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    CreditStephen Hiltner/The New York Times

    Gilbert Cruz: How The Times Covers Television

    Gilbert Cruz, the television editor at The New York Times, led a discussion with Margaret Lyons, a television critic, and John Koblin, a television reporter.

  3. Photo
    CreditLuke Sharrett for The New York Times

    Gun Control | Gun Rights: Is Resolution Possible?

    At a Times Insider event on Tuesday, Oct. 25, four New York Times journalists took part in a discussion about gun control and gun rights. Watch the discussion here — and read through the comments, posted in real-time, by New York Times readers.

Insider Podcasts

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  1. Insider Podcasts

    CreditStephen Hiltner/The New York Times

    Puzzle Mania! Will Shortz’s Inside Look

    The New York Times puzzle master, Will Shortz, on Puzzle Mania, a special holiday section in the print edition of the Sunday paper.

  2. Insider Podcasts

    CreditTodd Heisler/The New York Times

    Good, Bad and Mad: Andrew Rosenthal on the News

    The Opinion columnist Andrew Rosenthal on President-elect Trump’s rush to power, his cabinet picks, and other news.

  3. Insider Podcasts

    CreditClockwise from top left: Al Drago/The New York Times; Thaer Mohammed, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images; Marisa Wojcik, via The EauClaire Leader-Telegram, via Associated Press

    Good, Bad and Mad: The Opinion Columnist Andrew Rosenthal on the News

    The Times Opinion columnist Andrew Rosenthal on the “alt-right,” bombings in Aleppo, a decision on gerrymandering, and other news.