the Millennium Challenge Corporation; (13) the Inter-American Foundation; (14) the African Development Foundation; and (15) the Department of the Treasury for international affairs technical assistance activities.

Title IV: International Security Assistance - Makes FY2014 appropriations for: (1) international narcotics control and law enforcement; (2) nonproliferation, anti-terrorism, and demining; (3) international peacekeeping operations; (4) international military education and training; and (5) foreign military financing grants.

Title V: Multilateral Assistance - Makes FY2014 appropriations for: (1) international organizations and programs, (2) the Global Environment Facility, (3) the International Development Association, (4) the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, (5) the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, (6) the Inter-American Development Bank, (7) the Asian Development Bank, (8) the Asian Development Fund, (9) the African Development Bank, (10) the African Development Fund, and (11) the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

Sets forth limitations on callable capital subscriptions with respect to: (1) the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, (2) the Inter-American Development Bank, (3) the Asian Development Bank, and (4) the African Development Bank.

Title VI: Export and Investment Assistance - Makes FY2014 appropriations for: (1) the Export-Import Bank of the United States, including the Office of Inspector General and administrative expenses; (2) the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) credit and insurance programs, including administrative expenses, and for the cost of direct and guaranteed loans; and (3) the Trade and Development Agency.

Title VII: General Provisions - Sets forth certain limits and prohibitions on the use of appropriations for specified activities.

(Sec. 7002) Requires any federal department or agency that has funds made available to it under this Act to provide Congress with a quarterly accounting of the cumulative balances of any unobligated funds received during FY2014 or in any previous fiscal year.

(Sec. 7003) Limits the use of funds under title I of this Act for any consulting service through procurement contracts to those contracts available for public inspection.

(Sec. 7004) Sets forth restrictions on office space for federal employees with respect to U.S. diplomatic facility construction, with an exception for Marine Corps use.

(Sec. 7005) States that costs incurred by an agency or department funded under title I of this Act resulting from personnel actions taken in response to funding reductions included in this Act shall be absorbed within such agency's or department's budgetary resources.

(Sec. 7006) Authorizes local guard contracts to be awarded on a best value basis.

(Sec. 7007) Prohibits the use of funds under this Act for direct assistance or reparations to North Korea, Iran, or Syria.

(Sec. 7008) Prohibits the use of funds under titles III through VI of this Act for assistance to any country whose elected head of government is deposed by military or military-supported coup or decree. Permits resuming assistance if a democratic government is subsequently elected to office.

(Sec. 7009) Limits certain agency, Department, and Broadcasting Board of Governors transfer authority.

(Sec. 7010) Directs the Secretary of State (Secretary) to report to Congress quarterly on fund use for foreign military financing, international military education and training, and peacekeeping operations.

(Sec. 7011) Prohibits, with specified exceptions, appropriations under this Act from remaining available for obligation after the expiration of the current fiscal year unless expressly provided for.

(Sec. 7012) Prohibits funds under titles III through VI of this Act from being used for assistance to any country in default in excess of a year on payments on a U.S. loan unless the President determines such assistance is in the U.S. national interest.

(Sec. 7013) Prohibits funds under titles III through VI of this Act from being used for assistance under a new bilateral agreement unless such assistance is exempt from taxation, or reimbursed, by the foreign government.

(Sec. 7014) Authorizes specifically designated appropriations under titles II through VI of this Act to be reprogrammed for other programs within the same account subject to the appropriate congressional committees' regular notification procedures.

Extends the availability of program-specific appropriations for one fiscal year if the Secretary or USAID reports to Congress that program termination or changed circumstances makes it unlikely that such appropriations can be obligated during the original period of availability.

States that ceilings and specifically designated funding levels under this Act shall not be applicable to funds or authorities appropriated or otherwise made available by any subsequent Act unless such Act specifically so directs.

(Sec. 7015) Prohibits funds that remain available for FY2014 obligation under titles I and II of this Act or in prior appropriations Acts from being made available for specified reprogramming purposes unless the appropriate congressional committees are notified 15 days in advance of such programming.

States that the requirements of this section or any similar provision may be waived if failure to do so would pose a substantial risk to human health or welfare.

Prohibits the use of funds under titles III through VI of this Act for Afghanistan, Bahrain, Burma, Cambodia, Cuba, Egypt, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Somalia, Sri Lanka, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, or Zimbabwe except through the regular notification procedures of the appropriate congressional committees.

(Sec. 7016) Requires the Department of Defense (DOD) to notify Congress prior to: (1) providing certain excess defense articles under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, or (2) issuing a letter of offer to sell certain defense articles under the Arms Export Control Act.

(Sec. 7017) States that funds appropriated under titles III through VI of this Act or in prior appropriations Acts for the Department, foreign operations, export financing, and related programs that are returned or not made available for international organizations and programs shall remain available for obligation until September 30, 2015.

(Sec. 7018) Prohibits certain funds under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 from being obligated or expended for any country or organization if such funds' use would violate specified provisions related to abortions and involuntary sterilizations.

(Sec. 7019) Allocates funds for specified accounts.

(Sec. 7020) Prohibits the obligation of certain funds to pay for alcoholic beverages or entertainment expenses for recreational activities.

(Sec. 7021) Prohibits the provision of funds under titles III through VI of this Act to any foreign government that provides lethal military equipment to a country that supports international terrorism unless the President reports to Congress that such assistance is in the U.S. national interest.

Prohibits bilateral assistance from being made to a government that: (1) grants sanctuary from prosecution to any individual or group which has committed an act of international terrorism, (2) otherwise supports international terrorism, or (3) is controlled by a terrorist organization.

Authorizes the President to waive such prohibition for humanitarian or national security purposes.

(Sec. 7022) Extends, with an exception, certain authorities necessary to expend Department and foreign assistance funds.

(Sec. 7024) States that unless expressly provided to the contrary provisions authorizing or making appropriations for the Department, foreign operations, and related programs shall not be construed to prohibit activities authorized by the Peace Corps Act, the Inter-American Foundation Act, or the African Development Foundation Act.

(Sec. 7025) Prohibits funds under titles III through VI of this Act and funds available to the Export-Import Bank and OPIC from being used for production of any export commodity by a foreign country if the commodity is likely to be in surplus on world markets and will cause substantial injury to U.S. producers of a similar or competing commodity (with exceptions for benefits to U.S. producers).

(Sec. 7026) Directs USAID to require countries that receive foreign assistance which results in the generation of local currencies to deposit such currencies in a separate account to be used to finance foreign assistance activities.

(Sec. 7027) States that: (1) restrictions on assistance for a country shall not be construed to restrict specified assistance for nongovernmental organizations, and (2) nothing in this section shall be construed to alter existing prohibitions against abortion or involuntary sterilizations in this or any other Act.

States that: (1) during FY2014 restrictions contained in this or any other Act with respect to assistance for a country shall not be construed to restrict assistance under the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480), and (2) this section shall not apply to assistance restrictions regarding support of international terrorism and human rights violations.

(Sec. 7028) Prohibits funds under titles III through VI of this Act from being provided for: (1) any financial incentive to a business for purposes of inducing it to relocate outside the United States if it is likely to reduce the number of U.S. employees, or (2) assistance for any program that contributes to the violation of internationally recognized workers rights in the recipient country.

(Sec. 7029) Prohibits payments under title V of this Act to any international financial institution while the U.S. executive director to the institution is compensated at a rate in excess of that for Level IV of the Executive Schedule, or any alternate U.S. director is compensated at a rate in excess of that for Level V of such Schedule.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to instruct: (1) the U.S. Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to oppose assistance to a Heavily Indebted Poor Country that imposes budget caps or restraints that do not allow the maintenance of or an increase in governmental spending on health care or education, and (2) the U.S. executive directors at international financial entities to oppose assistance that requires user fees or service charges on poor people for primary education or primary health care.

(Sec. 7030) Authorizes nongovernmental organizations which are USAID grantees or contractors to place funds made available to them under title III of this Act in interest bearing accounts in order to enhance their participation in debt-for-development and debt-for-nature exchanges.

(Sec. 7031) Sets forth requirements for direct government-to government assistance.

(Sec. 7032) Obligates funds for democracy programs, including programs to support freedom of religion.

States that any funds made available by this Act for a business and human rights program in China (PRC) shall be made available on a cost-matching basis from sources other than the U.S. government.

(Sec. 7033) Conditions the use of funds appropriated by this Act to make any pledge for future year funding for any multilateral or bilateral program funded in titles III through VI of this Act.

(Sec. 7034) Makes funds under titles III through VI of this Act available for: (1) war victims, (2) displaced children, (3) displaced Burmese, and (4) victims of trafficking in persons and to combat such trafficking.

Expands authorities under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 for civilian police assistance for a regional, district, municipal, or other sub-national entity emerging from instability.

Directs the Secretary to implement obligations under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 requiring suspension of visa issuance to applicants of a diplomatic mission (A-3 visa) or international organization (G-5 visa) if its employees are found to have a record of exploiting such visa holders.

Makes specified funds available for: (1) the World Food Program; and (2) programs to disarm, demobilize, and reintegrate into civilian society former members of foreign terrorist organizations.

Extends: (1) passport surcharge fee authority; (2) the exemption of the Secretary from the requirement to convene an Accountability Review Board in the case of an incident that involves serious injury, loss of life, or significant destruction of property at a federal mission in Afghanistan or Iraq; (3) funding authority for recruitment, relocation, and retention bonuses to Foreign Service members, other than chiefs of mission and ambassadors at large, who are on official duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan; (4) specified authorities on reemployment requirements for certain annuitants reemployed in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; (5) refugee set-asides for nationals of the former Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania who are current, active members of the Ukrainian Catholic Church or the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; and (6) the period of eligibility for status adjustment from a parolee who was denied refugee status to a lawfully admitted permanent resident for certain aliens from the former Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia.

Prohibits funds under this Act from being used for crowd control items for foreign security forces that use excessive force to repress peaceful expression or assembly in countries undergoing democratic transition.

Amends the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to include in the program's purpose the prevention of acts of transnational organized crime and violations of international humanitarian law.

Authorizes the Secretary to issue rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction in any country, or the transfer to or conviction by an international criminal tribunal, of any foreign national accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide.

Permits any unused balance of the total number of Iraqi aliens who may be provided special immigrant status in FY2008 through FY2013 to be carried forward through FY2014.

Increases the number of Afghan aliens who may be provided special immigrant status in FY2015. Permits any unused balance of the total number of Afghan aliens who may be provided special immigrant status in FY2009 through FY2013 to be carried forward through FY2015.

Limits the use of funds made available to the Department's Working Capital Fund to only those amounts and activities provided for in the President's FY2014 budget.

Authorizes FY2014 funds for the President's contingency use under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.

Prohibits economic support funds under this Act from being made available to the Palestinian Authority (PA) if the Palestinians obtain the same standing as member states or full membership as a state in the United Nations (U.N.) or any specialized agency thereof outside an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians.

Authorizes the President to waive specified prohibitions under the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987 regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) if: (1) the Palestinians have not obtained in the U.N. or any specialized agency thereof the same standing as member states or full membership as a state outside an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians, or (2) the Palestinians have entered into direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel. Provides that any such waiver shall be for no more that than 6 months at a time and shall not apply beyond 12 months after enactment of this Act.

Establishes an Office of Global Women's Issues headed by a Coordinator for Global Women's Issues.

Authorizes USAID to certify poverty assessment tools developed by an organization other than USAID.

Directs the Secretary to develop a process by which any agency participating in the International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) program shall provide a cost analysis and justification for the agency's decision to opt out, in whole or in part, of ICASS services.

Authorizes funds to be used to facilitate science and technology collaboration with indigenous communities.

Authorizes the Secretary to use fees deposited into the Fraud Prevention and Detection Account to: (1) increase the number of personnel assigned to preventing visa fraud; and (2) purchase, lease, construct, and staff facilities used to process H-1 visas (specialty occupation) H-2 visas (temporary worker), or L visas (intracompany transferee).

Makes: (1) funds under this Act available for prizes pursuant to the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980, and (2) foreign citizens and foreign private entities eligible for such prizes.

Makes funds available in the HIV/AIDS Working Capital Fund for pharmaceuticals and other products for other global health and child survival activities to the same extent as HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals and other products.

Authorizes the establishment of a USAID Working Capital Fund.

(Sec. 7035) Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the Arab League boycott of Israel (reinstated in 1997), and the secondary boycott of American firms that have commercial ties with Israel, is an impediment to regional peace and to U.S. investment and trade in the Middle East and North Africa and should be terminated; and (2) the President should report annually to Congress on steps taken to encourage Arab League states to normalize their relations with Israel to end the boycott.

(Sec. 7036) Prohibits, with a national security interest waiver, the use of funds under titles III through VI of this Act from being used to support a Palestinian state unless the Secretary certifies to Congress that: (1) the Palestinian governing entity has demonstrated a commitment to peaceful coexistence with Israel and is taking measures to counter terrorism, and (2) the Palestinian Authority (PA) or a new governing entity is working to establish a lasting peace in the Middle East.

Exempts from such restriction assistance to help reform the PA and affiliated institutions or a governing entity meet such assistance requirements.

Expresses the sense of Congress that the governing entity should enact a constitution assuring the rule of law, an independent judiciary, and respect for human rights, and should enact other laws and regulations assuring transparent and accountable governance.

(Sec. 7037) Prohibits, with an exception for acquisition of additional space for the Consulate General in Jerusalem, the obligation of funds appropriated under titles II through VI of this Act to create in Jerusalem a new U.S. agency office for the purpose of conducting official U.S. business with the PA over Gaza and Jericho (or any successor Palestinian governing entity) provided for in the Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization Declaration of Principles.

(Sec. 7038) Prohibits funds under this Act from being used to provide equipment, technical support, consulting services, or any other assistance to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation.

(Sec. 7039) Directs the Secretary, for FY2014, to certify to Congress prior to the initial obligation of funds for the bilateral West Bank and Gaza program that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) will have access to necessary financial information to evaluate the uses of U.S. assistance.

Directs the Secretary, prior to obligating economic support funds under this Act for the West Bank and Gaza, to take steps to ensure that such assistance is not provided to or through any individual or entity that advocates or engages in terrorist activity.

Prohibits funds from being used to honor individuals who commit, or have committed, acts of terrorism. Requires and obligates funds for program audits.

(Sec. 7040) Prohibits specified assistance from being provided to the PA unless the President certifies to Congress that it is in the U.S. national security interest. States that any such waiver shall: (1) not be for more than six months at a time, and (2) not apply beyond 12 months after enactment of this Act.

Requires a report to Congress when such waiver is exercised. Prohibits appropriations under titles III through VI of this Act from being used for salaries of PA personnel in Gaza or for assistance to Hamas or any Hamas-controlled or power-sharing government unless the President certifies to Congress that such government has accepted Israel's right to exist and is adhering to previous agreements with the United States, Israel, and the international community.

Prohibits funds under titles III through VI of this Act from being obligated for the PLO.

(Sec. 7041) Obligates funds under this Act for Egypt in the following manner: (1) 25% may be made available after enactment of this Act; (2) 25% may be made available if the Secretary certifies to Congress that the government of Egypt is supporting inclusive political processes and institutions, has released political prisoners, and is not prosecuting political cases in military courts; (3) 25% may be made available if the Secretary certifies to Congress that credible elections have been conducted in Egypt and a democratically elected government is in place; and (4) 25% may be made available if the Secretary certifies to Congress that the newly elected government of Egypt is taking steps to govern democratically and protect human rights and the rule of law.

Prohibits funds appropriated by this Act for Egypt from being made available if Egypt's government is not abiding by the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.

Directs the President to submit to Congress, concurrent with the FY2015 budget request, a comprehensive review of U.S. assistance for Egypt.

Directs the Secretary to reduce Economic Support Fund assistance for Egypt by the amount expended by the United States for bail, and by nongovernmental organizations for legal and court fees, associated with democracy-related trials in Egypt.

Makes funds under titles I and III of this Act available for the promotion of democracy and human rights in Iran, including media and Internet access.

Obligates specified Economic Support Fund assistance for democracy programs in Iraq.

Makes certain law enforcement, antiterrorism, and nonproliferation funds under this Act available to Iraq only if matched by sources other than the U.S. government.

Conditions the obligation of funds under title I this Act for Consulate Basrah at the Embassy in Baghdad.

Makes specified military financing funds for Lebanon available only to professionalize the Lebanese Armed Forces and to strengthen border security and combat terrorism.

Prohibits funds under this Act from being made available to Libya for infrastructure projects, except on a loan basis under specified circumstances.

Conditions and makes funds appropriated under titles III and IV of this Act available for assistance for Syria.

(Sec. 7042) Obligates specified economic support funds for programs in areas affected by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), including programs to improve physical access and telecommunications infrastructure, and to support the disarmament and reintegration of former LRA combatants, especially child soldiers.

Urges that specified funds should be made available for the trans-Sahara counterterrorism partnership program and the partnership for regional East Africa counterterrorism program.

Makes specified economic support funds available for programs to counter extremism in East Africa.

Authorizes specified funds under this Act to be made available for unanticipated crises in Africa.

Prohibits military and police assistance from being made to Ethiopia unless the Secretary certifies to Congress that Ethiopia is: (1) implementing policies to protect judicial independence, due process, and freedom of expression; and (2) permitting access to human rights and humanitarian organizations to the Somalia region of Ethiopia.

Exempts from such restriction: (1) Ethiopian military efforts in support of international peacekeeping operations, (2) counterterrorism along the Somalia border, and (3) assistance to the Ethiopian Defense Command and Staff College.

Makes specified military education and training assistance for Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe available only for training related to international peacekeeping operations and expanded military education and training.

Prohibits such assistance from being made to Central African Republic and Equitorial Guinea.

Obligates specified funds for pilot programs to address: (1) health and development challenges in Africa and increased economic engagement opportunities with the United States, and (2) security challenges in Africa.

States that Economic Support Fund assistance under this Act for Somalia shall be used to promote reconciliation between the central government and Somali regions, and shall be provided in a manner that does not exacerbate clan and ethnic violence.

Prohibits funds under this Act from being made available for lethal assistance for Somali security forces.

Directs the Secretary to submit a transition strategy to Congress for the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in South Africa, including projections for levels and types of U.S. assistance.

Prohibits assistance for the government of Sudan.

Authorizes assistance under this Act for South Sudan. Withholds certain funds from the central government of South Sudan until the Secretary reports to Congress that such government is: (1) implementing policies to establish democratic institutions and support democratic freedoms, (2) investigating members of security forces who have violated human rights, and (3) implementing the September 2012 security arrangements with Sudan.

Prohibits foreign military financing funds from being made to Rwanda or Uganda if either of such countries is supporting armed groups in the the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that are involved in the illegal exportation of minerals, wildlife, or contraband, or have violated human rights.

Authorizes funds under this Act for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone to bring to justice individuals responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity, and for the ICC to bring to justice individuals responsible for genocide in Sudan.

Prohibits funds under this Act from being made to the government of Zimbabwe. Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to instruct U.S. executive directors to international financial institutions to vote against any loan extensions to the government of Zimbabwe, except to meet basic human needs or to promote democracy, unless the Secretary reports to Congress that Zimbabwe has restored the rule of law.

Authorizes macroeconomic growth assistance if Zimbabwe is implementing transparent fiscal policies, including public disclosure of revenues from the extraction of natural resources.

(Sec. 7043) Directs the Secretary, prior to the obligation of funds under this Act designated for a rebalancing of U.S. policy, programs, and operations in Asia, to certify to Congress that such funds support a coordinated, multi-year strategy that advances U.S. national interests and supports the advancement of democracy and human rights.

Authorizes economic support funds under this Act to be made available for Burma, except that such funds shall not be made available to the State Peace and Development Council.

States that funds under title III of this Act for Burma: (1) may not be made available for budget support for the government; (2) shall be provided to strengthen civil society organizations; (3) shall be made available for rehabilitation programs for former political prisoners; (4) shall be made available for community-based organizations operating in Thailand to provide food, medical, and other humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons in eastern Burma; (5) shall be made available for ethnic and religious reconciliation programs; and (6) shall be made available for programs to strengthen the rule of law and judicial independence.

Makes funds under title IV of this Act available for the armed forces of Burma only if the Secretary reports to Congress that the government of Burma is taking steps to establish civilian oversight of the armed forces and the armed forces have terminated military relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).

Withholds funds under title III of this Act for Cambodia until the Secretary submits a specified report to Congress.

Prohibits funds under titles III and IV of this Act from being made available for Cambodia unless the Secretary certifies to Congress that Cambodia has taken steps to support credible parliamentary elections. Exempts from such requirements humanitarian demining programs or programs to enhance the Cambodian navy.

Prohibits funds under this act for a U.S. contribution to a Khmer Rouge tribunal from being made available unless the Secretary certifies to Congress that Cambodia has provided funding for the national side of such tribunal.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to instruct the U.S. executive director of the World Bank to vote against any loan, agreement, or other financial support for Cambodia unless the Boeung Kak Lake families have received appropriate redress from the World Bank and Cambodia.

Obligates funds for broadcasts into North Korea. Makes funds available for assistance for refugees from North Korea, including for protection activities in China. Prohibits economic support funds from being made available for the government of North Korea.

Prohibits: (1) specified funds under this Act from being obligated or expended for export licenses of U.S. origin satellites (including commercial satellites and satellite components) to China without prior notice to Congress; and (2) funds under this Act from being used to finance any grant, contract, or cooperative agreement with the People's Liberation Army or any affiliated entity.

Makes specified funds under this Act available to counter China's strategic influence.

Withholds specified military funds under this Act for the Philippines until the Secretary submits a specified report to Congress.

Urges the Secretary of the Treasury to instruct U.S. executive directors to international financial institutions to support projects in Tibet if such projects do not provide incentives for the migration and settlement of non-Tibetans into Tibet or facilitate the transfer of ownership of Tibetan land and natural resources to non-Tibetans.

Makes specified funds under this Act funds available to nongovernmental organizations to preserve cultural traditions and promote sustainable development and environmental conservation in Tibetan communities in the Tibetan Autonomous Region and in other Tibetan communities in China.

Makes specified economic support funds available for remediation of dioxin contaminated areas in Vietnam.

(Sec. 7045) Authorizes the use of funds under this Act for Columbia for a campaign against narcotics trafficking, illegal armed groups, and foreign terrorist organizations and to protect human health and welfare in emergency circumstances.

Limits certain funding under this Act for aerial drug eradication in Colombia and for the Colombian armed forces until the Secretary makes certain certifications to Congress.

Makes economic support funds under this Act available for Cuba only for humanitarian assistance and private business development.

Makes certain military education and financing funds under this Act available for the Guatemalan army only if the Secretary certifies that Guatemala is implementing the Reparations Plan for Damages Suffered by the Communities Affected by the Construction of the Chixoy Hydroelectric Dam (April 2010).

Prohibits funds under this Act from being made available for the Guatemalan armed forces until the Secretary certifies to Congress that Guatemala has resolved, or is making progress towards resolving, all cases involving Guatemalan children and American adoptive parents pending since December 31, 2007.

Prohibits funds under this Act from being made available for the government of Haiti until the Secretary certifies to Congress that Haiti: (1) has held free and fair parliamentary elections and a new Haitian Parliament is functioning, (2) is respecting the independence of the judiciary, and (3) is taking effective steps to combat corruption and improve governance.

Makes Haiti eligible to purchase U.S. defense articles and services for its Coast Guard.

Makes certain law enforcement/narcotics control and military funds under this Act available for the Mexican and Honduran armies and police only in accordance with specified requirements. Exempts from such restriction assistance to promote transparency and anti-corruption.

(Sec. 7044) Prohibits funds under titles I and II of this Act for construction and renovation of U.S. government facilities in Afghanistan from being made available to accommodate federal employee positions or to expand aviation facilities or assets above those notified by the Department and USAID or contractors in addition to those in place on the date of enactment of this Act. Exempts from such restriction funds that are necessary to protect such facilities or the security and welfare of U.S. personnel.

States that funds under titles III and IV of this Act for Afghanistan: (1) may not be used to initiate any new program or activity, including site visits, for which regular oversight by a direct hire or designated Foreign Service National of the Department or USAID is not possible; (2) shall only be made for programs that the government of Afghanistan or other Afghan entity is capable of sustaining; (3) may be made for independent election bodies; (4) may be made for reconciliation programs and disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration activities for former combatants; (5) should not be used to initiate new major infrastructure projects; (6) shall be used to implement the United States Embassy Kabul Gender Strategy; and (7) may not be made to any individual or organization that the Secretary believes is involved in corrupt practices.

Prohibits the obligation of 25% of the funds under titles III and IV of this Act for the government of Afghanistan unless the Secretary certifies to Congress that: (1) credible elections in Afghanistan have taken place, and a peaceful transfer of power has occurred; (2) the United States and Afghanistan have agreed to a Bilateral Security Agreement that further defines the security partnership with Afghanistan, including support for counterterrorism operations; (3) Afghanistan is taking steps to protect the rights of Afghan women and girls; (4) progress has been made by Afghanistan in achieving Tokyo Mutual Accountability Framework Hard Deliverables; and (5) Afghanistan is making credible efforts to reduce corruption and recover the stolen assets associated with Kabul Bank.

Obligates funds for rule of law programs.

Makes specified funds available for Bangladesh to improve labor conditions by strengthening the capacity of independent workers' organizations in Bangladesh's ready made garment, shrimp, and fish export sectors.

Makes certain military financing funds available for Nepal only if the Secretary certifies to Congress that Nepal is investigating and prosecuting violations of human rights and the laws of war, and the Nepal army is cooperating fully with civilian judicial authorities. Exempts assistance for humanitarian relief and reconstruction activities from such restriction.

Withholds specified assistance for Pakistan until the Secretary certifies to Congress that Pakistan is: (1) cooperating with the United States in counterterrorism efforts, (2) not supporting terrorist activities against the United States or coalition forces in Afghanistan, (3) preventing the proliferation of nuclear-related material and expertise, (4) issuing visas in a timely manner for U.S. visitors engaged in counterterrorism and assistance efforts, (5) dismantling improvised explosive device (IED) networks, and (6) providing humanitarian organizations access to detainees and internally displaced persons.

Authorizes specified military assistance to Pakistan to be made available only for counterterrorism, counter piracy, and counterinsurgency capabilities in Pakistan.

Makes specified economic support fund assistance for Pakistan available to: (1) interdict precursor materials from Pakistan to Afghanistan that are used to manufacture IEDs, and (2) encourage alternative fertilizer use among Pakistani farmers.

Withholds specified foreign military financing funds from Pakistan until the Secretary reports to Congress that Dr. Shakil Afridi has been released from prison and cleared of all charges relating to the assistance provided to the United States in locating Osama bin Laden.

Urges the Secretary to suspend assistance for the government of Pakistan if Pakistan fails to make progress in meeting certain benchmarks regarding combating poverty, countering extremism, and establishing conditions conducive to the rule of law and accountable governance.

Directs the Secretary to report to Congress detailing the costs and objectives associated with significant infrastructure projects supported by the United States in Pakistan.

Prohibits specified funds from being made available to Sri Lanka, defense export license from being issued, and military equipment or technology from being sold or transferred unless the Secretary certifies to Congress that Sri Lanka is meeting specified conditions.

States that if the Secretary makes such certification foreign military financing funds should be used to support the recruitment and training of Tamils into the Sri Lankan military, Tamil language training for Sinhalese military personnel, and human rights training for all military personnel.

Limits the permitted use of certain military education and training assistance for Sri Lanka.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to instruct U.S. executive directors at international financial institutions to vote against any loan, agreement, or other financial support for Sri Lanka, except to meet basic human needs, unless the Secretary makes specified certifications.

Makes specified Economic Support Fund assistance available for cross border stabilization and development programs between Afghanistan and Pakistan or between either country and the Central Asian countries.

(Sec. 7045) Authorizes the use of funds under this Act for Columbia: (1) for a campaign against narcotics trafficking, illegal armed groups, and foreign terrorist organizations; and (2) to protect human health and welfare in emergency circumstances.

Limits certain funding under this Act for aerial drug eradication in Colombia and for the Colombian armed forces until the Secretary makes certain certifications to Congress.

Makes specified Economic Support Fund assistance under this Act available for Cuba.

Makes certain military education and financing funds under this Act available for the Guatemalan army only if the Secretary certifies that Guatemala is implementing the Reparations Plan for Damages Suffered by the Communities Affected by the Construction of the Chixoy Hydroelectric Dam (April 2010).

Prohibits funds under this Act from being made available for the Guatemalan armed forces until the Secretary certifies to Congress that Guatemala has resolved, or is making progress towards resolving, all cases involving Guatemalan children and American adoptive parents pending since December 31, 2007.

Prohibits funds under this Act from being made available for the government of Haiti until the Secretary certifies to Congress that Haiti: (1) is taking steps to hold free and fair parliamentary elections and to seat a new Haitian Parliament, (2) is respecting the independence of the judiciary, and (3) is taking effective steps to combat corruption and improve governance.

Makes Haiti eligible to purchase U.S. defense articles and services for its Coast Guard.

Makes certain law enforcement/narcotics control and military funds under this Act available for the Mexican and Honduran armies and police only in accordance with specified requirements. Exempts from such restriction assistance to promote transparency and anti-corruption.

States that specified funds under this Act should be made available for labor and environmental capacity building activities relating to free trade agreements with countries of Central America, Colombia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic.

(Sec. 7046) Prohibits funds under titles III through VI of this Act from being used to pay any assessments, arrearages, or dues of any U.N. member, or from certain funds under this Act for the costs for attendance of another country's delegation at international conferences held under the auspices of multilateral or international organizations.

(Sec. 7047) Permits the President to provide up to a specified amount of commodities and services to the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal if doing so will contribute to a just resolution of charges regarding genocide or other violations of international law in the former Yugoslavia.

Authorizes funds under this Act to be made available for the International Criminal Court (ICC) in its investigations and prosecutions of Joseph Kony, Omar al-Bashir, Bashar al-Assad, and other such high profile non-allied foreign nationals who are accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes.

(Sec. 7048) Withholds specified funds under titles I and V of this Act for contributions to any U.N. agency or the Organization of American States (OAS) if the Secretary reports to Congress that the agency or organization is not taking specified actions regarding whistle blower protection and financial and performance transparency.

Prohibits funds under title I of this Act from being used to pay expenses for any U.S. delegation to any specialized U.N. agency, body, or commission that is presided over by a country that supports international terrorism.

Makes specified funds available for U.S. contributions or assessments for the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) only if the Secretary reports to Congress that UNRHC participation is in the U.S. national interest.

(Sec. 7049) Authorizes the use of specified funds under titles III and IV of this Act to enhance the effectiveness and accountability of civilian police authority through human rights training and through the promotion of civilian police roles that support democratic governance, including programs on conflict prevention, police-community relations, disaster assistance, and gender-based violence.

(Sec. 7050) Directs the President to submit to Congress a plan for the distribution of the assets of an Enterprise Fund before any distribution resulting from liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Fund.

(Sec. 7051) Prohibits specified funds from being used to send or otherwise pay for the attendance of more than 50 U.S.-stationed employees from a federal department or agency at any single conference outside the United States unless the additional employees will not perform a redundant function and such attendance is important to the national interest.

(Sec. 7052) Authorizes the transfer of certain aircraft including for the transportation of active and standby Civilian Response Corps personnel and equipment.

Requires that the use of Department and USAID aircraft used primarily to transport personnel shall be coordinated under the authority of the appropriate Chief of Mission.

(Sec. 7053) Withholds assistance to a foreign country in an amount equal to 110% of the total unpaid property tax and unpaid parking fines and penalties incurred from April 1, 1997-September 30, 2013, and owed by the country to the District of Columbia or New York City.

(Sec. 7054) Authorizes disposal on a grant basis in foreign countries of demining equipment used in support of the clearance of land mines and unexploded ordnance for humanitarian purposes.

Restricts military assistance for cluster munitions.

(Sec. 7055) Prohibits the use of funds for publicity or propaganda purposes within the United States that were not authorized before the enactment of this Act.

Makes specified funds available for USAID assistance to private and voluntary organizations engaged in facilitating public discussion of hunger and other related issues.

(Sec. 7056) Limits the amount of funds under title II of this Act that may be used for official USAID residence expenses.

(Sec. 7057) Allocates specified funds under title III of this Act for USAID to hire up to 175 persons per fiscal year on a limited appointment basis in the United States and abroad.

Conditions such hirings upon an equivalent elimination of USAID nondirect-hire employees.

Terminates such authority on September 30, 2015.

Authorizes up to four-year extensions for limited-appointment Foreign Service personnel.

Authorizes specified funds under title III of this Act for the costs of persons detailed to or employed by USAID to carry out natural or man-made disaster response programs.

Authorizes specified funds under this Act to be used by USAID to employ up to 40 personal services contractors in the United States for new or expanded overseas programs until permanent personnel are hired.

Limits to 15 the number of such contractors that may be assigned to any bureau or office.

Continues USAID authority to appoint into the Senior Foreign Service and employ up to 10 individuals for programs in Afghanistan or Pakistan.

(Sec. 7058) States that funds appropriated by titles III and IV of this Act for child survival activities or disease programs, including HIV/AIDS research, prevention and treatment activities, may be made available notwithstanding any other provision of law except for specified provisions.

States that specified funds under title III of this Act should be made available for family planning/reproductive health, including in areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species.

Authorizes specified funds to be made available to combat a pandemic virus if the President reports to Congress that the virus is severe and is spreading internationally.

(Sec. 7059) Makes specified funds under this Act available for: (1) gender programs, (2) programs to increase political opportunities for women in countries where women and girls suffer severe forms of discrimination, and (3) a multi-year strategy to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in countries where it is common.

Makes funds under this Act available to: (1) promote gender equality in U.S. government and development efforts; and (2) empower women as equal partners in conflict prevention, peace building, and reconstruction efforts.

States that programs funded under titles III and IV of this Act to train foreign police and judicial and military personnel shall: (1) address prevention and response to gender-based violence and trafficking in persons, and (2) promote the integration of women into the police and other security forces of their countries.

(Sec. 7060) Allocates specified funds for: (1) basic and higher education, (2) the development grants program, (3) environment programs, (4) food security and agriculture development programs, (5) microenterprise and microfinance development programs for the poor and women, (6) reconciliation programs which bring together individuals of different backgrounds from areas of civil strife and war, (7) activities to combat trafficking in persons, and (8) water and sanitation supply projects.

(Sec. 7061) Applies specified human-rights-based conditions on assistance to the governments of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to appropriations under this Act, except that the Secretary may waive such conditions for Uzbekistan for six-month periods through September 30, 2015, if in the U.S. national security interest and necessary to obtain access to and from Afghanistan.

(Sec. 7062) Prohibits funds under titles III through VI of this Act from being provided to a nongovernmental organization or contractor which fails to provide documents, files, or records for USAID auditing requirements.

(Sec. 7063) Authorizes the transfer of certain funds under title III of this Act for OPIC.

(Sec. 7064) Obligates specified funds under this Act for assistance to eliminate inhumane conditions in foreign prisons and other detention facilities.

(Sec. 7065) Prohibits funds under this Act from being used to support or justify the use of torture, cruel, or inhumane treatment by any U.S. government official or contract employee.

(Sec. 7066) Prohibits funds under this Act (other than funds for narcotics control and law enforcement, refugee assistance, or antiterrorism activities) from being used to assist the government of a country with which the United States has diplomatic relations and an extradition treaty and refuses to extradite to the United States any individual charged with a criminal offense for which the maximum penalty is life imprisonment without parole, or for killing a law enforcement officer.

Authorizes the Secretary to waive such restriction on a case-by-case basis if important to U.S. national interests.

(Sec. 7067) Authorizes the commercial leasing of certain defense articles (instead of the government-to-government sale) to Israel, Egypt, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members, and major non-NATO allies if the President determines that there are compelling foreign policy or national security reasons.

(Sec. 7068) Prohibits, with a U.S. national interest waiver, specified funds under this Act from being made to a government of an Independent State of the former Soviet Union that directs any action in violation of the territorial integrity or national sovereignty of any other Independent State of the former Soviet Union.

Authorizes the President to waive such restriction if in the U.S. national security interest.

Authorizes economic support funds under this Act to be made available to specified countries pursuant to the Support for Eastern European Democracy (SEED) Act of 1989 and the FREEDOM Support Act.

(Sec. 7069) Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to: (1) instruct the U.S. Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to ensure that any loan will be repaid to the IMF before other private creditors, and (2) ensure that the IMF is implementing whistle blower best practices.

Extends certain IMF transparency provisions to this Act.

Authorizes the U.S. Governor of the IMF to agree to: (1) specified amendments to the Articles of Agreement, and (2) an increase in the U.S. quota of the IMF.

(Sec. 7070) Makes specified funds available for USAID programs for people with disabilities in developing countries.

(Sec. 7071) Authorizes USAID to award contracts in which competition is limited to local entities if doing so would result in cost savings, develop local capacity, and appreciably save time.

(Sec. 7072) Obligates specified funds under titles I and III of this Act for programs to promote Internet freedom globally. Prioritizes such funds for those countries whose governments restrict Internet freedom and that are important to U.S. national interests.

(Sec. 7073) Revises the fee for a border crossing card for minors.

(Sec. 7074) Obligates funds for the Special Defense Acquisition Fund, to remain available for obligation until September 30, 2016.

(Sec. 7075) Makes specified funds available in FY2014 for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Prohibits funds under this Act from being used by UNPFA for a program in China.

(Sec. 7076) Requires each department, agency, or organization funded under titles I and II of this Act, and the independent agencies funded under title III of this Act to submit to Congress an operating plan for funds appropriated or otherwise available for obligation in FY2014.

Requires the Secretary to submit to Congress a spend plan for funds made available under titles III and IV of this Act for assistance for: (1) Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia, Egypt, Haiti, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Pakistan, Yemen, and the West Bank and Gaza; (2) food security and agriculture development programs; and (3) the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership program and the Partnership for Regional East Africa Counterterrorism program.

(Sec. 7077) Authorizes the Secretary to transfer any authority, duty, or function assigned to the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, or the Coordinator for International Energy Affairs to other Department officials or offices.

(Sec. 7078) Sets forth specified organization and commission reporting requirements.

(Sec. 7079) Authorizes: (1) the establishment in the Treasury of the Buying Power Maintenance, International Organizations account to offset the impact of exchange rate fluctuations that adversely affect U.S. contributions to international organizations; and (2) related fund transfers.

(Sec. 7080) Authorizes the Secretary to transfer up to $50 million in any fiscal year of unobligated expired diplomatic and consular program balances to the protection of foreign missions account. Excludes from such transfer authority funds designated for overseas contingency operations and the war on terror.

(Sec. 7081) States that specified funds under this Act to strengthen food security in developing countries may be deemed to be expended on nonemergency food assistance pursuant to the Food for Peace Act.

(Sec. 7082) Amends the United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994 to establish the Broadcasting Board of Governors Chief Executive Officer position.

(Sec. 7083) Provides that a federal court shall have jurisdiction to review a petition claiming a violation of the the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations or a comparable bilateral international agreement addressing consular notification and access filed by an individual convicted and sentenced to death by any federal or state court before the date of enactment of this Act.

(Sec. 7084) Amends the Foreign Service Act regarding death gratuities and other benefits to provide: (1) that for employees compensated under local compensation plans the amount shall be equal to the greater of either one year's salary at the time of death, or one year's basic salary at the highest step of the highest grade on the local compensation plan from which the employee was being paid at the time of death; (2) that the head of an executive agency shall make a death gratuity payment authorized to the survivors of any employee of that agency who dies as a result of injuries sustained in the performance of duty abroad while subject to the authority of the chief of mission; (3) that the Secretary shall make a special death gratuity payment of up to $500,000 to the survivors of an intern serving at a U.S. diplomatic or consular mission abroad without a regular salary who dies as a result of an act of terrorism while on duty abroad, and who is not otherwise compensated; and (4) for the inclusion of domestic partners in the death gratuity order of payment.

Provides a group life insurance supplement for: (1) a Foreign Service employee who dies while on duty abroad as a result of a terrorist attack; and (2) an executive agency employee who dies while on duty abroad, and while subject to the authority of the chief of mission, as a result of a terrorist act.

Provides up to 48 months of educational assistance to: (1) a widow, widower, familial designee, or child of a U.S. national Foreign Service employee who dies while on duty abroad as a result of a terrorist attack; and (2) a widow, widower, domestic partner, or child of an executive agency employee who dies while on duty abroad, and while to the authority of the chief of mission, as a result of a terrorist act.

(Sec. 7085) Amends the Child Citizenship Act of 2000, with respect to requirements for naturalization of an alien child who is adopted by a U.S. citizen, to: (1) make the provisions of such Act applicable to any individual who satisfies requirements for naturalization, regardless of the date on which such requirements were satisfied; (2) modify the preadoption visitation requirement to allow one parent to personally see and observe a child before or during the adoption proceedings (current law requires both parents); (3) revise conditions for granting automatic citizenship to a child born outside of the United States; and (4) provide for the naturalization of adopted children who lack legal status or physical presence in the United States.

Makes the provisions of the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 applicable to any child adopted by a U.S. citizen regardless of the date of the adoption.

(Sec. 7086) States that in determining assistance eligibility under part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 foreign nongovernmental organizations shall not be: (1) ineligible for assistance solely on the basis of health or medical services provided with non-U.S. government funds if such services do not violate the laws of the country in which they are being provided and would not violate U.S. law if provided in the United States, and (2) subject to requirements relating to the use of non-U.S. government funds for advocacy and lobbying activities other than those that apply to U.S. nongovernmental organizations receiving assistance under such part.

(Sec. 7087) States that if the executive branch makes a determination not to comply with any provision of this Act on constitutional grounds the head of the relevant federal agency shall notify Congress concerning the basis for such determination and any resulting program and policy changes.

Title VIII: Overseas Contingency Operations - Appropriates additional funds to the Department for: (1) administration and diplomatic and consular programs; (2) the Office of Inspector General; (3) educational and cultural exchange programs; (4) embassy security, construction, and maintenance; and (5) conflict stabilization operations.

Appropriates additional funds for: (1) contributions to international organizations, (2) international broadcasting operations, and (3) the United States Institute for Peace (to remain available until September 20, 2015).

Appropriates additional funds to USAID for: (1) operating expenses, and (2) the Office of Inspector General.

Appropriates additional funds to the President for bilateral assistance for: (1) international disaster assistance, (2) transition initiatives, and (3) the Economic Support Fund.

Appropriates additional funds for bilateral assistance to the Department for: (1) migration and refugee assistance, and (2) the Complex Crisis Fund.

Appropriates additional security assistance funds to the Department for: (1) international narcotics control and law enforcement, and (2) peacekeeping operations.

Appropriates additional funds to the President for the foreign military financing program.

Appropriates funds to the President for payment to the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development.

States that: (1) funds appropriated in this title are in addition to amounts appropriated or otherwise made available in this Act for FY2014, and (2) such additional funds shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts.

Authorizes the transfer of specified funds under this title.