
Rep. Mark Takano Statement on House Passage of Bill Delaying Implementation of Overtime Rule

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) released the following statement after the House passed HR 6094, the Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses, Schools, and Nonprofits Act, which would delay the implementation of the Department of Labor’s overtime rule for six months.

“Working families have waited nearly four decades for the Department of Labor to fully restore their overtime protections, yet Republicans continue to work to deny these workers the pay and time they have earned. While this legislation calls for a six-month delay, I do not expect conservatives will be satisfied until it is delayed indefinitely.

“The Department of Labor’s overtime rule ensures more than 4 million Americans will get an increase in pay, more time to spend with their families, or both. The total cost to employers amounts to less than one tenth of one percent of total U.S. payroll costs. Despite the hyperbolic warnings, this rule is not a job killer. It is not a mammoth burden on small businesses, non-profits, or institutions of higher learning. It is a meaningful step toward rebuilding America’s middle class, which is the foundation of our economy.” 

Press Contact

Josh Weisz, josh.weisz@mail.house.gov, 202-225-2305